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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1849291 No.1849291 [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried restarting your computer

>IT \ CS degrees

>> No.1849461

>Implying you can get a job in the states with an IT/CS degree in 2017
Just bite the bullet, move to bangalore and paint a dot on your forehead.

>> No.1849465
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how do i invent operating system and become next bill gates?

Also, how the fuck did computers even take off. The normies didn't start using them till the late 90s, and before it was literal neckbeards.

>> No.1849467

You'll never surpass TempleOS guy, don't bother

>> No.1849490

Bump for this. Serious inquiry

>> No.1849501

would rather them tell you your computer is a piece of junk youre cheap and go fuck your self? no, so let them ask you to restart it.

>> No.1849502

I would honestly love that kind of honesty from pajeet

>I am trapped in a closet with ten other men talking to you, why do you think I give a fuck about your compooter?

>> No.1849508

Heres the problem with IT help. Why the fuck is computer repair service separate from the retailer? Theres been times where i get a laptop from bestbuy, the screen has a backlit problem, and it could take weeks just to ship it back to HP just to repair it. They should have a repair service inside the store because no one wants to wait a month to ship their computers back to the manufacturer.

>> No.1850682

They do have on site repair, it's just barebones. Imagine stocking X replacement parts or holding a good for a week before the spare arrives, only to have a completely untrained monkey replace the part. Also liability. Why is your bank not your tax accountant ?