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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18495415 No.18495415 [Reply] [Original]

Every day. Every fucking day.

>> No.18495446

Yup, home work is the beez kneez

>> No.18495501

Get a better job I miss working

>> No.18495532
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>Having a job at all

Extremely unbased

>> No.18495533

This. But on the plus side, being "essential" means less likely to get cut when the financial strain causes downsizing.

>> No.18495571

Figure out how to get fired

>> No.18495610

So you'll be in the exact same situation you're in now. There's two kinds of essential, the ones who make bank and the ones who make minimum wage or close thereto. Someone who stocks the shelves at the grocery store is going to be earning less working than someone like me will be earning through unemployment.
In this particular situation we're in now a person who worked the front desk at a gym is making more money unemployed than they did at work since everyone is getting that $600 federal unemployment kicker. Just food for thought.

>> No.18495623

You deserve the extra stimulus money you're getting. Being a NEET has been a blast.

>> No.18495639

I mean why don't you just quit or kill yourself then if it's so hard? Sounds kind of slavey

>> No.18495685

>stock shelves
Yeah, no, air land sea defence equipment

>> No.18495773

what clown, wagecuck

>> No.18495826

2011 called, they want their image macros back

>> No.18495837
File: 51 KB, 644x942, 1554566382610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can one up you

>essential worker
>go to work every day
>lazy coworker gets reduced hours because work is slowing down
>coworker gets $600/week unemployment bonus
>lazy coworker got a 30% raise to stay at home 2 days a week


>> No.18495862

Think about whay they are doing. Lockdowns limited transportation etc. It's all designed to get people to want decentralisation. In the future your local community may be where you live and die. Let's nuke china and pray for their sins

>> No.18495871
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Based as fuck

>> No.18495921

Working from home - getting my tasks done, then I just browse 4chan and COOM, got my stimulux bux on top of my paycheck, life's great.

>> No.18496730

Same position, all these faggots complaining about staying at home making $700-1000 a week.....Isn't that the dream?