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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 600x900, dcqjfam-716ef017-9723-4c39-ad10-f4f60771b4ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18584633 No.18584633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i told you bro i fucking warned you

>> No.18584658

yeah he predicted a plague in a globalized capitalist system
fucking retard

>> No.18584832
File: 31 KB, 976x635, rop1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
corona has only accelerated the inevitable

>> No.18584910

the inevitable being communist bugs creating a bioweapon and trying to destroy the world and our socialist governments shutting down the economy to save some pants shitting boomers?

>> No.18584979

Then how come the newest industries: tech and digital, have the highest profit margins ever seen? Is it possible innovation could continually renew profits?

>> No.18585016

the inevitable being the declining rate of profit which at some point will be unsustainable for the capitalist system

>socialist governments shutting down the economy
where in the fucking world is there an actual socialist economy

>> No.18585037

Because the fed pumps them up to keep the stock market scam going.

>> No.18585126

no retard, the inevitable being that the rate of profits per the kilman rate of profit will be unsustainable for the capitalist system

>> No.18585168

in what universe is the "tech" sector new? like what do you actually define as tech because i'd assume that all technological advances up until present would fit within that category, thereby proving the tendency of profit rate to fall

>> No.18585176
File: 32 KB, 548x480, comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you say again?

>> No.18585254


>> No.18585414

>""socialist"" economy with billionaires

yeah i totally remember when marx said billionaires would be a natural byproduct of socialism

>> No.18585720

kill yourself retard

>> No.18586023
File: 139 KB, 1400x656, 1*Yw6GGdbUs32A-XMW7AP9PA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line bucko. Austrians have predicted every crisis since 1929. They also predicted that your system is worthless.

>> No.18586024

China was a degenerated workers state that gradually transitioned into being dominated by the bourgeoisie
Mao had this theory called "the block of 4 classes", that sought to make state power a collaboration between the national bourgeoisie, the proletariat, peasants, and the intelligentsia.
the Chinese bourgeoisie became the senior partner in the relationship very quickly, and eventually usurped state power entirely. Now you have billionaires sitting in the National Congress, and operating the communist party.

China obviously still remains nominally communist, presumably to pacify the working class.

>> No.18586096

austrian anti-marxism is so cringe
Subjective value theory is the biggest cope ever. Imagine believing that market prices of commodities are not somehow proportional to some aspect of the production process.

>> No.18586200

>Subjective value theory is the biggest cope ever
I see you are an economic flat earther.

>> No.18586468

What is labor value of free software? And any program that distributed for free?
There's entire industry, that doesn't fit in.

>> No.18586607

it's a theory of the value of commodities (freely reproducible physical goods), not rembrant paintings, open source software, english castles, etc
those are outside the scope of the theory.

you cannot explain the point at which supply and demand intersect by appealing to the magnitude of demand. That would be circular reasoning. For this reason subjective value theory is at best, a non explanation.

>> No.18586675
File: 150 KB, 500x697, person-1-would-pay-3-for-that-burger-person-2-7678736[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the one coping?

>> No.18587041

it is a theory of prices that are set by markets, not how much someone will pay in a Robinson Crusoe economy
i cringe that you downloaded such a smug brainlet image, which betrays such a total misunderstanding