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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18594601 No.18594601 [Reply] [Original]

What are some microbusiness ideas? I want to make regular amount of money to not slave myself into an office job. I know that in current time it's nearly impossible to launch anything but at least i will study and check this sphere and get myself ready. I just need ideas at this point.

>> No.18594614

Go sell hot dogs on the side of the road

>> No.18594624

I would like to do something online. Also not food related.

>> No.18594817

I would like to make candles and sell them somewhere

Is this gay???

>> No.18595730

Very gay. But candles are nice. makes your house smell nice. Learn how to make incense too maybe. Good shit.

Can you code? Do you have any eCommerce experience?

>> No.18595865

Not OP, but I am slightly experienced in programming. I haven't looked into ecomm much, any ideas?

>> No.18596105

eCommerce is simple. You just need to do something that no one else is doing. Find a niche. A real niche. I don't mean a fucking meme niche like "protein powder" or "Trump t-shirts" or "reusable straws"

I mean a fuckin NICHE. Something weird and obscure. Some dumb shit that no one else is doing.

Being a normie makes this hard. It genuinely helps if you are some kind of autistic weirdo. What are you in to? I guarantee you that there is at least 500 other fucking strange cunts just like you that will buy your weird product.

When I say niche I mean talking about shit like Communist harley davidson motorcycle themed hentai stickers. Fur suits for midgets. Reusable feminine hygiene products with a Warhammer40k print.

Did you know there are white supremacist jewish zionists in Israel? It's true, I am not even joking. Do you think people are making funny t shirts for these people? Of course not. It's a completely untapped market, friend.

Now I might be a retard, but as long as you're not also a retard then my point should be crystal fucking clear. The more obscure it is, the easier it is to make sales. If you're selling Rick And Morty stickers or "I'm With Stupid" t shirts then you're competing with a lot of other retards selling the same shit, and no one has any reason to buy from you. But if you're the only one selling a dildo that mounts to an AK47 bayonet rail then you have 100% market control.

That is how you do ecommerce

Source: Have built hundreds of ecommerce sites

>> No.18596302

Thanks for the info mate, genuinely made me laugh.

One more question though, do you cut out the middleman and sell on your own sites or let go of some cash for more exposure via Amazon, eBay etc? I'm guessing if its niche enough, then people looking for that stuff will be able to navigate to my own sites pretty easily.

>> No.18596313

exceptionally gay

>> No.18596344
File: 177 KB, 623x702, suit pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and red pilled from the first word to the last.

>> No.18596362

Include me in screencap

>> No.18596398
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>now i might be a retard
you are wrong my friend.

>> No.18596413

How do I become good at performance marketing. It seems like really expensive to decide if some change is working or not. Also I sometimes struggle with simple stuff like how to tell adwords that some conversion goals are more imporant than others.

>> No.18596552

For ultra niche stuff, you want to build your own website and create a social media presence to drive traffic to it.

I don't personally have a lot of experience selling on Amazon, and to be honest, half the shit I have sold probably violated some terms of service or copyright laws or some shit, so selling on the big marketplaces probably wasn't an option anyway.

Your own website also gives you a lot more control. You can perfectly cater the design of the website to match your product. You think Amazon has a button to add an animated flashing swastika background on your product page? Think again, because they do not. You'll need to build your own website if you need that feature, my friend.

>> No.18596644

This guy knows how to biz the pol
How would you suggest us noobs getting started
Any good tutorials or other sources

>> No.18596668

Thank you fren, good luck in the rest of your online biz adventures.

>> No.18596888

OP. Yeah i have expirience in ecommerce. FUck. GOod advice. I will try. I mean im really fucking autistic in terms of my interests and internet shit i browse. Fuck yeah dude.

>> No.18597077

I can help a bit here as my buddy sells on Amazon.

Amazon - extremely popular platform 99.9% of people can and do access it daily. Meaning people can find your stuff if it is niche. If not then there are 1000's of others that will pop up before you. However, they do control a lot of your stuff and can kick you off the platform if you are being shady. Shipping rates are great as well.

Your own website - you can customize it to what you and potential customers like. Only your items available so no competition. Hard to get people to website as it is a unique site. The landing page must be good or people will immediately leave upon clicking the link.

I would recommend using your own site but also posting things on FB marketplace, Amazon, and eBay to drive some sales and get started. Also, do some Google adwords/analytics.

>> No.18597186

Yeah if I go down the website route I'll have to look into marketing and adwords etc, which I don't have much experience in. Thanks lad!

>> No.18597269

Not sure where you live but I had an idea that I’m pretty sure would work (in current times) in England.
>buy (or rent) one of those drinks trailers you see at fairs/weddings. Plenty available now.
>install beer on tap
>charge £15 call out to go to someone’s house for an hour and sell them pints of beer

You could even play a tune and just drive round random streets like a beer Ice cream van. Everyone I speak to is killing for a fresh draft beer.

>> No.18597422

It's a nice idea, but do you know how much bullshit you would have to go through to do that in England? You can't just drive around in a fucking ice cream truck and sell beer to people without getting various permits and licenses

>> No.18597624

Check out daily refinement on YT. That guy goes thrifting for clothes. He spends a lot of time doing it, but he does make six figures. Then when you have mastered that, find something that ties in with the same skills, but does not involve other people's second hand stuff. ?. Profit.

>> No.18597659

You would need a personal license to sell alcohol and maybe some kind of street seller permit.

>> No.18597832
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These threads are usually dog shit but I’d fucking love a good idea right about now come on you fucks help a fellow sperg out

>> No.18597932
File: 61 KB, 750x500, Mobile-Ice-Cream-Trike-Mobile-Coffee-Cart-Coffee-Bike-for-Espresso[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get basic barrista training. Buy a Chinese coffee cart with a Bafang ebike engine for about $3500 and a coffee machine for $1000. Find out where you can put it for low rent that still has a lot of people passing through, or just figure out if you are allowed to have it mobile and pay no rent. Sell coffee at $2-$4 a pop. Make some sandwiches too. The margins are pretty good. The entire setup could be paid off in a couple of months.

>> No.18598210
File: 102 KB, 600x657, 5340C9DA-E872-43A4-BAFC-5642F5D0BB86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guise let’s get some good ideas going we’re all in need of a edge right now
How about finding a cheap way to buy Instagram likes from China and the reselling the service to western not or morons for a profit, maybe even setting up some kind of automated system so they purchase from your custom make sure and it automatically buys the likes from your Chinese source
I don’t have a source yet but what do you think

>> No.18598426

>I would like to do something online.

Extreme shota vore

or not

>> No.18598613

Fucking bump come on you kikes how do I make money

>> No.18598741

so in competition of usury by lie you asking us what is the best way to full people in order to get from them Money ?

We all have got 24h a day to exchange in a useful way. Money is a tool of usury .
It takes a lots of poor people in order to have one rich and there is no way around it .
So you want to make deal with the Devil? Favors undertakes , how much human life you can scarify? Of cause it will be lucrative.

>> No.18598808


>> No.18598851
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based and ChikFilA-pilled

>> No.18598866

Dw its just another schizo passing by, if you don't reply they won't hang around in your thread

>> No.18599115

sewing premium face masks for a premium price... easy

>> No.18600142


If you keep bees and use that wax it is eccentric. If you buy pre-made waxes and oils to assemble: gaaay.

>> No.18600663


>> No.18600812

What platform do you build out your stores on? I have used prestashop, cscart, and shopify. The initial setup is always such a chore. Maybe you automated your installs.