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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 348 KB, 1201x881, real estate value crash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18587736 No.18587736 [Reply] [Original]

Real estate value tanking when?

>> No.18587894

Please crash in Massachusetts

>> No.18587908

never, more profits, more bailouts, we can only go up, my investments and ponzi scheme

>> No.18587950

128 is not crashing

west mass will tho

>> No.18587965

That can’t be right.
House prices are double what they were in 2009

>> No.18587987

>west mass will tho

Good, it's comfier out there than shitty Boston or the uptight cape

>> No.18588030

agreed, my 140k job is in the boston area though

>> No.18588175

When people can't afford to make their mortgage payments duh.

>> No.18588546

they will never go down in nominal terms. only in real terms

>> No.18588571

fed cant just put underperfoming MBSs onto their balance sheet

>> No.18588593

Residential no, commercial yes

>> No.18590011

wtf is wrong with NODAK where I live, I was gonna buy a new home and was already working with bank but corona happened now I ignore their emails

>> No.18591134

It won't crash like you want it too.
Save up the money and buy a house.
There is no shortcut.
Stocks and Internet coins go up and down on value, but a home is a roof over your head.

>> No.18591158

>Colorado +49%

>> No.18591738
File: 110 KB, 941x783, constanza kornheiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Californiggers must check their real-estate value expectations at the border.

>> No.18591866

mortgage and eviction laws are preventing foreclosures. when those laws end and unemployment is high and gold is high buy a house

>> No.18591953

Oil boom is why North Dakota's prices exploded.

>> No.18591975

Never. Land is a finite resources and you could always build a 100-story mega apartment complex on a plot of land. The overpopulated earth in the future is going to need a lot of those.

>> No.18591995

I wish

>> No.18592062

why did ND go up 80%+?

>> No.18592181

>every country has equal population density and every part of every country has equal population density
In America, running out of land is only an issue for coastal metropolises and likewise 100 story apartment buildings will only happen in coastal metropolises. Our population density is very low and unless living near nightclubs celebrities visit and Korean-Peruvian fusion restaurants and organic gluten-free vegan bakeries is a necessity for you it's not that hard to find an affordable home in the United States.

I think this will be one silver lining of Coronachan. Workers, management and executives are all realizing that there is no good reason for office workers to live in a crowded, expensive city just to sit at a computer desk for 8 hours a day. Everyone sees that boomer/power-hungry managers who harped on about muh face time muh can't trust the staff unless I'm standing over their shoulder all day muh teambuilding to force workers to come into an office are full of shit. Once this crisis settles down remote work popularity will increase bigly, resulting in a good chunk of people moving away from cities they can barely afford to work from home in smaller towns where they can own a nice home for less than their cuckshed city apartments costs. This will lower housing prices for cities and bring money and prosperity to smaller towns.

>> No.18592269

I wish I could say the same for my country. Until corona-chan (we'll find out afterwards since the interest rates have been dropped to nearly nothing now) property prices soared first in the big cities and then the price rises started spreading everywhere, some rural areas up over 20% in even one year last year.