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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18666963 No.18666963 [Reply] [Original]

The blackpill is realizing that if you wasn't born into a rich family or got extremely lucky, your 20's and 30's are gone.
You might become wealthy and successful when you get old, but you'll pay with your own life for that. Take Buffett for example. What's the point of his billions now?

>> No.18667017
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Rejuvenation tech is coming soon, probably. Even if the odds are only 20%, that's reason enough to try to be a rich old fuck. With a little luck you can be a rich old fuck that looks and feels like a rich young fuck, and lives for another 100 years fucking thots in his citadel. Worth a shot.

>> No.18667045

Buffet barely remembers getting young. But he has that shit eating grin on his face all the time. So yeah having billions feels great!

>> No.18667071

Making a livjng can be a lot of fun OP, you just have to try out different jobs until you find one that suits you. Don't be jealous of rich people they have nothing but headaches from it

>> No.18667085

I have a similar mentality. Unless you get super fucking lucky, or have an inheritance, you're probably not going to be "rich" until you're like 50 or some shit. What's the fucking point? It's even more depressing when I know people who just get to coast through life because of inheritances and shit. A kid I went to college with was from the family of the people who own Kohls. He was dumb as a sack of bricks , and I'm not saying that because I'm bitter, he really was dumb. But he'll live a better life than 99.9% of people. And when you complain about this shit, people just say "life isn't fair" and expect you to go back to being a cog in society like a good little cuck. It's so weird, I was raised being taught "you wouldn't jump off a cliff if your friends were all doing it?" only for that to turn into "you're peers are being good little cucks, why aren't you?"

>> No.18667091

Stop obsessing about money. It means nothing. Simply try to work out for what purpose this tool may serve you. If your plan is to just get rich so you can do nothing then realize that this is a long shot to begin with and if you dont get lucky when you're young you will be working hard for it till you are old.

>> No.18667105
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That blackpill leads to the true whitepill. Renouncing material possessions, living out of a van, and travelling and doing what you want because you're free.

>> No.18667147
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>Rejuvination tech
So the gap between the poor and the rich will become even larger. What is even the point of trying in 2089 as an average person, when you're dealing with 200 year old demigods who have far more experience and knowledge than you could ever hope to accumulate?

>> No.18667167

The only people you can blame for this are your degenerate ancestors. If you can break the cycle you have to make sure you spread your genes and raise your kids properly.

>> No.18667212

swinging for demigod, there’s a chance.

>> No.18667215

Money is power. An opportunity to achieve your goals.
You would be fucking lying if you said you wouldn't want to be rich. Everyone wants to be rich, to provide for themselves and their family.
To use that wealth to acquire more wealth.
I don't want to be rich to spend money recklessly man.
It's a good plan if it satisfies you. But in reality it's a cope, you need money to be free. You can't physically live without spending.
You're using internet right now, that alone makes you a hypocrite.

>> No.18667378

If that sort of medical breakthroughs become reality, i swear the society will break up into castes.
The rich demigods who live for 300 years and slaves who don't get any of that and live to be cogs in the machine until they wither in their 60's.

>> No.18667499

Imagine the wealth you could acquire by living 200-250 years.

>> No.18668508
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>> No.18668620

God I really wish I was born either fifty years earlier or later.

>> No.18669012
File: 129 KB, 900x608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you wasn't
Nigger alert! Money isn't everything you fucking monkey

>> No.18669041

Roughly ten years ago I briefly got to know a guy who was born into an oligarch-tier obscenely rich family. He always behaved like he was 7 years old; yet he threw his seemingly neverending money around. Like, he was a total bumbling idiot and still the world was his for the taking because of whatever his family did.

I've worked exciting jobs in several countries and yet this guy lives in my head rent-free. Whatever I do, even at my best, I would never even come close to that level of wealth even in a couple of lifetimes. Fuck.

>> No.18669081

I'm a slav unfortunately.
At least niggers get government gibs and sell crack for major gains in US.

>> No.18669208

yeah but why would you want to be a bumbling idiot like him?

Rich retards like that will never know personal fulfillment

Knowledge is another form of wealth

>> No.18669233

>Knowledge is another form of wealth
Do you feel fulfilled anon?

>> No.18669567
