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18537871 No.18537871 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to write something I hope becomes a copypasta for the intelligent among us.

95% of people here are memers and another 95% have no fucking clue and there is a huge overlapping Venn Diagram for those where almost no one here is excluded. Those who know anything truly are rare, and even when someone who had good knowledge posts, how is it not to get lost in the rest of the mayhem? The truth? Is it gonna 10x again? Who the fuck knows? Don't take advise from these shitposters. Weed through the garbage as much as you can. Occasionally you will see someone worth their salt, someone demonstrably successful, or someone that writes a post that is so apparently well thought out and intelligent that stands out so loudly that it might as well have been highlighted, that will either downplay or hype up a potential crypto investment, or otherwise. And then, can you trust that? My friend, let me tell you something... all crypto is fucking speculative. Chainlink has some cool stuff going for it. Oracles, smart contracts, it's nothing to snub your nose at, but it doesn't mean they're going to be the only ones that can do it? Even if they do and even if they are, is Crypto ever really going to make it? Is the crypto boom over? Motherfucker, NO ONE KNOWS. The best you can do is buy stuff that YOU believe in based on YOUR best research and intuition. DYOR, never invest anything you can't afford to lose, acknowledge that you may lose it, don't give in to FUD, and cross your fingers.

We're all gambling, nigger. The lucky ones brag. We all want to be them. We can all try. But don't believe that anyone trading crypto every knew anything FOR SURE.

>> No.18537893

Serge betray to us we in together to be

>> No.18537940


>> No.18537987

>190% of people are retards
Yup op just proved it too

>> No.18538006

That's a man

>> No.18538283

There are a multiple discord and irc groups that intentionally meme, fud and hype shit to fuck with the normies who flocked to 4C in 2017. Most every intelligent discussion is had on those channels now. Occasionally we drop our dd in hopes that there are some new biztards that can capitalize on it.
>But I'm in those kind of groups and they are full of clueless crabs
You're in the wrong channels and we're not chosen/recruited.
There have been multiple recruiting operations with the majority being held in 2017. Think assblaster, think animechan, this sharpie ass. The most recent and relatively large recruiting op happened with the prophecy of asuka. Normies bit and a few have been pulled in.
Keep your eyes open. There will be a new recruiting opportunity in the next 2 weeks.

>> No.18538333

>intelligent discussion
those channels are worse than fucking biz

>> No.18539072
File: 101 KB, 508x516, 1531756544835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a racist and I hold Chainlink. And I know I'm not the only one. I first heard of this smartcontract middleware project when posting in Stormfront. We were brain-STORMING (pun intended) some ideas that we nazis could use to undermine women and minorities and some intelligent anon brought up investing in the project and became the most upvoted idea. What does Chainlink have to do, at all, with opressing women and minorities you may ask? Well, I will explain to you in a way even a pathetic, weak and stupid female would understand, so you better be grateful here:

Because of the inefficiency of modern day contract enforcement, generally dominated by slow and inefficient government owned courts, in the last decades modern society has seen a huge explosion in the number of people employed as white collar workers. The stereotypes about white collar workers, all of them, are absolutely true. They are lazy pieces of shit, doing non-essential make-work while browsing their phones, maybe doing an hour or two at most or real work in the entire day. This is the context in which women entered the "work"force in masse. Women can't do real jobs. Well, maybe 10% can do something useful, but most of you only strut around in air conditioned offices like you're the hottest shit in the world, while men still do 95% of the work.

So... what is going to happen to all that unnecessary administrative bloat? Thanks to our man Sergey Nazarov the days of you paper pushers, lawyers and other parasites are numbered. Within a decade all these jobs will almost be gone. Smart contracts will make all of you go back into the kitchen, where you should have always been because there won't be a Jew megacorp willing to waste its money in hiring you when NEET nodes will do it for a fraction of the price.

Chainlink, the currency for a bright future where women will be oppressed and niggers curb stomped into extermination!


>> No.18539184

I'm going to write something I hope becomes a copypasta for the intelligent among us.

Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.18539936
File: 702 KB, 826x569, 1572484884812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((they))) hope to write copypasta that sticks
>(((they))) dunno that al dente requires organic finesse impossible to anyone who doesn't [redacted]
>(((they))) don't [redacted]
>tl;dr: dr;ns
>pic related: exemplary copypasta that sticks

You think it's easy, kid? *sips* It's not. It's hard. Making pasta that STICKS... now THAT'S the TRICK. How do you make it stick? Not like this. Do you see what I'm doing? I'm making terrible pasta. Anyone who copypastas this should be ashamed & ridiculed by everyone in whatever thread gets shitted up by this copypasta -- but ONLY if it's not THIS copypasta, which is the ORIGINAL iteration of THIS DELICIOUS BUT UNSTICKY PASTA which is fucking STINKY like the LINKY. Anyway, look, maybe you can learn from all of the failure in this and other posts, and just stop TRYING. START DOING. You shouldn't give a fuck. You should just shoot from the hip. It should be like when you wake up from a dream where you're fucking three 9/10 asian chicks and you've got a horsecock that's just erupting cum like a volcano (the way that other op posted yesterday or last week -- decent thread, btw, would copypasta -- you see, now THAT is copypasta: erupting horsecock. NO ONE KNOWS how powerful a meme like that could be. If you can anticipate what it becomes before it begins, you can make mad money, you don't even know. Buy HRSCK right now. Anyway, I neither know nor care what your thread's about, and have lost interest, and so I'm done shitposting. In closing, fuck ja- >a user was based for this post<

>> No.18539986

>muh secret club
Kill yourself Discord tranny