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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18626145 No.18626145 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of working when everything is going to shit anyway? No matter which way you look at it, western civilization has failed and it's guaranteed to collapse in our lifetimes, so I'd rather just have the government give me money to live on than devote myself to working hard just to prop a pointless failing system.

>> No.18626181

To coom

>> No.18626366

UBI is necessary. At least people got free food while the Titanic was going down

>> No.18626387

Whats homeless life like?

>> No.18626404

in 6 months this will blow over and the whole thing will be a meme

until it happens again

>> No.18626407

salty wagie

>> No.18626429
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yes, let us shut the grid down. only the fit will see the next decade

>> No.18626457

I'm not talking about the wutang flu, I'm talking about the destruction of western values that's been going on for the last 40+ years.

>> No.18626464

Work to put yourself in an advantageous position during the collapse. Better to be a wasteland raider warlord than food for the cannibals that live in the sewers!

>> No.18626479

Why would anyone want to live in a post apocalyptic hellscape? Without civilization we are nothing.

>> No.18626538

>he thinks people want to live in a society

>> No.18626562

Yes, people want to live in a functioning society with a sense of purpose and community. It's only non-whites who don't want this and they're the reason why it's been destroyed.

>> No.18626585

Because there’s hope of building it again. Look at the nihilist beech we got here

>> No.18626595

Modern society is a cancer that is killing the planet and everything good that lives on it.

>> No.18626611

It took millennia to develop the kind of culture, history, technology, and art we had at the peak of western civilization. You're not going to rebuild it in one lifetime.

>> No.18626616

>destruction of western values
what about destruction of the economy? the boomer pedo elite have us by the balls and won't fix things until we get a COVID ID chip vaccine. shit has to happen soon or else suicides will moon

>> No.18626626


>> No.18626641
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imagine the thrill of venturing to your local warlords brothel with a case of toilet paper while you decide on if you prefer a pair of megamilkers or a big brapper for your weekend out

>> No.18627957
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Bump, find religion and keep going like this anon.

>> No.18628045

We need the grain dole. Buy my vote and complacency, bring on the bread and circuses. Copy Rome again.

>> No.18628117

Marx predicted all this years ago. Capitalism was always doomed from the start. it just took decades for it to finally collapse. the system has been rotting for a long time now and this virus just exposed how weak it really is.

>> No.18628146

Move to Poland or Ukraine