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File: 109 KB, 1366x768, metatrader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
185034 No.185034 [Reply] [Original]

Official /biz/ forex traders thread.

All forex traders report in.

Share stories, systems, ideas, experiences, questions, help each othe, etc.

>> No.185743
File: 10 KB, 1346x84, current trades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite

I'm the median line/pitchfork trader that posts on occasion, if anyone remembers me.

Trading for 4ish years, recently started trading an account for a long term friend of mine who had no idea about investing on the side with my main account.

>> No.185748

for the record, my profit is listed in points and not $, if you couldn't figure it out for yourself.

>> No.185797

Might as well go to a casino

>> No.185832

>I need a strong bull trend to make money
best stick to your 401k, pleb

>> No.185870

I'm genuinely interested, how do you make money on this much volatility?

>> No.185902

The same way you make money at anything most people perceive to be complicated. Learn to play the system.

Find a strategy that works, test it, practice with it until you can make money. If it doesn't work, move on to another one until you find one that does.

>> No.186122

Noob here, I keep getting stopped out on trades that fluctuated too much before going up. How do you guys scale your stops (and profits) to match fluctuation? I've tried various percentages of the ATR both at the standard level and only sampling from the past 4 bars.

Also anyone using or have tried a stop hunting strategy?

>> No.186138

What timeframes are you trading on? With my strategy, I put the stop either 7 pips or ATR (55) + 7 pips above/below my entry position, depending on if I'm going long or short. Never had a position take me out due to noise, unless there was a news outbreak in which case you're more or less fucked either way.

>> No.186187

30 min to hourly but probably going to be moving up because of shitty spreads in most of my trading time.

>> No.186207

Which broker are you using? I trade 15 min and 4 hour myself and don't run into noise issues. My spread is also only 2 pips though.

>> No.186224

FXCM. Aftermarket hours the buy/ask range goes full retard, like 20 pips. Also never thought of trying a longer range ATR.

>> No.186240

That sucks. Gain keeps their spread reasonable throughout the day/after hours, never had an issue with it.

I should clarify a bit, normally I default to the 55 ATR because I'm feeling lazy and do most of my trading on a tiny laptop screen, but when I'm sitting in front of my station I use the 200 and the 55, pick whichever is highest, add 7 pips and voila, there's my stop. Other times if I'm feeling extremely lazy, I just do the 7 pips. In any case
I can get away with this because I know my strategy very well and the setups it gives me don't normally turn south. Your luck may vary if your strategy isn't solid enough.

>> No.186275

Right now trying a stop hunting strategy, watching for feeding frenzies around the 100 pip bands where alot of stops go off and grabbing my pips when it breaks over, doubling down if the trend continues.

>> No.186305

Well, I hope it works out for you. That's too general of a strategy for my tastes but that doesn't mean it won't work for you. How long have you been trading?

>> No.186465

About a week. Read though baby pips and got a demo account, though not even breaking even yet. But like I said I've had a lot of problems with getting stopped out.

>> No.186873

Hello Andrew (andrew's pitchfork) we meet again. I wanted to ask, about you setting your stops at 7pips?? That's bloody tight m8, you really don't have it hit that often??? Also is that whether you are trading the M15 or for any TF?

>> No.187107

Any TF, bud. Took a break and I'll be taking another shortly. The way my strategy works lets me keep tight stops because it gets me right down to the bone of a trend reversal or the peak of a wave, no matter how short the reversal may be (depending on the timeframe).

I can count on one hand the amount of failed trades I've had in the past three months due to getting washed out by whales taking out stops before picking momentum back up. It all boils down to experience and knowing your strategy.

>> No.187135
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>tfw deleted the AppData folder
>demo account disappeared
>all of my chart templates and indicators gone

>Have to spend a whole day rebuilding everything
A-at least I have my bragging pic

>> No.187149

Maaan that's cray yo. I'm still setting them at 30-50pips goddamnit and still bombing out... I've got a lot to learn still.

Whats your strategy once you hit your TP? Do you just pull out or set a trailing stop?

>> No.187155

Lel how did you manage to accidentally delete the folder???

>> No.187162

Not accidentally, I was cleaning up shit because I found several processes clogging up my PC, which came from the AppData folder so I thought that they are some kind of shit that I don't need (or a virus) and I forgot that everything related to the programs on my PC is stored there..

Now I don't even have a single link/bookmark/password saved on the firefox either


>> No.187174

You dunn goof'd son.

>> No.187281


Target is the next median line in the pitchfork, and I don't make forks that give me that small of distances where the target normally isn't 3+ times the distance, so I trail the stop based on wherever I think looks good (behind support, after large swings, breakevens, etc) once it's made some progress away from the start line.

>> No.187393

Oh I see, that's interesting but makes sense. I was trying to play around with the pitchforks the other day, think I'm finding it hard to find the right places to place the points...I guess that'll just come with more experience...

>> No.187395
File: 8 KB, 1887x61, audusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you accidentally press the sell button three times instead of once

good thing this trade is going well or else I'd be pretty upset at myself for being so stupid.

>> No.187399

There is a lot more to it than the basic pitchforks that I haven't mentioned like sliding parallels or how to trade off the middle line in the fork instead of the top/bottom, or how to even pick the best highs and lows to use, but they're all little tricks you pick up with time

>> No.187405

In the time it took me to post this, it shot up another 150+ points per trade. That's why I love forex

>> No.187529

Ya the biggest problem for me right now is trying to pick the best highs and lows, most of the time, I feel I can't even see a nice place to set them... although I'm probably not see the wood for the trees. hopefully time and practice will help. Going live is long way away from me at this point...

>> No.189136

>using ghetto broker
>complaining about spreads

>> No.190829

Recommendations? Seems cheap and reputable brokers are incredibly hard to come by.

>> No.190937

Just any of the major ones. The big ones are the cheapest and the most reliable: MBT, Dukascopy, IBFX...

How could a small broker with no economy of scale be able to offer the same services for cheaper?

If you want small spreads look for ECN access rather than small fixed spreads. Fixed spreads will never beat the market spread, they will always either widen them or "lose" your orders.

>> No.192731
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Hey,I recently started to demoing again after a long time and so far i have achieved the results you are seeing on the pic.
Also you can check out my trade explorer on forexfactory:

So far i feel i am doing good.Looking at 15min the most however use H1,H4 for trendlines,s/r areas.However my entries are bad like i see a s/r level and go take position then the price moves further and i go like what?Sometimes i feel there are some "invisible" s/r levels i don't see.Kinda frustrating,though the market didn't go against me seriously.
Other thing i have problem is the pressure.I set my tp to a level the market will always reach it however out of fear? i close the position before it can reach it.Like yesterday i opened 2 shorts for gold then i premateruly closed them before the big short chandle then i got kinda mad.And then i went long for the backtrace set my tp and closed before it could reach it...
Any advice for this?I know it's a demo but i handle it like it's real.
Also don't have any strategy yet if going with the flow isn't one.Like i look at the chart see some res/sup level nearby take position,wait then take profit.
How do ppl calculate accurate res/sup levels?I mark them as an area and set up b/s limits.
Any advice would be great.

>> No.192741

>makes 25% return
>wants advice
you're doing better than everyone in this thread and everyone on forexfactory m8

>> No.192748
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When will you faggots learn to use MT5

On a side note, very good job, I am trying to replicate the same results, except with less risk

Is the Sharpe Ratio correct on the MT5 statistics (there are several topics about it being incorrect in MT4)? I intend to replicate similar results, except with a >1.0 SR
>pic rel, restarted the demo account after I accidentally deleted my old one where I had perfect results

>> No.192759




Well my current broker offers a modified MT4 build 610.Can i use MT5 with them?
Also what is a good broker to demoing which hopefully won't close the demo after 30 days?

>> No.192767

>which hopefully won't close the demo after 30 days?

I'm not sure if they close it after 30 days, but Instaforex is the perfect broker for demoing imo, because they offer a fuckton of prizes for the top demoers. It also uses MT5

>> No.192786

Woah that's cool.Thanks for the tip.

>> No.192828

>Russian broker
>implying I want to join a botnet and get my private info stolen

>> No.193126

So I developed a good EA using MT5. I dont feel like translating this shit to MT4... are there any US brokers that use MT5?

>> No.193643

good question,don't know the answer though

>> No.194645


Ugh i guess I can settle for just selling it on the market then.

>> No.195154

can someone please explain to me the importance of the 'Spread' option when strategy testing in MT4?

would say a spread of 4.4 from Oanda : http://fxtrade.oanda.ca/why/spreads/live be the same as putting 4.4 in the spread box?

>> No.195769

Do anybody have any experience with the brokers listed here?:

Most of them look attractive but have no idea which would be good for starting.

>> No.195947

>30 min
I dont even know why they bother with that timeframe
>I keep getting stopped out on trades that fluctuated too much before going up
decrease lot size and increase SLTP, lock in TP and set it to trail if you think its going to be a long ride up.
Trade higher timeframes (I mainly use H4) since there is a bit less noise that will fuck you in the ass.
FXCMs terminal is by far the most awesome but as a broker they suck. I am going to test out this trade copier that I found that supposedly copies trades from FXCM terminal on demo and enters them into MT4.
I remember you, hows the shekeling?
b-b-but all my custom algos only work on MT4...
Good lord no! Their demo servers are flaky as fuck.
>install insta MT4 demo
>kept up half the night by random harp and BOING sounds as it reconnected 20 times through the night.
can you post a backtest?
it only matters if you are scalping or you perform lots of small trades in a day. 4.4 is not bad, its better to test with a worst case scenario type spread.
FXDD, Thinkforex, and Oanda are my best pics based on feedback from tradebros. I dont know much about the others but some people like FXOpen cause they do nano lots.

>> No.195961

Try and search for an MT5 to MT4 trade copier... Basically it copies trades from one terminal to another. I use the one made by MT4i but that only works from MT4 to MT4 AFAIK.
It works like this...
>install DLL
>run EA on any random chart on master terminal
>run EA on any random chart on slave terminals
>all actions performed on master terminal get replicated to slave terminals
All you need to do is find one for MT5 to MT4... I found a few but they all vary in price and quality and Im too lazy to dig deeper.

>> No.195986

why not use support levels or pivots to determine stop levels?

>> No.197433
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Yes, my EA scalps and does many trades in a day.

For example, using the 'current' spread during a 6 month backtest of M1 USD/CAD will burn my money.

A spread of '2' does pretty well, (pic related.)
A spread of '5' breaks even, and anything larger than that loses money.

>> No.197464

That's actually a very nice result with big enough test sample, what kind of indicators is it using?
>Go with a 3 spread on the majors

>> No.197473

Because they frequently get tested, sometimes very much so before closing behind the support level. Learned this the hard way, got stopped out of getting in early on uptrends by the market testing the resistance level hard.

>> No.197521
File: 19 KB, 1262x221, WPzc2uK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, it's a combination of Donchian and Moving Avgs, I've just started paper trading with it today.

Pic is the same test with a '3' spread, does slightly worse, but still pretty nice.

>> No.197585
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this is from fxpro

>> No.197951

>All those who aren't shorting JPY

Poor guys

>> No.197959

when you say shorting JPY, do you mean it will depreciate, so you'd go Long on EURJPY?

>> No.197969

Fuck me, I meant EURJPY

But the same shit will happen to USDJPY anyway

>> No.197980


nice, they actually have level 2 data

>> No.197994


what is that?

>> No.198060
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The urge to close them at ~5% profit and call it a day is almost uncontrollable

Do you guys think this shit will hit 102.70 for USDJPY and 142.60 for EURJPY tomorrow?
Thinking of letting them hit at least 30 more pips each, not sure if it's a good idea to abandon my strategy because of greed, but tight TPs are as bad as high risk

>> No.199014
File: 41 KB, 1920x507, backtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can set the EA to filter out spread size so if the spread is too large it just skips out.

how long is the test?

here is a 10 year torture test for mine...

>> No.199257

Depth of market, the book orders list on the left.

I noticed it's in Spanish. Where are you from? I'm from Spain myself.

>> No.199268

Out of curiosity, when you backtest these, is it on optimized inputs? The results look amazing for an EA which is why I'm afraid it might be curve fit to the data.

Do you walk forward test at all?

>> No.199398
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>tfw couldn't hold myself again and had to risk more for the obvious uptrend so I get more money
>tfw sharpe ratio dropped to 0.8 again

fuck this gay earth

>> No.199406

>be me
>trading forex
>mfw when
>tfw no gf
>le reddit
>play the stereo real loud
>test the doorbell

Everything Can Be Broken Into Dances.

>> No.199408

Oh shit my attentionwhoring trip disappeared
Lets fix that <:^)

On a serious note, short EURGBP starting now to +30-40 pips, which will happen tomorrow

Told you guys to short the EURJPY and USDJPY, those were the easiest 50 pips I've made

>> No.199427

It'll be dropping around 800 pips over the next couple weeks :-)

>> No.199458

That's way too long for me m8, I lack the psychology to keep a trade up for more than 2-3 days

>> No.199468


You should develop it. Not only does it give you legendary patience and balls of steel for everything else in life (because nothing is as gut wrenching and willpower testing as taking your hard earned cash and watching it duke it out with the market based on your predictions)

plus it allows you more free time as you don't need to watch for setups as long, I find.

That being said, I still do intra day trades as well. Figured I'd give out that tip for free, though.

>> No.199471

>Nothing is as gut wrenching and willpower testing as taking your hard earned cash and watching it duke it out with the market based on your predictions

Should have "for weeks at a time" tacked on the end there

>> No.199478

Short Silver, TP 10 pips

Do it fgts

>> No.199806

Hey guys, what's the difference between metatrader 4 and 5? I've noticed a lot more popularity with 4 than 5 and I wonder why.

>> No.199815

MT4 is full with "working" EAs and the plebs rush to it instantly

MT5 is better in almost every way - interface, better strategy tester, better reports, fixed bugs and so on

>> No.201010

Is there a difference between the mql4 and mql5 language?
Is the mql5 more similar to c#?As i want to learn one of them but not sure which one.

>> No.201044

how do I get historical data for forex?

>> No.201187



>im not a drug dealer

>im not laudering money with forex

>> No.202671

never used the optimizer. the EA does pretty much everything in 50pip chunks.

forward testing is ongoing but the results are not as good as the backtests. i do download the latest history data every month to compare the forward test results to the backtest and the balance curves are pretty close.

>> No.202674

Forex > drug trafficking

>> No.202676

jan 2001 to the end of last month...

>> No.203531


how viable are scalping strategies. like trading the 15 minute charts?

>> No.203557
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How was your day today, /fxg/?

>> No.203676
File: 743 KB, 1920x1080, Help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Guys do you know what is the big numbers that I surrounded? I can't find any information about these numbers.
I don't talk about the small numbers, they indicate the market price.

>> No.203811

is dis b8?

>> No.203889

New to all this, questions regarding leverage

why do people trade with leverage? Isn't it retarded as hell to trade with money you dont have? what happens if you make a loss? you have to go in debt to them? what happens if you make a profit, do you get all the money back or?

>> No.203932

You are not trading with borrowed money

You are trading with the difference in your position and the current price, which means that you can never go in debt to them but they will forcefully close your position when you reach the 0

>> No.203934

What do Israel and this board have in common?
Both are shitholes that need to be removed ASAP.

There is nothing /biz/ about this board. Half the fucking time you have peasants getting buttmad about someone, and the other half is when peasants pretend to be someone they're not.


>> No.203946

oh, so there is no danger to trading with leverage?

>> No.203959
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Except losing your money, no

"I've been tripfagging on /sp/ for a couple of years, recently in the /fifa/ thread I got doxxed and so did my family because people get that mad. I can't find the picture, but someone posted a poll of how many people hate me and think I'm a cunt.

The result? 700+ hated me while only around 100 can stand me."

Typical delusional tripfag who thinks that there are more than 10 people who even give the slightest fuck about him

Opinion automatically discarded

>> No.204020

would you say its worth me getting into?

>> No.204389
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who /having a good day/ here?

>> No.204394

>tfw jelly
is that from intraday trading?

what time frame do you trade? how many pips is that?

>> No.204493

I trade whatever setup I see. If it requires a week, that's fine... if it requires a day that's fine too.
As for time frames, I generally use multiple. I use a longer time frame to establish the larger trend, and a shorter one to find an entry.

On this particular trade, I'm mostly using the daily and hourly.
It's about 85 pips currently, but the actual answer is that I doubled down on it when I saw a second entry.

This is what it looks like on the hourly.
Green lines and arrows are each entry, Blue line is the avg price, and Purple is where my TP is. Pair is GBP/JPY if you hadn't figured that out from the pic.

>> No.204532


so you're trading 5+ lots I take it. is there slippage? I read that as you increase lot sizes it gets worse

>> No.204619

There's 10 lots riding on that trade, 5 on each entry.
I don't get slippage or enough to notice it. Partly because I don't really scalp and go after larger wins and partly because of the way I enter positions.
There's different ways to enter a trade (Market, Fill or Kill, Range, etc.)
If you push through a market order then you're basically saying "buy at the price I see on my screen" which opens you up to slippage.
If you push through a fill or kill, then you're telling your broker to fill your trade at x price or don't fill it at all.
Some brokers will let you specify a range whee you're okay with them filling it, so x price +/- 5 pips.

There's several entry methods that vary a little bit depending on broker, but all of them will have at least a couple of methods available.
Also, if you have a shitty connection or are using MT4 where your command needs to take an extra step you're opening yourself up to more potential slippage.

>> No.204649

cool, I need to use limit orders then

GBPJPY has stopped, at least temporarily from moving downwards.

are you still in the trade, looking for it to fall more? or have you exited and now you're waiting for another setup?

>> No.204699

I'm still in, targeting 170.25/30 by hopefully tomorrow (next Asia session if I'm lucky).

Larger downtrend should last another week or 2, but there will likely be some pullback in between. Don't really want to ride out a 2 week trade that when I can come out with 150+ pips in 2ish days.
I will be keeping my eyes open for a repositioning after this trade hits my TP though.

>> No.204717

cool, I'm still kind of new to trading. interesting to read how other people go about it

>> No.204991

So how do i learn being patience?
When i open a good position i set tp level somewhere around a s/r level or ma or something.
However i close it before it could reach out of fear.
How do i stop this habit?
As when the market goes against me,this is usually when my entry point is shit i will sit on the position until i can break-even or even profit and even there i set the tp even if it's miniscule but i close it before the price could reach it and IT REACHED IT EVERY FUCKING GODDAMN TIME.I am getting upset because of this.Though i admit it's better than losing money.
Trading on mostly 15min and sit on position avg 1-2 hour.Though look out for h1,h4,daily timeframe for s/r levels and other nice things.
Any advice?

>> No.204995

meant *patient

>> No.205331

Practice, it's just something you have to overcome on your own. Most people let their losers run too long and don't let their winners run long enough.

One thing you could try if you're confident in your analysis, set your SL and TP and just leave it instead of staring at your charts. Just check in periodically, but not often enough to second guess yourself.

Also 15m might be too tight of a time frame for you. I usually don't recommend to newer people to use the 15m, and I hardly use it period... just to get tighter entries sometimes. The lower you go on time frames the more noise there is.

>> No.205346

Well the thing is i don't use SL at all.Also will try H1 timeframe then.Thanks for suggestion.

>> No.205380

why no SL?

>> No.205476

i don't know i don't like them,i use mental stops they work so far

>> No.205497
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Interesting, I'll have to figure out how to filter by spreads, thanks.

That was a 6 month test, this is from a 10 year. I'm worried about the fact that I lose more than I win.

>> No.205541

you better hope you don't get a big spike against you out of the blue, and I hope you at least have something like a smartphone with a trading app where you can get to your open trades if your internet goes out...

>> No.205984

Do you guys stick with a currency, or skip around? I have had the most luck on my practice accounts with EUR/USD.

>> No.206456

Skip around.
EUR/USD generally has the most uniform movement, highest liquidity, and the most information around it so for the most part it's the easiest pair for a novice.

>> No.207190
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>forex bad
>but mining and trading crypto coins is totally legit

>> No.207199

btw the filtering by spread size wont really work for backtests though since it just uses the same spread size for all orders.

thats not a bad graph. i noticed that i didnt have compounding enabled on my graph. its pretty simple: for X$ balance growth increase lot size by X lots.

>> No.207233
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who /woke up happy/ here?

>> No.207239
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>> No.207242

dude... switch the theme to "midnight" (white writing on dark background)...

>> No.207247

But I like the default :(

>> No.207419
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>can you post a backtest?

From Oct 1st to today

>> No.207424

>average profit trade: 365
>average losee trade: 1582
>win %: 88%
when you lose you lose hard m8

>> No.207437


Yea watching it in real time is one hell of a roller coaster.

>> No.207467
File: 36 KB, 728x343, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always get this shit?

>> No.207804

What does period means on an indicator?What isa period?
As i saw different setups for MAs,MACD,etc on different timeframes.But i have no idea how it works.Could somebody enlighten me?Thanks

>> No.208217

Bars it uses in the past to calculate X

>> No.208235

Thanks.One more thing how do i calculate the "proper" settings for different timeframes?
Captha:ceased arnsact

>> No.208249

You don't really calculate them, it's all up to your preferences

Use around 5-6 if you are scalping, and more if you are going for longer positions

>> No.208279

>tfw ppl don't realize a double helix MACD analysis indicator for technical props up varied stoachastic impromptu volatility in sudden candlestick shifts through quite dependable resistances
stay pleb

>> No.208313

>tfw stoch par sar bollinger bands rsi with ema and mva on atr and elliot waves
the proletariat will never learn

>> No.208343


I lold

>> No.208363

use bollinger bands and SMA. RSI helps sometimes aswell but is never accurate 100% of the time

>> No.208381

here again.On what timeframe do i look for candestick patterns and other patterns as well?

>> No.209369

Guys I can't get Meta Trader 5 to be logged into the same (demo) accounts on my mobile and computer, it always says login failed or something similar. Is it even possible to use a demo account on multiple devices?

>> No.209880

Perhaps a little unrelated but how do brokerage firms make money? I understand stock brokers take commission from their clients but how does the firm make money?

>> No.209891

the either mark up the spread or charge a commission

>> No.209897

Do they take some of the commission from the stock broker? Like if there is a 4% commission per trade, does the firm take 3% of the commission away from the broker?

>> No.209967

The brokerage firm typically take 35% of the commission fee the stock broker charges.

>> No.209970


>> No.209990

Can you guys point me in the direction of how to start Forex trading? I have stayed away for 5 years, but I really want to try it.

>pls be gentle

>> No.210425

Go ahead and read up on http://www.babypips.com/school

It'll take you a while to slog through it all, but it's the best basic guide I know of.

>> No.211378

so what happened 5-6 hours ago that caused USD to appreciate?

big moves on every USD chart

>> No.211383



Retail sales reports came out

>> No.211398

Also risk aversion on Ukraine news. Yen crosses got slammed.

>> No.211416

when I look at my charts, like the EURUSD, there was a small dip near 8:30, then it rallied the next hour, and only after does it really plunge
does it take time?

that makes sense too

>> No.211545


You bottom ticked the yen with that short call. Congratz.

>> No.213653

>Setting your SL that low
>That awful pair

>> No.214204
File: 54 KB, 867x579, ForexApproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good news
>Your application has been reviewed and approved for FX trading.
Finally after 4 months of requesting access. I'm so excited, lets go tra..... oh markets closed for the weekend. Guess I can wait a few more days.
I'm so excited

>> No.214217

Why the hell are you going to trade forex with TD Ameritrade?
And why the hell did you wait 4 months for them to approve you?

>> No.214222


Oanda is probably the best retail fx broker in the US and their application process is a few minutes.

>> No.214224

eh, i think the platform. is there something I'm missing?

>> No.214234

Oanda has gone to shit. After they switched to variable spreads they've been insane and it shows. They've lost 2.7% of their accounts in the last quarter and their client's profitability has dropped by 2.6%.

idk, you linked to a calendar... is there something *I'm* missing?

>> No.214236


> After they switched to variable spreads

aka stopped trader subsidies.

>> No.214247

the fuck are you talking about? Point is they have the most insane spreads of all the major US brokers without fail.

>> No.214250


spreads aren't static IRL. So if you get a tighter spread than the market is providing you are effectively getting a subsidy.

>> No.214258

Is forex trading profitable? Are currencies even volatile enough to be to able to make decent profit from

>> No.214285

The spreads aren't provided by the market, they're provided by the broker. The issue is not that they switched to variable spreads, it's that WHEN they did, their spreads became much higher than everyone else's.

It can be if you're good, and yes they're more than volatile enough.
see: >>207239

>> No.214330

linked calender on accident.

>> No.214351


>The spreads aren't provided by the market, they're provided by the broker

You think brokers don't look at market spreads? Brokers have to offset customer order flow and to do that they pay a spread. They certainly aren't going to charge you a smaller spread than they have to pay with whatever bank they trade through.

>much higher than everyone else's.

Yea EVERYONE else's.

>> No.214369

Brokers get quotes from their liquidity providers (or not if they're a dealing desk) and then add their markup. Since you're not understanding what I'm saying let me put it this way... Oanda is either getting shittier rates from it's liquidity providers, or they're marking up their spreads more than other brokers. Either way you're getting the short end of the stick.

Now, I don't really give a shit about spreads since it doesn't really affect me, but to people just starting that tend to do more scalping or just straight up scalpers, an 8 pip spread vs a 2 pip one is going to make a pretty big difference.

>> No.214372


>needing a bull trend

More like when will it stop

>> No.214403
File: 600 KB, 364x249, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



BTW, your 2.6% profitability statistic comes from a report showing that oanda is #3 in client profitability. With only IB showing an increase in customer profitability. Since you said nothing about profitability at tdameritrade especially relative to oanda I can only assume you're talking out of your ass or get your info from shitty traders. Since as you said oanda's spreads are wider than EVERYONE elses'.

>> No.214483

It's still the second worst profitability drop among those brokers.

What does it being relative to TD Ameritrade have to do with it?
>what is a hyperbole
Merely saying there's better options than Oanda, and also that I don't get why >>214204
waited 4 months for TDA to let him trade FX when he could have just opened an account elsewhere immediately.

>> No.214493


>It's still the second worst profitability drop among those brokers.

As it happened a year after dynamic spreading was introduced how is it relevant?

>What does it being relative to TD Ameritrade have to do with it?

I said go to oanda instead because they are better than td.

>Merely saying there's better options than Oanda

Yes 2 options. IB and CitiFX pro. Brokers I doubt he can open an account with. Now you're backtracking. Initially it was oandas spreads are worse than EVERYONE elses.

>> No.214514

i wanted to stay with tda because im already with them for stocks etc, and i like their platform. it took a while because they make you get approved for margin, then options, then forex. If you can't get approved for options you can't get past it to forex. It's silly, but i didn't want to go elsewhere.

>> No.214513

>As it happened a year after dynamic spreading was introduced
It's just the latest figure, going back a year they've been in the red every quarter... -2.4%, -2.4%, -3.0%, (Q3 2013 missing).

>I said go to oanda instead because they are better than td.
Agreed, but there are better brokers than both Oanda and TD.

>Yes 2 options. IB and CitiFX pro.
FXCM shut down? Those assholes forgot to tell me.
And again...
>what is a hyperbole

>> No.214533

Lol, that's damn silly considering it's way easier to get blown the fuck out in options, especially writing them.

>> No.214537


>It's just the latest figure, going back a year they've been in the red every quarter... -2.4%, -2.4%, -3.0%, (Q3 2013 missing).

Did you look at the chart I posted? It's not a unique phenomenon to oanda.

>Agreed, but there are better brokers than both Oanda and TD.

Again, IB and Citi. Brokers he probably can't get an account with.

>FXCM shut down? Those assholes forgot to tell me.

FXCM profitability growth in 2013


Overall profitability 28% < still less than oanda

>> No.214539


Yea if you write DOTM trash.

>> No.214590

exactly my thinking. I even asked them a few times over the phone if there was a way around it. I'm not planning on touching options.

>> No.214595

What does biz think about MJNA? There was a story a few days ago about how marijuana oil was used to cure a boy's seizures and it's being used as treatment for cancer patients now. I think it'll go to the moon

>> No.214601


it's shit

>> No.214624

any particular reason why?

>> No.214636


>46 employees

Also, that story is pure pump-and-dump. Enjoy losing your money.

>> No.214660

eh, options are fun, you just have to know what you're doing. I nailed a CSCO put last year that netted me 7x the contract.

m8, you're asking about a hype weed penny stock in a forex thread...

>> No.214717


I'm a bit stunned that IB has the most forex accounts. I always thought they were popular because of stocks and futures errywhere.

And lol at CitiFX for 632 accounts.

>> No.214753

Citi is extremely selective with their accounts, and they haven't been around forex for as long as the others

>> No.214758

What broker does /biz/ recommend for a beginning forex trader who wants to start a demo account?

I tried fxcms client but it appears to have connection issues and wont update the prices from when it first starts up, I have heard a lot of bad things about Oanda but would that be the next place to start?

>> No.214766

When did you try it? They take it offline for maintenance during the weekend.

If you have the capital Citi, IB, and FXCM's premium accounts are the GOATs

>> No.214826


I tried it awhile ago and encountered the problem the two times I tried it but I have no idea if it was a weekend or not so maybe I will try again later.

Ive also heard before that IB is probably one of the best, and those others also sound good, But I have nowhere near that starting capital (anyone have any idea how much it would actually take?). I plan on taking up demotrading as a hobby now so that when I get a job soon I feel comfortable setting some small amounts of my earnings aside to practice more with (Probably lose most of the stuff I put in initially but I'll be prepared for that)

>> No.214838

IB is $10k, Citi is $10k for basic and $50k for premium, FXCM is $25k for premium.

If you want to do this seriously the bare minimum I recommend to people is $5k, though $10k is more ideal.

>> No.214854


I don't really plan on doing it "seriously" for several years, my focus is more on building trading skills and doing something that is interesting in my spare time that is more productive then video games. I don't plan on making enough money the first couple of years to make it "worth it" rather I see it as a hobby that could pay off greatly down the road when I have more cash available to me.

>> No.214981

I don't know what a forex is and I hate google. Explain to me.

>> No.215619



>> No.215720

Currencies are very volatile. I use IB. And the minimum size trade (25,000 notional depending on currency, 100-500 for the margin) W/L overnight can for me is around $200-500 a day.

>> No.215724

>Using IB
>For a beginner

He's better off going to TOS.

Don't ever trade with Market orders, ALWAYS use limit orders. Market orders are for fucking idiots who can't trade.

And start small and hedge your positions. You WILL make money. Not a lot of money, not every day but net-net you will make money. Only an idiot who gets too big into a position will blow up their account.

>> No.215744

I didn't tell him to use IB, he asked how much capital you need for an account with them.

>> No.215750

Ah, sorry about that.

Also if he's under 26 I think you only neet 3k to open an account with IB.

>> No.215775

So i was reading about chart patterns like elliot waves,ABCD etc.My question is:on what timeframe do i look for them?

>> No.215787

>elliot Wave
My god. Well if it works for you fine, but imo that's retarded.

>> No.215793

well how the fuck would i know if it works if i don't know where to look for it first?

>> No.215807

You have to trade it based on your analysis. If it works great, if not move the fuck on. IMO Elliot wave, and Gann models are too opinion based.

And even when you start trading what's your ACTUAL strategy? As in not your entry/exit time but your strategy. Are you a direct stock trader, or are you a derivative trader? Are you taking advantage of High/low Volatility, or are you taking advantage of your directional assumption? What's your time frame? What do you think your probabilities are based on you analysis, whether they be technical, fundamental, or in my case Volatility based?

>> No.216336

Forex dabble friend here.

How many indicators are necessary for you successful traders out there? So bar I use the SMMA and Bollinger Bands, waiting for them to cross. Admittedly I don't know much about manipulating parameters and usually go with the default values.

>> No.216353

BB's are just moving averages with a 2 standard deviation line on both ends. It's the exact same study as the SMMA.

I don't use indicators when I scalp Forex. Keep the trade small, and just hedge it to make it a netural trade. Will sometime take big wins and losses but usually get small consistent wins.

>> No.216377


Some indicators help sometimes, but I wouldn't call them strictly necessary.

>> No.216423

I stopped using indicators altogether, well I will use them sometimes to gauge momentum or to kinda have an idea when a move is losing steam.

All indicators, whether called lagging or leading, are actually ALL lagging. They are all based on past price action and one old adage of trading is "past price action is no indicator of future price action". So I find most indicators nowadays useless for the most part IMO.

I've completely shifted my strategy from when I first started out and I only use indicators like 10-15% of the time.

But then again, that's just me. Some people find them super useful.

>> No.216426


1 at most. Too many indicators is a mess.

>> No.216433

Serious question: Is it worth it?

Let's say, specifically, that I want to make about $80K per year.

1) How much initial investment would it take?
2) How much time out of my day am I going to have to spend staring at charts?
3) How long is it going to take to start cashing out actual profits?

Ballpark answers, obviously.

>> No.216447


1. $500K
2. All day and night. Yes, I said night.

3. 1-4 years.

You can also kiss your marriage/girlfriend goodbye.

>> No.216476

>1) How much initial investment would it take?
10K Minimum if all your going to do is bank forex.
>2) How much time out of my day am I going to have to spend staring at charts?
A few minutes a day
>3) How long is it going to take to start cashing out actual profits?
Depends on what you mean by profits. You can easily make or lost $50 a day with forex and that can be your limit if you're consistent with your trading strategy and never get too big to blow out your account.

>> No.216480

So then I think the answer is "no, it's not worth it." Because anyone who has $500K sitting around wouldn't waste 1-4 years of their life in exchange for the *possibility* of pulling down $80K per year, if everything goes well.

Shit, you'd be better off just drawing interest on the $500K. And that takes no work whatsoever.

>> No.216490

10K investment to make 80K per year? Sounds great.

>> No.216496

It all really depends...
Are you shooting for $80k right off the bat or eventually?
Are you going to learn and practice before you put any real money into it?

And then there's your actual personality... some people are incapable of being successful because they can't stay focused, or they can't handle the pressure, or any number of psychological things.

But to try and answer your questions... lets assume that you can handle it mentally and lets assume you put in the necessary work before laying actual money down on the table. We'll also say that since you want $80k/yr, you're going to pull profits out on a monthly basis rather than let your capital build.

1) We're going to say you need $8k/mo ($80k/10mo, Winter holidays is always a bit of a dead period and I'll assume you're going to take at least 1 more month off). We'll also say you can pull a 5% return per month.
This means you need about $160k starting capital to make $80k a year right off the bat.
(This figure is going to be really different depending on the type of trader you turn out to be, but I'm going with an optimistic, yet realistic assumption)

2) Again it depends on the type of trader you are... could be an hour a day, could be 12 hours a day. I'll just go ahead and say at least 8 hours a day for 3 days a week, with another 20 hours a week spread out if you eventually become efficient. This doesn't include the time you're going to spend learning.

3) Since I worked backwards this question ends up in a bit of an odd position. We assumed you weren't going to trade with real money until you could realistically pull the profit you wanted. so I'm going to edit this question to ask:
>How long will it take me to learn to trade at the point where I can be consistently successful?
And to that I'd say, at least 2 years. Could be more, but either way you should Demo for at least 6 months and probably longer.

>> No.216516


It's not always going to be wins. There will be losses as well. That's why I said
>"make or lost $50 a day"

At the end of the year, if your management is decent you should have more wins then losses. The only way to tell if you have a decent plan is to actually do it/ The only thing you have to watch out for is blowing up your account, which is what get all traders the minute their slightly successful.

Also $50 x 250 trading days in a year = $12,500.

>> No.216526

Oops, didn't read the inital Want to make $80,000 comment.

>> No.216531

markets are changing all the time so just because you managed to make money one month, doesn't mean you'll continue being successful. If you can't adapt to conditions you will lose.

Another thing is that it's very different having play money riding on a trade and having your real hard earned cash. People react differently. Panic, fear, etc. These are the psychological things I mentioned above... if you can't control your emotions you will lose.

All that said, you'll never know if you don't try. Just be ready to practice and learn, and go into it knowing you may lose everything you put in, and don't expect to get rich overnight. That doesn't happen.

This assumes an 80% return per month every month. That's retarded.

>> No.216536

This is a really helpful analysis.

> say you can pull a 5% return per month
That seems incredibly optimistic to me, but I'm not a forex trader. Is it common to average 5% per month?

> pull profits out on a monthly basis rather than let your capital build
Ok, how does the math differ if I can just invest that $160K initially and leave it indefinitely?

> you should Demo for at least 6 months
Can I do this for free somewhere?

>> No.216546

>All that said, you'll never know if you don't try.
Yeah, but that's the point of the question I asked. There are lots of things in life that I can say with 100% certainty that I don't want to try. And if this picture is accurate:
then forex is one of those things.

>> No.216555


Stay as far away from forex as you can.

>> No.216557

Ok, didn't read the want to make 80K comment, but

1) this question relies on how much Risk you are willing to take. You get 40:1 leverage on Forex products, 12:1 on future products and 10:1 on options. You can go crazy and trade big. You'll make it big or lose everything. Otherwise you would need a few hundred thousand dollars and Portfolio Margins.

2) Learn how to hedge and spread the products you trade and realize all financial instruments are products. Don't think it's anything special.

3) If you don't trade too big on your individual trades, you can cash it a little bit every day.

>> No.216561

>Ok, how does the math differ if I can just invest that $160K initially and leave it indefinitely?

You'll be killed on the daily roll even if the market goes your direction.

>> No.216571

Forex is a product. A trader should trade it like any other product.

>> No.216567


Forex is 50:1 max in US. Futures you can get 20+:1. Options 100+:1 easy.

>> No.216580

Options depends on how far OTM (aka junk options) you want to buy. Indexes, bonds and Currency futures are about 12:1. Metals and energies are more. I don't know about livestock. And you can get 100:1 leverage on Forex if you go to a Russian or Israeli broker. Good luck making money with those brokers.

>> No.216608

Glad it was helpful.

5% is really optimistic but not unrealistic if you're good enough. Assuming you have a method, practice proper money management, and analyze instead of bet, then it's attainable.

>Ok, how does the math differ
In the example I gave above, you basically got a total of $80k that year by pulling your profits out every month.
If we let those monthly profits compound and still assume that 5% return per month it looks like this:
$160,000(1+5%)^12 = $287,337
(That's $160k initial, compounding at 5% a month for 12 months)
Minus your initial $160k, that comes out to $127,337 in profit at the end of the year instead of the $80k.

tl;dr compounding is GOAT.

>Can I do this for free somewhere?

Any decent broker will let you open a demo account with them.
This has the added benefit of familiarizing you with their platform or whatever platform you choose to use.

I wouldn't call that picture accurate either. That's starting to get to the opposite extreme of "get rich quick with little money"
I consider myself very experienced and $80k a year with $500k would be easy as hell for me... could be done in a trade or 2.

Just because you fucked up doesn't mean everyone does. Go play somewhere else.

We're not talking about letting it ride on one trade and keeping the position open. We're talking about leaving it in the account.
More capital = larger positions with the same risk = bigger wins over time. Compounding.

Whether you can get 100:1 or 50:1 it's pretty irrelevant. Most successful traders don't use over 10:1 or 20:1 in certain cases. This is part of money management and proper risk.

>> No.216609


Financial products have varying risks. Forex is very high risk.


>Indexes, bonds and Currency futures are about 12:1

Wut? Nailing just a 1.5 point move on SPY gets you 55:1 leverage on weeklies. 15 points in SPX.... AN ATM 1 month option 25:1.

>> No.216617

What the fuck are you doing on 4chan with these intelligent comments? Have you ever been to this place before?

>> No.216619

Forex has as much risk as you let it have. No one is forcing you to use 250:1 leverage. That doesn't stop idiots from doing it on their own though.

>> No.216620


>Just because you fucked up doesn't mean everyone does. Go play somewhere else.

You're sending a lamb to slaughter. I doubt you make 5% a month consistently as well.

>> No.216626

>thinking his comments are intelligent
you both belong here

>> No.216634

If you notice, I did the opposite. I told him to learn, study, and practice before he ever used any real money.
You're right though, I don't make 5%. It's closer to 15%. I'm happy with anything over 10% monthly though.
That said, I've been doing this for quite a while.

>> No.216638


>That doesn't stop idiots from doing it on their own though.

>I consider myself very experienced and $80k a year with $500k would be easy as hell for me... could be done in a trade or 2.

Considering 1M spot vol in EUR/USD is 5.52% you'd need serious leverage to pull that off. Other forex pairs aren't that different.

>> No.216644


>You're right though, I don't make 5%. It's closer to 15%. I'm happy with anything over 10% monthly though.

You'd be running a multi-billion dollar fund with those returns.

>> No.216650

>Wut? Nailing just a 1.5 point move on SPY gets you 55:1 leverage on weeklies. 15 points in SPX.... AN ATM 1 month option 25:1.

A 1.5 what? Standard Deviation? You don't get that kind of leverage at all. You'll only make money on ATM products if the product moves more than your daily theta decay. And it will only turn into that kind of leverage if it goes FAAAAAAAAR ITM. Otherwise it's equivalnt whatever your Delta number is.

The only way you get that kind of leverage is if you buy Far OTM options on low Volatility products and hope to god that it somehow goes far ITM before the expiration date.

>> No.216661

>More capital = larger positions with the same risk = bigger wins over time. Compounding.

Large positions are the killer. Do more and larger stop thinking only in terms of profits and think about the possible losses. The bigger your positions gets, the less likely you'll exit a trade when it goes against you.

>> No.216668


I see you know less than nothing about options.

1.5 point = 1.5$ move. 183 weekly put on SPY trades for 1.66. On a 1.5 point sell off in SPY that put will be ATM with a delta of 50. The notional position then becomes short $9150 of SPY which you bought for $166. $9150/$166 = 55. 55:1 leverage.

>> No.216673


I bet you think theta is an edge.

>> No.216683

I've been on 4chan for years. I need something to do while I'm looking at charts after all.
I mainly stick to /sp/ and /trv/ but I'd really like this new board to catch on and be a useful place.

$500k, 10:1 leverage, $500/pip means 160 pips. I posted a trade much earlier in this thread that was the same magnitude, albeit at only $100/pip.
As the guy above you said, volume is an issue. Positioning tens of millions or more in currency is much harder than a few hundred thousand. Also when you get to those numbers you're not going to be leveraging.

I'm not interested in running a fund, just interested in making myself a comfortable living. I routinely pull profits out and put them into passive investments.

Part of the mental issue. If you can't see your positions relatively then you're in trouble. Controlling a $100k position with a $10k account is the same as controlling a $500k position with a $50k account.

>> No.216711

I see you know less than nothing about options. Do you even trade?

That 1.66 option is worth exactly $166. Assuming If it goes $1.5 your way the very next day your option would be worth $2.29. If you were to exercise your option and pay 183 x 100 = 9150+166 debit.

Your option is NOT $166 option is not worth $9150. If you were to shell out that $9150, then it would be worth $9150.

>> No.216715
File: 23 KB, 1366x304, forex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a euro is 1/1.3 dollars, not 1.3 dollars

someone explain why they have to be confusing ass motherfuckers

>> No.216723

My only experience with "trading" is by trading shitcoins on cryptsy.

How does one really make any money on this shit? It seems like it's all luck mostly. You can never know if someone is going to do a big ass dump or buy (given you arent in the inner circle as in knowing secret info).

Trading to me sounds like "sell when you see a rise and it stays on there for a while, buy when there is a dip; this while praying a sudden big ass buy or sell order doesn't happen"

>> No.216725

Meant to say

>Your option 183 weekly option is not worth $9150. If you were to shell out that $9150, then it would be worth $9150.

Excerse isn't free.

>> No.216750

You don't make sense... what are you asking?

Example: the Yen increases in value when shit hits the fan globally. Risk aversion drives money into it so naturally with the Crimea shit going on the Yen has increased in value.

Example 2: Export numbers in a country slow down. The govt may elect to devalue their currency on purpose to make their exports more attractive globally.

This is just scratching the surface. There's also a slew of technical analysis that goes with it.

>> No.216751


>Your option is NOT $166 option is not worth $9150. If you were to shell out that $9150, then it would be worth $9150.

Your NOTIONAL is $9150. Your NOTIONAL exposure determines your leverage. Again you demonstrate total ignorance of derivatives.


>Positioning tens of millions or more in currency is much harder than a few hundred thousand. Also when you get to those numbers you're not going to be leveraging.

The forex market can take a $30M punt no problem. I don't doubt your trades. I doubt the consistency. Post your performance everyday. I'll back off. Until then, the 99.99% likelihood is you and anyone else thinking about trading forex will lose money over time. Fair warning to everyone thinking about punting in forex. And no "money management" won't save you. There is very little edge in this market and you ain't gonna get it.

>> No.216768


EUR/USD = 1.39 means 1.39 USD = 1 EUR. USD/JPY = 101 means 101 JPY= 1 USD.

Therefore 1 USD = 0.71 EUR and 1 JPY = 0.0099 USD.

That's how forex math works.

>> No.216771

companies and banks are exchanging huge chunks of different currencies all the time, pieces of news cause other traders to speculate, different economies are changing and governments are mongling their currencies in different manners, all this causes fluctuations in exchange rates

forex traders booklearn all this and try to make predictions

>> No.216797

>Your NOTIONAL is $9150. Your NOTIONAL exposure determines your leverage. Again you demonstrate total ignorance of derivatives.
BUT YOUR NOT EXPOSED TO $9150. Your exposure is $166 you paid for that contract. You can choose to exercise it if it becomes in the Money, in which case you have to put in 9150 in order to hold on to the position.

You're buying the contract not getting leverage for the underlying. With future your getting the leverage because you're putting in (for /Zb) 3k for a contract that's worth 100k. In Forex you're putting in $250 for 10,000 worth of the product. With options you're putting in $1 for a $1 option till it's exercised or assigned to you in which then you have to pay the margined amount in order to get equivalent risk.

This is stupidly obvious for anyone who's made even 1 trade. Have you ever?

>> No.216801


Here dumbass.


Definition of 'Notional Value'

The total value of a leveraged position's assets. This term is commonly used in the options, futures and currency markets because a very small amount of invested money can control a large position (and have a large consequence for the trader).

Investopedia explains 'Notional Value'

For example, one S&P 500 Index futures contract obligates the buyer to 250 units of the S&P 500 Index. If the index is trading at $1,000, then the single futures contract is similar to investing $250,000 (250 x $1,000). Therefore, $250,000 is the notional value underlying the futures contract.

>> No.216809



Notional Value

The notional value of derivatives is the number of contracts traded multiplied by the contracts’ underlying value. The contracts’ underlying value is calculated by multiplying the market price of the underlying asset for each contract times the contract’s multiplier. It is an approximate measure of the underlying value of the number of contracts traded.

>> No.216813


And this is only true of options if it get's ITM. And if you exercise it and pay the amount the contract is. Otherwise it's not worth that much.

Hint: It works differently than with futures. That's why there are future options.

>> No.216814



>From CBOE - chigaco board options exchange

Notional Value is the total dollar amount equal to the strike price of an option times (x) the multiplier. It is an important concept for an option trader to understand because some options that have the same underlying instrument as other options have different notional values. To learn more about the concept of Notional Value, view this week's segment of "Ask the Institute".

>> No.216817


So I guess mark to market doesn't exist. You are arguing about something you do not understand.

BTW, if you have to cash to take delivery of the option you aren't using leverage at all.

>> No.216828

if it takes you 4 hours to travel 200 miles from new york to boston your average speed is 200/4=50 miles per hour, basic math, right?

so when a layman encounters "EUR/USD" they will expect the number of euros per dollar, not dollars per euro

>hey, keep it under 55
>"relax bro, we're only doing one mile per 0.014 hours"
>what the fuck man

Is there a reason for this? Maybe 150 years ago "/" meant something different than what it does now.

>> No.216830


When it's options it's called Nominal value you fucking retard.

Do some actual trading.

>> No.216843

You are arguing about something you do not understand. Mark to market has nothing to do with this. You're not risking that $9150 nor are you going to make 9150 if your option goes far ITM. Learn to Nominal Value.


>Shares also have a notional principal amount but it is called nominal instead of notional.
If you are buying stock option contracts, for example, those contracts could potentially give you a lot more shares than you could control by buying shares outright. So the Notional Value is the value of what you control rather than the value of what you own.
So, for instance, if you purchase a 100 share equity call option with a strike of $60 for a stock that is currently trading at $60, then you have the same upside potential as someone who holds $6,000 of stock (1 option * 100 multiplier * $60), but you may have paid only $5/share (for a total of $500), so by this measure you have achieved leverage of $6,000/$500 = 12x.[3] Note that if the stock price moves to $70, your dollar notional is now $7,000 (- cost of option and commission differential), but your quantity (unit notional) is still 1 contract.

Learn, do, trade. Stop talking and start listening fool.

>> No.216844


>When it's options it's called Nominal value you fucking retard.

That's all you have, semantics? lol

Your own link backs me up.

>So the Notional Value is the value of what you control rather than the value of what you own.


>Is there a reason for this? Maybe 150 years ago "/" meant something different than what it does now.

Just forex convention. I dunno the rationale.

>> No.216850


>So, for instance, if you purchase a 100 share equity call option with a strike of $60 for a stock that is currently trading at $60, then you have the same upside potential as someone who holds $6,000 of stock (1 option * 100 multiplier * $60), but you may have paid only $5/share (for a total of $500), so by this measure you have achieved leverage of $6,000/$500 = 12x.[3] Note that if the stock price moves to $70, your dollar notional is now $7,000 (- cost of option and commission differential), but your quantity (unit notional) is still 1 contract.

Holy shit that is exactly what I said here >>216668

I didn't know someone could be this dumb.

>> No.217278
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 1month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost hit my one month mark with my forex demo account. Did I do good?

>> No.217377
File: 38 KB, 240x238, BIDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im too dumb to read any of that, but it seems good. What was your goal and success?

I am poor and would only have 1500 USD to start with. I would like to make an extra 40 or 50 a week, but idk if its possible. I am only just beginning to look into it as a hobby.

>> No.217386

What's with all the "I don't know if I can make 1% per week" bullshit?

You can easily make TEN percent per week with minimum risk, which is $150 with a $1500 deposit

>> No.217391


A question you need to ask yourself: are you prepared to lose $40-50 a week? Can you handle that happening for multiple weeks?

If not, you should wait until your persnal financial situation improves.

>> No.217394



>> No.217424

yea m8, double your money every month. you'll be a millionaire by the end of the year
and be worth more than buffett within 3 years

>> No.217436


>>217278 here

I more than doubled my practice account in a month. Honestly, if you keep your gains modest (say set your take profit to 20 pips max), you could pull in that kind of cash in 1 trade easily.

If you want to trade lower volumes to help mitigate your risk, then you could pull it off in 3-4 trades.

Just get a demo account, learn as much as you can, and whenever you fuck up and lose, DON'T LOSE THE LESSON. Odds are you overlooked something, and it ended up costing you.

>> No.217444


I'll be happy if I can land 25%/month profit when I go live. I'm aiming to roll it up to a $40k account. When that happens I can quit my full time job, and just take on some part time work on the weekend to get myself out of the house.

>> No.217449


Doubling your money in a month is not something magical and highly unlikely to happen

Doubling your money with a very high volume (millions of $) is impossible. You shouldn't compare those professional traders that hardly make 10% per month to the average trader who deposits max 2-3k.
Just don't forget to always follow your strategy and indicators, if you are going to use such. I myself have that problem where I see a very obvious trend and I ignore my strategy, just because I don't want to be sorry later for missing those 50-60 pips for several hours of work.

That's really the only thing you should do to keep a constant profit - find the strategy that fits you best and don't get greedy.
Forex's actually really that easy

>> No.217489
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Well, I am just learning, so it would mostly be token exercises for a while. Im not confident enough to think I could make more, if any consistently. I have a lot to learn. Keeping what I have and making a consistent 50 a month would be just fine. Until taxes, I mean. Im still stumped on those.


Well, no, when you put it that way. I could only lose about $20 or so a week without feeling it so much. But as I said, even 50 a month would be quite a reward if I did it consistently. I am looking mostly just to build skills and knowledge at first. I wouldn't expect anything consistent for the first 18 months, as I learn. But the learnings the fun, and idw be greedy. I would be happy to use little leverage and go long while I learn. It would be worth it to learn and get better later. Thanks for the perspective.


Thank you, that is encouraging. For now, it would just be token stuff to learn, and there is so much fun stuff to learn. For my first year, I would be happy just to break even, provided I learned from it. So your lesson disclaimer is something I will take seriously. I like learning about other countries and economics, and am frankly shut in, so there is little more that I can do that interests me. The desperation of focus is what gives me confidence of long term success, because I am rather cornered by options and it seems fun anyways, if only to keep from going stir crazy.


Thanks, thats encouraging too. I would like to start with 1500 USD and just try to leverage 2% here and there. For me, getting it right consistently is more important than making a lot. I haven't learned any strategies yet. I was going to try to immerse myself in learning about fundamentals. It's all fascinating. I would be happy to net even 40 a month. I would rather net 30 in consistent good trades than 40 in mixed trades.

Thank you all for your advice. I appreciate it.

>> No.217558

place your bets, when the fucker will go down?

>> No.217564
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>> No.217583

Should be several hours after it opens, to around 1.3880 (+/- 10)

>> No.217636


Be gentle.

The JPY?

>> No.217654


Just don't dive into live trading. Pick up a practice account first. If you absolutely MUST start live trading right away, test out your strategies (and new ones) on the demo account before using the live one.

>> No.217663

I'm gonna start Forex trading in hopes that it will force me to actually read the news and stay informed.

You do have to read the news all the time right?

>> No.217687

Why are you guys struggling with fractions?

Look: EUR/USD = 1.3

That means that "EUR" is bigger than "USD." If you said: X/Y = 1.3, then "X" is bigger than "Y."

X/Y = 1.3
X = Y * 1.3

It takes 1.3 times Y to equal X.

>> No.217698
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Gladly, thank you. It's hard to know where to start, but it all seems fascinating. I hope to learn a lot about what moves which currencies when and why. And of course, there are those who trade on technicals, but idt I would like that as much.

I was going to wait to open a real account, until I can relax and really immerse myself in the education part. Idw just push buttons like a monkey and treat it like a roulette wheel.

>> No.217934

Well you can't start at the babypips school.

You'll need to grasp both fundamentals and technicals to be successful. IMO certain news events do make a difference but it really just looks like certain news events are just used as "excuses" to move the price in one direction or the other. You know, speculation - as a large part of FX is just that. The actual news itslef, I find, has no real-life bearing on the currency.

like the current ukrain/Russian thingy. The JPY is soaring as "risk aversion makes investors run to safe haven currencies. But in reality, no one is really moving their bank account over to Japan over this whole crimea scenario. Yet we still see the Yen rally like a mother fucker. Speculation.

>> No.217939

* well you can start at the babypips school.

* "risk aversion makes investors run to safe haven currencies" - (forgot to close the quote)

>> No.218017

I know you have to follow your strategy and have discipline, but how do you design a strategy that has an edge?

I look at the charts and get ideas for strategies, like EMA cross, divergence, S/R, etc., that look like they would work, but then when I actually backtest them and run the numbers turns out they barely break even.

>> No.218367

So basically like trading shitcoins.

>> No.218837

Another spanish speaker here m8

>> No.219385

Where from?

>> No.219406

Why would someone even want to trade money over stock?

>> No.219410


leverage, 24 hour market

>> No.219411



>> No.219420

+very high liquidity, low commissions, nice moves.

Also it's relatively safe, a currency can't suddenly go to zero.

>> No.219422



>There is very little edge in this market and you ain't gonna get it.

>> No.219452
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B-but the others say they are getting such great results...

>> No.219469


10 years of daily trading blotters from hundreds of traders both successful and unsuccessful. Someone a $1,000,000 profit day in 2008, another a million dollar year. Many $100,000+ days. Not a single successful forex trader.


>> No.219471


>Someone a $1,000,000 profit day in 2008, another a million dollar year.

Someone posted a $1,000,000 profit day in 2008, another a million dollar year.

>> No.219485

so you're saying there's a chance?

>> No.219488


I should've clarified, none of the guys that made money and posted big numbers traded forex.

>> No.220302


If you want to get rich, like millions of dollars rich, good luck. But I've seen some weekly takes from some anons that have posted here. If you run something like a $25k trading account, and have a solid plan, you can most definitely live well off of it.

I'm starting up my $3k account next week once I have the funds. It won't be much for a while, but if I stick to my plan, I can snowball it up to about $25k by the end of the year.

The tricky part with trying to get rich in forex, is liquidity (or lack thereof) when you decide to trade a shitton of lots. You'll have virtually no problem closing 1-5 lot positions. But if you're working with double digit lots, it's not as easy. Market liquidity becomes a factor when you're controlling large positions. If nobody wants your lots, you're stuck with 'em until someone finally wants them.

>> No.220362

>The tricky part with trying to get rich in forex, is liquidity (or lack thereof) when you decide to trade a shitton of lots. You'll have virtually no problem closing 1-5 lot positions. But if you're working with double digit lots, it's not as easy. Market liquidity becomes a factor when you're controlling large positions. If nobody wants your lots, you're stuck with 'em until someone finally wants them.

>> No.220365

>I'm starting up my $3k account next week once I have the funds. It won't be much for a while, but if I stick to my plan, I can snowball it up to about $25k by the end of the year.
Btw it's your first real account? Have fun then.

>> No.220976


Except it is real, proven currency

>> No.221071
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the most crazy shit you've done?

>> No.221237
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>> No.221291

So, in my country I can't buy or sell foreign currencies in banks or exchange houses anymore freely. I need to present a declaration of why I need them, and I have a cap determined by my official incomes as registered by the government, which are 0 at the moment. Would I benefit into learning and looking into forex trading? Or with tight regulations I should get into stocks or something else?

>> No.221349


How about move from your shitty ass country

>> No.221372


>> No.221399

Argentina? I *think* with those kinds of regulations the only way you'd be able to do it is with an offshore broker and somehow fund the account with a different currency.

>> No.221447

Yeah, Argentina. Fuck, that looks way like too much trouble. Plus that would make it so that I would need a big starting capital for the broker and offshore account, etc. And having to pay his fees. And I don't even know if I would have to just trust him with not ripping me off, or if I could get a contract to protect me from him just deciding to fuck off with the money. Which would imply further legal complications and fees, fuck that.

Thanks for answering, I was wondering if maybe you could forex trade online with having currencies of different countries just "online" not on actual paper. But I guess that even if I did have that I wouldn't be able to take out the money to reach my hands anyways.

>> No.221474


>> No.221505

You do know that 4 chan is for +18 people right?

>> No.221512

hurr durr i haev a stik up my ass

hurr durr socialist scum De Kirchner is depreciating my money in such way I can't have fun in any other aspects of my life

hurr durr las malvinas son argentinas

>> No.221550

What the fuck are you talking about retard? I support Kirchners and in facted I voted for them every time. And Malvinas are Argentinian, stop being 13 and edgy, and stop being on 4chan.

>> No.221568

>voted for Kirchners (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
>Is a socialism-tard and comes to /biz/ (/biz/!, you cant make this stuff up)
>Malvinas are argentinian


You're actively trying to turn your country into Venezuela while at the same coming to ask questions in a business board. Here's a solid financial advice, stop turning your shithole of a country into a communist shithole.

Get your trip off, you're not special.
Wanna find out about the basics of Forex? go to babypips and start learning.

This question
Makes no sense, you're confusing two different things altogether, once you put in the smallest effort to actually find out by your own, instead of asking to be fed like the mental impaired you are, you'll quickly find out the idiocy of your question. But I guess it's too much to ask from someone that actually votes for Kirchner.

I was here during the first ever Fx threads in this board, and they were good. Up until the point retards with absolutely no knowledge or capacity for effort came in and fucked it up with their laziness.

>> No.222096

be nice


>> No.222165


>> No.222800


Not my first one. Did a $1.5k one earlier in the year. Broker was sketchy though, and their setup sucked. Lost about half, and just pulled the rest of my money out. Too many "glitches" when I tried to manually close a position that was winning.

>> No.222807

>The tricky part with trying to get rich in forex, is liquidity (or lack thereof) when you decide to trade a shitton of lots. You'll have virtually no problem closing 1-5 lot positions. But if you're working with double digit lots, it's not as easy. Market liquidity becomes a factor when you're controlling large positions. If nobody wants your lots, you're stuck with 'em until someone finally wants them.


There's only so many lots of currency in play every day. What I'm saying is if you're holding on to a bunch of them (say 30 lots), and trying to close your position, if someone isn't looking to pick up those 30 lots, you're stuck with them until somebody wants them. Which can be dangerous, since even a 5 point drop at that point can cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

Market liquidity basically refers to how many people/banks are looking to play at any given point in time. If nobody wants to play, you're stuck with your lots, and get to enjoy watching your profits dwindle as the market works against you, pip by pip.

Best thing to do when holding a big position, is to shed off a lot or two every 4 pips or so. You won't make as much money when you're finally closing the position, but you don't run the risk of being stonewalled by your own greed.

>> No.222818
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, ggggood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The threads were ruined due to trolls and retards

Most of the discussion was spent defending Forex from stupid trolls. I stopped with my London threads for that reason, it was fucking annoying and a waste of time. Some good came out it, a small handful of decent traders joined my trading room I made and we make good pips.

>> No.222823

Yeah bro, I know, I stopped coming/creating Fx threads because of those too.

Can I get more info on that trading room? I'm trying to get into LTFs

>> No.222835


Its a Skype trading room of about 11 traders with each different trading mindsets. Some scalp, a couple swing trade H1 charts and one crazy Britbong uses monthly charts. All but one of us are full time traders so its really serious. The people from my old London threads I invited people posting their analysis and charts. Not just random calls.

What TF specifically, people talk shit about LTF traders but I personally trade the m15 while using HTF's to confirm S/R levels and such

>> No.222847
File: 73 KB, 750x960, 12315316136143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit wasn't the circlejerking you guys receive from here enough so that you had to create and additional chat to dry your balls to the max

Nah banter aside, I agree with the above posts. The retarded stockbabbies ruin every Forex thread with their retarded logic, so I stopped making generals too

We need an aut-, I mean NEET, dedicated enough to do it for us

>> No.222850

I trade the H4-D1 mainly. All pairs.

I determine significant SR from D1 charts, then zoom into H4 to determine minor SR, mostly to know where to scale out of a trade or tighten SL. H4 is also entry TF, mostly on engulfing candles signaling a possible reversal, hence my email, which I use to get email alerts on my phone with a engulfing candle indicator on MT4.

I'm looking to trade the 15M to 1H. And to expand to not only more candle patterns but price patterns themselves. I'm a master student, so I have a good amount of time to invest in Fx. I'm pretty serious about it, right now I'm live with only 1k, but got 10k saved and I'm planning to increase on 2-3k increments while I get better.

It'd be really cool to know a bit more about the trading room, do you guys hang out in it all day and discuss trades? I'm in a couple IRC chats as well, but they seem to be dead a lot of the time.

You might remember my nick Mr. K, I used a couple of times during the first Fx threads and the few one that were good after the influx of trolls and lazy people

>> No.222873

I would rather circle jerk with a group of good traders other than a group of bad trolls.

We are most active during Frankfurt/London/NY sessions. We call our trades but its not a signal service or anything of the matter. We all trade differently but the core of our trading is price action.

>> No.222899

I'm always looking to improve, specially regarding price action, which is basically the core of my strat as well, no tech indis.

Is there anyway I could join you guys?

>> No.223010

Hey no fair :( I want in on this trading room too...

I'm still demoing though right now. I've moved from H1-H4 to M5-M15 as a soon quickly found out I couldn't really hold onto trades nor whether the bigger losses on larger time scales...

How great is M15 though, love that TF.

>> No.223011
File: 20 KB, 500x450, 1393582258820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would start by posting more charts and your analysis in the threads.

Or drop me a line with your thoughts on the market on skype

I am trying to keep the room full of serious traders and I would like to be sure of that first

>> No.223013

I'm still demoing right now though. I've moved from H1-H4 to M5-M15 as I soon quickly found out I couldn't really hold onto trades nor weather the bigger losses on larger time scales...

Sorry had to clear that up.... terribly written before.

>> No.223016

I like the M15 for entries. But I am also looking at the H1,H4 and Daily first.

>> No.223019

Ya I usually zoom out to M30, sometimes to H1 to see the bigger picture on trends, support/resistance, etc. I use buy/sell stops and never really manually enter, I set them at the M15. But once in a trade I switch to the M5 mostly, just to see where it's going and manaully trail my stops.

>> No.223024
File: 710 KB, 567x709, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little trick a friend from the room told me about was to open a chart, start at Daily and mark important areas. Then switch it down to H4 and mark more areas...etc until you reach M15.

Your m15 chart will have the major S/R areas marked and it should last you a week atleast.

>Fuck Putin

His stupid speech sent the EUR/USD sideways

>> No.223027

Good tip brah. Will add the to the toolbox!

>> No.223028
File: 27 KB, 800x600, xagusdidaily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long silver, big support area

My SL is a emergency stop, I manage my trade completely. Soo any R/R faggots can fuck off.

>> No.223031

Yea its a neat trick

>> No.223034

Maaan I am not in a position yet where I can stomach playing off of dailys tbh. How many pips is that SL there?

>> No.223035

Also, are you live?

You're trading some big positions... 5 lots, 10 lots, etc. what broker do you use? No problems with the brokers filling all your orders? Any shenanigans?

>> No.223039

40ish pips, silver is a little different

Yes I am live, for silver I use Traders Way, IBFX for currency. No issues, fills are fine. Swap gets annoying but I normally don't hold very long. I try to get my entry spot on.

>> No.223044

Oh I see, I haven't really touched in the metals arena, so wouldn't know.

I've been demoing Alpari and IBFX. IBFX seems to be pretty popular, good to hear some real people and their views. What kinda leverage do you typically use? Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate it.

>> No.223045
File: 34 KB, 800x600, eurusdh4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on a test of the 50EMA (Green line) for a nice long entry. US data was good I may get a chance in the NY session

>> No.223050

I currently live in the US, so its 50:1

I am well funded so I never come close to a margin call. On top of money management

>> No.223054

Oh I see, interesting. I'm using no leverage at the moment as I'm trying to emulate how I'm gonna trade once I go live and at the start I'll be doing baby steps with small $5 a pip plays.

Once I'm confident enough I'll actually start using some real leverage.

>> No.223055

When you get into a trade like this, how long do you often expect to hold it? If it goes your way that is. Typically how long will a trade like this last?

>> No.223056

I would start with .01 lot trades.

>> No.223059

Currently using 0.05 with no leverage. I should go lower?

>> No.223061

It really depends, I am not really a long term trader unless I have picked up a trend. On average an hour or two. It depends on my feel of the market. If its really sluggish then I am inclined to bank my initial profits and close the trade. At least, in every trade I am looking to move my SL to +10 or to BE.

Some trades as soon as you enter they go your way and your more inclined to hold them.

Personally it all comes down to PA. If I am long and I start to see a lot of top wics forming i am more inclined to get the fuck out and wait on a re entry.
hope that helps

>> No.223065

Lol holy shit, this is almost exactly what I do!

+1 on moving stop loss to BE and then aiming for at least 10 pips. Once there I feel a huge weight lifted as it's essentially a no risk trade (albiet crazy volatile move might still fuck you over).

And yes to keeping an eye on those wicks, great tell tale sign of momentum struggling/dying.

Good tips bro, nice to hear I wasn't just coming up with my own crazy pseudo strategies and others use them too.

>> No.223066

Well your new and when you go live you want your tuition to be as low as possible (tuition being trading mistakes that cost you money lol)

If you can't make money with .01 lots then you sure as hell can't with 5 lots.

Learn first
Then master it

I hope all of this is helping

>> No.223067

Yup good point.

Defo helping out man. Thanks.

>> No.223070

I would always keep a demo account open even if your live. You never know when you will want to try new things to add to your current repertoire.

Currently I am reading up on VSA and I would like to add it to my trading process. Still debating its usefulness seeing how Forex volume is based off brokers. We shall see...my buddy is a big Wyckoff fanatic.

>> No.223071

Excuse my ignorance, but what is VSA?

And yup, makes sense to try anything new/experimental on demo first.

>> No.223073

Volume Spread Analysis


This guy does a good job of explaining it.

>> No.223077

Oh this is new to me... I will give it a readd!

>> No.223094

Filled up a composition notebook so far on VSA

>> No.223104

What's so much you can write about it?

>> No.223124

Its pretty complicated??

>> No.223306
File: 41 KB, 1269x451, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't doubt your trades. I doubt the consistency. Post your performance everyday.
I don't trade everyday, but I do occasionally post them when I'm here. I'm not here to show off so it's not exactly high priority either.

>>207239 was last week

pic related is what I'm currently in

>> No.224295

I have a question for you guys that trade in a more scalp-like fashion...

I gave about 6 people my entry last night (not my exact entries), told them to get in about 13 bars back from this image >>223306 near 169.40 (even gave them an exit at 168.32 where you see one of those grey lines if they didn't want to hold the trade longer than a day).
One of them called me an idiot and did nothing, another 2 went long instead, and 3 more shorted.
The ones that shorted though, all got out in less than an hour. The one who held on the longest got around 25 pips out of it, the other 2 got even less.

So basically I'm just wondering, what keeps you guys from holding on to trades for longer periods of time? Uncertainty? Fear of the winners turning into losers? Anxiety? Uncomfortable holding overnight?

>> No.224394


New thread