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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.03 MB, 1024x731, wagecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18676833 No.18676833 [Reply] [Original]

This forum is a shitstorm. Why does the majority of anons sound like retarded NEETs that think they are smart, succesfull and superior?

Let mebreak it down, if you are a person who has no university degree, runs his own business, or has a high-end job, you are a the biggest clown in this circus.

Why would you look down on 'wagecucks' while you don't have a stable income yourself?All this shitcoin bullshit has to stop, or at least take a turn to a more reasonable approach.

No one cares about your shitty coin, except for a few delusional incels that think they can make some quick money. Stop trying to act as if you are smart or an expert trader. You are clearly not.

All I want is for anons to posts comments containing valuabble information, constructive arguments and interesting opinions, and all this together with either a pic of a rare pepe or a hot chick.

Probably won't happen but at least I can have some hope that /biz/ is not completely infested by crypto-incels with a superiroity complex.

>> No.18676854

fuck off normalfaggot

>> No.18676866

Those tendies look good.

>> No.18676868

You have to go back.

>> No.18676888

Stopped reading there

>> No.18676890

i have 1k btc and i'm a neet

>> No.18676896

Kill thots and normalcattle

>> No.18676903

wont ever happen

>> No.18676909
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but it did get you attention (;

>> No.18676918

i check this board every now and then for some useful information but it never fails to be the same shit spewed from their mouths

>> No.18676987

Idiots trading shitcoins and crypto overall thinking that they are master-traders when in fact, crypto is one of the easiest things to trade. The concept of it is so simple that even a chimpanzee with down syndrome can understand it.
90% of this board has not a single clue of trading commodities, options, futures etc.

If you would’ve made a bet in the beginning of January on US markets crashing because of the coronavirus, you would’ve unironically made the first btc boom type of profits. But no. Those incels are trading with shitcoins and pyramid schemes.

>> No.18677057
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Cute, tell me more; what can you buy with '1k btc'?

>> No.18677075

why dont you go back to feggit and ask for relationship advice over there

>> No.18677220

a comfy life of no wage slavery?

>> No.18677239

>no university degree = no stable income
Mr. Shekelstein, I told you not to embarrass me in front of my friends on 4chan. I will be back to work as soon as possible, but please stop posting here, everyone knows its you

>> No.18677250

Whatever the fuck you want that's 10M in paper debt money

>> No.18677315

>reddit spacing

>> No.18677410
File: 42 KB, 600x579, Comfy_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make 50k a year with just a high school education at an entry-level job

ages 18-24 I saved all my money living with parents. I hit 50k a year at 22. My house will be paid off in 7 years and I rent the spare bedroom which pays the mortgage every month. the best part is my job security. even in the worst economy I would make 40k a year. It can't be automated, and pajeet can't do it overseas.

>> No.18677417 [DELETED] 

The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [biz] through the /biz/ board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [biz], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the /biz/ interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [biz] is like this.

>> No.18677429 [DELETED] 
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Your going to get wiped out.

>> No.18677480
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unlikely. I have 80k saved, I have my job, my tenant, and side gig reselling things.

Even I worked a minimum wage job tomorrow I'd still be pulling in $2,300 a month with a $800 mortgage payment. now retirement would be an issue but I don't plan on losing my job anytime soon. If I can get a solid 10 years in at 50k I'll be good

>> No.18677512 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 553x436, 6a00d83451c36069e2010534c831e7970c-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how bad things really are.

>> No.18677589

enlighten me

>> No.18677600

not an Incel and Oxford university grad here

>> No.18677607

Why are you gay?

>> No.18677660
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As a neet, you couldn't pay me to buy a shitcoin
I'm here for real bobo hours in smg, where I laugh at your failures while losing nothing myself

>> No.18678193

Financial freedom forever

>> No.18678232

Fellow Russell group Chad grad here.

>> No.18678305

>All I want is for anons to posts comments containing valuabble information, constructive arguments and interesting opinions, and all this together with either a pic of a rare pepe or a hot chick

>> No.18678515

yea you keep chasing the crumbs the corporations leave behind with your little degree. more and more degree holders chasing fewer and fewer jobs. that should work out well. but hey. the banks are making a killing off your student loans so by all means continue to make shekelstein at the bank richer.

>> No.18678560
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>> No.18678619

27 yo. History major from a university. Married.
I mostly just lurk. I think as most things in life, it’s the vocal minority that’s the retards.

>> No.18678636

you’re basically proving his point. he’s not saying it’s the ideal life but what are you doing that’s exactly better? your whole shekelstein thing is just cope.

>> No.18678688


>no university degree
Enjoy feeling the soul crushing pain of mid-life when you hit a ceiling in your “entry level job”

>imagine boasting about an entry level job

>> No.18678703

wait this is important. wtf is on the fries in that photo.

>> No.18678749

>responds to 7m worth with a stack of 60k

>> No.18678765
File: 170 KB, 709x1023, SmartSelect_20200425-101205_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine spending over $80 on fake fucking money hahahahaha real convenient you cropped out the top left corner of the notes you fucking loser

>> No.18678878

I don't mind the incels or the uneducated. What I find annoying is those anons that post predictions but do not take action on them. You think the end of days is coming? Then show me your puts, you spineless retard.

>> No.18679044
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Be the change you want to see. Yea biz has degenerated into a shitshow but I think as long as they make money who cares whether they have a degree or not. There's nothing wrong with 9 to 5 job and vice versa. People take comfort in doing what they like and do best. They don't like wagecucks because wagecucks value safety over risky rewards, they're laughing at cowards who complain about their work but are too afraid to take risks to escape their terrible situation. The painful truth is everyone here is painfully average including me and you, with a few exceptions. But we all want to believe and fantasise that we are exceptional and amazing, a moneymaking genius unlike the world have ever seen. But if you have the time to lurk or shitpost on 4chan, someone else is working their butts of on their business idea who will become the next Bezos or Musk. So don't come on 4chan or reddit or any other forums expecting hyper geniuses because all the smart guys are too busy making their millions. Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk

>> No.18679370

>Undergrad Bachelors in Science, post grad in Mechanical Engineering and Post grad in Business and Management

I'm here out of habit more than anything and don't post much because its hard to connect with what people are saying. I am only interested in tech and making it comes second.
Fuck shiney rocks, fuck linktards, fuck all other moonbois and meh to traditional markets (this seems to be where the most intelligent anon's hang out but its just boring)

>P.s. giv flags

>> No.18679384

pay your damn loan

>> No.18679403

your mom as a sex slave

>> No.18679414

KEK what a fucking loser