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18672843 No.18672843 [Reply] [Original]

>The perfect portfolio

It's beautiful anons

>> No.18672901

Add in

And maybe VNQ but that’s subjective

>> No.18672916

I'm all in within the global all cap fund

>> No.18672936

all in LifeStrategy 60%

>> No.18673040

VYM and VOO, mutual funds are gay as fuck

>> No.18673106


Why so conservative?

>> No.18673152
File: 1.13 MB, 2114x3047, 2A9FFF35-90CE-4F44-A045-4FA84DF31E20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy the /smg/ chad portfolio of RTX, TMDX, NET and keep 10% cash as a reserve for emergency cunny purchases.

>> No.18673233

Cloudflare? lol I sold that $25 call for a nice gain in my trade account

>> No.18673627

>not GOVT

Lol at corporate bonds

>> No.18673754
File: 3.42 MB, 400x400, BA49DFF6-5D98-4DE3-91D6-B4D4C4590FBC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Roth
100% - 2060 Life Strategy Fund (VTTSX)

> Brokerage
90% - US Market (VTSAX)
9% - World Market (VTWAX)
1% - random stock picks (oil cos, cruise lines, airlines)

Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.18673870

I’m in VUN and it’s pretty comfy.

>> No.18673897

What's wrong with mutual funds? I assume here that you are including the classic, passively managed, index mutual funds. What makes the ETFs better than their index fund counterparts?

>> No.18673919

Far as Vanguard ETFs go it's VTI, VOE, VBR, BLV, and BNDX so far. I've considered MGV, VOOV, or VTV as well.

>> No.18673921

Why 2060? Looks good otherwise

>> No.18674255

this guy gets it

>> No.18674457

Not particularly vanguard but would a US bond etf make sense? Holding it for 1 year during the virus crisis?

>> No.18674564
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Along with


I literally can't lose

>> No.18674652

>Why so conservative?
I'm less conservative with my shitcoins. Vanguard is for the profit I want to keep. 3% rule.

>> No.18674691

Are municipal bond fund/ETF distributions taxed?

>> No.18674739

XOM RDS.B KOS HLX and occasional spy calls


literally the most chad of all portfolios, you cant't prove me wrong

>> No.18674773

They aren't! Which is exactly why I have them
An easy way to have some tax exempt passive income to pad out my portfolio

>> No.18674828

the king of funds
All else trash

>> No.18675065

I have vanguard account with nothing in it currently and like 10k to invest right now. What should I go in on for good long term gains.

>> No.18675257

VTI is definitely the safest option
Steady and consistent