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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18678070 No.18678070 [Reply] [Original]

2000$ per month for 12 months and then 1000$ for 12 months after that, for everyone over the age of 16 that makes under a certain amount. Dependents included.

So who else is going to be a degenerate fucker and gamble all of that money in crypto? I know I am kek

>> No.18678112

I thought it was 2000 a month for at least 6 months, till the pandemic is over. And its only a proposal.

Well, what Im going to do, is buy every item on my favorite onlyfans girl wishlist. I want to make her happy. Maybe she will give me a chance.

>> No.18678153

I saw a video where it said for a whole year. Either way that's a nice payment for me not really changing much anyways since im always inside kek

>> No.18678154

Buy a property and lock in another mortgage at a low fixed rate, use the cash to fix it up and make the initial mortgage payments and then rent it out. Gg ez

>> No.18678219
File: 390 KB, 1528x1018, no hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire housing market has allready collapsed , especially fueled by the mountains of morons mortgaged to the gills with airbnb income properties .
And your idea is to buy a house now when in 3-6 months they will be less than 50% of their value as everyone defaults?
Remember income properties don't have any protections , landlords get the rope.

>> No.18678245
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hyperinflation times lads

>> No.18678297

what if I dont't spend all that cash and wait till hyperinflation goes down, then I'll be rich once the dollar is strong again right?

>> No.18678321


Are you living in the same world as us with $2k/month gibs being printed out? How the fuck you come to think that the dollar will win out vs any asset with actual scarcity? Been to the grocery store recently? Empty shelves are the new reality. If supply comes back so will price increases. More money gibs chasing the same fixed supply of goods and services and houses = inflation. You think housing prices are going to drop 50% when the money supply more than doubles? I would be fucking terrified to be a renter and be short a place to live right now. Massive exposure there.

>> No.18678349

They are going to definitely drop more. You're delusional if you think everything will be fine

>> No.18678370

IF it goes down, sure

>> No.18678387

only way to fix hyperinflation is reset button

>> No.18678422

Like Warren buffet said, if this problem can be printed away, stocks are very cheap

>> No.18678446


I don't think everything will be fine. But the fed is hell bent on printing our way out of a technical recession being declared before Trump's election. The entire government will rig the system, including destroying the dollar, to keep housing and stock digits up. I think we will see the cost of food and rent skyrocket. Mortgage rates are already monopolized by a money loosing, government owned corporation, and will serve as another massive gib payout facility. I wouldn't be surprised if we see 0 down 0% interest deals to prop up housing. We are already at zero % reserve rate and reduction of surplus reserve interest. There is no question housing prices will increase nominally, whether their real value will increase is another question.

>> No.18678507

>Empty shelves are the new reality.
thats one of the perks of living in the bread basket of california with spics that don't give a shit if they get corona--shelves are filled with food

>> No.18678572


It also depends on where you shop. Big shops like walmart with long standing supply contracts still have supply for now. Smaller grocery chains are getting destroyed by rising supply costs right now. And its only a matter of time for the big guys too. That's why I'm more hesitant about stocks going up compared to real estate and commodities. Businesses are going to get wrecked by inflation.

>> No.18678610

If you do anything with this money other than immediately put it into PMs and crypto you are an idiot and deserve to be poor.
I can't think of a more clear indicator we are going full Weimar.

>> No.18678617

I'd buy a couple guns and equipment to grow mushrooms. After that, yeah straight into crypto and PMs. Lmao

>> No.18679093

You live in a weird panic world. My grocery stores are fine. Occasionally there wasn’t any toilet paper or hand sanitizer for a while. It’s fine now. If you ever went outside you’d probably have noticed.

>> No.18679477

spoken like a true middle of nowhere fag

here in the cities and suburbs grocery stores are whiped out.

>> No.18679902
File: 104 KB, 728x724, 1585257898344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love socialism. My roomie and I pay $350 for a comfy lil house. $2000 a month would be SO FUCKING COMFY.

>> No.18680283
File: 741 KB, 1136x640, D7A7E554-C57A-4164-9646-2649D933A4E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does everybody want monthly payments? If the government can print infinite money just give everyone a lump sum of $250,000. Relying on the government for peanuts while banks get literal $XXX,000,000,000,000s is retarded

>> No.18680361

Lol I love how condescending they are to call it the ABC pack for all the retards that need government gibs

>> No.18680376

You pay $350 now. You’ll feel dumb when your monthly rent goes up to $3500

>> No.18680386

abc huh

>> No.18680406


Because they don't understand how money works. Money is just how we divide wealth, and when they print money they are just devaluing your share to redistribute it. So it doesn't matter if you got $1200, when everyone making over $1 mil a year gets and average of over a million, if you got just $1200 you lost out. You are just tricked into thinking its a good thing because its a positive amount.

>> No.18680495

lol fuck the east coast. I live in a densely populated part of california and we have plenty of food because we actually have agriculture