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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1855302 No.1855302 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1855315
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Oil is leaking. WE NEED A TURBO BOOST!

>> No.1855319

I know that feel friend, kept putting off buying ETH tried to buy at the weekend waiting on a 3 day wire transfer.... plz kill me

>> No.1855327

fuck man i keep thinking about 2 weeks ago it was at 14$ this is ridiculous

>> No.1855328

I know man, hopefully it dips in a couple of days

>> No.1855334

I made two ach deposits last week for eth and one arrive 2 days ago and other just arrived today.

ACH is slow a fuck. Which is basically why eth needs to exist to replace it.

>> No.1855366

It wont go lower than $23 at this point based on the market depth

>> No.1855368
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>tfw transferred 2000 from my bank account to coinbase 4 days ago and it STILL hasn't gone through
Is this normal

>> No.1855779

wait a year retard pump more money in

>> No.1855808

Can't decide whether or not to buy now or wait until the /dip/


>> No.1855834

Buy now, the dip is already over. It will go back to 30€ soon.

>> No.1855851

Would buying stocks @ ETH be recommendable for a first time investor?

>> No.1855857

Yes. ACH can take up to 7 days.

>> No.1855860
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>tfw old btc from blockchain wallet gets stuck in the abyss because they set a shit auto fee

>> No.1855864

tfw bought $5k eth sat night and bank acc has not changed or deducted

>> No.1855867

Buy eth with the rest of your account (and leave the country)

>> No.1855872

derrrrrhhh yea i want to go negative retard

>> No.1855954
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Tfw I sold at 25 because I thought it was gonna come down by today, then I wake up and it's fucking 29

>> No.1855963

tell me about it. waiting for it to go back down to $25 feels like I'm a kid waiting up to see santa come down the chimney. I'm so tempted to buy in but its bouncing too much for me to commit right now

>> No.1855973

Why do you guys wire money into your account? Mine is hooked up directly to my bank account and I can buy into the ETH market straight away.

>> No.1855974
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Okay guys, I could sell now with a profit of 500€ and call it a day or go to sleep and see what the fuck happens tomorrow. This ride has been extremely wilde. What do you think? Will it drop back to 22€ or go up to 35€ when I wake op? I'm new to this cion stuff.

>> No.1855978

What site do you use?

>> No.1855981



>> No.1855987

Why $25?

>> No.1855988
File: 24 KB, 400x400, pepekillinghimself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to the bank so I could buy some eth in the shithole that is brazil
>bank is closed today
i want to die

>> No.1855990

How can I do this? I have an account on Kraken, but didn't use it yet (at all). All my coins are on Coinbase, where I don't think this is possible.

>> No.1856002
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was gonna buy today but I filled in my billing address wrong too many times and got locked out of coinbase heh

>> No.1856008

no idea, just waiting for a dip in general. $25 would be my "stop fucking around and act right now" number

>> No.1856127

Yea I would need it to go to 25 to buy back in without wanting to blow my brains out

>> No.1856137

Kraken pros, can you take a look please?

>> No.1856139

If i used coinbase to buy 5 eth 2 days ago around $20, am i going to get what I specifically paid for or am I getting jewed?

>> No.1856153

My experience with coinbase and they even say it on their website is that when you click that buy button you are locked in at that price. So if you bought a coin at 1 dollar and then 2 days later is it worth 1k. You only get charged 1dollar.

>> No.1856157

Glad to hear, especially since its up almost 50% from when I bought it.

>> No.1856158
File: 61 KB, 398x354, 1484436914163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw have been getting rekt off crypto for months and now all these rookies just waltz in and luck out on an alt bubble

>> No.1856163

please help me do this >>1856137

>> No.1856165

You'll get it for what you bought in at.

>> No.1856173

going to convert my 14.4 BTC in to ETH. what do you think I should set my buy at? 0.021?

>> No.1856187

It's safe to go 0.020, it will drop much lower with all these newfags with loose hands.

>> No.1856233


>> No.1856374


>> No.1856590

Buy a little now and if it goes down buy more.