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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18652082 No.18652082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off the manchild epidemic?

>> No.18652110


>> No.18652121

This kind of stuff really makes me sad..

>> No.18652138

Buy up new lego sets, then cuck them buy selling on ebay for 10x

>> No.18652158

legos are mooning? Do they require original sets with the box and manual and all that, or will a tub of childhood legos all thrown together do?

>> No.18652171


>> No.18652183

by telling man children like yourself to stop repeat posting lame ass threads faggot

>> No.18652197

that thing will hold its value better than your shitcoins (and ur stonks too kek)

>> No.18652205


>> No.18652214
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I'm going all in on the Johnny Thunder lego set futures!

>> No.18652220

Look at whatever did well in the 2000's in Japan and buy, we're basically them minus 25 years economically and socially

>> No.18652229
File: 1.39 MB, 1242x1125, 7343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honey get the kids inside, the woman across the street is locking her husband into a chastity cage again

>> No.18652238

That particular AT-AT came out in the '90s. Which was not 41 years ago.

>> No.18652241

Go to garage sales and buy vintage video game and toys. Then flip them on eBay

>> No.18652244

not sure I agree, they aren't shit since fukushima

>> No.18652259

Did you put any thought into that post? Sealed out-of-production kits.

>> No.18652266

thats pretty cool desu legos are gay but if its just a regular toy. Well it doesnt really fucking matter though guy gets what he wants.

>> No.18652270

>This is a grown-ass man in 2020
what the fuck?

>> No.18652348

>what the fuck?
The cuckening is upon us

>> No.18652407


>> No.18652433

Shit like this convinced me to sell all my video games and TV recently (I'm 25) now I just need to leave this stupid fucking website and stop watching porn

>> No.18652513

It's guys like him who made star wars so big. The creativity seen in the 60s-80s sci-fi kinds of movies mogs most of the shit that gets shat out today. The Fifth element was cool though.

>> No.18652601

could have gone my whole life without knowing that existed

>> No.18652610

sell them fuckin toys ?

>> No.18652893
File: 190 KB, 1000x1260, 71SvSfkohIL._SL1260_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you DID invest in NTDOY, didn't you??

Parents buying for their children, diehard nips buying to get all the achievements and complete their collections, and US men buying because filling empty hole in their life.

Fill that empty hole in your wallet!

>> No.18652894
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>> No.18653182

what does he intend to do with it? like do these people sit around playing with them?

>> No.18653214
File: 255 KB, 738x800, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple, we kill the wh*Te man

>> No.18653361

that doesn't look like an AT-AT at all, what the fuck. The head is completely different

>> No.18653406

When I was a child and They revamped in ‘97 I was a young child. This model is from the 90’s, not the early 80’s edition. Dumbass

>> No.18653411

>business and finance
how do we solve the manchild problem indeed

>> No.18653459
File: 46 KB, 405x384, 976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure that photo wasn't staged

>> No.18653477

i've got no access to the japanese stock market

>> No.18653504


Bastard 4channlers raiding the thread


>> No.18653566

Me too, because it herald's the end of our world.
With these idiots eventually becoming the norm in wider society, our world will cease to function.
The world cannot function when those at the helm are effectively children.

>> No.18653615

The red is stuff that got removed right? It's kinda insane how much shit they delete if it deviates from a "Lol so quirky" response. How do people even have real conversations on this site.

>> No.18653624

What does a grown ass man even do with such an ancient toy?

>> No.18653636

Probably just a collectible, he'll probably sell it in a few years or give it to his kids or something.

>> No.18653670

My friend does this to supplement his income
It's a flooded market from what he says, still got me a great deal on an n64+ golden eye for when I got an itch to speed run again
Fuck man GE is actually the best speed running game

>> No.18653693

The most meaningful revolutionary action an American can do is get rid of the TV.
good on you man.
I got rid of mine around age 25 and never looked back.

>> No.18653700

Yes red was removed. Not sure what the dark blue posts are desu

>> No.18653724

Great way to put it.
A classic example:

>> No.18653739

Good OC

>> No.18653742
File: 148 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20200423-223549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw they aren't talking about guy

>> No.18653765
File: 403 KB, 811x1320, FF411E69-386E-4810-BA8A-D8092213A028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this lazy
I gave you the goddamn stock ticker for buying in the US

>> No.18653777

how the hell does this guy have a girlfriend?

>> No.18653806

If he's this submissive towards a fucking toyvthen he's easily more submissive with his girlfriend. I'd rather die alone than be in a relationship like that.

>> No.18653846


i'm surprised the video only have 956,869 views in a year with such an over the top onions reaction

>> No.18653865
File: 162 KB, 274x300, 98236732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan still filter that word, really? wasn't it moot that implemented it?

>> No.18653892

>because it herald's the end of our world.
no, retard.

The majority of men throughout history did NOT reproduce. Generally, one man impregnated many women.

Kind of like everyone here on the 4channel...

Having the majority of men be rejects that have to cope with reality by settling for escaping into silly hobbies isn't all that surprising. And some of the most talenting and hardworking men devote their freetimes to somewhat silly hobbies as well.

One of the wealthiest men I know, a successful surgeon, has a massive model train thing running under his house, and he's the head of the local chapter of train nerds or whatever. He also has marksmanship trophies and a bunch of other shit.

>> No.18653940

Gookmoot censors s󠀀oy to onions because the meme started on /fit/ when everyone in there was eating raw onions to gain testosterone based off some Iranian study. I think the memes were basically Onions=Testosterone and S󠀀oy=Estrogen and gookmoot got pissed because he's a Nip and they eat s󠀀oy all the time.

>> No.18654001

no my bank doesn't allow purchase of that either (i'm not in the US, although i can buy most US stocks)

really? i was sure it was moot that implemented the filter, maybe saying s o y b o y isn't as old of a phenomenon that i remember

>> No.18654130

criminally underrated post

>> No.18654408

so about 50% of all posts get deleted

>> No.18654620
File: 233 KB, 388x392, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this site only work in US? i always get a "Could not connect to Reddit" error.

>> No.18654658

Have sex

>> No.18654695
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>> No.18654739

Same. Good luck, anon

>> No.18654759

make 30 second loop of an overwatch/doa character getting fucked. Put content behind patreon paywall. Make thousands in passive income.

>> No.18654778
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>> No.18654825

what the fuck man how do these people actually exist? that has to be a mental disorder

>> No.18654842

Tell them Suterusu will buy them 100 AT-AT's. Sell after they buy.

>> No.18654852

lmfao i got this whebn i was young honestly the coolest thing ever and i think it was a 100 dollars

>> No.18654983
File: 32 KB, 850x443, 1555646899797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this is extremely sad. I think that the saddest part though, is that this guy bought this toy as a photo op for this gay Reddit post for attention, when in reality this toy is probably going into his closet or basement with the rest of his hoarder shit once the short-lived dopamine hit wears off just like it does after every other mindless consumer purchase he makes to fill the void in his 43 year old soul (if he has one). We can tell he's a full grown man yet he feels the need to call out his age anyway.

Reddit loves to circlejerk about nostalgic consumer shit with each other and the act like crabs in a bucket trying to out-do each other on money wasting and childish shit.

>> No.18655033

>we're basically them minus 25 years economically

>> No.18655213

The things you mention are the pleasures of a mature mind.
The childlike mind in the adults body will be the death of us. It does not matter that they will not reproduce. What matters is that they will eventually be in responsible positions of authority and making big decisions. Decisions which,because of the infantile state of their minds, will fuck us all.
Kids cannot run the world.
Kids cannot manage crises.
Kids cannot take us forward.
They are too busy playing and having fun -they are too narcissistic to care properly about anything.
This is the man-child.
It needs sorting out.

>> No.18655216

Nah it was gookmoot. I was there when the whole onion things blew up on /fit/ in late 2017

>> No.18655224

yooooo I had that one when I was 6- wonder if my mom kept it.

>> No.18655239

guess hiroshimoot has had too much of it in his lifetime

>> No.18656099

isn't that time arbitrage?

>> No.18656635

its easy... we charge, the manchild

>> No.18656670

What the fuck

>> No.18656694

ITT nazi incels

>> No.18656752

Everyone here is more childish than that guy

>> No.18656791

tales from cucktopia

>> No.18656837

even the insulting comments are unfunny. what a website

>> No.18656860

this shit makes me fucking sick to my stomach.

>> No.18656867

As your picture shows, you can sell them lego's.
This is obviously low tier political post to further your political agenda.
>le soiboy face

>> No.18656921

It said right there. Removed by user is blue, red by admins

>> No.18656945

i've seen this guy posted hundreds of times but never looked it up. WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.18657035

Much the same except I haven't sold my vidya. But I also only do PC, so it would be quite futile.

>> No.18657192

These Reddit cucks have been paying my bills for a while now, so I'm glad they exist.

Even the 90s walker in the picture goes for like $150+ if it's still in the box. Meme shit like og Star Wars and Nintendo is hard to make money on because it's such obvious low-hanging fruit, but with a little creativity there's no limit to the money you can stack.

Love you guys, so here are some ways to get started:

- Anything Japanese or 80s is almost guaranteed money. The more obscure the better.

- Find local auctions attended by half-asleep 70-year-olds and buy this shit by the truckload for 10% of online resale value

- If you want to take it to the next level, find some clean out guys or storage unit buyers and become the toy guy that they sell their junk to. They all have other ways of making money, so they generally give no fucks. Too lazy to do research and want the stuff gone. Do this for six months and you'll have such a backlog of inventory you'll be ready to start selling for 10% of what it's worth. That or rent a warehouse + some Mexicans.

>> No.18657198

yeah a friend of mine had one and it was impressive as fuck, I never forgot seeing it

>> No.18657355

Why go through all that effort when you can just buy stocks like these

>> No.18657373

Why not do both?

>> No.18657399

>oh wow it's a piece of plastic that does nothing
>I'll stare at it for half an hour then get bored
>it's gonna catch dust inside my mancave for the rest of my life

>> No.18657401

Because I have better things to do than buy old toys from boomers at local auctions.

>> No.18657424

Read Brave New World anon

>> No.18657459

FNKO sitting at $3.63 right now. Probably a good buy desu.

>> No.18657627

>grown-ass man
Obviously it's not. Being grown up isn't the same as being a 'man'. This kind of behavior reaks of low-T, submissive, child-like obsessions. It's creepy as all fuck. Kind of why I've never been able to get into Star Wars, only seen episodes 4 and 5 and I have no interest in consuming the rest. These weirdos have helped chip away at my liking for comics too, just watched Infinity War and Endgame last week. I'm just worried about being even remotely associated with those kinds of things now because of who represents the target audience. This posses me off because they're fantastic works or creativity, and not everyone is like that.

>> No.18657682

I-it's too late for me but you can still make it anon!

>> No.18657728

the state of america 2020

>> No.18657738

The problem with monetizing this shit is that you would actually be "into" this materia, aka quite a nerd yourself and kind of have a similar mindset, otherwise you will not really be able to "understand" why LEGO set x is superior to LEGO set y and therefore needs to be hoarded for profit. You need to "educate" yourself about this shit, so you're best off wasting your time somewhere else and becoming a man.

This drains resources, intellect and you will become a manchild again. Make money elsewhere.

>> No.18657758
File: 50 KB, 612x491, 1585327346717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt the black suicide number skewed because they die in gang shootings before they commit suicide?

>> No.18658797

Virtually all marriedcucks are more pathetic than that guy.

>> No.18658870

I don't mind nerdy hobbies (that's all I'm interested in myself) but I keep it to myself. Don't upload pictures of yourself on social media telling everyone how much you love Final Fantasy XV, just play the fucking game in your spare time and pretend to be a normal successful man during the day

>> No.18658935

First time I saw the unedited one.
It's even more disgusting than all the others.
blacked one was great tho.

>> No.18659349

The last things real moot censored site wide were t.b.h. f.a.m.

>> No.18659456

Am i a manchild for wanting the Lego Saturn V model?

>> No.18659540

/fit/ truly is based. And gay.

>> No.18659608


Lmfao ya

>> No.18659908

Anyone see the simp drama with InvaderVie? I really hope she does porn now. She’s so hot.

>> No.18660083

I will tell you how. Buy cheap man child items and resell them online or to geek stores. I make a few extra thousand a year doing this as a hobby. I am getting ready to sell a complete ewok treetop village for l I'll me 150 bucks online. I paid 8 dollars for it. I also have two vintage starwars xwing fighter guns I'm going to list for 50.00 online. I'll do this all m ok nth and make 2k. Then put that either in link or pay off debt.

>> No.18660148

You sound like an insecure douche bag

>> No.18660160

>goods: games and memorabilia to sell online
>services: game reviews, twitch streams

>> No.18660167

>Anyone see the simp drama with InvaderVie?

Quick rundown?

>> No.18660175

no it wont its out of the box. that sperg probably already got doodoo on it playing with it in the bath tub