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1852189 No.1852189 [Reply] [Original]

Is "scrum master" one of those useless busy-work jobs given to women with liberal arts degrees to make them appear more productive than they actually are?

>> No.1852192

No, but the fact that you can't google scrum means that you should probably look for one of those jobs.

>> No.1852195

Maybe. Sometimes?

If it is a real position at a real company, it is a rebranded project/program manager title for someone that actually has a technology background (most cases). Unlike my 'program manager(s)' at my company. The program managers have bullshit degrees and suck dick to get to where they are or have daddys that work there.

>> No.1852198

>chief happiness officer

>> No.1852202

Taken from wikipedia:

>Scrum is facilitated by a Scrum Master, who is accountable for removing impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the product goals and deliverables. The Scrum Master is not a traditional team lead or project manager, but acts as a buffer between the team and any distracting influences. The Scrum Master ensures that the Scrum framework is followed. The Scrum Master helps to ensure the team follows the agreed processes in the Scrum framework, often facilitates key sessions, and encourages the team to improve.

It just sounds like a person who expedites but doesn't have any actual skills beyond that. Kind of like an human resources person that just won't go away and tells you how to do your job.

>> No.1852209


No. Scrum is a business process that is sometimes tapped by a business analyst or project manager as a way to organize workflow. The scrum master is a subject matter expert who might get tapped in that situation to oversee the process.

>human resources
>tells you how to do your job

No HR person ever does that. Confirmed for never having worked in the corporate world.

>> No.1852215

In theory, Scrum Masters are supposed to handle the external bullshit that blocks you from making work progress. I practice they preside over the kind of internal bullshit that blocks you from making work progress.

>> No.1852218

You misunderstood my post. I said that scrum master sounds like an HR manager who, in addition to HR, also tells you how to work without actually having the skills you have.

Call me old fashioned, but in my industry at least, the project manager is typically charged with "organizing workflow" and "overseeing the process". Or did you mean to say that "scrum master" is a micromanager in a bloated corporation? How awful.

>> No.1852231



A Project Manager does not manage or organize workflow. A Business Analyst might design a blueprint for a project based on the business architecture, a Project Manager will set up the project and liaison with the managers, SMEs, etc that are responsible for implementation. Scrum is a specific sub-process of workflow with a specific sort of input and output working according to certain parameters.

A scrum master doesn't tell anybody how to do their jobs, they manage the flow of input, output, and scheduling. Regular managers, which a scrum master might also be, are the ones who oversee the actual work.

But I'm done giving you free business lessons because I shouldn't reward shitposting on /biz/ with explanations of how stuff works.

>> No.1852510

dunno, but i need one for my team.

>> No.1852557

so i was thinking about hiring a domiatrix as a practical joke what do you guys think about it? she would show up in the morning in leathers and with a whip then hr would realize what happened there would be a little shitstorm and some giggles.

>> No.1852565

Daily reminder that "agile methodologies" are only agile if they enable you to, you know, actually be agile (that is, quickly and effectively promote change).

If you're spending more than 3hrs/week in meetings to talk about "being agile", you aren't being agile. That's what project managers are for, and they don't dictate your workflow. You do.

>> No.1852566

Pretty noice