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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18511714 No.18511714 [Reply] [Original]

>newfags and twitter normies are finding out about LINK and buying it for only $3.50
This is unacceptable. I need your help to keep the FUD campaign going, I can't do it alone.
Fucking faggot normans weren't supposed to get any LINK under $50, don't you all remember?
We need FAR MORE normie repellent threads (BLACKED, nazi, gore, bestiality, loli etc) if we are going to keep this victory to ourselves.
I don't want to see a single fucking well adjusted non virgin individual at our yacht party.

>> No.18511733

theyre buying from pol and twitter not biz

>> No.18511736

Why buy Link for 3.50 when NuLink is under a penny?

>> No.18511744

Not your personal army

>> No.18511751

So? They'll sell at $7.

>> No.18511752

Link will never pass ~8 dollars

>> No.18511755


crypto twitter still keeps trying to call every top and then deleting their tweets when their chart gets BTFO

>> No.18511763

The time to fud was under $1 and before coinbase. It's way past your hands, anon. Just enjoy the ride

>> No.18511768

dump this shitcoin

>> No.18511788

no fren
im tired of waiting. we only go up from here

>> No.18511860

You hadf two years to get an easy 40x. Large gains are over and LINK should be funneled into CKB (nervos)

>> No.18511889
File: 86 KB, 246x251, 1586921617856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks up chainlink on twitter
>not a single post with over 1k likes
>the most popular posts barely even hit triple digit retweets (most of those are by link army anyway)

>"normies are finding out"

Anon, please call me when news channels are talking about the price of chainlink

>> No.18511902

selfish autismo ngmi

>> No.18511917

also, they won't be able to afford even a suicide stack anymore :D not most normies at least

>> No.18511960

In order for a normie to buy a 10k stack of link, they'd have to pay like 35 THOUSAND dollars. What normie has that? A stack of 1000 link is $3500, more likely.

So imagine tons of simpletons with 1000 stacks and the price is somehow $1000 (a stretch). That's a lot of millionaires. That's why I see the max being maybe $100-150. That way, the early adopters still become wealthy enough while those who buy now make enough for a downpayment on a normie house or paying for college.

>> No.18511977


>> No.18512133

This is pretty much spot on. Your average normie under 30 barely has $3k in savings, much less that much to invest in some speculative asset they’re just hearing about. If even by chance they did get a 1-2k stack of Link they’d likely sell when it reached a value of a few tens of thousands because they still won’t know the value of what they’re holding. They’ll then go on to blow it on some shitty investments, consumer goods, etc. And if they happen to use it to better themselves then who cares? Some nobody you’ve never met was able to pay off their student loans or help themselves buy a house. It’s barely a blip on the radar

>> No.18513554
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>> No.18513592
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>> No.18514394

Came to post this.

>> No.18514409

we are one btc dump away from them being able too

>> No.18514417


>> No.18514420

But anon, if the price doesn't dump, we can't continue accumulate as much. But if it does dump normans will get more too.

>> No.18514475

Link's twitter has been steadily gaining followers recently, even though it doesn't have that many compared to other coins

>> No.18514499

/biz/ has no effect at all.
This place was wall-to-wall Jessica fud two weeks ago, and Link pumped 60% since then.

>> No.18514514

Where do you buy NuLink?

>> No.18514518

Normans will sell not accumulate when the price drops

>> No.18514544
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>the price is too low, normies are getting too good a deal!
>so we must fud to get the price even lower!

>> No.18514566

Hahaha so link is your "revenge" against the normies??? Sad!

>> No.18514593

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.18514602

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18515118
File: 853 KB, 1125x1658, 6ECC895C-1BB5-47BB-AC60-845DFF6B6D4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nulink is a scam you absolute cretin