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18532931 No.18532931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did meth since 15, quit this year at 20. Work as a manual laborer. My memory is very bad and I can’t focus on anything for too long. How can I repair my brain?

>> No.18532941

you can't my friend, go back to meth

>> No.18532951

stop masturbating now, best advice I can give you son

>> No.18532953

More meth

>> No.18532964

meth and linkies

>> No.18532999

try noopept / piracetam, vigorous excercise and sauna

>> No.18533001

I'm being serious here. You need to buy some greens and protein powder. You can get 2 in 1 if you're lazy. Buy the expensive vegan, fermented, organic non gmo stuff. Your body has been rejecting any nutritional intake because of the meth and your mind and body are tired. Eat other healthy stuff too. Don't over eat but don't stay hungry. Once your diet is in check you can develop a proper sleep routine. Eat and sleep well plus stay clean you will do fine . Weed is ok, fuck anyone who tells you otherwise.

>> No.18533012

I recently managed to go 6 months on nofap and I was starting to develop photographic memory. not even joking.

>> No.18533030

holy fuck...

>> No.18533059

You'll be fine anon you're young, unless you did crazy amounts of 1 gram plus every day I wouldn't worry

>> No.18533070


>> No.18533094

Lion's mane mushroom extract coupled with psilocybin micro-dosing

>> No.18533105

Fuck off

>> No.18533116

when you underestimate natures power..

>> No.18533136

where the fuck do I even get that garbage

>> No.18533158


weed is ok in moderation, not when you smoke 5 heavy joints a day for years.
I was in a similar situation like you OP, maybe even worse. These supplements will help: Modafinil, alpha lipoic acid, spirulina and omega 3. Take the last 3 daily and modafinil every now and then. (always in the morning) For the rest, periods of nofap, exercise, a good sleep rhythm, healthy diet will help. Also do not forget to do things that challenge your mental capacities on a daily basis. If your memory is bad, maybe try learning a new language or something. You will need to actively train the things you lost.

>> No.18533169

Switch to heroin

>> No.18533184

Don't listen to this Garbage advice OP. Veganism is slow starvation and malnourished why do you think it's being pushed so much. Look into Aajanous Vonderplanitz if you want to be really sustain-ably healthy.

>> No.18533191

Crystal meth is literally a neurotoxin. OP you are FUCKED, you will never reach a normal state again.

>> No.18533198

I did but I kept overdosing, I’ve overdosed thirteen times.

>> No.18533206

>Aajanous Vonderplanitz
lal that guy is brainded, he thinks ALL bacteria and even parasites are beneficial to the human body

>> No.18533207

Are you retarded? Modafinil is a dopamine agonist, can you not see how this may be a problem with an amphetamine abuser...

>> No.18533218
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Fren, may i ask do you have meth teeths?
and how many times you used meth per month?

>> No.18533221

bro are you being serious? Please be honest.

>> No.18533222

Well all natural ones are. Ever heard of high meat?

>> No.18533226

I smoked meth everyday and when my father at 17 passed away I began shooting it

>> No.18533233

thanks for the answer fren.

do you have meeth teeths?
and how much does your addiction cost per month?

>> No.18533240

well considering you've done 5 years of meth during developing years it's hard to "go back to normal"

but what I would do would be develop a good exercise routine, yoga in-between workout days, and meditation daily

also you barely only quit this year. give it at least a year before you start seeing a drastic improvement

>> No.18533245

shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.18533254

>I smoked meth everyday and when my father at 17 passed away I began shooting it
also I'd recommend getting a psychiatrist ASAP

you clearly have childhood/parental issues (given that you've been using meth since 15) and seeing a psychologist that can act as a mirror to your dysfunction will be helpful for your recovery

>> No.18533273

I am genuinly being honest.
I didn't expect these kind of effects either.
But if you don't expell it outwards...
it will help you build stronger inwards.

around the 6 month mark I started automatically store my information differently. instead of trying to remember a series of numbers the regular way. just remembering the number series. I started remembering visually. like taking a screenshot and remembering that way.

its hard to explain.

anyway I since relapsed and also smoked weed so I'm not on the path right now. but once I getback on the path im going to try and deevlop this further.

>> No.18533304

I'm not a vegan you brainlet, I eat meat. You shouldn't jump to assumptions. The vegan greens in fermented form are absorbed much better and promote healthy digestion for all the other shit we consume. Stop being a fucking retard I'm trying to help the OP. I'm clearly smarter than you are.

>> No.18533309


you fucking incel double nigger
i just asked a simple questions
why you not answer?
did i hurt your meth feelings?

>> No.18533310

this entire thread is a bunch of pseudoscience and new age ezoterism

>> No.18533311

Modafinil is total shit, just feels like bad coffee to me, jittery, cant really focus on anything, anxious&restless, and a nasty crash at the end of it.

Moda's are just hype imo.

>> No.18533327

you’re just a fucking weirdo and I don’t have time to deal with you

>> No.18533337

I don’t have enough money for his bullshit protein powders anyway.
i eat a lot of meat, eggs and dairy and I’m starting to feel better slowly

>> No.18533341

the only weirdo are you
normal people don’t use meth

i am really courious about your teeth condition because i read a lot about meth addiction

>> No.18533343

Fuck off anon
Your not funny

>> No.18533352

Sobriety reading and learning

>> No.18533367


>> No.18533369

Go to a psychiatrist and get a Zyprexa subscription

>> No.18533388

Ok faggot listen to the retard instead. If you had money for meth you can spend 50 dollars a month on protein. At this point you don't deserve my help. I hope you fall off the wagon again and end up sucking dick for meth again in the near future. Junkies are oblivious to true help. Just kys and do everyone a favor.

>> No.18533390

I don’t have schizophrenia

>> No.18533402

Diet and exercise. Force yourself to do hobbies that are fun but require concentration. 20 isn't too late to read more.

Good luck anon it's tough. But shit will kill you. My dad got hooked on crack we found out and he died in the last few weeks. You'll probably want to go back but do whatever you have to in order to avoid it.

>> No.18533403

Fuck is wrong with you, get out of my thread you fucking loser

>> No.18533413


this little meth faggot will suck a lot of dicks in the future

he can not even answer a simple question.
he don’t need out help

>> No.18533417

Thank you, I do eat fruits and vegetables but I still eat a lot of meat and dairy

>> No.18533419

Fellow methfag here. Not recovering however.. because i keep fucking slipping, the bad sleeping habbits and daily faps makes me feel bad enough. I do however notice when i stop, sleep well , eat healthy and do normal things i recover extremely fast. My body does at least, my mind does too but i just go back to blank , dull state of no emotion that i've had since 18. So yes, you can and will go back to normal but it'll take at least a year to get to 90% range with the amount of using you did.

>> No.18533424

Nobody wants to hear your negative bullshit, fuck off my thread.

>> No.18533425

Balanced diet doesnt need to be some meme vegetarian shit, just eat enough veggies and proteins, get a work out routine and make sure you get enough sleep. Start reading books, even start on that "for dummies" crap on anything you think you might be interested in and take it from there.

>> No.18533430

lion's mane is legit. Used it in uni

>> No.18533440

I can relate man, I’ve hit a wall where I’m starting to feel dull and not clear minded, I’m just biting the bullet, you’re tougher than you think you are

>> No.18533452

kek too true man, I tried helping and he pretty much told me to go fuck myself by siding with someone who's clearly retarded. He gravitated straight to the bad advice. He's a born loser.

>> No.18533480

I knew you were mentally ill so i didn’t take your advice and now your bitter haha

>> No.18533497

meth already killed all his incel brain cells

he is a lost case

>> No.18533505

you too, you’re a freak lol, get out of my thread

>> No.18533536

Google "dual N-back", it is a memory game, it is one of the few things that is actually proven to raise your IQ and improve memory, if you do it every day.
In short, if you take an IQ test everyday, you will eventually get better at taking the test, getting into the logic applied to that specific test. But when you switch to another kind of IQ test, your "gains" will not follow.
Dual N-back is the only thing i know of, that actually raise your IQ.

>> No.18533541
File: 147 KB, 677x617, 39C94258-9841-4CB4-84ED-C7DCE7464FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow methhead here. You will nevere recover. You will be clean for a week or two, for a month or two, for a year or two. But that rush is just too good. That feeling of weight coming off of you, the crackling before the hit, the way your heart beats when you are finally opening the baggie to smoke it. Also sex, faps, they will never be the same. You will never be able to reach those hour long sex sessions. Nofap is good for your mind but I’ve found out I come in like five seconds when I’m with a girl after weeks of no fap. Sorry anon but you started way too young. Your brain wiring is fucked. All these anons giving you generic advise dont know anything about meth or life.

>eat, sleep, workout, read

Gtfo. They just don’t know. We are fucked for life. Sorry anon. You will fall again unless you go into voluntary reclusion or move to Israel or singapore or one of those hardcore antidrug stance type of places. Sorry anon. Kys faggot.

>> No.18533554


hey frens, how much money did you spend per month on your addiction?

and do you developed meth teeths?

>> No.18533556

Fuck off you loser

>> No.18533571

With time you will repair. Dw anon

>> No.18533588

Thank you.

>> No.18533617
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Why do you post this everywhere, saw this on /fit/ too

>> No.18533636

You'll be fine.

>> No.18533644


He’s right tho. Plenty of good advice and you are just rejecting them

>> No.18533655

I’m basically a NEET living with my mom, so all of my money? Whatever I could get. I had jobs at Walmart (cart pusher) Joe’s crabshack (before my teeth started looking terrible I was a server, I actually tried meth for my first time working there, before it was only weed) I’ve done labour, worked the oil rigs (I was clean for a while and passed the drug tests and shit but then fell off the cliff again etc). So yeah basically spent everything on meth. I would have clean times that could last for a while and then would save a ton of money, the usual, pay for gas, phone, car repairs, but then I would get on the crazy train again and spend it all, lose my jobs etc. I never did it at home, always at friends houses or road inns and always told my mom I was partying and shit. I feel sorry for her. She works at a hotel laundromat full of illegals an pays rent and food for us. I believe she was an addict before and cleaned herself. She has fucked up teeth too, maybe she thinks I have fucked up teeth cause we are poor and live down south so it’s very typical. Maybe because of me she got clean. Who knows. Now both of us are out of work cause of the fucking rona. Everything sucks. I’ve been looking at Link but have no cash, sold my car ages ago etc.

>> No.18533662

What’s a good source? I’ve been wanting to try it.

>> No.18533668
File: 47 KB, 640x1138, A219E879-DFE4-4CB2-A287-24C95E6670E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you are a loser too and will always be a loser even if you stop doing meth for a month or a year you will relapse trust me you will relapse and one day will simply accept your a degenerate and will look at yourself in the mirror and hate yourself cause guess what? Theres no way out homeboy

>> No.18533677

do an ibogaine flood (not even kidding, look it up) clear those receptors

>> No.18533686

Say that to the people who’ve done it longer than I have and have maintained sobriety for a decade, you are a loser because of your mentality and if that’s what you think then yes you will die a loser. not gonna bother with you and your defeatist bullshit.

>> No.18533690

either trolling or desperation

>> No.18533697

Whatever bro. I stayed cleaned once for two and a half years. That’s almost 1000 days. Whatever kid. Whatever

>> No.18533698
File: 74 KB, 750x725, B4EAFCE8-2477-418E-AE33-21FF8AD5BA64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you fren
i absolutely appreciate your openness and honesty
it really give me a strong insight
i wish you all best and hope you recover soon. you deserve to become meth free

but OP on the other hand
i hope you stay forever a little beta meth faggot who will suck cocks soon

>> No.18533700

Alright faggot, I'm a poly drug addict, done it all. Now I use kratom. Good stuff, takes off my need for any hard drug. If your in the us, then you are set

>> No.18533705

You will fall back again and look at yourself in the mirror and then you will know the meth cravings will be with you forever

>> No.18533709

Second this. Its real and repairs the damaged connections in the brain caused by high amounts of stress, ptsd, trauma or even drug abuse. Obviously not immidiatly but give it a while, loads of research on the subject.

>> No.18533710

I’ll say it again, ibogaine, I smoked gear everyday for two years and after one flood never touched it again. It’s intense though, not something for pussies but if you want it you’ll find the way.

>> No.18533714

5 years isn't much in the scheme of most addictions. Just live healthily, you probably think you've fucked your brain because being 20 is worse than being 15 anyway and you're never going to naturally feel as charged and positive as you did on meth.

>> No.18533716

What’s that shit ibogaine bro? Expensive?

>> No.18533721

nope. 2 and a half years? That’s nothing you idiot.

>> No.18533722

Meth is good in moderation

>> No.18533724

Bro thanks. But you sound all nice and yuppie and shit and never will understand. But yeah I follow you. OP IS A FUCKING FAGGOT

>> No.18533728

Load of good seller on Ebay, just dyor and dont expect miracles the first week or two.

>> No.18533729

What a moron.

>> No.18533734

he’s a loser with a teeth fetish and so are you

>> No.18533741

So for how long you been clean homie? Two and a half weeks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>inb4 but I’m not a loser and you are

Let’s see how it goes after a year or two and you have the feeling that is past you and then you do it once for the old times, just one more time and then you’ll be here crying like a faggot you are pussy

>> No.18533744

you welcome bro
that’s why i asking questions to understand the meth addiction.
i never experienced it by myself so i can not relate

>> No.18533752

look at you bro, admitting youre a loser so now trying to pull others down. absolutely pathetic.

>> No.18533754

It’s a psychedelic stronger then dmt, the shit has you tripping for 24 hours and you’d be crazy to do it at home alone, there’s centre’s you can go to cause you have to be monitored to do it. It’s well proven to clear addictions by making you face your problems, the trips like nothing you can imagine very lucid but a flood dose also clears the receptors out in your head. I’m not sure how, but it works. Look into it, it’s not expensive but at the centre’s you could spend a few k. The compound itself you can buy the required dose for $100 but you need a minder, you can’t really move well on the stuff but your heart will be flying. From experience it’s all that worked for me

>> No.18533761

Thanks for the advice everyone, appreciate it.

>> No.18533765

Do you have a learning disability or non-white?

>> No.18533767

Yeah less talk homie
Less fucking talk
A week at a time before calling people loosers

>> No.18533792

probably both xD

>> No.18533800

Anon that's nothing I have not fap or had sex in two years I can fly for about 30 sec

>> No.18533802
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Ok this has been the easiest larp of my entire life. I’m actually a whitecollar australian who spent a couple summers in Texas doing the work experience in my early 20’s. Never tried meth. I hope you really are a meth addict loser cause I am not. Kys op

>> No.18533807

incels dont count

>> No.18533819

It was pretty apparent hence no-one responding to you....

>> No.18533834

Your daily diet should be:
2L low fat milk
2L orange juice
2 raw carrots
2tbsp refined coconut oil

>> No.18533849

It's not. I worked in a substance abuse clinic for a few years and it's one of the most insidious drugs as people think its a benefit to their life in a way that alcoholics/heroin addicts don't. Makes it harder to kick when it's good for working/sex etc.

It's not the same obviously but if you really need to work hard amphetamine will do the job, meth is lying to yourself going far and beyond for recreation.