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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18579962 No.18579962 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to this board? You have people crying over oil. Who cares? I want to go back to discussing crypto.

>> No.18580011
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>> No.18580056
File: 1.80 MB, 1247x689, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means USA is about to be on an oil shortage in a couple of months and oil companies are going to be bankrupt. You know what happens when the USA runs out of oil right? lol

>> No.18580122

they can get it for free. How can their be an oil shortage when every single oil storage is full. Anyways, now bitcoin miners can mine bitcoin for free, which is a good thing

>> No.18580723

>they can get it for free.
Um no sweety, US oil companies that drill have to sell this oil to someone in the world. If the US just prints more trillions to pay for this produced oil, it will inflate our economy.
Saudi arabia will not sell their oil for 0$ that they drill themselves. This is what the saudi's planned, they flooded it today, and they did this to put more strain on the US economy and oil supply. Either the USA is going to have to inflate it's already bubbled economy to keep oil production up, pay trillions to Saudi Arabia for the stockpiled oil or take it from them through war. The people that work for oil companies in the USA at oil fields don't work for free sweety.

>> No.18580890

Mecca needs to be nuked anyways. I'm down for a war but only if it's completely nuclear

>> No.18580994


First time in history something like this happened. it's more interesting than crypto at the moment

>> No.18581005

and likewise countries will not buy oil that is negative or at least pay much for it. Most countries don't need that much oil since they are small. You have to remember USA is a BIG country that needs ALOT of oil to keep functioning, if it runs out of this supply, well there's a problem. USA needs large amounts of oil just to function.

>> No.18581008

Easy, posadas.

>> No.18581065

the absolute state of this board
pajeets and moonboys can't discuss economy as a whole ngmi

>> No.18581069

>discussing crypto.
you mean making-up shit on hope that there's enough imbeciles reading it who will actually buy your bullshit, and pump their real money into the crypto-currency you bought for peanuts?

Crypto-currencies are a pyramid scheme.

>> No.18581191

The inevitable transition from commodity capitalism to intellectual capitalism will shock some. High iq anons are already positioned for the destination:

>> No.18581231

buy link, faggot.

>> No.18581282

good video, i recommend people watch this

>> No.18581286

what do you call oil right now kek.

>> No.18581323

Crypto is dead.

>> No.18581424

shut the fuck up cryptozoomer

>> No.18581506

crypto is dead, retard. the stock market is the new thing nowadays.

>> No.18581571
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hmm buy assets in a market just beginning its multi year bear market or buy assets in a up and coming industry who has been in a bear market for 850 days. Yeah, you're the retard here.

>> No.18581719

This board is emotion-based, enjoy the waves bro.

>> No.18581857

>I want to discuss shitcoin #129 instead of the leading commodity of the past 100 years hitting it's lowest point yet
Please go eat an undercooked bat

>> No.18581968

Crypto and stonks are dead. Gold and silver are the new thing these days.

>> No.18582081

US$ depends on OIL
crypto depends on US$
OIL crashes > US$ crashes > crypto crashes

remember, buy high, sell low.

>> No.18582280

>lowest point

Right. How do I actually invest in this shit? I threw 100 bucks into USO; it's like 70% down from it's price at the top of a multi-year bull run so I'm expecting to get maybe $80 back in a year. Biggest happening this year was being able to buy bitcoin at a 3rd of what it was a few months ago then doubling my investment when it shock above 7k. Most of this oil stuff is just shitposting that doesn't discuss actual investment. Half of the posts in the general are made by crossboarders who know nothing about anything /biz/ related. The biggest news is that the influx of newfags may in itself be bullish.

>> No.18582292

You know that oil runs the economy right?

>> No.18582601
File: 107 KB, 583x774, 1516718970249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right? what is this shit
i dont even have a car, this is a cryptoboard

>> No.18582708

where do I cop oil?