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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.18631380 [DELETED] 

All homosexuals are pedophiles.

>> No.18631383

dumb ratsu forgot the s

>> No.18631395

who else is ready for black thursday

>> No.18631399

My thanks to my massive idiocy. I apologize.
somehow typing S didn't work

>> No.18631401



>> No.18631412


>> No.18631416
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>> No.18631427

Don't think so


>> No.18631429


>> No.18631431

Thoughts? Good last time to enter tomorrow or already too late? Especially DKL, volume is a bit low but it looks ready to pump to the moon.

>> No.18631435

Oh yea.... It didn't go well this time around.

My bad.
Gonna go just stand in the corner or something.

>> No.18631439

>tfw went all in on the BA dip today

Yeah, I think I'm going to make it.

>> No.18631443

No, it's dead.

>> No.18631447

It can't recover. Are people really this stupid?

>> No.18631457
File: 33 KB, 400x400, warwick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

>> No.18631465
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>> No.18631470
File: 413 KB, 593x715, 1569307074325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of these threads
I remember when /smg/ was the shining jewel of /biz/
now the pajeets are laughing at us because we can't even do the needful

>> No.18631471
File: 287 KB, 1536x1392, F9813E14-8B90-4BAD-9F5C-177A393FE62F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everybody bought their SPY calls and their leveraged ETF longs today since the higher low means the rally is still bullish. See you all at the top

>> No.18631474


>> No.18631477
File: 7 KB, 296x42, Screenshot from 2020-04-22 21-22-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobos got too cocky

>> No.18631484

All in on DB you will be rich in 5 years guaranteed.

>> No.18631486

Go look at the archives newfag, I'm not typing it out again

>> No.18631491

Protip: The market ain't going down "where it's supposed to" because literally nobody wants that but finicial analysts and bears so they can "win". The real world pulled the covers off the bear party and you missed the big bear dip. It's a crabs world now and you bears are dead. You can't predict shit. But lemme guess "monday/Friday's gonna be BLOOD RED!!!"? You'll say that every week. You're exposed and out of your element. Get the peepee off your jammies and clean up.

>> No.18631504

We can start shilling more penny stocks if that'll make you feel better.

>> No.18631506


>> No.18631507

This is exactly how I imagine all Bobo frens look after the justing of the last 11 years

>> No.18631517
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>> No.18631518
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>> No.18631519

WM up 20% after market


>> No.18631528
File: 126 KB, 600x600, 972232E2272447A3AB4888C60103F6A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good price for MRO?

>> No.18631535
File: 319 KB, 850x1204, 55DC9297-C374-4AE6-804D-D65D1A4198A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo quiero la leche.

You can’t read karmic signatures for shit.

>> No.18631567

I feel like my karma must be all fucked up
I've had multiple troubling dreams and physical maladies this week
not good

blessed boomercore cuomo

>> No.18631586

Is it a good idea to buy uso puts with a r/s happening soon?

>> No.18631593

I want to strangle myself but the premiums are too high.

>> No.18631599
File: 190 KB, 1854x1074, Annotation 2020-04-22 182945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do algos follow fettuccine lines like pottery?

>> No.18631600

I would like to touch that cow.

It's not a matter of want, anon, but a matter of necessity. The future that we're rapidly heading towards is not what you think it is, and the path to get there has put us in a place Japan has previously been. Sometimes, a fire is inevitable. The deadwood has to be cleared so that new growth can happen.

>> No.18631602

So let me get this straight. I buy stocks, if they go down in value it doesn't fucking matter, I just wait and wait and wait and when they turn back around I sell them for a profit?

>> No.18631608

No your options get fucked

just fucking avoid it, you need an actual futures trading account to make money on USO

>> No.18631609
File: 307 KB, 1365x2048, 1571357706573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about the real inflation crisis: Campbell's soup prices in Canada.

Jesus fuck I can't believe they'd send out as much soup as you'd buy with a year of wages.

Makes me want to take the flat of soup over to Warwick Davis's house and make a peace offering. I'd apologize for saying I want to kick him. As we crack open the luxurious and not at all fermented cat piss soup and quaff it like a couple of cold ones, we'd both get very relaxed. I would continue to apologize despite his insistence that all was forgiven.

Eventually, drunk on the heady brew of Campbell's, I would say I could prove that kicking him would've been futile. I'd tee up the remaining 30 cans as a demonstration, pointing out they weigh as much as him, then punt the ever loving dog rape out of the flat.

Warwick would run in circles shrieking as cans rained down, trying desperately to dodge them, like Gimli dodging boulders on the mountain pass landslide in lord of the rings. Sadly his stumpy legs can't outpace gravity and his swollen head is caught in the chunky rain, dented by a can as big as itself.

Being worried about crushing the little guy in my massive bear paws, I'd get his house cat to delicately carry him inside by the scruff of his neck. Gingerly setting him down on a pillow, I'd tend to his wounds with a salve made from strained soup and pearl onions to prevent infection. After splinting his broken arm with a bit of undercooked celery, I'd grind down the sharp edges on the can and fashion him a new house with bits of toothpick furniture. Then I'd throw it in the trash compactor; fuck that cunt and Campbell's too.

>> No.18631630

Yeah that's how it works, as long as the business is going to exist long enough and increase in price enough for you to make money.

>> No.18631635
File: 231 KB, 1100x1530, 494C74F5-9F0B-4058-B48D-74A94E953B54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaand now I know which faggot to filter.

Been some brainlets quintposting lately, throws into question who’s legit and who’s cancerous...

>> No.18631639

Holding fngu after making 45% on tqqq

>> No.18631640

God, he's such an insufferable wop faggot.

>> No.18631644

Cool. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't full retard and missing something before going in. Cheers anon.

>> No.18631650

fake and gay letter

>> No.18631657

It will financially ruin me today if it doesn't go 4% down

>> No.18631658

USO is at an all time low btw

>> No.18631674



>> No.18631677

oh no no no...

>> No.18631678

Also depends whether your investing long or short term. Remember if it goes down doesnt always mean it will go back up and you wont take a loss, you have to look into why it went down etc

>> No.18631681
File: 282 KB, 500x400, 1587398691115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its low, so its a good deal
Is anyone going to tell him?

>> No.18631683
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>> No.18631691

How do I buy Alberta oil sands?

>> No.18631694

But who made the (market) makers?

>> No.18631696

Just get calls on USO, retard.

>> No.18631707
File: 119 KB, 578x584, 1556051312535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the endless brrr and (usually) end of day power hour, does anyone honestly believe tomorrow will be anything but green?

>> No.18631714

probably some based italians that love pasta

>> No.18631717

What goes down must come up

>> No.18631718
File: 1.19 MB, 850x1192, 7AC7A8AE-BBCF-4632-A946-05AE96399550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He ain’t even wrong though.

Apply to amazon fulfillment centers, McDonald’s and Wendy’s, restaurants that are open for pickup, wherever people get groceries besides those stupid fuckkng bodegas, pizza shops, couriers, etc.

If you’re actually in such need for cash that you’re okay with spiking deaths again before an appropriate delay, then these places are looking for people.

>> No.18631722

Yeah, nah, been reading into that and doesn't seem like the best idea. It's tempting of course, but I might sit and watch on that one.

>> No.18631724

can you fucking asians just crash the fucking market? I'm trying to make some money over here and everybody knows the numbers coming out of your countries are full of shit.

>> No.18631732
File: 86 KB, 656x597, 1432108265833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese shadman

>> No.18631733

I think you mean puts

>> No.18631742

Thursdays are ALWAYS green because that's when all the horrible economic news comes out.

>> No.18631751
File: 106 KB, 601x601, 1511602088172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up to $138k, $25k richer than yesterday
>most of it was in brent oil short, +228%, a bit in spy short
>don't close positions, think that it can't move too much and i'm ok with +200% if it doesn't keep going down
>go away for 40 minutes
>come back to $115k
>brent oil mooned like a fucking retard out of nowhere, turning that +228% into +5%
lesson learned i think

>> No.18631771

Bro just get a job as a technician running the corona virus tests. we need more people processing the tests if we're ever going to get to 100,000,000 tests per day 10 billion tests per week.

>> No.18631772
File: 67 KB, 912x642, IMG_20200422_184025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ japan......

>> No.18631773

And that's for never making a sequel to Willow!

>> No.18631777
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, Mama Mia!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pasta lovers
pic related

Makes sense.

>> No.18631787

>B-but I thought everything was fine in Asia!!! They don't have Drumpf to mess it up! Somehow this is orange mans fault!

>> No.18631789

Robinhood reports directly to irs? Or are my gains only taxable once i withdrawl them from robinhood into my bank acct?

>> No.18631791

>last update, 4/30/2020
so that's how they get all the good video games, its time travel

>> No.18631800

You make a lot more on benefits than actually working essential jobs (which, by the way, have no guaranteed hours and are not garnished). Only NON-essential jobs make more, thus this is nonsense.

>> No.18631809
File: 184 KB, 586x768, 1574252609857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek it's true. Millions more unemployed = green day. Government can only process about 6 million a week so it's probably many more.

>> No.18631810

BVLL FVCKING SVRGE! Yeah, we're back, Bobos. Eat shit. Bvllchads ALWAYS WIN in the end. Stvpid. Fvcking. Bears.

Bvll! Bvll! Bvll!

>> No.18631822

$4 or less

>> No.18631828

yes, once you've sold and realized a gain, the irs will know, shitcoin tourist

>> No.18631831


do you realize a gain when you sold stock or when you move already realized gains into another account?

>> No.18631835
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 1558265692991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love pasta~

>> No.18631839

lol that's kinda based

>> No.18631843

They were paying pretty good hazard pay for that, and there’s plenty of people, some of them who sperg out IN THESE THREADS about how they’re not concerned because they’re young. Let that faggot always talking about burning off the dead trees in the forest go get himself the glass lung for good pay.

Just stay in pol dobber, if you’re not going to talk about stocks and only post polshit and furryshit.

>> No.18631846

Nothing personal.

Futes B. Drippin

>> No.18631851

people are making more on unemployment than their actual job though. Unless you make more than 54k

>> No.18631859


Evens: bad earnings, another 6 million unemployed, indices rise 3%
Odds: good earnings, another 1 million unemployed, indices fall 3%
Dubs: unremarkable earnings, 3 million unemployed, indices rise and then fall 3%
Trips: Iran launches missile strike at SA, another 12 million unemployed, Nikkei and ASX moon for some reason

>> No.18631871

What is wrong with you, my friend!?

>> No.18631885
File: 1.95 MB, 300x169, awwww-yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18631888

Please take my trips from >>18631777.

I see. The Secret Society BLANKET has extended its influence even further. Good. Good.

>> No.18631893


>> No.18631894


>> No.18631895
File: 5 KB, 278x244, triple doge coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow neat

>> No.18631898
File: 194 KB, 750x541, 1534517629154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thursday is always green so I'll take that first choice and look forward to the 1984 style compilations.
>half of America dead or unemployed.
>best day for the stock market ever.

>> No.18631899

oh fuck!

>> No.18631901
File: 1.74 MB, 420x329, feels-crush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18631912


>> No.18631920

hahaha you still lose....

>> No.18631929
File: 777 KB, 852x1185, 1586188156795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but the economic data is bad


>> No.18631935

anyone else loading up on snap premarket tomorrow

>> No.18631940

Based. Just remember to sell if we start trending back down

>> No.18631972

Wew lad

>> No.18631976

The eyes are the funny part

>> No.18631989
File: 55 KB, 614x586, 1585429425863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18631995 [DELETED] 

Haha imagine if 999 get

>> No.18631997
File: 80 KB, 400x618, dunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody make a meme of Bobo dunking on Mumu like pic related?

>> No.18631999


>> No.18632007
File: 69 KB, 579x818, D9CDC88B-7520-4D0A-8C0D-B296339279F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Canadakun, is it time for me to back up the truck and stock up on more Barrick gold? What’s the word on the tundra?

if you’re laid off from the shutdown, I guess so.

He is? I would’ve thought that was spacejin maybe. It’s just the first smug thicc thighs I could find.

>> No.18632008

Just work your government approved job, comrade

>> No.18632015
File: 779 KB, 4042x2694, rtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much is too much on RTX?

>> No.18632016
File: 8 KB, 218x250, 1587059328520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha whitey weak

>> No.18632018

That feel when jumping rope 4 tvix

>> No.18632037

I can’t wait to see the new PATRIOT act that comes out of this. Rectal swabs at the airport before we fly, and post office before we ship anything interstate?

>> No.18632064
File: 82 KB, 960x640, 1547489506357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I'm trying to buy something that is on it's way up am I likely to succeed in a limit order set slightly above its close price even if it's below the after-market hour price? on open things usually drop closer to their close price right? they don't jump off from where the after-market price is

>> No.18632066

If you were snorting SPY after yesterday the money wasn't really yours anyway since you had just gotten lucky. The play was to wait for the resumption of the rally (which it did resume today) and go long. Had you done that you'd be much happier and you'd have been rewarded for trading correctly thus reinforcing the right behavior.

>> No.18632113

I wouldn't be so bold.

See, the problem here is that a lot of the indicators we've used in the past are now going to be forward-looking, like unemployment, and they are, for a time, going to tell of us of even worse to come. The other problem with this logic is that if it were true, then how do account for the times when negative economic data DOES influence the share price, be it after earnings or in the broader economy at large? Share pricing is ideally looked at from a FA standpoint, so if there are reasons to believe the price will decline from examine the fundamentals of a business, and those reasons could extend for an unknown period of time into the future, why wouldn't they?

>> No.18632118

it can gap up past your limit. if you really want it just buy at market price

>> No.18632142

>too much
U wot m8

>> No.18632149
File: 221 KB, 625x347, 23423451423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking anyone is going to listen to this mutt virgin
you had your chance to sell today. no mercy.

>> No.18632158
File: 148 KB, 894x1024, 1587585046906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really is.
t. manlet wop

>> No.18632159
File: 49 KB, 550x413, u-g-PH72TW0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh forward looking
>muh priced in
>but also the market can move from economic news
Yes, we've already looked forward, and priced in 30 million unemployed for a year. Hundreds of bankruptcies. Thousands of home foreclosures.

>> No.18632173
File: 2.76 MB, 3200x1400, 1555336726893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the government is spending all the missile budget money on gibs right now

>snorting SPY
that's my main investment strategy

>> No.18632182

That's a fat cooterbug

>> No.18632187

i dont like this flat line
should i sell bros

>> No.18632188

no you don't get it he posted a soijack meme, it means he's cool and you're wrong

>> No.18632214


>> No.18632223

>not getting trips every time you post

>> No.18632224
File: 63 KB, 500x511, 1587228511886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow night, I will have my rent money together, thus giving me almost 10 days to work with before I have to pay my Jew landlord. What are some big plays I can make to profit most from? I'm already all in on BA and RTX.

>> No.18632227

One fucking job

>> No.18632239

how much lower do you filthy bears genuinely believe we're gonna fall?

>> No.18632244

The video explains it. Stocks go down if the economic data is worse than expected. Stocks go up if the economic data is better than expected.

>> No.18632251

Much lower but not until autumn

>> No.18632255

you're trying to gamble your rent money?

better luck next time :p

>> No.18632256


this was timed as well as your stock buys

>> No.18632257

the jobless reports were worse than all projections, and the stocks didn't go down, what is your point

>> No.18632260

>spiking deaths
muh two more weeks
Are you one of those pussies claiming to be a man while wearing a mask in public like some kind of chink faggot?

>> No.18632264

Hmm, 3,600 on MRO a good idea? I don't care if it even hits 18 a share again, long as it hits at least 10 I'd be happy with the outcome.

>> No.18632272
File: 412 KB, 470x470, 3c053ee7-7eff-4a91-b40f-132a464e0b70..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's got to go up

>> No.18632293

it's a great idea, one of the best ever

>> No.18632298
File: 129 KB, 1735x984, StocksOnlyGoUp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18632301

>you're trying to gamble your rent money?


>> No.18632316

Nah... trans people are

>> No.18632317
File: 156 KB, 800x1200, 1B33F855-A15D-4A77-A5E3-AA95165B1F99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were paying pretty good hazard pay for that, and there’s plenty of people, some of them who sperg out IN THESE THREADS about how they’re not concerned because they’re young. Let that faggot always talking about burning off the dead trees in the forest go get himself the glass lung for good pay.

Found him!!>>18632293

Go back

>> No.18632325
File: 52 KB, 1024x591, 1586637298285m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gain is realized when you sell the stock. If you're going to play around on RH then you need to make a spreadsheet to keep track of what you actually have in gains and tax obligation. You'll have to figure out what your short and long-term capital gains rates are so you don't dig yourself a big tax hole pretending you're a day trader.

>> No.18632350

RTX is 1/4 of my portfolio and I'm starting to feel like a little bitch, thinking of diversifying.

>> No.18632352

[citation needed]

>> No.18632355

robinhood gives you a 1099, isn't that enough?

>> No.18632357
File: 139 KB, 1242x957, 1586538999546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also said that economic data shouldn't affect your investment strategy. If anything, the stock market lags behind economic data. The 2008 crisis started in 2007. Every single road sign said "shits fucked yo" but nobody did anything until the last second and turns out, shit as really fucked. Priced in an forward looking are OBVIOUSLY wrong because then the "market" would "look forward" and "price in" these huge negative factors and not just collapse. The market is more like a game of chicken. Who buys first? Bull run! Who sells first? Crash it!

>> No.18632366

>. If anything, the stock market lags behind economic data.
It's the exact opposite of what the video said.

>> No.18632374

The best compliment I can give is I just read every word of that shit

>> No.18632383

Yes.... thats what I'm saying. The video is wrong. And I explained why.

>> No.18632386

Eat shit, nigger.

>> No.18632398

The one advantage of making shit is the amount of wiggle room you have before your pushed into a higher tax bracket. So you can make a pretty nice profit and the tax bite won't be as bad. Or you know uh the old "cash under the table" thing that only the spy cameras know a thing about.

>> No.18632401

why did u link my post...

>> No.18632418

If somebody's constantly selling and taking gains to something else over and over again they could find themselves looking at a pretty big tax bill. It happens.

>> No.18632424
File: 197 KB, 774x850, 1583645085830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not diversifying ready
Lul what is with biz and it's all in autism mindset. Daily reminder that the long-term value investor Chad defeats the short-term all in speculator virgin.

>> No.18632439
File: 153 KB, 1667x1250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

March 28th numbers was 6.8 mil actual

>> No.18632448

you only find out at the end of the year
I absolutely wrecked myself with the wash sale rule on my RH in 2019
learned a valuable lesson

>> No.18632453

The market started to decline before the beginning of the recession.


>> No.18632456

Well most of the rest of my portfolio is long term shares. And RTX is a long time stock, I just have too much of it.

>> No.18632475

Really heavy on tankers and even started loading up on margin today. NAT is going to lead the way tomorrow. Let's just hope that as daily storage rentals approach $1 million per ship they don't just get told to fuck off and keep the oil lmao.

>> No.18632501

Futures niggers having a stroke as usual.

>> No.18632511


>> No.18632513

anyone else see that enormous sell volume on spy futures? what does it mean?

>> No.18632515
File: 100 KB, 1050x591, 1489720882291-therewillbeblood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even started loading up on margin today.
Good luck.

>> No.18632527
File: 3.62 MB, 640x360, mistmov.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what I said....
I literally said
>The 2008 crisis started in 2007
And all the economic data said it was going to happen. But then nobody did anything until it was too late. The market is driven by greedy. The "dip" we saw a month ago was the "China Panic." China had ALREADY been shut down for MONTHS. We have not "priced in" 30 million unemployed, a debt crisis, and and oil crisis. Nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen, but shit is fucked with a neon sign the size of the moon. Anyone who says "priced in" and "forward looking" and "back to normal" are LYING TO YOUR FACE!

>> No.18632534


>> No.18632545

Buy BAM if you want diversification. Some tech and some oil as well.

>> No.18632546


>> No.18632548

He's fucking retarded. Probably has kenyans doing his taxes

>> No.18632549


>> No.18632555
File: 44 KB, 819x608, chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a life of petty crime it is

>> No.18632560

You can't claim losses if you sell a stock at a loss, then buy it back within 30 days.

>> No.18632561

I'm gonna have to call the based department for this one

>> No.18632567

>And all the economic data said it was going to happen.
Calling something a recession is done in hindsight. The stock market started to decline before the recession and much earlier than when recession was declared (in hindsight) and started to recover before the economy recovered.

>> No.18632571

I'm with you, been continuously adding tankers for a month. Way OTM calls ftw

>> No.18632574
File: 748 KB, 2892x4096, ESsCtJBXQAIouBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're the dead tree faggot, and I bet you were a just a flu faggot long after the data made it clear you were wrong. Were you also the "just turn on your home heaters and it'll be fine!" faggot?
What's your favorite stock?

Go back
you've never been funny

>> No.18632577

Doesn't matter if it doesn't make a new low in the next 2 hours it will enter a wedge down that will break up in the morning.

>> No.18632578

Ok so my gains are taxed individually but my losses will offset them so in the end i should get taxed on my total net gain right?

>> No.18632580

... why aren’t essential workers dying en masse?

>> No.18632591


spy 180 september

>> No.18632597
File: 37 KB, 677x143, Screenshot from 2020-04-22 22-33-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people dying en masse are nursing home residents.

>> No.18632598

As pointed out in the video, the beginning of the recession is decided a year after the fact in a fairly academic manner. That holds true for the end. What is clearly different this time around is that we can precisely pinpoint the start of this recession because it was government-induced. That also means it has the possibility of being shorter, but that's neither here nor there, and will depend largely on how well our economy can adapt to the changes we'll see over the coming months. Hence why I stated before that previous economic indicators that were once lagging will now be somewhat leading and indicative of worse performance to come. We can somewhat project unemployment numbers and GDP loss, but it will likely be very rough compared to the actual numbers in the end. This should be interpreted as a tremendous amount of uncertainty for corporations going forward that by nature cannot be priced in.

>> No.18632601
File: 185 KB, 773x823, bobo-dabbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm mysteriously >>18632439 has nothing to say to this.

>> No.18632602

hey you take that back, I have a nice jewish lady that does my taxes
she is very serious and I always feel like she judges my bad trades when she looks over my brokerage statements :\

>> No.18632614

yeah, as we've known for months old retired people and welfare fatasses are most at risk of dying of it, but I'm sure you can find plenty of nurses who have gotten it and recovered

>> No.18632616

There's actually no reason for the market to be up right now. This is totally illogical, which is entirely fine.

There's a lot of unpredictable forces at play. Return to normal isn't going to be a snap and a shuck away. Unemployment will hopefully taper down "rapidly," but any savvy business is going to ramp back into business, they're not just going to WoT. Some of these businesses will self-initiate bankruptcy, some of their employees will follow.

There are wide ranging industry impacts that are wholly unpredictable, maybe D. Pump buys out oil and nationalizes it, or maybe 2/3's fall to the abyss. Maybe US oil is never allowed to recover as joint pressure from the Sauds and the Russians pressure us out. While oil falls into decline a lot of jobs are going to get cut, support industries from minor and major contractors and businesses, hotels, real estate etc... Most riggers are debt broke idiots that were handed enormous money out of high school.

Peabody is laying staff off, they're one of the largest thermo coal producers in the US, being out-competed by NG. That means BNSF Orin line traffic is going to shit, which is BNSF's premiere lines. Meanwhile UP on the same side is getting shit to pieces because crude and frac sand are going to zero. Last I heard intermodal still wasn't back on line, meaning imports and consumer goods have been static for some time. This at a time when RRs are proposing 1 man crews, which would cut their employee base in half.

And who the fuck knows how many defaults, suicides, murders are going to occur in the near future? What kind of results this reckless resurrection of companies will precipitate.

There's at least one TA proposing most all this rally action is computerized, slow and steady short covering. He thinks May.

>> No.18632617

Why are they not even getting sick? Every time I go to Walmart it’s the same people and they weren’t wearing masks until this week.

>> No.18632642
File: 74 KB, 741x902, euro_momo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's just a cold bro.

>> No.18632645
File: 114 KB, 1366x837, ixuii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw blamed

>> No.18632647

they are all going to have to sell there houses if you guys are looking at real estate

>> No.18632650

the tin roof technology of the Walmart Supercenters protect the workers from the 5G waves that cause the virus to spread

>> No.18632656
File: 123 KB, 1789x852, D800FF95-C3BD-49E5-8E98-C4AB3263E96F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew I shouldn’t have learned options trading. I have a big dick, high levels of testosterone and impulsiveness plus gambling addiction runs in the family. Fucking disastrous, i cant help myself. Tell me niggers, am i going to lose my money or not?

>> No.18632658

>dead people in nursing homes
>sell their houses
Their children will inherit them if they have any.

>> No.18632663

I think that headline should read only half of their deaths are fucking old. Means half the victims aren't fucking old

>> No.18632671

22 million claims since the start of this, another 3-4 million coming tomorrow. Easily 35+ million unemployed (at least temporarily) in just this year alone. Probably more with all the long term credit issues.

For context, size of the US labor force: 164.6 million persons. 15% of the country unemployed in a matter of weeks.


>> No.18632673
File: 583 KB, 500x375, 3F2AC9BA-88C7-44D7-8058-414341683286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling for a loss ever

>> No.18632680

>all old people live in nursing homes

>> No.18632684
File: 50 KB, 512x412, frog_meme_writing_on_paper_with_glasses_blue_shirt_tags_smart_business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video guy picks some boomer council to determine when arbitrary events start and end which just happens to support his preconceived notions, therefore his thesis is correct.
Everyone could see it was going down, nobody knew it would crash. Thats the whole fucking point. Thats why "priced in" and "forward looking" are dumb memes. Nothing is priced in, nothing is forward looking. Individual investors ATTEMPT to do these things and they are WRONG OFTEN!


>ramp back into business
Thats not how business works. If people don't have jobs, they don't have money. If people don't have money they can't buy stuff. If people don't buy stuff business don't have money. If businesses don't have money, then they can't hire people. The idea of stimulus and loans is to try and give businesses enough money to "go back to normal" but it will never work (and has never worked) because they money doesn't go to long term investment, it goes into the pockets of the greedy. Why spend this free money on a business that might fail or even cost more over the next 5 years when I can just pocket it now?

>> No.18632686

I feel you anon learn to meditate or go to a ga meeting

>> No.18632693
File: 38 KB, 675x148, Screenshot from 2020-04-22 22-41-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to speculate what is going to happen next. You can observe Germany.
People in nursing homes are 80+ years old and with Alzheimers.

>> No.18632705

>higher low
relative to what?

>> No.18632713
File: 61 KB, 652x312, Screenshot from 2020-04-22 22-42-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18632720

So 99% of Yahoo Finance articles are aggregator algo bots. Curious if someone could manipulate this like they did with Google back in the day.

>> No.18632722
File: 72 KB, 1241x1209, Screenshot (1033).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending on when you bought it looks like IV crush

>> No.18632730

I have faith in that SPY call. The uptrend is still intact

>> No.18632732

testosterone is such a dual-edged sword
high test without monk-mode levels of self control can be a killer

>> No.18632735

is that think or swim?

>> No.18632744

How do I filter anime posters
And where is the coffee poster ??????????

>> No.18632748


>> No.18632759
File: 979 KB, 1920x1080, 1556172708143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real coffee poster usually posts in 2-4 hours from now, depending
you're way too early to catch him

>> No.18632760

>If people don't have jobs, they don't have money.
This is factually incorrect.

>> No.18632771

Already got have some BAM shares and will likely buy more. What's a good tech company that isn't Apple or AMD?

>> No.18632784

Thanks fren.
Nice man, you must be up pretty damn nice by now, I'm in several but still have to add some, particularly EURN.

>> No.18632785

>What's a good tech company that isn't Apple or AMD?


>> No.18632787
File: 919 KB, 2048x1536, 5A0A4F3B-5D3B-4E14-BEF0-AE668988C512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circled is the most relevant recent pullback. The pullback yesterday didn't breach it and we are back on the way up as of now. Now yesterday's pullback is the most relevant and until it is breached we are still bullish

>> No.18632791
File: 341 KB, 1079x605, Cramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cramer thinks you guys are doing a good job!

>> No.18632792

Someone with a job gave money to people without a job. So yes. Thats literally the point of labor and money. Government stealing or making up money isn't real. Labor is what gives money its value.

>> No.18632798

SPY to 300???


>> No.18632814

And people outside of nursing homes are young and healthy

>> No.18632826

You don’t live in the US, do you?

>> No.18632833

Ah fuck it, I'll leave that 3600 parked in DIS. I don't need the profit earned for 2.6 years anyway. Long as those 36 shares are worth 5,400 (or more) at the end of it that's all I care about. Even after I sell those, I'll still have a smaller core number of shares I plan to hang on to till I'm dead.

>> No.18632839
File: 1.26 MB, 1146x1495, 1587389972540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. as much as i love the cows in this thread, i'm still seeing the resumption of a decline. I'll consider bull around 285 if it goes up and flip around if we breach 295 and VIX drops off.

>> No.18632840

>And people outside of nursing homes are young and healthy
I don't understand where you're going with this. The vast majority of the dead are 60+ years old. Approximately 0% of the dead are children or teenagers. I have euro momo data to show the latter:

>> No.18632841

Restaurants aren't going to rehire their staff full time, and they're not going to rehire their staff immediately. I know this as I've seen these things occur repeatedly because I grew up in a boom town. The SBA loans are broken, by the way, you might want to get informed before you speculate on their performance.

If you go back in to full performance mode, and expect RTN immediately, but those expectations fail, you're back x%. More importantly you're now legally committed to the employment of an individual. You're like 12 so you've never seen terminations, let alone enacted one, but you've got to tiptoe around a lot of eggshells even in a right-to-work state to ensure the employee can't come back at you with a wrongful termination suit.

Considering the scenario we're in immediately, I suspect that people will be reluctant to be dining out, and because of the massive loss of jobs and the typical American bankroll I imagine recreational pursuits like DnB and the local steakhouse are going to be pretty low on the priorities list.

>> No.18632853

>not even gambling life savings
Yeah, no.

>> No.18632857
File: 298 KB, 1404x1024, 1587573657282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Labor is what gives money its value.
Am I being lectured by a communist?

>> No.18632863

Google is gonna take a hit on earnings because of ads, could be nice under 1k especially, FB is goodish. NET is ok but I have seen worries about its moat but it’s margins and profits are great, they’re pursuing aggressive growth but they are barely even at a discount. Also google has a 10% stake in spaceX so that’s cool. I need to read more into google. AMZN is at ATHs so no. TSLA is great under 400 or even 500 if you don’t wanna wait. The hype won’t go away and they don’t have trouble raising money. So Google and TSLA looking interesting for me.

>> No.18632865
File: 480 KB, 1021x1435, IMG_20200422_225326_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man totally

>> No.18632868

spend $20 for the penny options 4/24 @ 300

>> No.18632873

>filter anime posters
Wasted dubs, but give coffee poster some time. Maybe they're out getting some beans.

Use archive. http://archive.is/rafOM

The problem is not that they might not have money now, it's that they might not enough money going into the future to pay off their debt obligations. And survey after survey for years have shown that Americans are exceptional at getting into debt and getting stuck into living paycheck by paycheck. Go to some of the survey links found in this MarketWatch article http://archive.is/joEoQ.. There are a lot of underlying economic reasons to this, like wage growth stagnation and cost of living increases, but it remains a burden that many Americans share. Loss of income will have the potential to have huge ripple effects.

>> No.18632875
File: 2.88 MB, 1512x2150, CreamForCoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee Time!
hurry up miss

Oh good, someone else watched!
I like how disgusted he was with everything except Disney, Tesla, Microsoft, and GE (as a spec)

Interesting... I had a strong temptation to sell my TWM for a small loss and FOMO into TQQQ today. I like that it closed over the 200-day SMA.

>> No.18632883

You know, you're kinda right now that I take a closer look. Right now might be a good time to be flat and see which way it goes. That chart could easily go either way

>> No.18632885

All I'm seeing is that any negative tomorrow draws a head and shoulders on the daily which can't be good for the bulls.

>> No.18632890
File: 36 KB, 397x384, 1$ chad apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18632898

Found the queer. All in on tombstone stocks for GRIDS-ridden faggots.
SNAP up to $21 by lunch with a dump at 1pm.

>> No.18632918

That one week when Cuomo decided to suddenly count thousands of deaths that were never diagnosed with corona and had died over the course of the previous several weeks but displayed them as having happened in one day?

Is... is THAT what you’re referring to?

>> No.18632920
File: 1.32 MB, 2048x2048, HowILikeMyCoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about it, life can't be just dabbing on bears and enjoying coffee, right??

Speaking of which, where do see SJM dropping to in the near future. I'm waiting for a nice dippy in SJM or CPB, or possibly a fast foodie. Green Bean also on the watch list.

>> No.18632926
File: 114 KB, 500x478, its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm exaggerating. Yes, it's not just a cold, but it's not killing young people, in fact death rate for children and teenagers is lower during this pandemic according to my euro momo chart. And it's not killing younger essential workers. It's killing 80+ year old alzhemir's patients. See

>> No.18632931

I retract some of my earlier bullishness. I wasn't paying close enough attention I've been so busy with other stuff the last couple of days. In truth, that chart screams caution. It could go either way

>> No.18632932

Are we red tomorrow bros

>> No.18632939

That was the next week

>> No.18632942

He likes Boeing too

>> No.18632947

4-6 more million unemployed, +4%

>> No.18632949
File: 321 KB, 1125x2436, DB172DBD-151D-4747-B32E-E7A581C3CD20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my options

>> No.18632950

>lock everyone in house
>all cause mortality goes down in people who normally die of things like car crashes
between this and your inability to respond to my previous btfoing of your gay narrative, its clear you just have some meme graphs saved

>> No.18632953

What time are those figures released tomorrow?

>> No.18632960

I'm in the show-me-all-the-bodies-camp, you goddamned queer. I'd love to see some consistent collection and utilization of data from the gubmint as well.
My favorite stock is the one that costs you money. Be a man, not a little bitch.
>I'm scared to go outside so everyone else should be, too. Wear a mask!
Eat shit, faggot.

>> No.18632962
File: 916 KB, 2086x2947, yande.re 513919 atelier_tiv qurare__magic_library see_through tiv umbrella wet wet_clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect your willingness to reconsider your position.

He said it's going to go much higher if the FAA signs off on it, and you gotta hope it does. He's no longer so sure about it.

>> No.18632963

There's indications of remarkable effects confounding recovery in even the young populations effected, primarily persistent shortness of breath. Loss of smell and taste. Then there's "Covid toes" which presents in children. There's a possibility of neurological interactions thanks to ACE2 initiated ingress.

>> No.18632965

Come back in about ten hours to find out.

Highly bullish. As long as it stays above +2% every week, we're golden.

8:30am EST, I believe.

>> No.18632967

8:30 eastern I think

>> No.18632978

lol oh ok then totally nothing odd to see here this must be super AIDS that is killing tens of thousands of young people and the media are just respectfully not reporting it so as not to cause a panic

>> No.18632996

My mother is six weeks out from when she first noticed symptoms and still can't walk more than 100 feet without stopping to take a break

>> No.18633010

Its on every channel all day
The president gives daily briefs on what happened and what is going to happen

>> No.18633020
File: 233 KB, 1910x1273, TheBasedBoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite stock is the one that costs you money. Be a man, not a little bitch.
>>I'm scared to go outside so everyone else should be, too. Wear a mask!
>Eat shit, faggot.
this might be the worst quality post I've seen this week.

Asstounding. I'm sorry your dream of the great boomer remover didn't come true and the gubbermint hurt your feefees by making you stay inside!

buy stocks, incel
MA and V are still nicely down, MA even had a very green day after being downgraded, a very bullish sign!

>> No.18633021
File: 84 KB, 718x615, 1522835985485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee Lad appears between 3am and 4am EST.

>> No.18633027

Show me one single report of one single healthy young person killed by this.

I’ll wait.

>> No.18633030
File: 234 KB, 1122x1496, 1587132181083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not play the jewish piano. You'll need to do some research. There's the wash rule and some other stuff...
I take modest gains when I can, set aside a cut for taxes, and put the rest in my mutual fund. I typically only hold bags on long-term stuff and cut my losses on meme trades, aborted moon missions, etc. This works for me, but there some people here who really know what they're doing and make good money, even the faggot I'm arguing with in this bread.
Just don't be like the others and treat this like gambling. People blow their rent, car payment, etc. It can get degenerate fast and next thing you know you have your tit in the ringer.

>> No.18633037

Guys what’s Boeing gonna do tomorrow

>> No.18633040

Five seconds on jewgle

>> No.18633050
File: 122 KB, 1667x1250, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a lit major and can't read a graph? I have no idea what the image you posted was supposed to show.

>> No.18633053
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 7x97x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if youre lucky youll see SJM at 107 one more time in your life. I highly recommend SYY

>> No.18633056

Eight more seconds

>> No.18633057

>businesses wot hire back
>they will have losses
>loans dont work
>people wont be spending money
Ok... so we are in agreement that shit is fucked???

I know it sounds silly but its in the context of fiat monetary policy. Fiat derives its value from the labor you can pay for. If nobody is working, then the value of the fiat is decreased.

>> No.18633058

>Boeing Segment Breakdown:

>Commercial Airplanes: $32 billion in FY2019 (42% of Total Revenues). This segment develops and produces commercial jet aircraft and provides fleet support services to the commercial airline industry worldwide.
>Defence Space & Security: $26 billion in FY2019 (34% of Total Revenues). This segment is engaged in the research, development, production, and modification of manned and unmanned military aircraft and weapon systems.
>Global Services: $18 billion in FY2019 (24% of Total Revenues). This segment provides services to the company’s commercial and defense customers worldwide.

Imagine not holding BA and RX and being a fear mongering wartard.

>> No.18633071

It will ruin me if it doesn't moon.

>> No.18633073

Inb4 Coronavirus gave her meningitis

You’re no better than the faggots who said the guy whose car fell on him died of this shit.

>> No.18633076

Thanks anon

>> No.18633078

That's the previous week's number (3.2 mil) which is not relevant to march 28th number, which was 6.6mil (I linked you the report) and literally off that chart higher than the predictions.
I'm not a lit major but if you were maybe you could read my post moron

>> No.18633079
File: 299 KB, 641x667, 1546341957310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>head and shoulders
This is the most routinely invoked and wrongly identified chart pattern among the anons in recent months. Not sure why. Used to be the meme pattern of choice was cup n' handle. Anyway, there is no head & shoulders in play on the S&P right now. Not even close. This chop between 270 and 280 ain't it. If price falls to 240 then tops out on rebound at 265 THAT would indeed be an H&S.

All of that dealt with, candle patterns are a garbage way to do TA anyway.

>> No.18633087

Guys I have a sore throat. Give it to me straight, how long do I have to live?

>> No.18633089

That baby suffocated from co-sleeping you insufferable faggot.

>> No.18633099

This company already has a negative profit margin before coronavirus.

>> No.18633104

Sorry I don't follow. The graph says "Initial claims and projections for week ending 3/28". It looks like the projection were higher for week ending 3/28 than the initial claims. What is the point of you posting the graph?

>> No.18633112

But it still the greatest company in the world, and Orange Man won't let it fail.

>> No.18633121

>dies in fire
>probable cause of death: complications from chink coof

>> No.18633125

SALT seems like a good buy, they run dry goods tankers which are definitely being used much in the same oil tankers are. Gonna keep an eye on them tomorrow to look for entry.

>> No.18633130
File: 112 KB, 1667x1250, this_is_what_you_wanted_to_post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the graph for you.

>> No.18633132

Lol trading view have added confirmed number of cases in eaxh countries and states as index so that you can track the rate of changes as well as look at the graph and draw on them

>> No.18633133

It says I'm making money every day but it just doesn't feel like it
I'm .1% every day
I think I'm up $15 in the last 2 weeks
Like I can't complain about that but seeing how much everyone here makes it's a little disheartening

>> No.18633137

>strep throat kills people
cmon man
>strep throat is a significant enough comorbidity to allow corona to kill five year olds
fucking lock the whole world up if having the flu and corona at the same time kills people

>> No.18633138

if futures go up, USO goes up

>> No.18633141

Yeah, >>18633030 is right, don't get cocky. Profit is profit no mater the amount. If you don't know what your doing, stay the hell away from options, people have went from having money to being ass in debt over bad options plays. Penny stocks can fuck you over to. When they fly the quick profit is yours, when they tank (and most will), the only thing you get is a nice debt hole to climb out of.

>> No.18633144

>Fear mongering wartard.

Anon's point was that the real number (6.6 million) was much worse than the estimates, yet the markets still went up. The idea was to present a countpoint to the notion that markets price in sentiment and expectations and do better/worse based on whether or not those expectations are better/worse than expected once realized.

>> No.18633147
File: 26 KB, 793x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you being obtuse or are you just retarded. Those are predictions for march 28th in that graph, here are the actual numbers (which I linked you). the graph came out BEFORE the actual numbers were reported

>> No.18633148

>co sleeping
right they just rolled over and crushed their baby and called it covid

>> No.18633153


War + retard = wartard

>> No.18633155
File: 36 KB, 671x150, Screenshot from 2020-04-22 23-17-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If nobody is working, then the value of the fiat is decreased.
I don't know about the value theory of labour but some people are working.

>> No.18633169

Fiat is based in debt. This debt is back jointly by, the primary - the US Federal Government, and secondarily, the Federal Reserve. It is not representative of labor, it's a model of debt as a means of exchange. The Federal reserve doesn't have a powerhouse of majik laborers imbuing the currency with labor, nor does the intrinsic work in the creation of the currency represent value, nor the labor exchanged. It's debt and the recognition of it being issued by its backing government.

>> No.18633180

No, no. I got that. But if you're all-in on BA and RTX, wouldn't you want to be a warmonger?

>> No.18633183

Yes. Except it wasn’t the parents who called it covid it was the hospital. The parents knew, and have publicly stated, EXACTLY how the baby died.

>> No.18633185

I need some more long positions. I bought some MSFT, AMZN, FB, WM, XOM, V, and MA at the bottom and now everything seems expensive. Any good buys still out there?

>> No.18633210


>> No.18633215

>7 employees
What the fuck, is this just one boat?

>> No.18633238

what are your shorts/ % of portfolio?

>> No.18633247

thank you sir I'll keep my eyes open for 107 and look into syy even though it did some bigtime pamp

>> No.18633248
File: 1.24 MB, 640x640, 1556852520477.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants to buy into the biggest machine derived short cover that will ever be allowed to occur again

>> No.18633268
File: 57 KB, 800x546, 1515358237536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nasdaq looks way better than S&P. The S&P's weakness in breaching that 200 Day SMA in the last hour (and then the fall under in futures).

I've been bearish since early 2018, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also figuring that those fib posters from before are going to end up being right. unless we really rocket up, we're probably going to see this price again. I agree and think we have a lot of potential downside at the moment.

>> No.18633275

are the 5 million unemployed tomorrow unironically priced in?

>> No.18633276
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, smexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that energetic sniffing chasing down the second bite

>> No.18633293
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hey smg im a literal nigger

>> No.18633299
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estimates are mid 4s, so yes, priced in and bullish. I know it's very confusing to some people in the thread but I'm not a time traveler so the blue line doesn't represent the actual numbers from tomorrow

>> No.18633300

You finally found one.
Guess we’ll have to wait a few weeks to find out what his comorbidity was.

>> No.18633305

I need RTX to hit 60 so fucking bad my chest hurts

>> No.18633309

>the graph came out BEFORE the actual numbers were reported
I see. So what happened to the stock market on the day the numbers were reported?

>> No.18633323

>he thinks RTX will go to $60 just as we're on the brink of war

Never bet against America, retardo.

>> No.18633328

You have a higher chance of dying of the corona cold.

>> No.18633329

SPY went up from 245 to 251

>> No.18633334


>> No.18633335

What's wrong with that? A short squeeze would be good for me.

>> No.18633352

>Anon's point was that the real number (6.6 million) was much worse than the estimates, yet the markets still went up.
I see now but the graph seemed to show the opposite.

>> No.18633355


>> No.18633367

I don't think so. Retail investors never price expected bad news in.

>> No.18633386
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Thoughts on only holding amazon facebook google apple tesla amazon netflix and amazon stocks? surely these will only go up to infinite

>> No.18633392

That is weird.

>> No.18633394


>> No.18633397

You're also right, thats just the problem with over simplification. Im more referring to the fact that if people do not exchange the money for goods and services, the money has little value and printing more of it doesn't fix that. That is why the current stimulus wont work. If nobody has a job and nobody is spending money, printing more free money doesn't make people work or spend money (other than essentials like food, rent, utils, medicine).

>> No.18633400

Wooden doors

>> No.18633407
File: 212 KB, 1440x1308, Screenshot_20200423-032139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether this is a dumb interpretation or not. Do recurring trends have any significance to making predictions? Is it likely that it will make the little rise and fall again, or am I a retard?

>> No.18633410

you might want to look at what happened when the projections were first released, and the scale of the situation started to be realized

>> No.18633417

That's a happy little fucker. Jealous.

I saw that too. That's what they reported in their filings, so I guess it's accurate.

Why would you do that?

I think it's just easier to call the markets irrational. They are not perfectly efficient, they don't price in information in ways that we might expect, and the fact that we're heading into a whole tanker full of uncertainty is going to be a huge headwind.

>> No.18633425

right? I'm glad bulls are making money and whatnot but its clown poomp market, not fundamentals market

>> No.18633430
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interpretations of the unemployment number are shit because half of people are still saying that it's lagging. additionally, the states can't even process all the claims in time. Almost everything is just faggy spin on the unemployment numbers, and i'm pretty sure they have almost nothing to do with the price action we're seeing.

>> No.18633444
File: 350 KB, 1062x1500, yande.re 627192 sample cameltoe garter_belt lingerie loli pantsu pointy_ears see_through stockings string_panties tamano_kedama thighhighs wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no link to previous thread
>using a tripcode in the OP
Oh good another quality poster is back

I think I better take a break from smg for a bit, things are going to get worse before they get better.

>> No.18633447

BAM NEE and TDY with maybe some RTX should fill the gaps in the otherwise based folio of yours. Asset management, utilities, industrials, defense and aerospace, but buy on the next dip.

>> No.18633450

cause fucking strep throat is so goddamned serious you fucking retard

>> No.18633468

What you have circled there is called retrace. In the current there is low demand for oil and so when the futures contracts expire we're gonna see it fall to basically 0 or - each month until the economy starts up again and even then it could be awhile for demand to recover.

>> No.18633504

thoughts on DFS?

>> No.18633513
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check'd. i felt that way 12 hours ago.

>> No.18633546


>> No.18633624
File: 1005 KB, 2480x3507, yande.re 628421 date_a_live garter_belt ginhaha naked stockings thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks my man
we should start a thread and see if it attracts less cancer on some other board maybe. Like LainChan or something.

So what are your numbers to watch? SPY bullish between 285 and 295? Some of the people I respect are still indicating bearish, and my gut is telling me to resist the fomo and hold til better prices emerge.

(And I don't want to risk too much capital until I learn some indicators, devise a system, and apply that to futures)

>> No.18633736

Based. Don't invest in my stuff though because black people are typically poor, and I don't want to invest in poor man stuff.

>> No.18633761

This rally may be the squeeze. I won't baghold any positions right now with how volatile shit is.

>> No.18633808

Sure, yeah, zero velocity until there is velocity, then we hit a hyperinflationary period hypothetically. Considering a massive portion of this is actually just spreadsheet money I imagine that's actually a fallacy so far, but if stim checks keep getting handed off to the general populace it might be an issue.

>> No.18633902
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>SPY bullish between 285 and 295
going off of >>18633268 I'm watching 280 and 295 closely. Based on that, this short term upside looks minimal to the potential downside. I think we are coming up to a potential 30-35% drop that's already started or will start in the next few days. I'll be watching for volatility indices to keep dropping and for S&P to hold 280, 295, or even 300. I don't mind missing out on 7% when I can't tell if there's a floor below us. I also don't mind gambling bear with some of my money since it looks like the odds are in the bear's favor. I'll be crawling back into positions if it drops, probably looking to enter Oil in May at the earliest, and the rest around S&P 2500 and below. I'm only disappointed that I didn't hold AMD and VZ. i didn't need to sell those.
As >>18632883 put it, we could go up or down right now. Today was super nerve wracking. I personally expect it to be like this for two more days.

>> No.18633990

58/57 Bull credit spread on INTC for earnings

>> No.18633991

It feels more like a shift in perspective for me. We went from apocalyptic levels of panic to some degree of understanding about the virus pretty quickly.

>> No.18634075

>7 employees
Looks like they own 52 ships, there must be a subcontractor that runs them

>> No.18634278

It's about the losses in revenue from a 3 week shut down. It has nothing at all to do with the virus. It hasn't for a while. It has everything to do with the signaled risk. Many corps are almost knocked out missing only three weeks of revenue. Why are treasuries getting flooded? Why is USD getting flooded? Why have we been cash strapped since October, was it? The magnitude of this drop has very very little to do with corona. Great stock picks BTW.