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>> No.18600406

First for goddamn nigga.

>> No.18600411

Dubs and green by end of day

>> No.18600415

What's going to happen to the coal industry?

>> No.18600417

Thanks for making a proper thread OP.

>> No.18600422

I love cunny!

>> No.18600428

There's already another one going, post in that first but hold onto this

>> No.18600432

Is this the epic cat from youtube?

>> No.18600437
File: 1.27 MB, 3072x2304, 1343707638391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still have yet to lose money on ET
>Dividends maintained

>> No.18600438


>> No.18600439

My nigga

>> No.18600450
File: 806 KB, 500x275, 1586380950687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was promised a nice V shaped recovery omg im ROOINEEEDDD

>> No.18600452

Fucking based, just dumped 200k into USO thanks anon

>> No.18600461

Fuck it. I'm in on this one.
I'll let the happening posters have the other shit show board.

>> No.18600464

Can Oil go to zero again today ?

>> No.18600469

Stop it, I want more red. You had enough green days.

>> No.18600477
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>he didn't expect the И-shaped end of the world as we know it

>> No.18600480
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based, for me it's https://nhentai.net/g/225152/

>> No.18600497
File: 3.44 MB, 200x200, C8A7ED4C-5B59-4982-96EF-840F1A538377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP. Who here bought a shit ton of SDS yesterday and is /comfy/?

>> No.18600499

Or am I a retard for thinking this :^)

>> No.18600508
File: 123 KB, 1200x500, Blood-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we going to war Oil bros?

>> No.18600518


>> No.18600531

Fuck off back to r*ddit tranny

>> No.18600537
File: 175 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200421-104023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I looking for in a put

>> No.18600564

Didn’t you see this post?

Buy 200 $14 4/24 outs of SQQQ or cry when you miss out on the gains

>> No.18600567
File: 173 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200421-104135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong screenshot

>> No.18600583

For me, it’s SPXS.
You will get rekt, don’t buy them if you don’t understand them.

>> No.18600589

Tell your mom to charge less faggot, I could fly a 747 up that snatch

>> No.18600611
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>> No.18600613

fucking /based/
\,,/ (*_*) \,,/
V-shaped recovery coming, trump will handle it

Just went all in on uso, cannabis stocks, sp500 and netflix on max leverage

>> No.18600645

Robinhood literally tells you right there. You want the stock to fall 11% for it to be worth what you pay for

>> No.18600658

Can someone explain why Oil can't go to zero again today like yesterday, lmao

>> No.18600664

next contract going negative sooner than expected

>> No.18600670

Damn dude those are excellent positions, how expensive were they when you bought them?

>> No.18600673
File: 50 KB, 480x479, 1586624252725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might buy 1 or 2 at close just for the lulz. I think this crash will be a slow burn, not enough panic selling for double circuitbreakers. I'm excited for cheapies.

>> No.18600692

Because they don’t have to sell the contracts today, there’s no reason to drop the price. They have until next month to sell the June contracts. If there’s a demand shortage the same shit will happen next month though

>> No.18600693

Yesterday was negative because of the May contract. May contract expired today, so prices are now reflecting June and later.

>> No.18600695

So what I'm confused about is the contract is 100 shares. Am I obligated to have $7kish on hand

>> No.18600697

Because it's $-6

>> No.18600699

Good bait or actually retarded.

>> No.18600702

Fair enough but Oil is tanking hard, 40% already. Feels like yesterday

>> No.18600704

June contracts expire in a months time.

>> No.18600709
File: 246 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200421-114120_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok bearbros now we can get cocky again. I'm all cash for now. Bought all these puts yesterday when oil hit 0. Anyone who didn't immediately short the market then needs to post their losses so we can laugh at them.

>> No.18600720

I’m im all in baby can’t fucking shake me you devil demons I’m a fucking king I’m going to be so beast and based and help the world

>> No.18600731

actual retard here bought uso yesterday
is it too late? Can I bet on trump?

>> No.18600732
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>> No.18600741

any advice going forward? what puts now?

>> No.18600747

Just checked my portfolio, what happened to AMD?

>> No.18600756

100 shares would be 70k, and no, you buy the option then the option increases in value hopefully, then you sell the option to someone else for profits

However those options cost 7-8k so you will need that much to buy them.

>> No.18600776

SPXS I bought last week is now positive. It's coming, I feel it.

>> No.18600786

Probably won't go negative any time in the next week but there's a large crude delivery scheduled to arrive in about 10 days, that might bog the June contracts.

>> No.18600797

oil $5 dollars today heard it here first

>> No.18600801

If you buy the put you buy a promise from someone to buy the shares from you at the strike price. If the contract is in the money you can sell the contract to someone or buy the shares at the strike price.

>> No.18600819

It already is. June contracts are at 13.70 right now.

>> No.18600842

Surely they can't go any further down?

>> No.18600868

You should probably just daytrade puts if you can. I don't think we break the rally just yet, it's gonna get choppy though. If we have ridiculous EOD pumps I might buy some puts then and hold overnight but I'm not gonna make any big plays until we see big movement desu.

>> No.18600872


>> No.18600873

I swear, if mutts start ANOTHER bullshit war, i will never, ever do anything they benefit from, as well as spreading as much anti mutt propaganda in my country as possible.

>> No.18600875

I don’t think oil will be negative for at least 3 weeks when they literally have to start getting rid of the shit.

>> No.18600876


June contracts at 12 .6 bro

>> No.18600882


Playstation announced they'll be producing less PS5s because of it's high pricing and less sales expectations.

>> No.18600885

Why the fuck is ToS and RH so fucking slow right now? Literally taking minutes for both to load any charts and options.

>> No.18600896

Yeah but I hope the drop lasts till tomorrow. Tesla has a tendency to pump back up before I have time to sell.

>> No.18600897

when does the real red start?

>> No.18600914

Ah that makes sense now. Thanks a lot

>> No.18600928

Eoy pump pls

>> No.18600933


>> No.18600936

>tfw wanted to short USO, flip fopped between 4/17 and 4/24 contracts
>Went with 4/17 4.00p at 0.12
>Expired worthless, lost 3 grand
>4/24 4.00p is now worth 1.24

I literally missed out on 10x because I picked the wrong date.

>> No.18600938

When all the retarded states that try and open up get a new peak and also infect everyone else.

>> No.18600950

what do u mean real red? There wont be any circuit breaker anymore, just a slow a bloody downward trend.

>> No.18600964

market is kill

>> No.18600962
File: 666 KB, 732x742, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, i'm gonna be part of the pepsi generation

>> No.18600971

Hey muttbros, let's invade this guy's country

>> No.18600980

homie june contracts finna boutta flex on 8.7 ya feel lmao :emojis:

>> No.18600981

Now show us all time chart

>> No.18600983


>> No.18600999

This next few weeks
>Tech stocks dump
>June WTI going to zero
>USO/UCO wiped out
>Bad mortgage debt
>Overexposed banks
>Real estate tanking

>> No.18601004


>> No.18601014

Damn. Good catch.

Just put 10% of my account into these.

>> No.18601021

where can i watch june oil contracts

>> No.18601029

>I swear, if mutts [do thing]
you'll what, bitch? go to an antifa meeting?

>> No.18601034

Trips don't lie

>> No.18601042

Is this the big crash? Oil isnt supposed to be negative you guys...

>> No.18601053

china is going to buy the factory where i work and i am pissed

>> No.18601054

>Oil isnt supposed to be negative
Oil being negative has been priced in since February 1.

>> No.18601058

So literally the same shit you always do? Enjoy our war with Venezuela faggot.

>> No.18601059

It went positive just now. $5

>> No.18601063

They really keep trying to pump it and it just dies every time

>> No.18601079
File: 2.19 MB, 1598x1575, how to spook chinks off a thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look around you nigger, if it was priced in people wouldnt be freaking out

>> No.18601086

That's ok anon. These things happen.
I once bought yogurt instead of milk. I was really upset.

>> No.18601088

Based and checked AF

>> No.18601089

Hold sqq overnight or peace put EOD?

>> No.18601091

so..gold time?

>> No.18601092

S&P 4000 this summer niggers
Don’t fucking forget it.

>> No.18601096


>> No.18601107

These numbers cancel though

>> No.18601117

No, its only the next batch of futures that never went to zero

>> No.18601123
File: 370 KB, 768x768, 1552069823325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lovely day. Hope you guys all made money too.

>> No.18601126

Bull is coping. Sell now or drown in the blood of you bull frens.

>> No.18601128

Dubs and I invalidate your dubs

>> No.18601136

theres 3 /smg/ on page one you fucking autists

>> No.18601154

Who am I kidding Jerome's going to burn more futures and pump it tommorrow morning. Fuck this economy just die already

>> No.18601162

>the CME/NYMEX has procedures for situations like this. Final contract settlement is done by cash settlement (minus a small settlement fee) for those not wanting to take physical delivery. NYMEX rulebook section 698103 for those that like to do your own research.
how did biz missed this?, if you "bought" negative oil and made thousand of dollars of it, you can get your cash for a small fees
fucking idiots why none of you told me this, literally 0 risk investement

>> No.18601166

we need 4

>> No.18601172

One was made by either a lazy nigger or a newfag since it didn't have any of the links.

>> No.18601181

Long or short VIX?

>> No.18601243

Second wave of Govt checks soon? I'd like another 2400 free loan thanks.

>> No.18601253

the next wave is 2000 a month for 6 months. Fuck work lol

>> No.18601265
File: 19 KB, 129x122, 1583640619177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went all in on USO
Based or cringe?

>> No.18601267

>freaking out
maybe in your schizophrenia clinic.

>> No.18601280

pretty sure USO is going to $.01 so...

>> No.18601282

USO tracks futures not oil price, oil is at $5 now and you're buying june contracts of $20+

>> No.18601285

based. If you have the balls to hang on for several years you're going to make it big

>> No.18601293


>> No.18601300

i'm getting all out and am incredibly new

>> No.18601305

Cringe, pull it out

>> No.18601319

Are you retarded?

>> No.18601325

Screenshot please.

>> No.18601327
File: 85 KB, 1876x693, 1568751639536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another victim of online ""advice""

Welcome to the wall of shame

>> No.18601333

I still havent got my first check

>> No.18601338

don't wanna sound like an old man but its always gold time anon

>> No.18601351

i'm down 8% since I started investing ~2 weeks ago because I bought at the height of the cat's bounce add this post to the wall

>> No.18601368

I'm hemorrhaging money out the ass right now.

>> No.18601384

depends upon how much you put in and how long you're gonna hold. Holding for any amount of time less than 6+ months is brainless

>> No.18601388
File: 722 KB, 1600x900, 1557158983627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is that chart from? I want to find out what else people have pissed away their money on.

>> No.18601389
File: 676 KB, 660x793, 1536255038225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon baby

>> No.18601390

put a tampon in it?

>> No.18601401

I'm not getting one!

>> No.18601402

It's robinhood

>> No.18601415

unlucky i'd personally hold cause this isn't sustainable and if it was then we'd have bigger issues to worry about so imo profits incoming its just a matter of margin

>> No.18601423

Oh, I didn't know they had a feature like that kek, thanks.

>> No.18601430

how long should my SQQQ/SCO/SDOW keep pumping?

>> No.18601432

USO needs oil at $30 in order for it to reach $5

>> No.18601443

How are you getting internet from the plains outside Whiterun?

>> No.18601453
File: 459 KB, 1440x2792, Snapchat-851239917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain to me how I was able to flip 10 deep OTM options on $XOM for a cool 35% during the two day period where oil futures are in the negatives?

>> No.18601460

Until the market is dead.

>> No.18601468

oil is dumping

>> No.18601480
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making money day trading
>all these posts from people about how much money they are losing holding longer term (swing/position)

feels smug

>> No.18601497

/smg/ in a nutshell
Newfags helping newfags use a casual trading app
It’s embarrassing

>> No.18601505

Nope, clown market.

>> No.18601526

KO setting up a huge cup today. Hopefully 47 by EOD with the earnings beat.

>> No.18601529

this is why print media is dead

>> No.18601534

Can someone explain to me the Reddit meme "stonks" and why anyone funds this funny?

>> No.18601539
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>USO dumping again

>> No.18601541

Convince me not to short Oil June

>> No.18601557

the united states won't even exist in 2 years so maybe don't invest in their oil

>> No.18601585

Is it time to cash in on BA?

>> No.18601598

The tech market is going to take another plunge right?

>> No.18601601
File: 102 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200421-121456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being up 200% because you thought oil was rebounding.

Hold tight don't let go.

>> No.18601602

I'm going to dump my load into her

>> No.18601606

>CNBC exposing why USO is a structurally broken fund
based, so many brainlets buy it just on the name

>> No.18601614

It fucking better

>> No.18601624

The volume on that contract is like 80 per day max so my buy/sell of 10 contracts is like 15% of the total volume for past 2 days. Is everyone else retarded or did I do something smart? I had a GTC buy order in for 10 @ $0.95 that filled at 9:30:05 EST yesterday - I figure all the premarket shenanigans let me get filled at the lowest price for the day. What I can't understand is why someone had a buy order in for 25 @ 1.30 this afternoon so I just sold at the bid for a cool $350

>> No.18601632
File: 256 KB, 847x793, 1587406070153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil about to hit new lows.

>> No.18601635

If you guys are wondering why this thread is so slow, there's another /smg/ up. Some sperg got mad I didn't include the sticky and made a second one


>> No.18601637


>> No.18601644
File: 1.73 MB, 387x269, 1569957625853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens if USO goes to zero?

>> No.18601646

I've been here since 2007 and never used RH, just for the record.

>> No.18601661
File: 200 KB, 672x644, 8121E9C3-994F-44AA-8882-44A47B78F90D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’ve made too much money and I’m worried that I’ll lose meaning in life, how do I cope?

>> No.18601663

oh no i'm missing the OTHER thread full of people screaming about oil

>> No.18601667

ETFs close all the time.

>> No.18601674

You are bragging that you don't understand your investment

>> No.18601679
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>> No.18601687
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It closes

>> No.18601695

SPY will get to -5% today

>> No.18601698
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There we go.

>> No.18601721
File: 452 KB, 923x649, 1586557249655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me two reasons why I shouldn't buy Boeing and sell at the end of the week when its $155 again.

>> No.18601727
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>> No.18601730


>> No.18601743

i was just about to buy USO puts and the price went to .01 and now i cant buy any wtf is this jewish manipulation

>> No.18601746

>USO halted yet again
USO halted yet again
>USO halted yet again
USO halted yet again
>USO halted yet again
USO halted yet again

>> No.18601750
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, 4chanOlympics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO @ USO niggers

>> No.18601762
File: 236 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20200421_183613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump BTFO'D

>> No.18601765

Its going bankrupt retard

>> No.18601767
File: 34 KB, 281x716, sssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do your portfolios look like right now guys?
>inb4 USO
Had it before the dump, thank God I only had 30 shares
Might take a look at dividend anon's chart and buy some stocks from there when I get paid friday

>> No.18601773

Real /smg/

REal /smg/

Real /smg/

>> No.18601774

>Tech stocks dump
I don't know man, tech and mcdonalds are the only thing people are consuming atm

>> No.18601778
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>> No.18601779
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>> No.18601781

Can someone explain this?
Is this any good?

>> No.18601786

Next he just needs to dissolve the senate and declare marshall law

>> No.18601791
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Does anyone have the hapa breeding programs link from a few threads back?

>> No.18601794
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Took profit at $2.68.
This oil shitstorm has been golden.

>> No.18601796

it says market goes downies and there's less delta-hedged resistance than before

>> No.18601802

>g-guys use my fred pls
please trip so i can filter you

>> No.18601808
File: 7 KB, 1153x30, iwm_death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 50k put contracts for IWM at $85 for May 15, literally lower than March's low. I just got into 3 contracts at $90 just in case.

>> No.18601810
File: 327 KB, 853x620, 1571310174336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USO big boys sold off for big losses. I think this might be it lads.

>> No.18601816

Should I purchase a bike before the economy collapses? It can help me flee the city if need be.

>> No.18601818

Fuck off discord tranny

>> No.18601819

>>>18601453 (You)
>You are bragging that you don't understand your investment

So then you understand why the furthest OTM call for $XOM with a May 2021 expiration date went up 35% in two days when Oil prices tanked and ExxonMobil declined from last week's close?

>> No.18601823

What is so bad about holding sqqq over night?

>> No.18601827
File: 14 KB, 436x312, 1581315540814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you can tell the PPT like
>omg we gotta pump SPX
>now we gotta pump oil


>> No.18601834
File: 68 KB, 1325x754, amd lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter when tech stocks are this fucking overvalued

I posted this last week

>> No.18601843


>> No.18601847

Rebalancing. Google it since it sounds like you're not one to look things up on their own.

>> No.18601855

yo guys im new what do I do i got like 1 grand of spare money to throw around for the lols

>> No.18601864

I don't think one night is so bad, but prolonged time is

>> No.18601869

>i'd personally hold cause this isn't sustainable
hahahaha momentum is building senpai.

>> No.18601870

So is tradingview ever going to get their charts to work with negative numbers or what

>> No.18601873

>Butthurt pooskin doesn’t like Trump.

Color me surprised.

>> No.18601876

>lockdown will end
>demand will go back up quickly
>opec will not start pumping more
>oil prices go back to 60 a barrel
>majors will start printing money again when all the small produces collapse
>this will happen by may 2021

>> No.18601879

I find it funny how Uber's entire cash reserves is from their ipo listing. 43 out of 44 quaraters of negative net revenue
It is the bellweather for the tech bubble bursting in earnest.

>> No.18601885

>they didnt listen when i said buy DHT at 6 dollars
>they bought oil companies on the "dip"
Based retards

>> No.18601886

its back. bought some puts, go get the free money guys

>> No.18601888

Wait. Oil is tumbling down again?

>> No.18601895

>market goes downies
That white paper says that anything above 45% is bullish and that the correlation is significant only(?) around 1 month after the print. There were a lot of bullish prints the whole last week and before. Do I have to average the data points? Makes sense that equally bullish and bearish data points cancel out if the proposed mechanism is correct. On his twitter account he said that it should be handled like a sentiment indicator. Pls help, I'm new.

>> No.18601902
File: 1.97 MB, 1860x2190, 587b4cf144060909aa603a5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is oil going to keep going down?

>> No.18601908 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 456x524, das right mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DAYYYUMMM niggas when can I buy this thing??

DIX is still fairly high and it has been for days, and the GEX floor is sti ll there even if it's dropping.

>> No.18601911

too late for the spsx train? I mean things will only get worse right?

>> No.18601916

holy shit literal basedgamer robinhood users are propping up AMD

>> No.18601919

Buy tech now or wait?

>> No.18601920

Is KJU kill or nah?

>> No.18601923

I'm in

>> No.18601924

RTX at 62.62
I'm going all in it hits 60

I fucked up and only got 5 shares at 6.58
It's also the only green I have too

>> No.18601925
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, 1587406166362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm spying a wet tissue holding up the oil market at $11.

>> No.18601933

What is a good price to get into AMD?

>> No.18601937

>Why and how leveraged ETFs rebalance their portfolios
Leveraged ETFs seek to provide a certain multiple (generally 2x or 3x) of daily returns on the underlying index. The daily movements in the underlying index and subsequent changes in ETF exposure may mean the ETF manager needs to rebalance the portfolio daily
My bad overnight might be a problem

>> No.18601942

To clarify, the reason oil stocks are maintaining is because of the expectation that the Fed will print money for them, yes?

>> No.18601944
File: 34 KB, 460x309, 1481509396235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold my $3 USO put when it was at $3.05 a share

how much more would I have made?

>> No.18601950

at -300%

>> No.18601953

This wouldn't have happened if Bernie Sanders was president.

>> No.18601962
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, 1574680848732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cause this isn't sustainable
the only thing that isn't sustainable is jerome's pump-fu. One day we're going to wake up and see that the fed's tricks have run out and this whole clown market is going to crater into the center of the universe like oil just did.

>> No.18601961

Dude nobody likes Trump.

>> No.18601968


>> No.18601971

just make sure to cut losses if you hop on and lose.

>> No.18601975

The big oil boys have already shuttered most production and their value is based on how well they can rely on their cash reserves
The smaller ones, and in particular shale, are entirely priced by being price controlled by Trump. The Fed can't save them unless it literally forgave their debt entirely (and then the big boys would want in on that action)

>> No.18601976

It's better not to think about things like that.
Not good for your mental health.

>> No.18601981
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>he thinks 0 is the bottom

>> No.18601986
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>He believed in the V meme, and thought there would be no consequences
Imagine being this stupid. Yes, don't fight central banks, but don't be a blind idiot either.

>> No.18601990

They can't keep up with everything at once now. Shit is well and truly fucked, and mortgage companies are next.

>> No.18601993

Stock prices are forward looking. Refined oil demand will be back to what it was after the covid.

>> No.18602001
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>> No.18602007

So many mumu shit talkers who couldn't understand that two straight weeks of gain is not a natural market.

>> No.18602012

just saw a $10 handle on oil

>> No.18602014
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>> No.18602020
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I only think zero is the bottom because that's certainly where they would just delist or close the ETF, they'll probably do it before hand similar to this: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200420005956/en/Barclays-Announces-Redemption-iPath%C2%AE-Series-SP-GSCI%C2%AE

>> No.18602025

$10 would be a fair value for it

Not even joking

>> No.18602026

never look back

>> No.18602027

Do I hold my shorts untill thursday? Im expecting that to be THE RED DAY with DOW sub20k and then a rebound on friday. Thoughts?

>> No.18602033

just buy some puts now its still gonna drop

>> No.18602035

Not in a month. Even if you could snap your fingers and remove all the lockdowns tomorrow we'd still have months to burn through reserves. And that would also require a separate snap to instantly end the price war.

>> No.18602038
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>> No.18602041

Oil stocks are maintaining because this is temporary and they're looking 3 to 5 months out. As the world begins coming back online energy demands will ramp back up.

>> No.18602047
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>> No.18602049

Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.18602051

This is going to sound rather rudimentary and dumb. But even if it's happened over night, but the market is crashing don't the price still be higher the next day?

>> No.18602060

this image is so stupid, how will he close the fucking short?

>> No.18602063

To be fair KO is probably a decent buy compared to the rest of the trash on the market.

>> No.18602067
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Please bobo, no more.

>> No.18602071

from CNBC:
"New York’s unemployment system collapses"

>> No.18602072

nobody in your little echo chamber

>> No.18602076


>> No.18602084


>> No.18602089
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No need, it will go to 0 and he will never have to cover.

>> No.18602090

Unironically to 0.01

>> No.18602094

>oil is up $43 dollars just today
>all these zoomers who doubted oil
lmao im gonna be rich

>> No.18602096

lmao we're at the beginning of a DEPRESSION

The economy will be depressed for at least a few years.

>> No.18602100
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That's enough questions for now. Shhhh, there, there.

>> No.18602103

i just bought 5 shares of netflix how fucked am i

>> No.18602105

Idk when do I buy in? 2.0?

>> No.18602110


>> No.18602112

I think 0 is the bottom because algos run on log normal

>> No.18602124
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But look at the bid ask spread on this particular contract. I feel like the dude with the bid at $1.30 is retarded - I filled 10 out of his 25 but after him there are only Mass bid orders at $0.75. The sell of my 10 contracts is 30% of the total volume for this option today. With volume this low I feel like the price isn't accurate

>> No.18602128

It's fucking dumping are you retarded?

111.48 P/E ratio? How the fuck is it going to start taking in 1.5 trillion dollars in revenue? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.18602144

>I think 0 is the bottom.
WTI crude was trading at -37 yesterday soooo.....

>> No.18602150

ur gonna make it

>> No.18602157

Never. I believe they hold a chunk of June contracts. If shit keeps up the way it is, USO gonna get liquidated and go straight to zero.

>> No.18602169

USO halted? I wanted to throw 5k at call options for the lulz.

>> No.18602187

all i have to do now is double my money to get back to where i was a month ago

>> No.18602190


>> No.18602193

>most sites couldn’t display negative prices
That was amazing, everywhere was just 0.01 for ages.

>> No.18602194

how do I profit off this?

>> No.18602197
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they JUST reported earnings this morning
if it were really a shitstock it'd be getting killed by it's numbers and guidance

>that spike in GWB approval
>because he FAILED to protect americans from a terror attack his intelligence community was aware of
You ever just lost your faith in humans reasoning?

You realize Hill and Don are two of the most hated people in the country, and those were our two options?

>> No.18602201

interesting that tech stocks are dumping, but airline stocks are strong

>> No.18602203

I mean sure but the price action was very different in below zero land than it was above. It also was only negative because there comes an obligation with holding. I don't see this being the case for an etf.

>> No.18602207


jesus christ what an easy $30k

>> No.18602217

No you won’t be able to exercise them making them useless

>> No.18602220

Shale oil can't survive a month of prices like this. Dozens and dozens of firms will shutdown and banks will be out massive loans on that.

>> No.18602222

get student loans, go to a casino, bet it all on red

>> No.18602230

I would highly consider it. They own a huge chunk of June contracts. They about to get liquidated here soon enough.

>> No.18602233

Holy quads. And I just applied for fafsa

>> No.18602239


Trump just announced another economic relief.

Have we really reached the bottom in March? Seems unbelievable tbqh

>> No.18602243

solid advice coming from these numbers

>> No.18602247

i'm all in SQQQ/SCO/SDOW so shit better keep crashing hard

>> No.18602251

Airline stocks are priced in unironically. They are getting their bailout and it's just a matter of waiting for stuff to open again,

>> No.18602257

based digits

>> No.18602259

mate as long as government keeps pumping that corpse market there will be no bottom, just life support
and the longer they prop it up the harder it will pop

>> No.18602261


>> No.18602263

So, what is it now? This dumbfuck said the peak and the worse was behind us. Who the fuck believes his lies.

>> No.18602265

If you're Baggie use your god trip else fake and gay.

>> No.18602268
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>WTI crude keeps falling
Holy shit, are we gonna see actual negative this week?
I bet the boomers are loading their guns right now

>> No.18602276

we're not opening up until July because fuck boomers and libs

>> No.18602277

thats it. im going to start pumping for the long run. maybe itll double up next year....

>> No.18602282

he got lucky some other retard bought his hot potato

>> No.18602285

Airlines stocks have hit their bottom, they're trading at or below intrinsic value and literally wont go lower

>> No.18602288

USO poomp time

>> No.18602291

June futures are going to fucking zero USO has to dump them first week of May WHICH IS WHEN THOSE SAUDI OIL TANKERS ARRIVE

>> No.18602295

the market has been on life support for the last 12 years, who cares at this point

>> No.18602297
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Nah, negative is (almost) impossible this week. They'll keep holding it out of hope. Negative will happen when expiration comes, and they have no other choice than to pay to get rid of their oil.

>> No.18602298

damn he almost got FUCKED

>> No.18602302
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>> No.18602310


>> No.18602312

WTI is the stock that went negative yesterday. It's a futures contract for a month out. Brent is the closer analysis of what the price of oil is.
Unironically this is kind of the best site to get the full oil spread. They take shits on other forms of energy, so don't count on unbiased news about much.

>> No.18602320

which bank funds USO?

>> No.18602323

How tall is Kelly Evans bros

>> No.18602328

>Buy 4/22 266p at the low
>It immediately pumps up

>> No.18602331


>> No.18602340

Well, I agree
everything after 2008 is a fucking game of pretend

>> No.18602345
File: 59 KB, 1248x942, Screen-Shot-2020-04-18-at-1.06.47-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you like the pignosed airhead?
she's like the worst cnbc girl

>> No.18602346

I don't think so, dumb permabull. This is a quick short liquidation.

>> No.18602348

well how about I short that shit. One move ahead niggers.

>> No.18602355

Hasn't mooned too hard yet, it's bouncing back around 273.8. I'm hoping it'll drop again

>> No.18602360







>> No.18602365

aaah my amd
sell now?

>> No.18602367

It will keep climbing for about an hour then tumble

>> No.18602368

If you're going to buy puts at the extreme of a crab day, buy them for the other direction or at least out them more than a single day out.

>> No.18602369
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would you like some V-SHAPED RECOVERY?

>> No.18602372

I never said I liked her I was just asking how tall she was

>> No.18602374

You need to find out how exposed they are to a default risk on USO first. It's possible they're not exposed at all.

>> No.18602382

Learn how to make a fucking /smg/ thread you absolute retard.

Don't fucking click on this shit.

>> No.18602392

Nah I wanted to daytrade the downtrend and got FOMOd into buying at the low. F

>> No.18602393


>> No.18602394

fuck off

>> No.18602399

repeat after me. stocks. always. goes. UP!

>> No.18602403

>wahh wahh muh sticky

>> No.18602404

boo hoo the OP doesnt have a bunch of links in it

>> No.18602408

kill yourself faggot

>> No.18602413

we're a simple people and like our copypasta

>> No.18602425

proves you're an unironic newfag

>> No.18602430

How I know you're fucking new here...

>> No.18602454

Show them your gains, faggot.

>> No.18602459

Too bad, only crabs and red dildos. Red crab cocks.

>> No.18602479

actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new
actual new

>> No.18602485
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fuck off, we're full

>> No.18602486

Proper thread:

>> No.18602523
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>> No.18602622
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>Blackrock=FED RES
>FED via Blackrock has been meeting in secret with Mortgage executives
>Certain mortgage servicers are going to fail without invervention
I did not say this. I was not here.

>> No.18602650

FFS. This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.18602793
File: 244 KB, 1819x1222, Annotation 2020-04-21 102458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt hold my breath

>> No.18602843

Your analysis literally couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.18602848

>muh shit pasta

>> No.18602858

Enjoy losing everything

>> No.18603019

i heard blackrock was the middleman chosen between trump gov and the fed to buy out such and such

end of fed is coming

>> No.18603253

I'd bet on biden at +120. His odds improve every day when rwnjs protest and retard r govs open salons up.

>> No.18603270

I'm happy things are red for once; all the more "shares" per dollar I'm gonna bag once the market closes at 4. All the more Divvy per share I'll bag as well.

>> No.18603798

>>I wouldnt hold my breath
>for what? getting it that cheap ever again?