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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 44 KB, 634x378, 789453646778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18544408 No.18544408 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18544478
File: 315 KB, 1181x1255, ES9ePMIUMAMflvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact about insanely obese people
You don't actually get more fat cells they just get bigger.
At some point the cell walls become so thin that excess moisture leaks out.
That is why this hambeast is sitting on absorbent puppy pads, his skin leaks fluid from his over engorged fat cells.

Jannies are fucking disgusting.

>> No.18544501

how does he pee?

>> No.18544504

Why let people like this even live? They can't work, they just use human resources.

>> No.18544506

Look at the balls on this cunt

>> No.18544540

>Fun fact
thanks, these concepts are unfamiliar to us in the first world.

>> No.18544546
File: 91 KB, 587x1024, 19270F60-5970-45A4-8DA9-F77401DADA07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adamantium vibranioid hands over here. Jews are never going to get my linkies

>> No.18544556

any pictures/videos of this phenomenon? I'd like to see it ... unfold

>> No.18544606

i've not a vasectomy advocate, but u can reverse that shit as easily as u got it in the 1st place...

>> No.18544944

I would hate my life if I had a wife who was that unfunny

>> No.18545365

Only the first couple years. Chances of reversing it succesfuly drops as time passes and eventually semen production cant be restarted.

Thats without mentioning how your testosterone levels drop harshly. Enjoy being fat and having man boobs due to hormone inbalance.

>> No.18545697

they are female chubby chasers and feeders who love guys this big.

>> No.18545727

this guys a total simp, look at the bedsheets. the wife chooses EVERYTHING that goes in that house. guaranteed.

>> No.18546242

>Thats without mentioning how your testosterone levels drop harshly. Enjoy being fat and having man boobs due to hormone inbalance.
You're confusing orchiectomy with vasectomy.

>> No.18546440

she's celebrating her husband as a sterile paypig for her child free lifestyle

>> No.18546832
File: 234 KB, 1024x922, BULLCOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> u/allinUSequities

>> No.18546854

Damn thats a relevant image

>> No.18546938


>> No.18546970

>At some point the cell walls become so thin that excess moisture leaks out.

We don't have cell walls only membranes

t. Vaguely remembers high school biology 11 years ago