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File: 348 KB, 1201x881, real estate value crash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18580879 No.18580879 [Reply] [Original]

Real estate value tanking when?

>> No.18580973


>> No.18581011

How much? 40-60%?

>> No.18581067

85% as usual

>> No.18581071

Real estate ETFs not in America are a good buy right now since there's a ton of free money on trees everywhere you look

>> No.18581160

Not interested in ETFs. I want to buy a house for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.18581182

a bunch of AAA graded CLO's got downgraded to CCC+

this is literally identical to the subprime crisis of 2008 so you already know whats going to happen and when

>> No.18581217

soon, but I might be up to 2 years away
and everybody will be out of work including you

>> No.18581291

Nah senpai I work in the solar industry. We're still selling systems in Commiefornia/Arizona

>> No.18581390

It's coming. Housing prices need a correction again.

It ludicrous most starter homes are at the 250k+ range.

>> No.18581525

By state is a really bad way to organize these numbers...

>> No.18581547


Real estate along Houston's energy corridor is gonna nice and cheap soon.

>> No.18581567

Sure in cities. 90k range in actual places.

>> No.18581615

>actual places
flyovers nobody wants to live in

>> No.18581628

when prices tank the interest goes up so u fucked either way. just be the bank, idiot. get free money and loan it to charge interest

>> No.18581686

>tfw I was born in Colorado and don't want to leave


>> No.18581727

Never. The 2008 crisis was literally caused by a housing bubble, so of course the prices tanked. However this time around housing prices may actually increase. The reason is QE, which causes inflation, which increases the price of tangible assets like real estate in dollar terms, because the dollar weakens.

>> No.18581740

When Fannie and Freddie lift their bank of evictions and foreclosures

>> No.18581748

never in major cities

>> No.18581777

>$300,000 house becomes $170,000 house
>dual income family makes $130,000 a year
>Interest rates raised to 4%
Just pay it off bro

>> No.18581818

Flyover is the biggest cope in history.
>haha, you live in a safe and quiet environment surrounded by nature and community

>> No.18581928

You missed the part where you're ruled over by politicians that are fucking idiots, the roads aren't maintained because everyone's a poorfag and the schools are underfunded so the kids your wife shits out are significantly dumber maintaining the status quo of "muh daddy lived, worked and died in this coal mine and I'll die in it just like he did!"

>> No.18581980

Where the fuck are you looking at?

Outside of fucking Appalachia and the most poor southern ghettos, no fucking decent property is under 150k right now.

>> No.18582013

You missed the part where not everywhere outside of cities is like that? Is this a joke?
The country would collapse over night if every place except cities were like that...

>> No.18582055

>The country would collapse over night if every place except cities were like that
That would be true if rustbelters weren't a bunch of dumb niggers that didn't leave the country, let alone the state they were born in

>> No.18582099

Depends. Tons of people out of dormant mortgage freezes end in June. However there is also an oil storage crisis so the value of the actual land might skyrocket depending on the area. Oil companies could buy and demolish suburban areas in order to build strategic reserves to deliver to gas stations.

Crash in the cities. Priced out in the country. The dogs are going to start walking their owners.

>> No.18582117

>everywhere outside of cities is the rustbelt
You know what actually, yes that's true. Stay in the cities away from the pristine i mean run down flyover land. Keep flying jewden.

>> No.18582181

This, right now Fannie and Freddie have suspended any foreclosures/evictions in what is known as forebearance.

We won't see prices tank until they lift that, and even then they might be very slow to lift it especially with what it might do to servicers.

>> No.18582182

I'll fucking take it. Pennies on the dollar for the house plus no wagecucking.

>> No.18582223

Show me a market outside rustbelt USA where you can buy a decent house for under a hundred thousand dollars.

>> No.18582253


>> No.18582258

Nope, doesn't exist.


>> No.18582284


>> No.18582294

>Live in Massachusetts

Fucking kill me

>> No.18582391

Tbh while Oklahoma is cheap, the houses you're gonna find for under 100k, assuming you aren't living in the middle of nowhere, are still shite

>> No.18582399

>mfw I got a 300k trust my parents set up for me when I was born, plus 0 student loan debt.

Looking forward to buying my mansion for cheap.

>> No.18582597

jesus christ. i live in chicago and you are fucking delusional. politicians, public service, and education are not significantly better in cities. in the case of chicago all of that is probably worse here than it is in small town USA

>> No.18582629

Next week not before or after but don’t tell anyone else

>> No.18582845

Let’s just say all the major land developers in Texas are liquidating everything they can while they can

>> No.18583429

Do you really want to live in some rustbelt shithole that kept their respective state open until last week? Because I don't.

>> No.18583576

Or just a fucking trailer. The amount of double wides being sold as houses is ridiculous.

>> No.18583580

What kind of a timeline would you say we're looking at?
t. millennial with savings dreaming of a house

>> No.18583618

Then you're a fucking retard, I'm from a suburb of a big city and I'm running away to the country right now. Cities are stupid to live in.

>> No.18583891

I'm from a suburb too and I'm saying there's not anywhere affordable that you'd actually want to live. If not for crime or culture reasons, it's the fact that the properties suck ass