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18567069 No.18567069 [Reply] [Original]

The worst joint-economic-financial crisis of the modern era is underway and it will be several magnitudes worse than The Great Depression.

U.S. unemployment is ripping into double digit percentiles. The euro is weakening against a dollar that is getting printed ad infinitum. European banks are cozying up to negative rates. US not far behind with negative rates in bonds market.

The Fed pulled out all of its ammo IN A SINGLE MONTH. Rates to zero, reserve requirements to zero, unlimited QE, trillion dollar daily repos, secondary facilities and TALF to buy junk bonds, and repo/dollar swaps to foreign banks.

The stock market is juicing on this and is completely decoupled from the reality that a $1,200 is only good for low-means neets and not the average normie let alone city dweller.

Unemployment will continue to climb and UBI will be the new standard. Corporate socialism is now complemented by actual socialism. The gov/Fed's only weapon at this point is the same weapon it has been using: to throw money at everything. Eventually, this will be even easier when the US digital currency program allows anyone to open a direct account at the Fed.

As MMT becomes the default monetary/fiscal policy in the states, the excess money printing will lead to rapid currency debasement, because the US fundamentally lacks the industry/manufacturing productivity to offset any inflation this printing will create.

Idk how long it will take, but the end game is this: central banking monetary policy will bifurcate the money base into soft money (fiat) and hard money (btc, gold/silver/precious ms, other commodities). The soft money will be used for certain day-to-day expenditures (rent, groceries) or expenditures that are mandated by the state. The hard money will be for saving, luxury purchases, international travel, etc.

As people finally wake up to rising prices and centrally-planned monetary policy (money printer go brrrr meme), they will be incentivized to look at the alternatives

>> No.18567093

As people finally wake up to rising prices and centrally-planned monetary policy (money printer go brrrr meme), they will be incentivized to look at the alternatives. I personally think they will find this in bitcoin and gold/silver, but there will be others, as well--anything that has more stable value and can hold purchasing power better than the dollar.

What many Austrians have been screaming about since the erosion of the gold standard will soon come to pass and it will completely rive our financial system in two.

>> No.18567453



is there anybody out there?

>> No.18567477

Nothing will change all your assumptions are based on dated disproven theories

>> No.18567514

Wow, maybe capital won't be the supreme form of power under this new paradigm.
Maybe social goals will start to take the fore.
If we retire the old system known as capitalism, I wonder what it is we'll call this new system.

>> No.18567526
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this, nothing ever happens

>> No.18567683
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it's called communinflationism

>> No.18567703

I'm so ready. I can't wait until the government tries to enforce its fucking negative interest rate shitcoin and even BASE LEVEL NORMIES LIKE YOUR MUM are like "fuck this" and end up buying crypto & gold /silver... Hows this for an idea? A brokerage where you can trade gold/silver contracts and crypto into equities directly? The spread will be a bit bigger because I have to sit on the fucking dollar for .5 seconds while it fucking loads but its better than holding it for a minute baha!

>> No.18567735

if you aren't willing to hire 20 ivy league grads and lawyers youll be regulated into destitution

>> No.18567753

I'll operate out of NZ or Estonia or somewhere with actual freedom, come and get me.

>> No.18567769

Buddy, we haven't had a true free-market capitlist economy for over a century now.

>> No.18567793

good writeup thank you for posting (not ironic)

>> No.18567801

Just supporting a well-written thread with a bump.

>> No.18567898
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The problem is people have been so inured by the system that they have become codependent on it. They know nothing else and are uncomfortable with change. Try convincing Boomers to NOT suck Uncle Sam's dick because the government is the "protector" of their precious numbers in their 401(k), even though those numbers are based on fiat and ultimately useless, backed only by oil and the US military. When faith falters enough, that's it, game over for the USD. The problem is, (((they))) have run a propaganda machine so effective that no one wants to break free, despite the whole 2A meme protests and "we're gonna rebel! We really mean it THIS time!" and then no one ever truly does anything besides spouting a few empty words and rhetoric to make themselves feel better.

The bluepill Matrix analogy is absurdly apt; people CHOOSE to be enslaved, choose to be their own jailers. Why? Because of convenience.

>> No.18567996

I literally don't give a shit if people who sucked petrodollars dick dry have nothing left to sustain themselves. I DONT FUCKING CARE. Its game over NOW the petrodollar is fucking broken. They brought it upon themselves and their shitty negative interest rate shitcoin isn't going to do fuck all. What I am wondering though is, would gold and silver end up with a negative interest rate in a free market economy? People think interest rates going negative is a central banking thing, but rates have been on the decline since the 1300s. I read about it in wealth of nations (a book from the 1700s)... You see, as capitalism makes things more efficient people have more stock, and when they have more stock the stock is less profitable because there is more competition (declining profits principle), and so people are less likely to go out and get a loan w/ interest because they'll make less profit on the money,... but is there any reason for that to go negative in an ancap society? YOU TELL ME MAN YOU TELL ME.

>> No.18568056

The revolution is going to be passive, it's not going to be a shitfest in the street even though the state will try to make it be, instead it'll be,
hows about this old silver coin / crypto / ammo for some food?
Sounds good to me

>> No.18568065

Plz, enlighten me anon.

Are you an MMT bootlicker? Do you enjoy getting fucked by the state?

>> No.18568069

You overestimate how smart the cattle are. Here's what will really happen:

>Normies get fucked by inflation
>corporate media: "it's the fault of the rich"
>politicians: "let's tax the rich!"
>Actual laws: fuck over the upwardly mobile middle class and entrench existing corporate monopolies
>cattle: "thanks for the gibs!"

>> No.18568095

If people put 100 dollars in their bank account on day 1 and they know its going to be 99 dollars on day 2 and they want to save it, they WILL find somewhere else to put it. Don't be so down on your fellow brothers and sisters.

>> No.18568097


Biz has improved a lot since (most) of the shitcoiners have been flushed out so it'd be cool to see more posts talking about macro trends, financial/monetary intersection etc

>> No.18568110


>> No.18568115
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your generosity is most obliged on this, the great 4/20 quarantine

>> No.18568188

I wish my friend, I wish.

I agree that the petrodollar is on life support, but if the great majority of people refuse to pull the plug and artificially keep it alive, there will be even more consequences.

Decentralized crypto and shiny rocks just might free everybody, which is why everyone needs to inform as many people as possible about why the dollar is failing.

>> No.18568210


Legit q if you're still around, (and if you're a leftist), what do you believe the #1 driver of income inequality is? If you think capitalism, sure, but what >>18567769 is saying is that real capitalism doesn't exist anymore--it's been replaced by a state-sponsored corporatism.

You'd almost right, you just think the system probably works differently than it does. The corporations enrich themselves on cheap fed credit.

Google the Cantillon effect.

>> No.18568218

This. The destruction of the middle class just further cements (((their))) control.

>> No.18568312

You're certainly right that some cattle will take the cud and be fine with it.

The free money will entice them, but my point is that EVERYONE will have that money anyone. Some, will put it in hard assets as their national currencies deteriorate

It doesn't matter if everyone does it. Some will, others won't, but hard money will become increasingly relevant as a means of fighting the inevitable inflation that all of this will cause

>> No.18568450

We will be in the minority.

The media will teach the cattle to hate anyone who successfully protected their wealth.

>> No.18568560

Estonia is a test-bed for surveillance government tech, not even kidding. NZ is fine

>> No.18568608

thanks I did not know that, just seen it on a list of economic freedoms and I like seafood. Australia also feels like a test bed for surveillance government tech.

>> No.18569114


For sure. The bailouts are already being called an essential act and people are ok with the Fed being a liquidity guarantor

>> No.18569472


>> No.18569565

that's why if this bullshit goes forward any more the only correct move is to leave the country forever if you have money

>> No.18570737

>the US fundamentally lacks the industry/manufacturing productivity

bruh America is a top three global exporter

>> No.18571356

but the entire economy is closed you retard,

>> No.18571791

& go where?

>> No.18571969

nothing lasts but nothing is lost. the universe is on a loop and everything that is happening has happened an infinite amount of times before