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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 725 KB, 620x640, Dem Boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18628138 No.18628138 [Reply] [Original]

Will American society as a whole ever acknowledge how easy the boomer generation had it in terms of opportunity and purchasing power compared to how millenials and gen Z have it now? People still seem to blame millenials (and probably soon gen Z) for everything. Do we just have to wait for the boomers to actually die off?

>> No.18628159

probably when they're all dead

>> No.18628272

>Do we just have to wait for the boomers to actually die off

>> No.18628607

>how easy the boomer generation had it in terms of opportunity and purchasing power

>be in 2020
>can literally start an online import/export business in 20 minutes
>"boomers had it easy"

>> No.18628659

American society has like a year left to live so no
>yuan eviscerating the dollar
>possible 50% unemployment rate
>shale industry permakilled
>imminent housing crash
>cali, the least fucked state, already talking about secession
>US Pacific Fleet crippled
>yuge bigly famine on the horizon due to another fucked up planting season and the failing supply chain
America is fucked, exit and invest in china

>> No.18628803

Even then the obedient soiboi corporate cucks will defend them.

>> No.18629598

>Dropshippers still exist on /biz/

>> No.18630141
File: 135 KB, 1024x576, 1587182017429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18630452

The thing I hate most about the Boomer is how they really fucking believe they "pulled themselves up by their bootstraps" and didn't just have everything handed to them on a silver platter.

>> No.18630493

>>yuan eviscerating the dollar
stopped reading there

>> No.18630520


>> No.18630535

Can't really compare since when boomers were young most of this stuff hadn't been invented yet

what was a cell phone worth in '64? Trillions?
flat screen tv? video games? PC?

you guys have no clue how easy you have it

>> No.18630567

Everyone who knew about bitcoin in 2016 and before are the next generation boomers

.t 25 year old boomer

>> No.18630594

lol it's not funny when they talk about it right guise

>> No.18630603

Boomers have also barely worked. Work for them is just socializing. My dad has been home during this quarantine and he literally just watches TV and checks email occasionally.