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18512387 No.18512387 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked am I
Do I sell off for a huge loss
Or just wait to gain a profit after 1 year
Im scared bros
Hold me

>> No.18512404

Get out retard. We are entering a depression. People are going to be afraid to travel for YEARS after this shit ends.

>> No.18512444
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It’s too late
I can’t
I’m in way too deep
I only lose money if I sell for a loss

>> No.18512538

>goes all in
>doesn't have the balls to stay all in
You cant just expect to make gains over night anon. I haven't considered selling since silvers spot price dipped. I've been planning my next purchase. Most people on this board and a lot of people in general have the patience of like a five year old with ADHD.

>> No.18512564

>hurr durr i gambled more than i can could afford to lose

no sympathy from me faggot

>> No.18512584

Might as well stay now. What are you hodling

>> No.18512586

as oil prices drop
more industrial companies go back to practices that were too oil intensive to be productive.

>> No.18512601

profitable, not productive*

>> No.18512619

wait it out

>> No.18512623

MRO (overall made money) XOM (about to start going negative if it goes down below $40)
And HAL (losing lots of money)

>> No.18512662

remember that greentext of the guy in eastern europe who lived through the civil war happening
>we personally traded all our gold for some food and mostly ammo
now in 2020
>I personally traded all my bitcoin for some tendies but mostly for ammo

>> No.18512764

if you can afford to play a long game then hold and be prepared. oil will probably recover at some point but its gonna get worse before it (hopefully) gets better. hope you didn't buy high

>> No.18512771


Or lose more lol

>> No.18512781
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Okay fren

>> No.18512804

I won't say to sell if you're up on anything, even though it would make sense given the way things are going. Anything you're down on you should keep if you don't seriously need money. Provided the company won't fold. I'm holding some HAL and am down a bit but will hodl since I think they'll do well in a year or two.

>> No.18512820
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>buying XOM at 40 instead of when it was at 30
What were you doing instead when it was at 30? Trading shitcoin?
>the most basic bitch stock in the entire sector (HAL)
If you want to gamble, buy RIG. Boomers love the symbol.
You've finally wised up a bit.

>How fucked am I
You're basically a retard. The good news is you're gonna make it as long as you stop crying like a bitch.

>> No.18512837

In 6 months oil will be back to $45 a barrel. Literally can’t lose money with oil stocks if you accumulate now

>> No.18512864

I have some calls out a month and a half for mro and I'm at breakeven. But honestly, if it dips which it certainly might I will buy more. General consensus is that it has potential to make big gains when things recover and the company has reserves and prepared for this

>> No.18512971

I’m thinking about buying more MRO. I was tempted to earlier today when it dipped into the $3.80s

>> No.18513029

What about January (21 or 22) MRO calls?

>> No.18513039

sit it out
exxon and shell are fucking bargains if you bought now, if you bought before...well.....

>> No.18513046

shell dividend is 11% at these prices. Exxon over 8%
no brainer

>> No.18513062

I bought XOM at $42

>> No.18513065

I have no clue how low it can go, I still think it may retest lows but who knows. Would be great to load up at $3. If u have 100 shares then u can play the covered call game for a few extra bucks here and there and can offset some downside
Yes if ur prepared to hold long term

>> No.18513110

people need oil and food
oil ploughs the fields
oil makes pesticides
oil makes the fertiliser
oil powers the fishing fleets
oil powers the combines
oil heats the homes
oil powers the trucks
oil powers the mines
oil makes those electric cars
fuck grettatards
two essentials, oil and food
oil exxon and shell are fucking bargains
strong buy
people pay for oil and food, or they die

>> No.18513121

not so shabby, you will never nail the absolute bottom, just sit and hold, you'll be fine probably by today, swings of a few % don't matter it will go up and strongly, in the meantime dividends >inflation and money supply increase

>> No.18513135

Seems like it's a pretty good bet though?

>> No.18513134

I bought 36-39 btw but 42 is ok
shell is the bargain of the day today though.

>> No.18513178

>be afraid to travel
Still need to drive around and all I see are cars.

>> No.18513186

Hold you fucking goy.

>> No.18513191

Im in on FANG and might buy XOM if it dips low enough.
Oil will not falter.

>> No.18513195

>What were you doing instead when it was at 30?
Didn't even know it was and I was hoping it would crash again.

>> No.18513267

I was trying to set up a brokerage account with M1 finance but whoever owns that shit is legit a retard, they couldn’t even confirm my bank account.
I waited a week for them to confirm it, they didn’t.
I had to settle for Robinhood, who confirmed my account in under 24 hours

>> No.18513292
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>> No.18513327

If you bought oil low sell high. Ok I predict when oil goes up it will go way up people Russia and Arabia will want to make there money back there only doing this so one can monopolize the outer and jack prices though the roof. Just hold on.

>> No.18513330

Just hold and wait for the fed to pump your bags

>> No.18513373

When I get paid next week I might throw another 100 at MRO while it's cheap, and people have been recommending XOM, RTX, and SOXL to me so far so I'm considering looking into those

>> No.18513374

are you crazy? no you don't fucking sell holy shit bro that's the exact polar opposite of what you should do right now.
what part of buy low sell high do you not understand?
this is the time to be buying in.
you are in a strong position. Hold hold hold

>> No.18513412

Hold odds are it'll recover after this is over.

>> No.18513418

>even though it would make sense
no it fucking would not make sense to sell.
you dont sell low on something you and and and the whole fucking world knows is going to go back up.

holy shit i thought /biz/ was smarter than this. has crypto really addled your brains that much guys? c'mon, fundamentals is still fundamentals

>> No.18513475

You missed the train for quick RTX gains but it will go up eventually. You're going to see a dip pretty soon they're shutting things down for a while.

MRO is always a good purchase.

>> No.18513606

so i been shitposting and silver stacklet here for a short time but i want to try on some /biz/ boy pants for the first time and buy some oil.
what do i do to buy oil?
shell and exxon stocks?
i could prob toss about $2k at it right now.
i have a peaceful easy feeling now is the right time for me to do this. like im an anime character spinning around with my arms spread out just gathering all the fast sparkling whirls of energy, and pretty soon ill crouch down, make a special face. then burst forth with all this power focused at all my goals .....
its Limit Break time!!!!

>> No.18513630

Major sell signal

The market is about to thank you and every other retard for the free $1200 you’re giving them

>> No.18513637

I have 65 shares at the moment, might buy another 25 and make an even 100
I just wish I wasn't a wagie and could afford to buy over 1k shares like I saw one anon do lol

>> No.18513651

horse shit. oil is going back up. were not going suddenly start running the world off of granola bars and rainbows

>> No.18513685

Sure bud, it’s gonna go straight up after you buy...just watch!

>> No.18513712

y u worried? oil will bounce back eventually. hell, buy more if you can. it may be the 4th quarter or even early 2021 - regardless you will make profit. just relax and forget it for now.

>> No.18513724

slow down pls, I need mro at $3 for the next crash

>> No.18513728

I’d rather pray for water but I get your message

>> No.18513760

Because RobinHood hired legit lawyers to stay legal.

>> No.18513780

I'll buy a little and wait...no one else waits or researches oil.
This price war is fucking the saudis and russian...just watch.

>> No.18513808

Nobody said its going straight up to the moon tomorrow,. but your retarded if you think its going to stay on the floor.
we are at or close to the bottom right now, that much i would bet a little money on

>> No.18513881

I'm waiting for it to drop a few more dollars then buying a bit.
You retards can cry all you want but oil is volatile thanks to every fucking country having a massive amount of it.

>> No.18513896

South America.
They all have oil and way more than the middle east, dont ask me about Asia or Russia I don't know.

>> No.18513939

Look at out month air travel ticket prices as a decent indicator of the time frames. These are priced algorithmically with little human input. 94% of oil goes into transportation and manufacturing. Pick similar algo measures for car travel and manufacturing, add up to 90 days for human fear factor lagging reality. That's your long time frame. Go find other undervalued assets and diversify and ignore/hold oil positions for 9-12 months. DCA all the way down as you diversify.

If long oil sector positions don't normalize then society collapses anyway, you will have bigger problems than your portfolio. So why worry about it, Nash Equilibrium rules oil sector outcome now.

>> No.18514045

>oil is volatile
same thing as the pother point, no one said it wasn't volatile.

but again, your a retard if you think its going to stay at the floor. how often and for how long in modern history has oil been these low price per barrel? during price wars that is all. once these faggots quit fucking around, they will start selling oil at the high prices they would prefer to be selling it at.
no one "wants" to sell their oil at a loss and it will not continue forever.