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18620589 No.18620589 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on HEX

>> No.18620628

It will keep pumping 50% per day until next july

>> No.18620675

The reality of hex is that the end game for it is only one outcome. What comes up must come down. I am not saying here that it will not continue a meteoric rise after going up 17x from the 1000 mark but do keep in mind that there is a possibility for a defi liquidity crisis on uniswap is enough people remove their pool stakes while the price is dropping. Yes, this thing has made a lot of people a lot of money and honestly, the bigger it gets and more erc20's it has pools for it will be harder to take down. Remember there are two types of staking pools. There is the liquidity pool of uniswap which takes = parts of eth and the token to submit for returns and also the lock in certificate of deposite staking. There will come a time when the actual incentive for investing more at the top with lesser and lesser amounts will be overwhelmed by early entries that staked for long periods of time that want to get out. Even the early exit staking penalties will not be enough to stop people from selling because of how high the price may go. Realistically this could get delisted which would also cause issues but I doubt it because uniswap is one hell of a defi oracle solution for erc20 to erc20 due to version 2. Buy some, get in get out, but don't expect to get any sleep if you put a lot in now. If you want to buy some go to uniswap.org and the exchange and enter the contract address in for the token in the swap end. Make sure to use a lot of gas for the transaction.

>> No.18620683

You can't do TA on something that only pumps

>> No.18620707

Do also keep in mind that this could flip btc, but that would only be possible if the % margin of eth that it consumes is larger then that of the market cap of BTC. But at the end of the day, this is not a utility token that serves a functional purpose to empower decentralization and create a new way of data commons or data sovereigns. It is a DAPP made to make people money who stake early and stake long.

>> No.18620723

Disguised as a scam to keep weaklings out

>> No.18620726

My last note for this is, it will never flip ETH since eth is its life line and only reason for making this possible through a solidity contract. This could also help pump eth past btc. Chainlink is also a catalyst for eth to flip btc.

>> No.18620748

low liquidity pump to try trapping fomo buyers forever

>> No.18620757


it's a scam you fucking newfaggots and we are in the middle of a huge shill campaign

just ignore the cancer

>> No.18620775


>> No.18620780

If enough of the stake pool is removed while the price is dumping there will be tons of slippage by uniswaps pricing oracle.

>> No.18620810

As eth isnt really capturing the value of its ecosystem, erc20 tokens can overthrow eth easily

>> No.18620816

After you have a base understanding, watch this video to get redpilled further

>> No.18620832

Until there is a USDC / USDT / USD pair for hex it is trapped to ownership of eth. It doesn't exist outside of eth. What is the scenario you propose when all eth is absorbed by this contract? That is not logical.

>> No.18620836

this applicable to all order books

>> No.18620844
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>> No.18620853

It would also technically need its own main net for this to be possible. Its literally a dapp.

>> No.18620855

you can literally trade Hex for like 4 or 5 stable coins right now including USDC and DAI

>> No.18620941

Right and the volume of all of those exchanges that support that is literally less then 20k USD. The only one that is pumping volume is chainx with KRW. Regardless i'm not fudding or shilling. I'm just saying in a weird scenario where all erc20 coins are then swapped into hex. What then? absorb all the money in the world? Come on now. Eventually a big whale is going to say they have made enough. I want to see how this handles a big wick down. But hey who knows this could just be a space ship to the ribbon in the sky.

>> No.18620964

it rhymes with sex

>> No.18621060
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and its 50x.

I mean tron was around this size before it went to billions... technically this could theoretically hit half of trons highest value if it gets to the same peak marketcap. Its just about risk tolerance. Rarely buying the current ATH doesn't work.. sometimes it does because TA doesn't mean anything in some situations.

>> No.18621089

excuse me *rarely buying the current ath works* thats 50x from the bottom. It worked for bitcoin though or eth lol? maybe some large mcaps

>> No.18621121

It’s a scam?
End of redpill.

>> No.18621134

name one ERC20 that has flipped eth. Im waiting

>> No.18621230
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the funny thing is that whale can't really sell everything, because he will sell a large portion with lots of loss; then newcomers will come, FOMO will happen, then the price goes up again, richard won't buy the 9k woth of ethereum when a big whale wants to sell. This is a psychology game, these people are pumping in their Ethereum to live `Hexworld, play with the dapps, stake, with the illusion that they are earning real money. But then you have to ask your self what real money is.

>> No.18621251


>Disguised as a scam to keep weaklings out


>> No.18621275

All these words... here is the /thread: it's a scam and since there are multiple threads on biz daily it's in the bagholdrr creation phase.

>> No.18621303
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Actually this
Richard really has talked about it a bunch of times

>> No.18621313

read this, draw your own conclusions

>> No.18621321

At the end of the day unless a big exchange with a direct fiat pairings for everything, if someone wants to actually cash out of hex world they need to sell it into something else to get money to spend in the actual world. otherwise how long do you think it would take for hex owners to spend hex directly on things? That's real adoption. More on not selling everything yes, technically if you did sell a ton then unstaked the uniswap pool and sold all your hex you would cause slippage to yourself, but you are trying to get out anyway at some point. Tons of people might do that at one time.

>> No.18621325

you really think this guy would be doing it again, he is also shilling TRX and many anons missed out on those gains and are still calling that a scam

>> No.18621519

schizophrenia still rampant in the world

>> No.18621553

Do not fall for this, newfags. This is bitconnect all over again, it's all sunshine and Roses until it dumps 99.9% in half a minute one day.

>> No.18621619

Ignore massive amounts of money to be made during a worldwide economic crisis.

Found the retard.

>> No.18621626


Where are you taking these poor saps money Richard?

>> No.18621634

HEx doesnt need an invinsible trading bot to pump. Its designed to pump. No one is selling, only gains from here

>> No.18621778

Whats the best exchange to buy HEX from?

>> No.18621886
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>> No.18621953

This won't happen, because the day that everybody wants to sell, there are no buyers. If Richard keeps redpilling his followers or brainwashing (I don't KNOW if this is a scam). Then it will keep on pumping, they day that everyone wants to sell their fiat for e.g. gold is the same day the price of the fiat currencies will crash. Won't happen either. HEX won't stop as long as people keep believing in Richard.

>> No.18621983


>> No.18622088


>> No.18622119

I'd rather buy from an exchange so i can easily sell

>> No.18622162
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>so i can easily sell

>> No.18622167
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>Promises "unlimited returns"
>Says that its designed to go up
>You must lock your coins away

Literally the definition of a High Yield Investment Program

>> No.18622186

you actually don't have to lock anything away if you don't enter into the certificate of deposit or stake them on uniswap. You just hold them in your eth wallet.. You can sell back to eth at anytime. I've already made a good chunk of eth off of this.

>> No.18622226


I will be buying and high and selling at a loss, the BIZ way

>> No.18622240

>You must lock your coins away
No you don't.

>> No.18622273

>literally Ponzi Scheme: the token

stop spamming about HEX you filthy pajeets. Price will plummet when all of a sudden you can sell and there are no buyers. My stuffed animals are worth $1,000,000,000.00 too, I just haven't found a buyer yet. Fuck off

>> No.18622308

Yes you dont have to, but you are encouraged to. That's the spin since this is crypto. But this still has the structure of an HYIP.

>> No.18622634
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what did Richard mean by this?

>> No.18622746

Hex is the real deal. That's really all you need to know. The earlier you get in and longer you stake the better. You can lie to yourself or you can get rich and grow this beautiful (audited, decentralized, permissionless, liquid) project

>> No.18622839

It's the most interesting thing to come out in crypto since ETH. Amazing 4D chess game theory that takes weak hands out of the equation for max price appreciation. True DeFi. Using typical scam marketing tactics to take away mind share from actual scams. Already finished product ready to be integrated with other money legos. No roadmaps/partnerships bullshit fluff.

>> No.18622961
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Something spooked the hexheads

>> No.18622981

This guy knows what he is talking about

>> No.18623005

Wow now it's at .003. they really got spooked

>> No.18623104

our first real shakeout

>> No.18623138

Where is the problem? If this is scam and thsi scam get on the same price as bitconnect. where was the bitconnect with price? 1 cent? 10 cent? 1 dollar? If one dollar ohey i get 1 million dollar and yes yes i can´t sell this yes yes faggot wait and see the future

>> No.18623158

they are selling to get into the gains in the rest of the market. HEX is doing what BTC did in 2017. When HEX exhales the rest of the market inhales and vice versa. we've been siphoning gain for the past 2 and half days.

>> No.18623173

bitconnect exit scammed. HEX is a solidity contract.

>> No.18623184

Buy it while it is pumped 43.42%, such a good idea

>> No.18623320

you just missed the dip

>> No.18623326

and where is the problem?

>> No.18623355

Is investing a relatively small sum($750) worth it?

>> No.18623384

Verrry bullish good coin

>> No.18623468

Richard admitted it's a ponzi but he said everything in life is a ponzi.

>> No.18623604

any amount is worth it if you stake. staking removes liquid coin supply which in turn reduces selling pressure which in turn raises price.

>> No.18623615

Risk what you are willing to lose and able to sleep overnight holding in it with. Best of luck

>> No.18623672

but im not going to lie we might be correcting. hold off for a few hours

>> No.18623763

do not stake. hold and sell after 100x. you are stuck if you stake and you have to be able to sell before the stake tards

>> No.18623782

what if i stake for like a week to get 300 more hex? is that also bad?

>> No.18623821

no,just dont lock it up for 10 years or some shit. you want to be out before the payday

>> No.18623900

you only have to serve 50% of your stake to avoid penalties

>> No.18623972

Get out lads, shits crashing. Have to look at the number of emergency end stakes... The flaw in the contract is that it doesn't penalise stakers enough if they unstake... The risk/reward ratio is off for staker vs un-staker if the token has 50x'd.

>> No.18624020

yes faggot

>> No.18624059

Eh the more people emergency end stake the more free hex for me.

>> No.18624097

Early adopters wont care if instead of 50x they get 25x just to get their money. Its like getting more free air at this point.

>> No.18624111

I put a bit in go.hex.win/transform/ ... now I have to wait. Can I cancel that somehow and do it with uniswap instead?

>> No.18624117

Isn't that true for basically any crypto and stock for that matter? If everyone sold at once there might not be enough buyers. Yeah no shit. Why would everyone sell at once though? Especially if you get penalized for ending stake early

>> No.18624151

You should have been using uniswap from the beginning with the custom contract address....

>> No.18624175

cause the penalty is a wet cloth. if you are up 100x on your investment you dont care if you get hit by a penalty which is like nothing compared to the gains

>> No.18624183

crashing hard as we speak, shit will go down to zeroo

>> No.18624217

only 25% locked up. 75% to be sold´anytime. Someone just withdrew 300 eth from the contract, good man

>> No.18624229

What if this thing will be up even more a year from now?

>> No.18624249


>> No.18624283

>fags start spamming hex all day
>price goes down
You don’t see the pattern? When these faggots start shilling their coins heavily then it’s time to sell

>> No.18624358

True, but when I buy back in sub .002, I'll make it back in the BPD

>> No.18624395

To be fair I wasn't telling him to buy, I was just telling him how he should have tried to buy it. This is unironically the first test of this smart contracts resilience to fear of unrealized gains.

>> No.18624496

fuck you

>> No.18624668

I am shockeded that more people aren't aware that there is very likely a recycling of ETH from the adoption amplifier to help make the price appear more inflated than it really is. Some reddit fag posted proof on r/ethtrader a few months back.

url for the curious:

If you were schueler, why wouldn't you reinvest your eth over and over again to try and make your shitcoin look like the real deal? He can do that, no way to stop him. And he gets to control the bulk of the HEX supply, EVEN if he is acting honestly on the adoption amplifier side of things. There's so many ways schueler could be manipulating the price, there is no way these pumps are organic.

If there was anything organic about this, wouldn't they have a bit more reddit traction than the sub 1k subscribers on r/HEXcrypto? Fucking r/TRTL, turtlecoin (in the 900s for CMC ranking), has more reddit followers than HEX.

Schueler is a known scammer, if you want to be a tard and risk a game of "who will be my greater fool" have fun. And before some hexTard comes in and just calls me jelly, I threw $25 bucks of ETH on this in the first week. If these prices are real, I've already more than 50Xed after I get my big pay day payout. I just don't think any of this is real.

>> No.18624690

no. The flaw is the origin address (more than likely schueler), gets the majority of the emergency end staked coins.

>> No.18624752

>If these prices are real, I've already more than 50Xed
umm welcome to crypto?

>> No.18624761

If you’re up I would sell NOW. I made a cool $100 profit in 2 days. When the selloff happens, you won’t be able to sell and you’ll be screwed

>> No.18624781

my point was fairly clear. I'm not just butthurt that i didn't get some gainz. Which is what the average hex fan will say if you critique the project's fundamental flaws now.

don't be a tard.

>> No.18624791
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I have two points.

1. If he's blatantly scamming and has been doing this for months, and it's been successful, why wouldn't I buy now? I'm not going to stake the coin but it obviously seems like his retarded scam coin tactics are working.

2. I opened up the thread you linked and this was a comment that had no responses. Whats your take?

>> No.18624817

Exactly, I made some good Eth. I'm honestly too scared to continue. I only dipped my toe in at 7400 and put more in at like 12k, but left around 14.5. too sketch for me, but hey if you make it im happy for you!

>> No.18624869


>> No.18624880

look at bitconnect. people are retarded, they will never sell because of greed. bitconnect collapsed because the owners finally split.

>> No.18624932

does richard not deserve the origin?

>> No.18624960

>look at bitconnect. people are retarded, they will never sell because of greed. bitconnect collapsed because the owners finally split.

look at btc. people are retarded, they will never sell because of greed. btc collapsed because ... where is Satoshi ?

>> No.18625000

LMFAO, call scooby doo and the gang, i'm sure they will find Satoshi. Imagine being that rich and not famous.. That is like the best fucking life ever.

>> No.18625006

bitconnect got to like 200$ a piece

>> No.18625064

Its a scam thats already had its pump - put your investment in something with stability such as BTC,ETH, or LINK

>> No.18625080

oh thats better. Sorry but is this a scam okay and if the scam reach 1-10$ okay nice

>> No.18625086

I traded 3 ETH for HEX. Will I make it?

>> No.18625128

its already pumping back. honestly we need scams during huge bullruns. people lose their minds. how much btc did bitconnect suck up? just dont be stuck holding bags.

this is going to pump eth so freaking high. just need the bogs to give trevon james the call.

>> No.18625132

I mean yeah maybe if you did 3-4 months ago and sold now for 150 eth.

>> No.18625150

yesb-b-b- bogdanoff?
load ze shill

>> No.18625170

No. I just traded it a few minutes ago.

It's up 12x. That's nothing for a ponzi. I expect it to go at least 100x from here.

>> No.18625215

zoom out, this shit was literally at 346, peaked 17k

>> No.18625238

346 what? What units are you referring to?

>> No.18625244

>its already pumping back.
sry man but we are about to correct hard for the next few weeks

>> No.18625256

im simplifying the gwei for you. just removing 0's in the decimal

>> No.18625273
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just put $500 on it and roll the dice. who even cares in clownworld bruh

>> No.18625295

With this approach it actually allows you to sleep at night.

>> No.18625363

I still think it will go 100x from here over the next 6 months.