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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18560563 No.18560563 [Reply] [Original]

When did biz become more than just a board about shitcoins? Is Coronavirus the best thing to ever happen to biz?

>> No.18560620

It made me realise how tiny the crypto market actually is compared to stocks and precious metals, and how much its price just reacts to the stock market.

>> No.18560644

also makes you realise how boring crypto actually is compared to the big boy markets

>> No.18560675

I hate that fucking image because there are a billion nothing burger workers who never made it and just wage slave until they die

>> No.18560692
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lots of people began noticing that stocks are objectively more exciting than cryptocurrency.

they always were, but it took the crash and the impending depression to show that to /biz/. Also crypto has been boring as fuck because it's the same LARPers, scammers and charlatans shilling the same pipe-dream over and over and over again for the past 3 years. Insanely dull. Many people have sold and moved on

>> No.18561127

i was just thinking that. its refreshing to see threads about entrepreneurship, small business, real estate and the actual markets. id like to see threads about the operational aspects of starting businesses, inventions, small scale marketing, and localized threads regarding laws and taxes associated with it all. id start them myself but i dont know shit thats why i want to see them.

>> No.18561253

Whats sad too is 'college for everyone' didn't even elevate the work force past wage slavery, it' just wage slavery with bigger numbers.

>> No.18561344

I second this opinion

>> No.18561922

Ray croc scammed it from the MacDonald brothers

>> No.18562042

That's not even when most mid-life crises happen. What a biased chart

>> No.18562492

Have you considered not being retarded in high school and attending a top 20 university?

>> No.18562530

This place is much worse now. Feels like gentrification (and thats a bad thing)

>> No.18563731

When people realized that crypto in general is giving them far less gains than on the stock market.

>> No.18564467

>that chart
All of those people had successful lives even up their "breakthough" points. They weren't broke NEETs living with their parents, they all had fruitful careers and a resume of impressive places or things they'd done up to that point. Then they became mega successful at later stages.

Yes, if you are 35 and you've held low jobs all your life and don't really have anything else to show for it at all, it's over, it's too late to start. You aren't going to become the founder of some high-tech company or website, you'll be lucky if you pull yourself up enough to afford a shitty house in a nigger neighborhood.

>> No.18564479

>When did biz become more than just a board about shitcoins?
When the market became shittier than crypto. This is a board of thrill seekers, adrenaline junkies and degenerate gamblers

>> No.18564500

lol, I didn't know any of the people on this list
so much for their 'succes'