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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1852114 No.1852114 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why you ARENT investing in this man?

>> No.1852120

I don't trust that skeevy motherfucker. I think he's a conniving son of a bitch who is just going to spend all of my money on drugs, booze, and hookers.

>> No.1852129

He's an idiot with a proven track record of failing.

He's a fraud, I don't trust his greasy face and his self sabotoge.

>> No.1852318

I manage to average 2h a day of investment AT MOST. The motherfucker just plays tired all the time and wants to watch movies and play video games. Ive tried to steer him to create video games instead, its going so so, so some progress there too.

>> No.1852370

Yeah, same here.
He didn't graduate 4 year school with 8 years of going to college, he has a DUI, and uses marijuana + alcohol daily.
The only good thing about him, is how cheap/frugal he is.

>> No.1852378

Couse i'm living in fckn eu east and as you may know i have no money

>> No.1852436

Laziness, mostly.

Physical: I hate running and don't want to pay for a gym. There's a pull-up bar on my bedroom door I use a few times a day, but that's just doing the minimum.

Mental: If there wasn't a opportunty/financial cost, I'd love going back to school for some electives. Most of the YouTube channels for learning are more "edutainment" and even worthwhile books are either obtuse/outdated to the point of being useless ("read the greeks hurr durr") or shitty pop-lit.

Social: There's no point in investing in relationships that won't be reciprocated.

Other: Most of the hobbies I'd consider interesting are expensive (pottery, sailing, high-class travel, etc). In a similar vein, most of the hobbies that are cheap/free are boring (reading/cooking/television/shitposting/etc).

>> No.1852528

Currently doing a Phd in Finance. So yeah a lot investing being done there. Also a lot of hobby projects. Been looking in to how to circumvent local laws so I can get incorporated (bursary researchers are not allowed to be incorporated.)

>> No.1852561

Jesus Christ /biz/ take some Lithium or something.

>> No.1852562


Why should I eat a battery?

>> No.1852571

Because you need a Positive Charge

>> No.1852578
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>> No.1852625


I'm being facetious. Right now I'm in the middle of taking some time on self improvement during a career change.

>> No.1852747

This, he just can not be trusted.

>> No.1852751

I have a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering with a job that makes me $80k/year

I attempted an MSEE class and completely failed
it won't make me any more money and I quickly became thoroughly disinterested in it
I attempted to learn a little more programming and got completely bored
I exercise three times a week and maintain a good, meme-free diet

explain exactly what it means to now "invest in myself" and how that isn't complete fucking worthless meme advice

>> No.1852756
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>> No.1852899
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>> No.1852910

He's not investable right now. I'm sorry.

I'm out.

>> No.1852914

Not economically viable.

>> No.1852940

I guarantee you'll be Energized.

>> No.1853600

He's a literal autist.