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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.51 MB, 640x360, 2019-04-19_13-13-47_BwcDJX7Byiy_57546199_376255756308467_8379553702133891072_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18627874 No.18627874 [Reply] [Original]

Social distancing at the level required to prevent the spread of disease is unlikely to be sustainable long term.

A vaccine is looking less viable as a long term solution since those who were infected with SARS did not maintain long term immunity.

Failure to contain the disease will result in mutations and global reinfection on an annual basis.

I don't see a scenario where millions of people don't die.

What is the least economically damaging course of action?

>> No.18627901

op here posting from my phone
these are men btw
also i'm gay. not sure if that matters

>> No.18627913

Fuck off you queer pajeet

>> No.18627996

Those gays are men

>> No.18628046

Vaccine for something with other 3,000 strange with the antibodies being proven a myth?


The world is doomed, either everyone gets infected and we all die slowly OR the impact on the economy results in an underwhelming apocalypse because we'd still have laws/regulations enforced by military.

>> No.18628069

>is coffee good for you

Shame, I really wanted to talk about the topic too

>> No.18628079

As a man, how do i get my ass to look like this??

>> No.18628107

> Coffee is good for you.

Quit your bitching and answer the fucking question.

>> No.18628121

>Vaccine for something with other 3,000 strange with the antibodies being proven a myth?

Wtf does this even mean?

>> No.18628309


>> No.18628332
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>I don't see a scenario where millions of people don't die.

>> No.18628337

Imagine the smell

>> No.18628409


>> No.18628452
File: 184 KB, 1080x1349, 1587400932869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> butts pumped up with bodyfat
and you're wondering about trannies from discord. both disgusting.

>> No.18628510

Thank god I have mutant T cells that dont believe in immune privileged tissues and attack everything. Sure my body is covered in sores because of them but they beat the shit out of infections too.

>> No.18628522

I can literally see his cock bulge dude stop posting trannies.

>> No.18628806

good lord... what is his name???

>> No.18629362

show cock

>> No.18629420

social distancing is a way of keeping active cases below hospital capacity.
Given your hospitals can handle the the active cases you should maximize the rate of transmission between healthy not a risk people to accelerate heard immunity.
At the start of the year it was not evident how bad it would be, but right now it is over

>> No.18629425

Aren't you fucking juiced to the teeth on immunosuppressants though?

t. autoimmunefag

>> No.18629438
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>> No.18629624

These are black guy asses. unattractive fat gorilla asses

>> No.18629651

fucking faggot

>> No.18629747

i bet their iq combined is still double digit

>> No.18629984

right wingers/conservatives are responsible for mostly every problem humanity has had, fuck you guys, /pol/fags ruined this site as well and you are a /pol/fag. So when all these people are dying all you say is more should die because you're a disgusting normie. Go protest a hospital, it's just a hoax bro

>> No.18630161

OP is largely correct. A vaccine was going to be difficult as is. There has never been a successful vaccine in history for a corona virus. New research is showing that there are now over 30 strains of this current virus, SARS-CoV2. That may explain why it’s more fatal or contagious in certain areas. With large lockdowns in place, people are still dying, nursing home getting destroyed, and this virus is spreading far and wide. Clearly, killing the economy doesn’t work. I’ve talked shit in many threads about Sweden going for the herd immunity meme, but if you look at their numbers, it is slowly working. People still die, but their rate of infection and death is not much, of at all higher than other countries with large lockdowns in place. USA has added roughly $7 Trillion in debt, this is unsustainable. This is an insane number. This will never, ever be paid back, but that’s a conversation for a different thread. People are talking about a ‘second wave’ of covid19. There is no second wave, this thing isn’t going away. It is going to be sustained until we all have immunity or there’s a vaccine.
Try to stay healthy, tell your loved ones you love them, and everyday you get to see them, make some nice memories and take photos.

>> No.18630199

>What is the least economically damaging course of action?

Let the virus kill all the old, sick, and obese people duh. It's like a cleansing.

>> No.18630238

>What is the least economically damaging course of action?
test everyone
trace all contacts of active cases
lock those people in their houses under 14/7 guard for at least 2 weeks
feed them and stuff so they don't die
maybe pay their rent and hold their jobs for them

>> No.18630814
File: 66 KB, 882x731, 8F8C-D98U-DJ7MRJV-3IXMOAJ-2KJE9C7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone has a small pp

>> No.18631010

>It is going to be sustained until we all have immunity or there’s a vaccine.
Is it even possible to gain immunity to this? What if it does rounds every year like the flu? The flu vaccine is only 10% effective.

Vietnam is doing a similar approach to this. If someone tests positive they track down every single person they interacted with and quarantine them all.

>> No.18631087

No white man finds this shit attractive. Disgusting nigger loving whores.

>> No.18631099

Imagine getting to smell and lick those brappers.

>> No.18631104

squats and oats

>> No.18631178

whats up with the mean facial expression on sluts like these? its always the same expression similar to contempt or something. imagine being valued only for your ass and tits.... maybe that is the problem

>> No.18631203

Unfortunately thats not possible though

>> No.18631207
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>> No.18631240

Bulgarian Split Squats (god tier for ass)
Stiff leg deadlifts
Glute bridges (god tier)
Walking dumbbell lunges (god tier)
Barbell or Smith machine lunges (god tier)

Just pick 3 and do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps at least 3 times a week.