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File: 25 KB, 1000x543, BitcoinHEX-HEX-logo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18630944 No.18630944 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18631153

fuck off shill no one wants your erc-20 scam

>> No.18631170

Then we will become so rich we could rule all the land
Stfu retard

>> No.18631188

ok retard

>> No.18631200

> Cope intensifies

>> No.18631210

HEX is an ERC20 Ethereum contract that gives you tokens for your Ethereum. The community is paying millions of dollars in $ETH to get their $HEX.

It is marketed as a Certificate of Deposit (CD) but in most scenarios what you deposit into a CD is something with stable value so the % increase of the CD is an objective increase in value. There is no certificate of deposit—all Ethereum deposited is forever gone with no refunds and you are left with HEX to find buyers for to recoup your investment.

>> No.18631287

Lol idiot

I don't think anyone is under the impression that ETH is what you are locking in the contract. You are exchanging eth for hex,yes. That's not the same though. You lock hex and you get paid in hex.Which you always mint yourself through the smart contract. Learn how it works before parroting bullshit.

>> No.18631308
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>> No.18631350

Richard has a point though. The minute you give the HEX contract Ethereum for HEX you no longer own that money (Ethereum).

So what about free claiming HEX? Free claiming HEX is sort of like an airdrop but Richard prefers we all use his choice of specific terminology. Surely something that offers free money is not a scam right? It is Irrelevant.

>> No.18631384

I ain't clicking your link you waste of a human

>> No.18631392

The minute you get a stock you no longer have money but a stock. Calling scam on the stock market.

>> No.18631404
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>> No.18631425

Stocks and CDs are two different things.
Your very bad at arguing, Richard.

>> No.18631514

You can’t sell 3,000,000 without crashing it to 10 sats...

Literally the only exchange with volume is yobit and those buy walls are puny...

This is a pump and dump that’s going to take months.

Unfortunately this scammers gets a lot of Eth and will crash Eth when he exits and keeps this sham going.

>> No.18631543

Lol sorry to disappoint you I'm not Richard. Stock example speaks to a weird point you're trying to make that because you exchange thing A for thing B it makes it a scam. How about if you bought Bitcoin at 20K, are you starting to think it's a scam now because it went down relative to the money you purchased it for? You need clarify your definition of a scam a bit more before you go throwing it around.

>> No.18631591

You can’t dump.. on yobit from 40 sats to 10 sats its a measly 1,000,000 hex. People hold hundreds of millions in all top 1000 wallets lol

>> No.18631597

And just how did EOS or XRP or XLM get to the top 10 exactly?

>> No.18631607
File: 227 KB, 585x404, 1 IKe7xEZFe-ncyAfYX1-Llg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18631651

You’re only fooling yourself here. KYS stinky pajeet.

>> No.18631654
File: 84 KB, 463x218, 1 C-jNTpoPhMPmle4wzD7Wqg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters, usually when something is free you question its authenticity—ever heard the expression if it is too good to be true it probably is? I only bring this up to highlight that something free does not automatically make it trustworthy. It is a silly argument I have heard many times from HEX bag holders and referral-based shills.

Free claiming is essentially acquiring free HEX tokens by providing your bitcoin address. You get free HEX and Richard Heart gets useful metrics and statistics to track HEX’s overall adoption and progress. It costs Richard nothing because he will invent these new HEX coins to give you by increasing the total supply (diluting existing supply). Free HEX token rewards are dynamic meaning that on day 1 you get more HEX than if you free claimed on the last available day permitted by the contract. Your free coins get automatically locked for 1 year and cannot be emergency un-staked (a feature that allows normal stakers to un-stake by paying the Origin Address a penalty).

Sounds good so far but the real issue with free claiming HEX is that it almost seems comical to even participate. Kieran, a former developer of HEX, shined some light on the topic in Telegram.

>> No.18631670

The price at the time Kieran made that post was lower than it was at the time of this article’s writing but Kieran’s logic is still sound. Even without the gotcha in gas prices, one still has to ask themselves why anybody would want to spend time to move $10,000 in bitcoin for a free pack of bubblegum is beyond me. 1 Million dollars in bitcoin will fetch you a free $100 in HEX but you will not have the option to sell it to claim your value until a year has passed. If I had a million dollars in Bitcoin, I am not so sure I would be wasting my time with this nonsense; especially considering Richard put caps on the amount 1 address can free claim meaning I would have to manage my money and move Bitcoins around to various wallets to maximize the bonus amount (which equates to more tx/gas costs). I find the whole thing nothing more than an ingenious marketing ploy that doubles as a HEX-market sentiment tracker for Richard.

>> No.18633179

I have a feeling it will pump

>> No.18633843

you missed a 50x lol