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File: 59 KB, 680x378, 1586829061891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18645350 No.18645350 [Reply] [Original]

There is no better feeling to have a winning trading strategy and to literally buy low and sell high. I hope you will make it guys, Bitcoin is our only chance to escape our goy cages.

>> No.18645467
File: 561 KB, 860x758, bobopepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never understand how there are people here browsing biz for ages and they STILL can't see that LINK is the main crypto to make money with. Doesn't matter if you want to trade or hold, it will be the best for both of those. Just look at how volatile it is. Bitcoin is just speculative. That's all it is since they still can't solve the scalability problem. Chainlink could even fail and it will still moon speculatively as well. And if it doesn't fail, then it's literally going to $1k and then to $10k+
t. 20yo 19k link holder

>> No.18645495

>this post
Sucks that there's no cure for stupid

>> No.18645497

have you even put 5 minutes into reading what chainlink is?

>> No.18645522

boomer strategy if ive ever heard one. /biz/ knows the secret is to buy high sell low

>> No.18645570

I will never buy any altcoin, find another retard to sell your bags

>> No.18645579
File: 197 KB, 622x743, C5DEF9F9-853B-43DF-8B0B-B3D88A350BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post gave me cancer

>> No.18645644
File: 164 KB, 1609x814, linkvsbitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I wanna sell my bags which have constantly outperformed almost every crypto for 2+ years. You probably think LINK is a cryptocurrency as well since this is all you boomers know.

>> No.18645662

good luck mate i made $135k in a year and a half by clicking some buttons and holding for that period. no time wasted finding a "strategy" like you, cant imagine how much money youve lost finding it. maybe try to invest into fundamentals next time? still have a healthy stack left just in case too. good lucking with gambling!

>> No.18645773

Yes I'm sure your Bitcoin which is held by normies who think that it will make the federal reserve crumble and that they will be the new elite in a citadel is a much better investment.

>> No.18645848

Imagine being this fucking... dumb

>> No.18645854

the normie token is chainlink and it's not even needed

>> No.18646430

Enlighten me about your Bitcoin vision

>> No.18646790

Imagine being a literal child when BTC whitepaper came out and not understanding the environment the brought about it's creation.
Imagine being salty that you missed the jumps of BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, and even Dogecoin so now you've gotta shill "the tech" of shit coins to try and pump the price.
Imagine shilling against Ripple when at one point it was predicted to be bigger than Ethereum. Right around the time that lord Vitalik paused DAO to track and cancel a transaction that was "stealing" proving that they backdoored the network.
Fucking lel.
I legitimately do not understand you faggots. Maybe getting in on crypto early made some oldfags more aware to not chase red and green dicks.
Bitcoin is a method of payment and money transfer. It's like handing somebody cash in public. People see you do it, but they at least don't know who you are or where you live.
Ask yourself, if link is so legit, why is it an SEZC?
If any of this tech is so legit, why do they not incorporate with the money from their angel investors and offer stocks instead of premined tokens?
They are only exploiting SEC loopholes to exit scam suckers into buying literal vaporware.

>> No.18646886

LINK will be 1k and 10k when Btc is 100k
And 1mil

>> No.18647498

Bitcoin will be an altcoin this year.

>> No.18647650

You literally sound like every other Bitcoin boomer. I'm 20yo and have 19k(about $70k) links. I'm doing great. The reason I make posts like these is to gain insight into why anyone holds Bitcoin or other "cryptocurrencies". I always get the same boomer/normie answers. You are fudding LINK like a discord tranny. I've seen all these fuds for over 2 years. If you try to fud a long link holder then at least create something new.

>> No.18648146
