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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18513265 No.18513265 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /biz/. Why is nobody freaking about about the economy?

The whole world is going to shit, but everyone seems so calm, worrying about everyday stuff, doing everyday activities... Why is it so?

>> No.18513275

Because people are monkies and as long as the majority has a shelter and food, all is good.

>> No.18513338

Americans get bored of things easily and move on.
There's always some other outrage around the corner.
the Covicough is just another one of those things you gotta deal with and then its over.

I'm expecting it to get worse, though.

>> No.18513549
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Because they think it's all due to corona and will be over soon since it's what they're told every 5 minutes

>> No.18513605

>Americans get bored of things easily and move on.
I actually live in an Eastern Europoor shithole without any competent government and healthcare, and everyone seems to be calm. Not even a single protest.

>> No.18513733
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Bro I have been Telling people going long on oil they are fucked but no one listens.

Stonks going up while corporations are shut down is a very bad indicator for the future prospects of the dollar.

check out this graph ( pic ) Corporations have been buying themselves for the past decade. This all leads to Blockchain Economics where corporations can directly tokenize something like oil and then trade it for something like Tokenized rice. When all goods and services can instantly be gauged against each other to determine real time value there will be no demand for fiat currency because all goods and services are now money. This system gives Corporations all control over labor distribution because only those who can create actual goods and services and create meaningful money with any trade demand.

you can see some of the beginnings of the on-boarding process if you look at the "Digital Dollars" campaign as well as Decentralized Identity projects.

One of my favorite guys to follow in this space is David Treat. Smart guy, He is on the Board of Directors at the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Here is a small list of some of the other projects he also oversees:






https://id2020.org ( currently controversial due to Microsoft oversight and Bill Gates push for COV-19 "Digital Certificates"

You also see a shift to Blockchain Economics represented in our current administration to a degree. Brian Brooks in particular helped Coinbase with USDC when he was their CLO. He is now the second most powerful person at the FED.

Also see:
https://entethalliance.org/members/ (EEA )





>> No.18513736

Why panic over things you can't control?

>> No.18513816
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pretty much this.

I have done a lot of research on it in order to further my financial well being but why Panik lol

Worst that could happen is poor people starve

>> No.18513842
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>Not even a single protest
You can't protest if you're not allowed to leave your house.