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File: 823 KB, 742x758, house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18516685 No.18516685 [Reply] [Original]

What the actual fuck?

>> No.18516701

fucking kikes

>> No.18516709

Too much Chinese money flowing into Vancouver. Once the rest of them discover SUTER we are bound to see a bubble in assets like that too. Price target? 80 bucks kek.

>> No.18516713

clown world

>> No.18516758

Most of Canada is boomers with vested interests, would like to see the breakdown demographics of who was surveyed. I assume this reeks of selection bias.

>> No.18516770

Derrr i was saying this from the start! Housing is NOT an investment, housing is a roof over peoples heads. Unless 20% of the population dies, houses will stay the same. Builders cannot build houses fast enough for people to move into.

>> No.18516776

silly millennial, you thought you were ever going to be able to buy a home at a fair price? ha ha ha

>> No.18516788

Chinks driving the price up
Chinks bought Canada Australia New Zealand
The Commonwealth has become a chinese colony

>> No.18516808

they put a stopper on chinks buying up property here for a few years now in canada

>> No.18516809

This means a housing market crisis is locked in.

>> No.18516825

People don't charge what services are worth though, tehy charge what customers can afford.

If the renters stop being able to pay rents that support landie mortage leverage rents will need to drop, which means house proces will need to drop or the banks & landies need to eat a wave of defaults. Even (((they))) would prefer to have some of their profit than none of their profit.

Chinks are net sellers of assets for the first time in a decade during 2019. This might be the RE markets way of exit scamming the bugmen.

>> No.18516841

Overseas chinese billionaires own them, they're empty, what did you expect?

>> No.18516943

>they put a stopper on chinks buying up property here for a few years now in canada

Yeah... Which is why they send their kids over for "education", who then apply for citizenship and buy property with manipulated currency.

All they've done is made it so they need to get a piece of paper first.

>> No.18517015

Its not going to happen. Soon the shutdowns will be over and everyone back to normal. The banks and governments can just wipe this debt away like a coffee stain anyway, just numbers on a screen bro.

>> No.18517425
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>tfw married early 20s with a baby, possibly another on the way

I'm fairly certain we will be living in a 1 room apartment forever. My finances are so bad and my job prospects so shit. Houses here cost a fortune even though it's a shit area. Is there any hope bros?

>> No.18517437

they surveyed the real estate companies so of course they would say that everything is fine.

>> No.18517454

Doesn't matter since you give them citizenship like pringles.

>> No.18517475

“Return to normal”

>> No.18517533

It's just because you shouldn't expect to buy a house in the big cities. Personally, I'm gonna buy a piece of land for $10k in bumfuck nowhere province and retire in a cabin.

>> No.18517547

The graph only applies without the abhorrent manipulation we are watching governments do, the pump has only just begun.

>> No.18517590

Move to the country. As far from the city as you can. You will thank me later

>> No.18517615

Yep like clockwork

>> No.18517658
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>> No.18517736

Wouldn't surprise me. I live in Winnipeg, and the 2008 recession was barely noticeable, the economic boom we've supposedly been in up until 2020 was barely noticeable, and our housing prices have just been slowly rising over the last 30 years by small margins each year. Nothing is ever really good or really bad here, just steadily mediocre. I could see Vancouver, Toronto and Alberta's housing markets dipping though. A house that would cost $200k here would be like $1-1.5mil there (CAD), which is just retarded. And the Alberta oil industry is getting totally shit on by cheap oil. But most of flyover Canada will remain mostly unaffected.

>> No.18517867

Do you recommend buying a house in Winnipeg?

>> No.18517878

I dont recommend buying a house in Canada, fucking move.

>> No.18518355
File: 17 KB, 480x469, 1584615568335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea OK well what country should we all move to then? The us? China? Africa?

>> No.18518378
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>you thought you were ever going to be able to buy a home at a fair price? ha ha ha

>> No.18518690

If you have a job here already or are looking for a rental property maybe. The housing market is at all-time high here, but prices wont really drop through the floor because relatively the prices are lower than most other places, and people aren't overleveraged on their mortgages so interest rate increases dont ruin people. Its not the best seller market desu, but for rental properties its really good. There's more people looking for rental properties here than there are properties available, so you can get a house with an $800-900 mortgage and rent it for $1200-$1500. There's also lots of really nice, older duplexes that you can make a fucking killing off of if you get them fixed up (or have a tenant pay your mortgage).

Newly constructed properties here don't really interest me. They're either overpriced, or mass produced, cramped areas (ie, houses basically touching eachother, tiny yard, every house looks the same) that are just made to sell to middle eastern/indian immigrants

>> No.18518841

The "journalists" that write these don't know shit and the articles are worthless. They always quote industry shills with vested interests.

No doubt the article is completely empty of any quantitative analysis of mortgage delinquencies or reduced demand.

>> No.18518873

I second this. In my late 20s, I wish so badly that I'd stayed put in a comfy medium or smaller city. Rural even.

>> No.18518924

And yet you've still decided to breed and give your offspring a shitty life because you are a mindless coomer


>> No.18518939

In all honesty if I was born in Canada I would’ve gotten US citizenship years ago
Just come here, get a blue collared job, and buy a decent house located in the ghetto
Buy an AK-47 & tell the niggers to fuck off

>> No.18518940

haha eat shit zoomer. no house for you. keep paying rent like a good cuck

>> No.18519025

Yeah, it's because you kept your boomers alive and borders open to chinese buyers. Are you proud of your compassion?

>> No.18519065

Feeling the same
>it's all OK boomers, don't sell now

>> No.18519310

Do you live in Canada? Houses in the country start at a minimum $2.5 million.

>> No.18519449

will there be massive inflation?
how will inflation affect rent control?

i was hoping a bunch of folks would die and rooms would open up in the sf bay area and cheap rent would once again be a thing. i guess not.

i dont see myself finding a decent job in the future, so i could go back to vanlife

i have relativelyy cheap rent on a huge room in a very convienent neighborhood. should i hold onto this “cheap rent” $700/mo, assumingg the dollar loses half its value and rents sky rocket to $2000/mo? what yall thinky winky

>> No.18519459


>> No.18519469

I thinky winky us leafs don't give a fuck about united retards

>> No.18519478

I dont want to "invest" in a house. I just want to be able to afford a home without paying a ridiculous price

>> No.18519479
File: 108 KB, 801x441, Screen-Shot-2020-04-14-at-11.37.56-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if the lockdown continues until the end of the summer, housing prices are only projected to fall 3% YOY nationally

Get fucked zoomers, enjoy renting forever.

>> No.18519522

How accurate are these forecasts?

>> No.18519543

we will see if it will remain stable when theres no demand lol

>> No.18519644

I'm not in real estate myself (I'm an engineer) but my fiance is a realtor.

Right now we're seeing inventory dropping off proportionately to the decreased sales activity. In fact, there's so little inventory we found average number of days on market to be less than they were just a few months ago, with homes transacting at more or less the same prices.

Obviously this could change if mass defaults happen but right now it's looking like the measures put in place with mortgage payment deferrals and government stimulus are preventing that from happening.

With the way things are headed right now I'd say these forecasts are probably fairly accurate.

>> No.18519673

Not too far off. I feel like the aggregate prices are skewed a little top-heavy (ie, 10 houses for $200k and then the 1 house for $2.5mil doubles the average), but ya, the forecast % wouldn't surprise me at all. On one hand I think the drop is going to be larger, but on the other hand our country is generally so fiscally conservative and nonsensationalist that even though we don't benefit hugely from crazy booms, were kind of hedged against huge dips

>> No.18519690


>> No.18519747

They're living in a fantasy world. Unemployment on this scale WILL cause mass mortgage defaults and send house prices tumbling. They think that "so many people are waiting on the sidelines to buy cheap property if there's a crash" most of those people won't qualify for mortgages anymore, and most of them will be unemployed soon too.

>> No.18519753
File: 155 KB, 1890x1417, gondola1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't afford a home
>can't afford to feed children
>government provides all of these to immigrants

>> No.18519789

It's never going down. Boomers will just sell them off to wealthy foreigners and the rest will be de-listed and taken off the market altogether.

>> No.18519822

Source? They absolutely did not, they applied a tax on foreign buyers. Chinks with enough money to launder out of China certainly have enough to pay the tax

>> No.18519867
File: 50 KB, 1050x798, winnipegcovidgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh idk, I'm still working here in Winnipeg, as is basically everyone I know. Our cases have already dropped to like nothing (pic related). Except for a couple big cities, most of Canada isn't really that densely populated. It wouldn't surprise me if our economy is one of the first to get going again, next to Russia (who's probably lying) and Switzerland, our deaths:infected ratio is the lowest out of any country in the top 15 for number of infected people

>> No.18519917

wait about 6 months.
there's going to be millions of foreclosures
plus hyperinglation.
get in silver bros

>> No.18519975

>get in silver bros
fuck off

>> No.18520008

I wouldn't be surprised to hear more people are interested in buying a house now after they learned what kind of scum most landlords are.

>> No.18520012

Boomers will hold until some rich chink buys their property for 3x its true value since its still cheaper than buying in China; news at 11

>> No.18520018

because of inflation

>> No.18520162

>fuck off
die kike

>> No.18520279

Enjoy your shiny rocks barely beating inflation you ultrapoor

>> No.18520308

central banks start wars over shiny rocks
no one gives a fuck about your ciacoin

>> No.18520384

See: >>18520279
And then go spank your kids you low class piece of shit boomer faggot

>> No.18520458

says the faggot who spent $1000 on an iPhone

>> No.18520485

Hah goys always lose

>> No.18520534
File: 27 KB, 630x377, 57dfd8671800002f0031578a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy overhyped trash, but I can smell a redneck with sensitivity issues a mile away

>> No.18520570

wow you are so progressive and forward thinking, so evolved
enjoy your AIDS goals of 2020
you definitely either a nigger or a homo

>> No.18520602
File: 8 KB, 254x258, nuttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither, but your low IQ and shit encrusted ass comes across more strongly in each sodium saturated reply

>> No.18520647
File: 3.39 MB, 3264x2448, Deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>married with a baby
You already made it. Everything else is just noise.

>> No.18520710

lol when fedcoin is released by EOY and you're sucking dick for mercury dimes

>> No.18520747

Oh shit you're also a yankdumbfuck
What the fuck are you even doing in this thread besides sperging out and rubbing shit on the walls?

>> No.18520761

>buy a decent house located in the ghetto
>Buy an AK-47 & tell the niggers to fuck off
Get a fucking grip man. Anyone would rather stay in Canada than that.

>> No.18520906

Yes, small towns (winnipeg is one, in a global sense) will possibly keep going and not feel the effects as much. But when house prices in vancouver and toronto tumble, do you think people are as likely to buy in winnipeg?

Also these jobs that people are still working are not magically unemployment proof just because people are currently working them, we're only just beginning to feel the effects of companies burning through their business support loans from the government, they won't go on forever.

I don't think it's the fuckin' end of days like precious metals folk, but I think we're in for a much bigger shock than 3% off house prices.. more like 15-20%, possibly higher.

>> No.18521473


>> No.18521495

Nice financial choices

>> No.18522329

buy some land and build your own house for a fraction of that

>> No.18522464

not 4 u

>> No.18522555

>thinking Canadians buy houses

Country is a banana republic tax haven at this point

>> No.18522588

Millennials all think k they deserve to live on knob hill when they are too lazy to get a job

>> No.18522613

why would it go down? I don't follow the logic.

>> No.18522798

>Houses here cost a fortune even though it's a shit area
move somewhere else. easiest way to fix your financial situation.

>tfw married early 20s
but you're a soi millennial and therefore incapable of taking your fate into your own hands. Sorry.

>> No.18523029

The service workers who may be unemployed forever are not the kind of people who will ever buy real estate.

>> No.18523477

Exactly. That headline translates to: COPE

>> No.18523511

oh but good luck getting a mort without 25% deposit

>> No.18523558

do you actually believe what you just wrote?

>> No.18523577

your kids lives are gonna suck ass growing up in an apartment
why in the fuck would you have ANOTHER ONE before you've sorted your housing
t. grew up in an apartment

>> No.18523597

Priced in, now pay your mortgage

>> No.18524141


>> No.18524146
