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18661483 No.18661483 [Reply] [Original]

I fuckkng hate work. I want to live in a van and not have to slave all day. Can you get welfarebux without an address? I know people glorify living in a van but it seems better than being a slave wagie. Anyone here homeless?

>> No.18661506

Get a cheap apartment you fucking bum.

>> No.18661551

Ghetto apartments are still $1000 a month. Unless I get section8 (impossible since I'm not black) I would go broke paying the landlord

>> No.18661647

>Ghetto apartments are still $1000 a month
Get out of the city. No niggers. Half the cost

>> No.18661692
File: 284 KB, 1200x659, goddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my day today as a wagecager in europe:

I wake up around 7:30 naturally. Though stay in bed until 8:30. Then I proceed to my living area and open my laptop. I do in between IT and Business computer work. I open my laptop and connect over vpn. When my computer is booted. I check if there are any urgent issues/tasks and do those. Usually there are none. I then take a one hour break. After I work another hour. I usually work 2 before mid day. Then I chill an hour and check my plants and animoos. I chill in the garden. I fast until evening. Anyway I work another 2 hours afternoon. totalling to about 4 hours everyday. I get paid for 8. Today was extremely slow so I only worked for 2 hours. Life is so comfy right now.

But yes I agree if you do any of the hard working or hard thinking wagecage jobs, those really suck. I used to do one of those. But then decided the stress and time lost on fucking wagin' for shekelstein isn't worth it in europe with these silly taxes. So I found myself a better job where I don't have to think much or do much. Still get paid decently compared to the hard working people cause taxes eat all their money haha.

I am already super chill here but am going to upgrade to another even chiller job (+raise) in a few months.

things are great.
europe is nice.

fuck waging.

because my life is so stressfree, I seem to have gotten younger and healthier looking, while a few hard workers I know, look very shitty with bags under the eyes and hair falling out.

Yep, they fell for the "work hard is good" meme. I mean it would be good if the world was fair. but it isn't, money making is about exploiting and scamming others. even in legal real business. Your boss doesn't profit if he pays youo what you are worth. so working for a boss is actually getting scammed.

tfw typed much more than I should have


>> No.18661694

Yeah but then there are no jobs. I still can't afford $500/mo from gambling on options and crypto

>> No.18661750

Sounds cozy
Stop gambling with options, trust me. Build a bankroll before fucking with things like this.

>> No.18661762

You seem pretty based. Taxation is theft. Working hard so corrupt fuck can steal more money is pointless.

>check my plants and animoos
Are those fish or anime or what

>> No.18661786

How much is a bankroll?

>> No.18661828

In your case, not worrying about next weeks rent.

I'm guessing you have nothing in savings. Maybe start from there, invest into promising crypto a little at a time, you know in case a next bull run happens.

>> No.18662411

buy a fucking hammock with a good tarp and undercoat
you can live inawoods and sleep like you live in a cloud