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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 601 KB, 803x670, telegraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18507850 No.18507850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he's not letting his wife enjoy the ecstatic feeling of being pumped full of another man's semen


>> No.18507866

lemme guess the author is jewish

>> No.18507875

>he thinks a clickbait article mirrors real life

>> No.18507882
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>> No.18507911
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>> No.18507929

Typical tricks there merch-- Schlomooo!!

>> No.18507947

>Nov 2, 2019
>screenshot of twitter
>OP is a faggot cuck
yep, seems about right

>> No.18507961

not even surprised at this point.

>> No.18507989

Did someone warn us about this? How could we go 4000 years of civilization without a single person realizing how evil Jews are?

>> No.18507991

nope... not surprised. it's almost like they are just trolling at this point.

>> No.18507999

I called it before I scrolled down and saw this

>> No.18508012


>> No.18508736
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every fucking time

>> No.18508835

Well there were two men I can think of that tried to warn us - Jesus Christ, and Adolf Hitler. Both great men.

>> No.18508866

>blue checkmarks
not once

>> No.18508894

kek, it actually is a real article. ahahahahahahaha wtf.... this shit is just too much. I am laughing to death. this shit is going to kill me I can not stop laughing. wtf... and its not even a cosmopolitan article. ahahaha wtf.

>> No.18508911


>> No.18508963

yeah i mean what could make the christmas spirit more complete than feeling cucked?

>> No.18508980

Twitter is an absolute dumpster but I'm glad to see this got ratio'd. It's the small piece of justice that can happen there.

>> No.18508981

ahahaha, who cares about christmas?? fuck everything. who cares about kids? just eat them already. destroy everything. ahaha

>> No.18508982

That's a plus for most low t white males. Just remember
>white suicide
>white genocide

>> No.18509000
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>> No.18509064

can someone move this thread to pol btw?

>> No.18509096
File: 11 KB, 542x114, telegraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did this comment not get deleted?

>> No.18509125

wow what a coincidence!
truly surprised!

>> No.18509172

It's the internet equivalent of rabbis spray painting swastikas on their own temple to cry anti semitism. They always have their bases covered.

>> No.18509177


>> No.18509183

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.18509188
File: 753 KB, 1022x731, it's all so tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18509190

For fuck sakes.

>> No.18509213
File: 69 KB, 499x499, 1582059850829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give wife cheat pass
>She uses it
>Divorce her

It's the perfect whore test, merry christmas

>> No.18509245
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>> No.18509261


>/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.18509272


>> No.18509283

>wife cucks you
>decides she likes Tyrone's dick better than yours
>go to divorce her
>court says you raped her and owe her your entire life savings
>into the cuckshed you go
If you're lucky you might be able to watch your wife orgasm for the first time

>> No.18509285

You forgot the last step:

> get assraped by alimony

>> No.18509292

high iq anon.

>> No.18509294
File: 798 KB, 615x894, 1586209330200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>divorce her
>lose over half your net worth and years of spent time and energy
I'd rather just be separated. Should have kept the state out of it in the first place.

>> No.18509317

Cheating doesnt hurt women in divorce proceedings.

>> No.18509324
File: 16 KB, 358x122, Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 5.51.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a Jewish name?
Also czech'd

>> No.18509346

just to make clear for those who are new here. this anon has 7.1inches of goodness but this article still made me kek and cry at the same time because they are pushing this to our sisters and partners and future partners and to everyone else who reads that shit. this can not go on. do we really have to go taliban mode to ensure the future sanity of the western world?

>> No.18509387

god and my friends know that I have dropped redpills to all the people I have known since a long time. since the first time I saw zeitgeist. people are asleep. you have to wake them up brothers.

>> No.18509441

I'm retarded

>> No.18509444

Wow how could he have known.

>> No.18509470
File: 246 KB, 415x295, 1585319038375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brian findlay is /our guy/

>> No.18509484

This. Unfortunately some do.

>> No.18509505

This is why you don't get married, or at least sign a prenup

>> No.18509535

Dubs of truth and enlightenment.

Truly based post.

>> No.18510115


>> No.18510239

I know a couple. Dude is in his 40s wife just turned 30 and they do the whole open marriage thing. The guy regularly pulls 8+/10 women (in a wealthy city) and has threeways with them and his wife. Ofc she has her fun too with other men. Is something like this still cucked?

>> No.18510388

If they have no children, it's not a real marriage.

If they have children, they're neglecting them and setting a bad example with that hedonism.