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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18562203 No.18562203 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being such a useless retarded high-time-preference spendthrift faggot that you couldn't even manage to put 1 month's worth of rent in savings

These people deserve to be evicted and forced to live under bridges

>> No.18562225

>calls people out for being high-time-preference
>doesn't realize its the opposite and people with a low time preference are the ones he should be insulting

nice faggot, way to oust yourself as not knowing anything of which you speak

>> No.18562255
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It's high time preference. get it

>> No.18562529

>b-but landlords should have prepared to make mortgage payments and taxes without rent
>who cares that there has literally never been a situation where such a high percent of tenants couldn't pay before
>not preparing for this unprecedented situation is more irresponsible than me not saving a few grand for if I get hurt or lose my job - you know, something that can happen anytime
Tenants are stupid. I'm not even landlord.

>> No.18562549

Its impossible to save money with average wage paying an average rent

>> No.18562650

Rent is too high and tenants are abusing the fact they can delay payment nobody's stupid

listen if rent was atleast 25% of income if not lower i can guarantee people wouldn't be abusing it as much

>> No.18562693
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Kek, have nearly 3 years worth of rent in cash savings alone, and enough food to not need to leave the house for 3-4 months if necessary. Not only am I still employed, but I'm getting a wage increase for working less hours at a cruisy pace.

Also, two days a week, supermarket access is restricted for the first hour to fellow essential wagies, and the other three weekdays, it's 70s and older only. NEETs and most b*omers get to fight over the scraps.

>> No.18562707


>Time preference - Wikipedia
>Someone with a high time preference is focused substantially on their well-being in the present


>> No.18562756

I rent out my own property and rent the current place I'm in now.
I've never been late on rent or any kind of my bill in my life. I don't even make that much of a salary, I just don't believe in having debts (aside from mortgagejew)

I couldn't imagine not having money for rent. If you are living paycheck to paycheck then you should probably be downsizing or moving to a cheaper area.

>> No.18562798
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Profligates like you belong on a cross.