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18641940 No.18641940 [Reply] [Original]

I installed electrum. I haven't used my wallet in over 3 years. I just found out I had .59 cents worth of bitcoin.

Lmao wtf?

Can you imagine waking up one day and finding a whole bitcoin in your wallet? That would be crazy.

>> No.18641982

Please stop I found ancient screenshots from my old laptop with an entire bitcoin on them and felt physically sick. I had to delete them to feel better.

>> No.18642128
File: 76 KB, 1280x900, dbttq67-185e9eb2-cbec-43df-83ae-930ce5eb87af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ my fucking heart. I feel you anon...

>> No.18642242

I had at least 50 BTC in an electrum wallet on years old laptop. I can never recover it
This thread does nothing but bring the feeling of absolute anguish into my heart

>> No.18642533

>I had at least 50 BTC in an electrum wallet on years old laptop. I can never recover it
>This thread does nothing but bring the feeling of absolute anguish into my heart
Same bro, I have like 10 on an electrum wallet that I lost track of when I went abroad for a year. Definitely will one day kms

>> No.18642548

2017 was genuinely the roughest year of my life just watching it happen, making minor gains and kicking myself over what could have been. One backup would have been a game changer
If it ever hits 20k again I'll probably do the same bro

>> No.18642603


Holy fuck. Stop it.

;___; and here I am with only 0.08 millibitcoin. I don't think I would be alive if I had lost 10 btc.

>> No.18642625
File: 22 KB, 300x300, patrick bateman squint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the whole point of an electrum wallet that you have the 12 word seed that can regenerate the wallet even if everything is lost? Aren't you supposed to copy that shit down and store it in your safe or another secure place like you'd do with your birth certificate, car title, house deed, etc?

>> No.18642680

I bought a shit ton of BTC when it was very cheap and used it as a stash of money to buy weed with online before it became legal. I never, ever dreamed it would get as big as it did and only had a single notepad file on my hard drive.
I'm talking $1 BTC

>> No.18642758

I have a similar story. started mining this shit in 09 then decided it was stupid and turned it off. got rid of that machine years ago. was bitter about btc and ignored every ath for years...then 2017 slapped me in the fucking face. $20k btc?!?!!

>> No.18642783

>I don't think I would be alive if I had lost 10 btc.
Not even if you had 30 BTC still?

>> No.18642827

>or another secure place like you'd do with your birth certificate, car title, house deed, etc?
Mate my birth certificate is in my drawer next to my lube and shit.

>> No.18642838


>> No.18642844

Well you clearly didn't deserve to be rich. When I was buying Bitcoin in 2012 at $12 a pop, I knew it was going to be worth hundreds of thousands if it simply competed with gold.

It will however go much higher than $333,333 in the next decade.

>> No.18642919

I keep all my data on my hard drives. I keep all my documents in locked storage place.

>> No.18642940


why? Are you just being a schizo for lulz?

>> No.18642972

Well, that is exactly 1/3rd of a million dollars: approximately what Bitcoin's value is if it had the same market cap as gold is, divided by 21,000,000

>> No.18643628

is btc suppose to be the same value as gold?

>> No.18644508

wealth beyond measure, outlander