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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18666906 No.18666906 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else here a landlord?
Long story short
>tenant skipped rent this month and ignored all communications
>state courts not accepting evictions at the moment due to COVID
>go visit property in person to try and talk to tenant
>discovered he moved out and subletted it to a woman and her 4 kids without my permission
>tell her the situation and that she has to leave, she refuses and threatens to call the police on me

Any advice? The rent was my main source of income and can't spare the cash for a lawyer at the moment

>> No.18666938

you're pretty much fucked. courts are closed and evictions are on hold.

you shouldn't have rented to such a smart dude. he's living somewhere else right now rent free while he collects rent from your place. gotta respect the man.

>> No.18666953

Turn off the water

>> No.18666964

she'll just call the cops on him and they'll prob make him turn it back on since it's a landlord/tenant dispute and the courts have to work it out.

>> No.18666974

This is illegal

Get a lawyer and the sheriff involved

Alternatively, hire some heavies to throw her ass out

>> No.18666984

should've had some savings for a rainy day :)

>> No.18666994

>wait til they leave
>change the locks while they are gone
>“the fuck you want here? You dont live here“

>> No.18667052

Alternative solution
>wait til they are gone
>break in
>burglarize apartment
>break the door
>let them fix it
>repeat a week later

>> No.18667080

>but muh police
These dumb fucks will never solve the case

>> No.18667120

what hurts you more, going in debt for a lawyer, or, not having income?
Im assuming not having income

>> No.18667122

Is she paying rent? If yes, then let her pay it to you instead of to the other guy. Resolve the subletting issue after Covid.

>> No.18667283

Your best bet is to wait it out. In the meantime find a stable source pf income and gather information and evidence. Anything you can, who is this woman, where is the guy who rented the proprety from you. Any info, any wvidence you can on these people and their activities especially regarding your proprety. Also, if you have friends who know a little law, or any acquaintance who knows law and can help you that will be great. Get informed about the legislation as much as you can. And wait. The courts will open again when this is over and then you can sue, potentially get a lot or money from both the guy and the woman. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

>> No.18667320

>subletted it to a woman and her 4 kids
Are they fatherless niggers?

>> No.18667349
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>firebomb property
>incinerate freeloader roasties
>collect insurance money

>> No.18667427

If u read the OP he said that he hasn’t received rent

>> No.18667450

Yeah because his tenant is subletting. Meaning the woman is paying rent to the tennant and the tennant pays the landlord. This is all bait anyway tho

>> No.18667475

Shut down water, electricity, etc....

>> No.18667507

landlord/tenancy issue
shut down water and electricity, it's a civil matter, Police can't get involved,
if they do, they will just advise her to sue you and deal with the issue in civil matter


>> No.18667553

>Get a lawyer and the sheriff involved
Lawyers and sheriffs have NO fucks to give with the courts closed. Pay attention. There is a moratorium on evictions in most states right now. The courts are closed. Sheriff isn't evicting ANYONE without a court order. Just stop posting, armchair "I read da reddit legal advice" faggot.

>> No.18667573

>bait this gay, etc

>> No.18667625

Hire some heavy hitting urban youth to bust the place up

>> No.18667888

>Pay a nigger to break your possession, that you'll have to pay afterwards to repair, to solve the problem of no income from that possession.

And people wonder why you brainlets on /biz are broke, and always will be.

>> No.18667978
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This would make me furious if I were in your shoes.

Tell her she either starts paying you- or you make her and her family’s life hell. Turn off the water, electricity, change the locks, throw her shit out, whatever. Fuck these rent free faggots- they can die in the street

>> No.18668112

not actually sure what the law on this would be, might work in your favor - you can terminate his [original tenant] lease for unauthorized sub-letting -he's not living it, no eviction needed. Her, you don't have any legal agreement with, nor should you make any, verbally or otherwise when she can't/won't pay. Shes basically squatting and I doubt she'd be covered by the present eviction stay tbqh.

>> No.18668223
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Sounds like the tenant out played your punk ass

>> No.18668792

You can offer to pay them to move out and surrender the premises, otherwise you can't do anything legally until the courts open up, you have no choice in the matter it's something you're going to have to accept. When evictions resume processing, you evict the tenant and the sublesee. In the future, keep a better eye on your properties you fucking moron.
Disconnecting utilities, changing locks and removing belongings are criminal and civil offenses and in some states carry a penalty of $1500 per day. Don't let your tenant own the building because you did something stupid.

>> No.18668819

This is retarded advice. You can terminate the lease and request he turns the property over to you, you can not do anything if he denies that request without an eviction order.

>> No.18669306
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landcucks are evil and cowardly.

>> No.18669318

your tenant sounds based as fuck

>> No.18669323

Well at least get back at your tenant and tell her she doesn’t have to pay rent to live there. Then maybe she’ll suck your dick