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18660526 No.18660526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The same people who call everyone “entitled snowflakes” can’t go 2 months without golfing


>> No.18660548

"Entitlement" is expecting something to be given to you, not protesting the fact that it has been taken away

>> No.18660578

>i need a haircut
>t. bald redneck

>> No.18660606

You’re not entitled to rights

>> No.18660631

The absolute state

>> No.18660645

Yes I am

>> No.18660660
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The people who made my country thought differently

>> No.18660674

Fuck those freemasons

>> No.18660694


you don't know how much this infuriates me, or the people who are getting super depressed because they're bald/balding, spend thousands of dollars getting their hair back, and the very first thing they do when they get a full head of head is get a haircut

like, r dey dum?

>> No.18660706


Nice piece of paper

>> No.18660731

No. You’re not.

>> No.18660733


[hand rubbing intensifies]

>> No.18660736

boomer humor

>> No.18660755


Oh no, not this (((enlightenment))) era document made by a bunch of satanic Freemasons!

>> No.18660781



who do you think came up with that rumor? Oh yeah, freemasons are totally the satanist illuminati running the world, of course, couldn't be anyone else wanting to ruin their reputation

>> No.18660785

I'm sure the founding fathers would have wanted the virus to spread, just because they clearly weren't thinking about the possibility of events like this occurring, because they couldn't have because they were business men and politicians and virology would have been well outside their area of expertise, had it even been considered a field yet or had viruses even been discovered.

>> No.18660796


>Jews getting mad that a more enlightened cabal of powerful men existed before them and actually created good things rather than being a bunch of usurers and cannibalistic robbers

>> No.18660802


Freemasons versus likes vs Illuminati va whoever else.

You might as well say crips vs bloods vs mafia vs the cartel. They’re all evil.

>> No.18660809

Americucks are robbers and usurers

>> No.18660820


They weren't faggots who cried about 1% of their population dying in a plague. They considered liberty and independence higher values that superseded the threat of death. They would not be happy about the authoritarian state of the USA. It's a cycle that repeats itself with maddening regularity: rights are created by good men, and then slowly pissed away by a progressively more ignorant and fearful population.

>> No.18660846


Lmao the founders were a bunch of oligarchs who didn’t want to pay taxes. They disenfranchised the vast majority of the country, including white men, after the war. They had no problem sending out the army against the plebs after the war. Lookup shays rebellion.

Andrew Jackson was basically considered a commie because he said every white man should vote.

>> No.18660934

Look up the whiskey rebellion. The founding fathers were unironically self serving hypocrites.

>> No.18660961


They didn't have to agree or go along with every little concern by every little group of people in the US. They still did very right to set up the country the way they did and our success is proof of concept. Bickering and infighting is eternal.

>> No.18660969

i need a haircut too so i'm going to shave my head, what's wrong with these people do they need someone to wipe their asses for them too, are they not capable of being self-sufficient i thought country folks could survive

>> No.18661006


It's tongue in cheek you autistic monkey

>> No.18661009


>sent out the army against revolutionary war veterans

Yeah they sound like saints. At least they set a precedent that you’re okay with.

>> No.18661036


no it isn't they're literally crying because they need their hairdresser

>> No.18661069


Most of them are smiling retard. One guy doesn't even have hair. Jesus. Did you need someone to post a laugh-track with the picture so you could tell it was a joke?

>> No.18661074
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>our success is proof of concept
Americans have no conception of the breadth or scope of history. Thank god I lived long enough to watch providence make you eat your words now that you've eaten everything else.

>> No.18661093


Best description I ever heard of the Revolution was “slave owners fighting to be free”

>> No.18661099

I’ve gone 8 months without a haircut
Take the hippy pill
I also have thousands invested in technological warfare.

>> No.18661102

Imagine believing a piece of paper is magic. You have privileges, not rights sweety.

>> No.18661105

I like you. If you needed me someplace with a rifle, I'd want to help out. [In Minecraft]

>> No.18661106


In a historical context there has really been an ascent to the top as quick as ours, and certainly not in these unique circumstances. Look at the shitshow every other colonial nation is. We put together a country full of people split 4 ways ethnically and took that team to the top. Be as bitter about it as you want

>> No.18661108


>i'm not actually a pathetic retard it was just a joke


>> No.18661157


Lifespan of USA tracks almost perfectly with other former great powers. We’re on the decline stage now. I know this is a hard concept to believe but America is just a country like everywhere else. It’s not like God buffed every American with +2 everything.

>> No.18661251

You're not entitled to take away people's rights

>> No.18661271


Legal system disagrees.

>> No.18661274


>We're in the decline stage now

Thanks for sharing. I never said otherwise? In fact I mentioned it earlier: we're pissing our rights away. We still have the opportunity to turn it around with a lucky infusion of positive leadership and culture but I'm not banking on it.

>> No.18661277

Fuck you entitled snowflake

>> No.18661362

Rights are fundamental, they're not privileges granted by governments. You'll always have the rights, even while they're being violated.

>> No.18661365


I’m just saying your dickriding of some 1700s 1%ers isn’t grounded in reality. The rights we have were won by common people, not the biggest landholder in Virginia. Founders didn’t even want the average white man votinf, that’s how authoritarian they were.

>> No.18661393
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I can't wait until amerifats destroy themselves so we don't have to have every board on the site spammed with their politics every 2 years

>> No.18661406
File: 331 KB, 717x540, Bandit_Keith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go on American anime webforums if you hate it so much

>> No.18661415


And you're reciting cliché redditor FUD about a group of men who accomplished a miracle in turning a small colonial farmer state into a mega superpower. If you actually read through their thoughts and logic you'll see that they foresaw and effectively mitigated MUCH of what the United States would go through in the coming two centuries. You accuse me of dickriding but refuse to give credit where it is quite obviously due. People don't have to be perfect to be lauded as successes, it's all relative.

>> No.18661450


The America that the founders envisioned was effectively dead by 1900 you dweeb. You’ve never even read the federalist papers or studied their thoughts. You just regurgitate whatever you see on Hannity.

>> No.18661477


Who says they’re fundamental? Even then, enjoy bitching about your rights when the ATF is torching your building. Some good that does.

>> No.18661531

imagine giving up freedom because your a simp

>> No.18661534

No thanks, I'll just continue reporting your threads. It's lucky for you that /biz/ has little to no moderation, but I get plenty of your threads deleted elsewhere.

>> No.18661535

God, or rational thinking if you're not religious. It's a whole philosophical debate beyond the scope of Mongolian throat singing forums. Bitching about my rights while the building is getting torched is a step above passively accepting it. And knowing my rights, I would be justified in opposing them in ways beyond that.

>> No.18661554


Like when Trump infringes on the 2A and MIGA cultists do nothing?

>> No.18661572


Good luck then, it seems we already fought a war over that in the 1800s.

>> No.18661573


You want me to be your strawman so... so bad. Just so you can use your pre-canned arguments. And yet you're dancing around mine. The more I reflect on the current state of affairs, our progression as a country, and their thoughts on the philosophy of government, the more I realize their brilliance and selflessness. If you can't see that then that's just you, you've bought the modern contrarian Kool-Aid which is anti-patriotism. They never expected things to go perfectly, their entire model was "damage control." And that's what this country needed.

>> No.18661646


Dancing around what? A relatively depopulated continent got settled by Europeans and became prosperous? That’s the story of Australia...er, America. Sorry.

>> No.18661787

I'm sure there are a many aspects of the current US they would not approve of and they would be right imo. However, you are saying that hypothetically, if the virus was more infectious and 90 percent lethal, they would advocate for the government taking no action and the whole country committing suicide to protect the first amendment? Sounds like maybe they weren't worth listening to in the first place. Also, actions by state governors aren't covered by the bill of rights you retard.