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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18504027 No.18504027 [Reply] [Original]

How does Canada have so much money?

>> No.18504079

its called savings, fucking nigger

>> No.18504082

We stole it from indian people :`(

>> No.18504185

>How does Canada have so much money?
It's the best North American country. Lots of foreign investment in real estate combined with the smartest, best looking Prime Minister in the world.

>> No.18504204


>> No.18504208

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18504211

we get taxed every time we eat a poutine

>> No.18504225

chinese investments

>> No.18504253

Trudeau looks weird with a beard

>> No.18504379

It doesn’t.

>> No.18504408

This and the most compliant tax donkeys under heaven

>> No.18504445
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>> No.18504490

He should shave his face. World leaders should not look like mountain men. But at least he's got a sharp suit. Our president looks like a guy who bought a poorly-fitting ready-to-wear suit from Macy's and dressed himself in the dark.

>> No.18504624

They’re not cheap suits. Probably Italian. They look like shit because he’s trying to hide his weight.

>> No.18504794

Enough trees to chop down to turn into paper money. Brr Brr

>> No.18506115
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Except we use plastic money naow. Current year bucko

>> No.18507453

We don't. Our annual budget is about CAD$ 400B. We just spent an extra 200 int eh first 6 weeks of this crisis just for mortgage relief and our shittier overly complex version of Trumpbux. The economy is now crashing at a rate approaching 20% annualized per month and Trudeau won't entertain reopening the economy until at least June.

More debt incoming as the shutdown will require ever more gibs to keep people from chimping out or going outside. One province has already essentially asked for a bailout, Vancouver is close to defaulting with like 60% of homeowners applying for mortgage relief. The average household has $2.30 for every $ of revenue.

By year's end, we will probably have increased the debt b something approaching 400 billion, been downgraded at least once and likely, our housing market is going to crash. That's after our oil market getting fucking battered by that oil price war after having been hamstrung for 5 years by the present government.

Canada will be significantly poorer by next year and we have only ourselves to blame for taking on so much debt, for electing economically illiterate demagogues to office and for not actually ever moving beyond an economy driven my oil and housing (migration).

We deserve this.

>> No.18507508

Adding to the previous post, I'm quite content with this. We've jerked ourselves off about our lame ass culture, our lame ass fake-niceness and our lame ass white liberal progressiveness. Canadians are a hubristic bunch, eminently disconnected from reality and I hope this will teach them some humility. I've put all my assets in USD and I'm only investing outside of my country.

>> No.18507675

They borrow it against expected rising real estate values, to be accomplished through immigration and Chinese investment

>> No.18508062
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1/10th the population yet 1 CAD is 7/10th a dollar.

>> No.18508145
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this is officially the dumbest post I've read on this board today
I hope for your sake this is bait

>> No.18508178

All that toilet paper is made here bruh

>> No.18508474

because they aren't crab in a bucket fucking loser NEET chainlink holders you stupid fucking faggot bitch nigger.

>> No.18508544

Natural resources and few nignogs.

>> No.18508584

Having money doesn't matter when its value is rapidly approaching zero

>> No.18509073

based and Trudeaupilled