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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18674607 No.18674607 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the stock marketing going up when the unemployment rate is at least 15% if not greater now?

>> No.18674634

because half the people are retarded and the other half is picking retards' pockets

>> No.18674644

because you can borrow money for free

>> No.18674692

The "stock market" has nothing to do with reality. It is as real as crypto.

>> No.18674704

It’s a fed fueled bull trap. Fed loans 0 interest money to fund managers who buy with it to sucker in retail investors

>> No.18674721

y her nose like that

>> No.18674722

Jews, but unironically.

>> No.18674735

When does the bull trap end?

>> No.18674738

her nose mutated after all the BBC she took

>> No.18674825

Fed buying everything with brrrrrr

>> No.18674837

Thats a man

>> No.18674840

shes a quarter black, srs

>> No.18674851

Definitely a man

>> No.18674857

Stock market going up isn't that unfeasible when you consider that major companies were able to remove a lot of dead weight under the guise of covid whilst getting free money from the state. They're looking better than ever from an investment point of view. The stock market and the economy as a whole aren't that correlated.

>> No.18675118
File: 45 KB, 317x293, a jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of filthy hook nosed Christ betrayers

>> No.18675135

I-I-is he white, tho?

>> No.18675144


>> No.18675494

no, he's quarter black

>> No.18675519

Because of many reasons. Also, employees means costs.

>> No.18675533

The original drop was specifically because of what the job market and earnings were going to be like in this time period. This upwards run is just people predicting that the economic damage is going to be much less than originally expected and that the economy will have mostly recovered by the end of the year and will grow next year for various reasons.
Markets look ahead, not at the now. People keep forgetting that.

>> No.18675540

because printers go brrrr

>> No.18675580

we just enjoy sticking it to the wagies

>> No.18675618
File: 155 KB, 2220x1248, F8B83046-E838-478E-B168-DEC19A3C1DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, cool it with the antisemitic remarks!

>> No.18675639

People always associate market movements with bullshit reasons. Whether it's job reports, company earnings, emerging markets, mergers, stock splits, blah blah blah. It's all bullshit, but it gives us peasants a delusion in thinking markets are 'real'. It's nothing by smoke & mirrors. Somewhere in every country, the gov literally has a computer that can move the markets up or down by the push of a button. However, I do believe things are going up because the Fed is printing money like crazy to essentially buy everything up and have the whole economy nationalized to a certain extent. When that is over and all major corps are nationalized, they will get to decide what companies stay and what companies die since the gov will be the new owners. The Fed will be shut down and everything will absorbed into the Treasury followed by a digital dollar system. The gov can then give their 'stock shares' insane valuations to enrich themselves. If the digital dollar does come, they are saying that ever single paper of digital Federal reserve not will be exchanged 1 to 1 with the Treasury digital dollar. BY the gov giving their 'stock shares' insane valuations, they will get to convert ever digital dollar in the stock prices to the Treasury digital dollar. So, not only will the gov own everything, they will also have an insane amount of new imaginary money which is the digital dollar.

>> No.18675687

Crash is priced in. Everybody realised that covid is nothing and that things will open up again in a few months.

The massive dump the market took in february was a huge overreaction what we are seeing now is a correction.

Market is gonna crab for 4 month's and then we're back to bull-territory.

>> No.18675698

You're probably waiting for a bargain entry price. So do lots of other people. Despair is still not here. It will be in a few months.
Also all that cheap money has to go somewhere and there aren't many other investment vehicles that promise such high returns and have been shilled so excessively to retail.

>> No.18675709


>> No.18675720


>> No.18675835

Because you're a massive f****** retard!

First off general indices of stock market performance do not absolutely reflect economic performance.

Second pretty much everyone that got laid off is a worthless piece of trash. Waitresses, bar tenders, etc. These people don't make the world go round, they literally exist to suck the cock of productive members of society. Their spending does not contribute nearly as much as they think to the national economy.

And finally some industries and companies actually thrive in this environment. go take a look at the stock ticker for Domino's Pizza for example. Take a look at remote conferencing software companies.

>> No.18675884

Back to r*ddit mr long nose faggot nigger lover

>> No.18675930

>Worthless wagie trash detected

Bro just get a better job lol, like just stop being a fucking loser lmao

>> No.18675979

>Because you're a massive f****** retard!
Never go full reddit

>> No.18676032

Because you didn't buy UND. Did you?

>> No.18676337

>And finally some industries and companies actually thrive in this environment. go take a look at the stock ticker for Domino's Pizza for example. Take a look at remote conferencing software companies.
Not some industries, basically everything is thriving. SP500 is currently at 2019 levels and nearly back at ATH in THE CURRENT enviremont. Stock market is playing it dump right now and lurks in more dumb money like you. Big boys still are sitting on major cash reserves waiting for the real correction. They have more than insider information and are still not buying into this random V recovery meme.

But keep buying and keep holding for a few years and maybe you will be in profit.

>> No.18676399

execpt it´s only gonna get worse, much worse, and people don´t grasp that yet. Corona will be here for 2 years minimum and the problem will only grow

>> No.18676411

Besides the corona virus, either meme or not, economic damage is done and wont be cured in a few days as the stock market implies

>> No.18676414

hahahahha. We just broke new records yesterday in new infected cases. We are far from the peak

>> No.18676450

Not even a wagie but if you said some shit like that in front of people they would mog you

>> No.18676478

>Highest unemployments since decades
>historical drop in consumer confidence, manufactoring numbers, credit loss, mortgage delay, home building numbers, real estate sales, shortage of supplies, Q1 earnings already RIP, what about Q2 earnings,

People cannot even pay their rent in due time, you cannot even closely grasp where this is heading.

>> No.18676554

I'm above associating with people who would use a term like mug whatever that means.

You should kill yourself

>> No.18676572

The stock market has and always will be a bull trap

>> No.18676575

>Muh shadow bankers

I already made 40% and cashed out, I left some investment in a few small areas for when the economy eventually recovers but even if I lost everything that I still had invested I would come out way ahead. just because you were too stupid to see the March 23rd dip doesn't mean the rest of us are suck a massive cock.

>> No.18676606

>I'm above associating with people
Yea thats about right

>> No.18676629

>Too stupid to read a sentence
Yeah that's about right

Again, you should straight up kill yourself.

>> No.18676644

You think I discuss your gambling addiction here? I don't care how much you made or how much you lost. My intraday-trading is probably more than your whole RH account.

You original comment was still wrong on so many levels and now you are backpaddeling again. What will you say once the March 23rd "bottom" is broken in several weeks / months? Probably bragging here that you somehow made another 40% profit, right? :)

>> No.18676649

People losing jobs and looking at the market to make a profit.

>> No.18676655 [DELETED] 

The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [biz] through the /biz/ board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [biz], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the /biz/ interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [biz] is like this.

>> No.18676662


>> No.18676666

>Schizo detected

Whatever you say fag

>> No.18676670

>hey guys how do markets work?

Google supply and demand.

>> No.18676669

>fed fueled bull trap
How long are you going to keep this meme going?

>> No.18676674

prob because everyone is making an extra $600 a week with unemployment and small businesses are getting 1% loans that will be forgiven if they use it for payroll or rent/mortgage/utilities

>> No.18676693

>Why is market unpredictable man??
If it wasn't, it would make everyone rich

>> No.18676897


All the things you mention are because of political desicions that can be reversed. Tell me how the fact that Jamal has no money impacts my industry-stocks again.

>> No.18677001
File: 265 KB, 1401x778, Screenshot_2020-04-25 S P 500 Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking deluded if you think that's what has happened here. PE ratios are off the charts. NFLX for example, who has a 2.0 debt ratio, also has a PE of 110 and set new ATH.

If you look at recoveries, there's only a handful of companies that have actually recovered, a smaller handful of companies that have increased in value. But, TSLA for example, is wholly nonsensical, since the housing and auto markets are about to blow up.

Defaults are already turning over, business and consumer sector alike.

The economy has been shit since 2012, the rise in value of equities increasing was driven by inflationary forces, not by better yields.

At some point this rug is getting pulled.

>> No.18677070

It is not the stock market which rises, but the dollar which tanks.

>> No.18677079

fed is buying stawks

>> No.18677103

Until the red dildo appears. Or do you think the Fed printing trillions is "just a nothingburger"?

>> No.18677210
File: 59 KB, 500x389, Dow70sC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18677249

thats a man

>> No.18677416


stock marked is investing in the future value of
a company which means "priced in" the only
extreme fluctuation will be when a company
does worse or better than the predicted worst
or best case scenario.

>> No.18677424

>do you think the Fed printing trillions is "just a nothingburger"?
Unironically yes

>> No.18677832

Correct, the productive thing to do, would be to drive all parasite Jews out of the country. Good that people that are unemployed will have enough time to dedicate themselves to this cause, my friend.

>> No.18677890

Those jobs are replaceable.

The less experience and skill you need for a job the easier it is to get.

>> No.18677926

Unemployment is not so much an economic, but a social/political issue, tbqh.

>> No.18678017

>Why is the stock marketing going up when the unemployment rate is at least 15% if not greater now?
Because a lot of unemployed people are trading their saving on RobinHood and other 0 fees brokers.

Most low cost brokers have more than tripled their userbase during the pandemic.

Market will not crash bellow the Corona crash because there is a lot more money coming in.
Also, unlike with other crashes, a lot of people have access to short selling and options.
Those people that bet on the drops are cushioning the blows.
Whenever a shorter exits, momentum drops.

Old investors are not getting the concept of trading for the masses, it's the future.
The FED isn't printing that much money.

>> No.18678071

The auto crisis is just going to hurt shitbox makers like GM and Ford selling garbage at 10x markup with a glut of inventory. Anyone who was thinking about buying a Tesla will still buy a Tesla. They can't make enough to keep up with demand.

>> No.18678076

Market traders don't care about blue-collars. They never have.

>> No.18678093

Also between the $600 a week unemployment bonus and the stimulus money the lower and middle class are in better financial situations than any other point in their lives.

>> No.18678532

imagine actually thinking like that
all the dumb money in stocks already got burned or on the way to a massive burn(AMZN I'm looking at you)
not to mention recent HAHA I'LL BUY OIL AT 0 WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG ruse

>> No.18678644

Because human stock is cheap

It used to be that rich people in a nation would be somewhat accountable to the people. Since global markets it has become rich vs the rich of other nations and they keep the rest of us occupied with ‘entertainment’ and multiculturalism to create division. That’s why sports And movie stars (only fans and streamers do it cheaper and get rich mans money via ‘donations’ like the amateur whores they are) get paid so much. They provide a professional service to the mega rich so the plebs leave them alone. Nations are now businesses and we are assets.

Global free markets have destroyed the nation state. The only way to change things Is mass strikes and risk them simply culling you.

>> No.18678760
File: 192 KB, 500x333, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate people like you.

"WHY is ERrrr STork Market going ups when Unemplerment is ZOOO HIGH"


That's your faggot answer, faggot.

>> No.18679417
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