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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18626051 No.18626051 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you still live with parents, work full-time, and save (or invest) almost all of your money?

I'm 26, make 85k a year and literally spend maybe 5% of my salary, the rest goes into stonks and savings account.
I really don't even have the desire to buy anything. Still drive my 2006 Lancer that I got in highschool.
So how common is this lifestyle among you? I'm thinking of finally moving out soon.

>> No.18626094

baste, make sure you get birthday gifts for your parents and let them know you appreciate them

>> No.18626098

Me except I make 40k, and couldn't afford to move out even I wanted to unless I felt like living paycheck to paycheck.

24 y/o

>> No.18626150


If you have no partner then stay with your parents if they don't mind. It's free real estate.

Take out a mortgage and buy real estate, after the coronacrisis is over and you still have a job.

>> No.18626615

Identical to you, similar age and salary, similar low spending, also still driving my first car (2008 altima).
Most of my friends are like this as well. Same with gf.
Only low class white people move out of their parents house at 18 because they need muh freedumbs

>> No.18626663

28, make $50k, I did this for a few years after college but moved out at 25, regretting it but I really don't get along with my mom when we're living under the same roof.

>> No.18626710

Wish I could but parents lost the house back in 2009

>> No.18626779
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OP this was a savvy financial decision but you need to move out for two major reasons:
1) you can't mature / progress emotionally if you're still living with your parents
2) you're already 26, some of the best wife material has already been claimed, you need to get out there and find someone to marry so you can live a full life and also so you can get a 50% discount on rent

>> No.18626853

>1) you can't mature / progress emotionally if you're still living with your parents
>2) you're already 26, some of the best wife material has already been claimed, you need to get out there and find someone to marry so you can live a full life and also so you can get a 50% discount on rent

These EXACT two points are what is pressuring me to move the fuck out. It is scary to see time tick away.
I actually work remotely, which makes finding a gf/social group extra hard. I have no idea where I could find potential wife material and it honestly scares me.

>> No.18627034

all women are whores. if you work remote go to ukraine and you can knock up models for exchange for a house. save your money and keep working from home

>> No.18627163

Tempting anon, I will admit.
Since I can work remotely, I really don't see much of a fucking point working in the US.
I was considering Hungary, and even Vietnam.

>> No.18627200

damn. I turn 26 next month and still haven't graduated college

>> No.18627218

You should buy a house when you have enough for the down payment

>> No.18627241

i lived in vietnam the past 6th months AMA. Id rather marry a ukrainian girl though

>> No.18627267

I have to pay a bit for rent to stay with parents, because they're poor and they need the money, but its cheaper than an apartment and I get all the free food in the fridge + my mom's delicious dinners. Because of this I probably have a bit more bitcoin than the average /biz/ poster.

>> No.18627315

1. Did you make new friends in Vietnam? If so, how? Foreigner or Vietnamese friends?
2. Monthly expenses?
3. Do Vietnamese women come easy if you are a white westerner with money? and are they faithful?
4. Worst things about Vietnam?

>> No.18627333

23 and same, haven't even really gone for real though ( community college)..Amy suggestions one how to unjust my life?

>> No.18627358

Considering moving to vietnam in around 8 months, travelled SE asia a fair bit but not lived there. Going to rent my flat so will be earning £750 a month after payments, is that enough to live on in Vietnam? Will be doing other stuff out there writing building businesses etc but for the time being? looking to spend about £400 per month ideally.

>> No.18627362

30 year old kv here who has a decent job and lives with my parents. 75% of my net worth is in crypto which I continue to invest in every month. My goal is to retire by 35.

>> No.18627390

How much money do you have in crypto anon?
If you are studying something useless, learn web development. If you are studying something useful, obviously transfer into a decent uni and prioritize internships.

>> No.18627402

I did cc as well. Finished at 23. Transferred to real uni last year, think I'm technically a junior. Paying my way though and it feels like a total fucking scam since I'm not going to an ivy

>> No.18627431

>How much money do you have in crypto anon?
Around 100k

>> No.18627435

>joined military at 20
>got out 28
>live w parents
>saved like 100k in checking account
>built no credit buying everything in full (car phone etc)
>have about 10k in crypto snd retirement
>waiting for housing crash to buy a house

>> No.18627496

You have a long way to go if you want to retire at 35 anon.
Need around 2 million if you are in the US.
Maybe 750k but that's skimping quite a bit.

>> No.18627528
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Men generally get better with age. Stay in shape, make money, and date younger women. Problem solved

>> No.18627566

17 about to turn 18, going to state university and will have to pay almost nothing out of pocket, have a completely restored 89 Nissan EXA that will last forever, and have about 1k to start investing immediately when I'm 18.

>> No.18627584

>web development
Anything specific? It sounds like good advice considering what I'm doing

>> No.18627687

The shittier the investment, the longer it takes.
Businesses are the true sign of making it. You don't make 10x your investment a year in your main income, you aren't retiring early without living like a hermit.

A $2m investment would make me around $3-4m/year of income based on my current business returns. Even if it only make me $500k it would still blow stocks and crypto out of the water.

>> No.18627723

I'm in Europe so 1 million is enough for me. I just need the crypto market to have another bullrun and do a 10x. Call it hopium but I think that this is likely to happen within the next 5 years. I have nothing to lose at this point so if things don't work out then I'll just buy a rope.

>> No.18628102

what are you doing to get consistent 200% return?
Not sure I would do the same, but good luck bro. You should look into retiring into one of those poor Eastern European countries and 1m should be plenty.

>> No.18628357

>Not sure I would do the same, but good luck bro. You should look into retiring into one of those poor Eastern European countries and 1m should be plenty.
I'm on mobile so my ID is changing. If you're under 30, crypto has the best risk to reward ratio. In 5 years time I will have either made it or will have lost everything. Not taking the risk is worse because you're guaranteeing that you will have to wagecuck for 50 years.

>> No.18628505

Which coin would you recommend that's not super risky or sketchy? I will look into it.

>> No.18628528

Same here. 2008 really fucked me up.

Fear and inability to get a decent job until 3 years after graduating university made me extremely frugal. I make a decent living and the most luxury I spend on myself is a upgrading or getting a new computer ever 7 -10 years and a driving a mid range car. I'll never own a BMW for as long as I live. I simply want a car that doesn't make me look poor. A Civic is a good enough car for me.

Payed off though. I'm looking to buy a house in the next year or two. Really hoping prices come down thanks to Corona-chan.

>> No.18628568

I wish. 19, 60% goes to bills, 30% stonks and 10% food kek

>> No.18628702

BTC is the least risky, followed by ETH and maybe LINK. Don't fall for any shitcoins. If cryptocurrency is around in 5 years these are likely to be the most successful projects.

>> No.18629068

I was looking into LINK. I might park 10k or so in it. I think it just got cheaper so maybe now is a good time. Thanks.

>> No.18629143

do it
as a matter of fact any of the three listed here is a comfy hold im always between which i i should add to on my positions >>18628702

>> No.18629257

My parents were drug addicts that died before I was 16, and I've lived in poverty until the last year or so. I'm 28 now. Give your parents a hug for me and tell them a dude from 4chan respects the shit out of them.

>> No.18629295
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I will literally do this today anon. Sorry for your loss, keep the chin up.

>> No.18629346

you are me

>> No.18629359

youre a good boy and you will do well

>> No.18629407

I'm doin alright nowadays, bought 20k of oil and airline stocks after Monday so I reckon I'm gonna make it sooner or later. Thank you though.

>> No.18630497

that's the majority of people aged 24 to be fair.

>> No.18630999

Here, baby. I just pirate everything for entertainment, and I'm not a wasteful fuck who needs tons of new clothes or the newest iphone every year.

Don't bother moving out unless you really need to.

>> No.18631056

I do this too.
Also almost everything I purchase is from slickdeals and the deal alerts i made on it.
I use camelcamelcamel before I buy anything on amazon.

We're gonna make it.

>> No.18631520

literally me. I'm 28 and make 120k/yr and barely spend any of it. Only big purchase last year was buying a new car because the one I've driven since college got totaled by some uninsured nigress who didn't understand right of way. And honestly "living at home" isn't too bad since my parents have a beach house they spend the majority of their time at anyway. Just don't see the point of moving out yet though. Rent from a proper landlord is a total scam, as is the current housing market. And that's on top of my future uncertainty and I don't want to buy a place just to find out later on that the location doesn't work for my job anymore.

>> No.18631564

Mid 30s. Work (worked) in oilfield six months out of the year in the US and live with my wife in Norway the rest. Portfolio in oil/crypto/silver and land

>> No.18631596

>Just turned 29
>Live with parents
>Take home is about $3.8k a month
>Just squirrel it away so I can invest in shit once we're actually in the inevitable depression

At about $50k in cash, $27k leftover in crypto that I never bothered to get out back into cash. Doing alright I'd say

>> No.18631631

Good job

>> No.18631653

Should I invest in USO?
You following the oil industry anon?

>> No.18631748

I can't really comment on uso. I'm pretty heavy into marathon and whiting so I'm actually down now of course, because I've been in for years.i bought more whiting at 0.30 and it made it back over $1 today alone. Probably will be back where it was eventually.but I'd say it could be a good time to get into those and maybe uso too. They will rise from what they are now. It's pretty much garunteed and if they don't, investing will be the least of our problems

>> No.18631826
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>all of /biz/ lives with their parents
>GO TO THE GYM (now closed) TO SHOWER
not sure who the bigger losers are

>> No.18631925

similar except im a wagie tier salary. 27k a year but have been doing a decent bit of spending lately. i drive an 06 corolla.

>> No.18631963

Best wife material is a divorcee with a couple of kids that treats you like one.
t. Oedipus

>> No.18632446

>not sure who the bigger losers are

Probably the one that doesn't have a home and has to go to the gym to shower (who now can't shower)

>> No.18632770
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>unironically living at home with your parents

Yeah, fuck that. I'll take living paycheck to paycheck and scrapping pennies together to invest in stocks than living with my folks. Imagine all the non-quantifiable things and experiences you miss out by not living on your own.

>> No.18632888

>30 y/o and still lives w/ parents
nah i got a new place to shower too

>> No.18632936

It's kino if your parents don't suck and they live somewhere you don't mind living. Not having a (((landlord))) breathing down your neck or bills to pay is one of the fastest ways to stack massive amounts of money quickly and retire early. Your average normaloid is dead inside and grinding through life, they're not having muh experiences. You people sound like thots.

>> No.18633960

Anon is remote work common in your field?

What are the best fields for remote work?

>> No.18633993

Hopefully feds got u on some kinda watch list

>> No.18634013

I saved up and went back to school (September). I still live with my parents/26/f. Anyway, I managed to save up more money while in school than before. I got lucky and got a huge tax return and worked part time. Only recently did I get into investing in stocks out of curiosity.

>> No.18634015

>Imagine all the non-quantifiable things and experiences you miss out by not living on your own.

I mean it's really just sex. Even then if your gf is cool with it, you can live at a home for a while until you save up or get a better job. The experiences you miss out on aren't all that much in the long run, but the tens of thousands you save is easily justifiable.

>> No.18634028

>Imagine all the non-quantifiable things and experiences you miss out by not living on your own.
Bringing home girls to bang is about the only thing I can think of

>> No.18634043
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>> No.18634057

How? Comp eng

>> No.18634080
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This is honestly the way. Happy to know I am not alone.

>> No.18634112

basically exact same but make slightly less. pretty based senpai

>> No.18634144

Literally me except I'm 28.

I've gotten to a pretty ridiculous amount of money saved and invested in crypto and stocks as result.

The downside is im still a KHV.

>> No.18634165

whats that

>> No.18634183

Make 65k a year
Invest 80 percent into stocks and crypto
2019 Honda Accord paid off

I love my parents.

>> No.18634195


Couldn't disagree more.

1. That's completely subjective. It's based completely on cultural and social norms, if you have a healthy family relationship, 26 is far from unheard of to be living with your parents. On top of that, making 85k and investing most of it is incredibly mature. Also incredibly intelligent and rare to find.

2. 31 is the average age to be the most attractive to the fairer sex. And it's not uncommon to see a 10 year gap between a relationship (pushing past that and it gets hard to relate). Again wife material is completely subjective, certain people can't do without companionship, others are fiercely independent. I think a good rule of thumb is to get it all out of your system (and more importantly learn what you want) by your early to mid 30's and then look for someone you could possibly spend the rest of your life with. Marriage is a whole nuther story and is definitely not for everyone. In terms of a 50% discount in rent, that is easily offset by the fact that you're essentially signing a contract that sees that you puts your financial position in extreme jeopardy if you ever divorce.

>> No.18634213

there’s only one worth buying. hint, it’s in the top 11 by marketcap

>> No.18634222

he will acquire wizard powers in 2 years

>> No.18634303

23 here making 52k a year. Was living with my dad but he recently passed away. Now I live with my aunt. Started a side business aswell.

>> No.18634355

Straight up, all women are whores so just start fuckin until you find one that works

>> No.18634363
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I’m fully JUSTed I’m 27 and not done with school
Changed majors twice going already at the slowest pace ever and just

>> No.18634380

I still do. 31, make $180,000 a year and pay like $400 towards household expenses. House on an acre on a cul-de-sac comfy af, I would absolutely move out if gf wanted to get serious obviously but aside from that it's great.

>> No.18634385

how do you have sex if you live with your par-

>> No.18634423

Well if the house is pretty big anything is possible

>> No.18634453

How do people get these salaries?

>> No.18634474

3. Every women come easy if you have money
4. Traffic

>> No.18634491

Worked my way up at a hedge fund in NYC and now I manage the SysAdmin team but we're obviously all remote right now.

>> No.18634518

I have been, but I suck at saving. Luckily I just accumulated cash and a new recession just happened so i have some money to finally buy a home.