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18584704 No.18584704 [Reply] [Original]

First oil dies, then the dollar. It's totally normal for oil to cost negative dollars.

>> No.18584720

When the dollar dies, Gold will go to infinity

>> No.18584745

oil is a relatively small sector of our economy, so not really brainlet

>> No.18584793

brainlet detected

>> No.18584796

It wouldn't if speculators could just accept oil delivery in their swimming pools

>> No.18585327

the petrodollar is a meme pushed by communists and other peoples that hate america's success.

>> No.18585693

okay Qoomer

>> No.18585703


>> No.18585739

- george "i love oil" w. bush

>> No.18585757


>> No.18586103


He's right, though. Oil decoupled from the dollar in 2014. The dollar's status as world reserve currency has nothing to do with oil and everything to do with laser-guided bombs, delivered by stealth aircraft, directly into the rectum of any pissant prime minister who says he's going to try something different.

>> No.18586287
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The DOW is up. Truly means we are in the best economy.
God you're such a faggot

>> No.18586313

Many countries got powerful armies, none of them has world reserve currency status

>> No.18586355

BTC was created in 2001 by the NSA when they also created the SHA-256 algorithm. It's a plan that has been in the making for over a decade by the banks, They couldn't do it in 2008 because the technology was still being developed. 5G is going to transfer all this crypto data from bank to bank. BTC will be the new digital gold, chainlink will be the AI decentralized middleman oracle to process all payments from banks. Another mystery currency only referred to as CBDC(Central bank digital currency)by the European union will be pegged to BTC and will be the everyday currency for the average citizen. Banks are committed worldwide to this as of 2020. This will occur sometime between now and 2024.

>> No.18586497

>Many countries got powerful armies,

Not really. A single US Navy carrier group can lay waste to pretty much any given armed force outside the top half-dozen or so. 3 of which are allies, and the US Navy has a dozen carrier groups. And the Navy has less air power than the USAF.

The disparity in force projection is just ridiculous. The last guy to talk about a competitor to the USD was Qaddafi, who got sodomized with a Bowie knife on video, and the second-last guy was Saddam Hussein.

>> No.18586628

>Not really. A single US Navy carrier group can
Get destroyed even by a third-world countries missile program? Yes it can.

>> No.18586685
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>> No.18586730

>A single US Navy carrier group can lay waste to pretty much any given armed force outside the top half-dozen or so.

>boomers actually think aircraft are indestructible and destroyers have infinite missiles

Yeah, we're screwed bros.

>> No.18586760

i love it when people are this ignorant or are being willfully ignorant about surface warfare doctrine. do you know how credible a threat hypersonic kinetic munitions are? do you know how old CIWS systems are? do you know what's been happening with strike group availability over the last two decades?

>> No.18586785

>hur well, see, in a war they'd just sail everything right up to the docks and hope nobody shoots at them dur

It's a fleet of ships loaded with long-range cruise missiles and attack aircraft, you retard. First thing to go is all the third world radar sites, then aircraft, then missile batteries, and that's when the jets take off from hundreds of miles away to blow up anything that survived the Tomahawks.

This is just in the ridiculous hypothetical situation where a carrier group is for some reason is operating all by itself, and the first wave of missiles wasn't from submarines in a different time zone.

The point is, the less-lethal-to-a-foreign-country branch of the US armed forces has a dozen individual groups that by themselves could waste most countries, not that that is how they'd go about it.

And every decade or so, the US picks up some crappy little country and throws it against the wall, just to remind everyone of this. And that is why the USD is the world reserve currency.

>> No.18586803

this is even more retarded than any of the briefs i've ever sat thru in the navy lol good job

>> No.18586845
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>> No.18586862


They must've focused on things more relevant to your responsibilities, NAVEDTRA 16239 - SCRAPING THE REALLY DRIED-ON SHIT OFF THE BACK OF THE HEAD

>> No.18586881

aight retard

>> No.18586887

>heh I'm a low IQ navy grunt
good for you

>> No.18586931


Remember when Iran told us to fuck off and launched a dozen missiles at us and we didn't do a fob thing about it?

>> No.18586942

gentle reminder that oil is the closest thing to a dollar backing and there is no chance that inflation doesn't happen after this

>> No.18586983

or the US being so upset about turkey buying russian AA/AM defense systems, the same ones that shot down a large majority of our missiles that we fired off at syria over that OPCW report that's been debunked

>> No.18586988

>The disparity in force projection is just ridiculous. The last guy to talk about a competitor to the USD was Qaddafi, who got sodomized with a Bowie knife on video, and the second-last guy was Saddam Hussein.
The third last guy got half his head blown off in Dallas in '63 for Executive Order 11110.

>> No.18586998

>we didn't do a fob thing about it?

What makes you think that?

Besides, we're currently negotiating with Iran, which became pretty obvious after that whole IRGC general thing.

>Soleimani gets zapped
>Iran rockets a base that conveniently is empty so no US casualties

That means that not only is there working communication with the Iranians, but that a potential crisis was averted with a solution that let both sides claim victory, ie really excellent diplomacy is going on behind the scenes

>> No.18587031


This too. The real backing of the US dollar is the guarantee of sudden horrible death for anyone who tries something different, and usually their immediate family as well, no matter who you are.

>> No.18587057

cheap oil is actually super great for the economy for anything except incrdibly short-term. 90%+ of industries will thrive on it.

>> No.18587060

What do all the places occupied by the US military have in common? Economies backed by oil?

>> No.18587230

>South Korea

>> No.18587244


>> No.18587284

Was thinking more Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. We have military bases in Japan, sure, but we also have bases in the UK. We aren’t really occupying the UK though

>> No.18587444

Never thought about it like that but it makes perfect sense. Interesting take.

>> No.18587610

That strike gave 109 soliders brain injuries. Iran definitely told us before hand so those grunts or their superior are retarded, but Trump had to pretend nothing happened for diplomatic reasons.

Unironically one of the wisest things he did in the past 4 years n

>> No.18587942
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the US no longer has an economy

>> No.18588809

To abate any form of harmful nodes in our network, @tachyon requires Nodes provider to pay a security deposit of 200,000 IPX If the token is idle for a minimum of 7days before completing node verification.

>> No.18589963
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>> No.18590688

>What do all the places occupied by the US military have in common? Economies backed by oil?

What the hell are you talking about, we occupy half the world

>I was thinking only the countries that we're occupying and also have oil


>> No.18591209

pride comes before the fall. Im really curious whats going to happen to people like you once america tanks. Like are you all going to have a nervous breakdown? or more likely I can see people like you continuing to cope even though its obvious that everything has gone to hell lol

>> No.18591465

>pride comes before the fall. Im really curious whats going to happen to people like you once america tanks. Like are you all going to have a nervous breakdown? or more likely I can see people like you continuing to cope even though its obvious that everything has gone to hell lol


>everything has gone to hell

It really hasn't, you know

>> No.18592711

So buy UND?

>> No.18592740

Dude, most Americans are ashamed of what our country has become for a vast array of reasons. There is almost no pride left here to speak of save for a few zealots clinging on to a lot of lost causes.

>> No.18592996

Anon, do you actually believe that somehow the only injuries form a volley of missiles was 'CTE brain damage' that didn't manifest until the first news cycle on the strike petered out?

He didn't have to pretend nothing happened, because nothing happened.

>> No.18593054

Cause of fake crisis, people sell everything and collect dollars, destroy the dollar. I said this a month ago. It's totally normal for the government to send 1200 bucks to every citizen in the United States, right?

>> No.18593066

will they turn your computer off when they take you to the fema camp to be drafted

>> No.18593091

maybe when they didnt have computers yes but you should catch up grandpa its btc as gold now.

>> No.18593145

Will they be able to put anyone in camps if they can't pay their soldiers?

>> No.18593874

Didn't you read about Spanish Civil War?
You don't need cash to keep soldiers loyal.Just food and medicine for them and their family.

>> No.18594021

>We aren’t really occupying the UK though
>what is ZOG?

>> No.18594145
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60% of the USD demand comes from oil trade, hence the term "petrodollar". When oil is cheaper than a dog turd there is no demand for USD. Add unlimited QE to that and you will have hyperinflation in June.

>> No.18594459

40% of global debt is in usd, countries litterally scrambling to get on usd swap lines, fed prints trillions and dxy doesn't budge. yeah ok bud

>> No.18594469
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>oil is a relatively small sector of our economy, so not really brainlet