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18491618 No.18491618 [Reply] [Original]

a girl is stalking me because she knows I have money
what do?
please help me I'm scared no larp

>> No.18491626
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Give your money to me

>> No.18491632

but benis in bagina :--Dd

>> No.18491670

why? explain the plan
she is 5/10
I have standards

>> No.18491677
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Move if you can
Here’s an important thing to keep in mind wherever you decide to relocate to: don’t tell ANYONE that you have money, especially women you aren’t trying to win over

>> No.18491694
File: 78 KB, 334x2000, richer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you give away the money, she'll have no reason to stalk you any further. However, "3NNPap1t" is an unsavory character, not the type of man you can trust. Give your money to me instead.

>> No.18491707

Is she trying to husband you up? Or is she possibly violent?
Show pic OP

>> No.18491739

dont have a pic dont even really know her but she is stealing my mail and reading it and always "randomly" bumping into me or claiming that my mail landed in her mailbox accidentally and she comes over and its awkward and then she starts telling stories from her life

>Or is she possibly violent?
I dont know

I dont really want to move I have a really good deal with the rent here

>> No.18491748

>she is 5/10
>I have standards
tell her this

>> No.18491760

What a shitty larp

>> No.18491769

Make up a story.
Bring it up casually how your trumpbux weren’t enough and you don’t know how you’re gunna make rent next month.

>> No.18491797

Offer the money as payment for sexual acts.

>> No.18491938

whats the best way to say it without looking like an asshole?
I tried to be polite but it doesnt work

I live in a very big apartment and pay less than a third of what it actually costs to live there because I know the guy who owns it
I'm not even sure how old she is so asking something like this could get me in trouble

>> No.18492014

You unironically should fuck her, but make sure it's most mediocre and awkward sex of her life. She won't be back if she thinks the D is trash.

>> No.18492033

Stop being a neet and just be friends with her. She might introduce you to one of her hot friends.

>> No.18492056

Also good advice. Every girl has at least one hot friend, just like every guy has at least one Chad friend.

>> No.18492106

>You unironically should fuck her
this could get me into trouble with the law and I dont know her intentions

what if she doesnt have a hot friend? then I wasted my time and deeper in it than I want to be

>> No.18492163

>this could get me into trouble with the law and I dont know her intentions

Just ask how old she is. Are you retarded or something?
>what if she doesnt have a hot friend? then I wasted my time and deeper in it than I want to be

What is your definition of 5/10? You can be seen out in public with a 5 and not have to be ashamed. Just be nice to her, and you should have an easy late night booty call. Remember, a 5 on call is better than no booty at all.

If you're too stupid to do any of this, then just tell her she's ugly and you don't wanna be bothered with her. Being nice to a stalker doesn't work.

t. stalked some girls in college.

>> No.18492203

Talk to your apartment management about how she's stealing your mail (though if you seriously don't have a locked cluster mailbox I think your story is fake as fuck). It's a federal offense to tamper with mail and rather than romantic aspirations, I'd assume criminal and identity theft related aspirations, you probably look like a sucker.

>> No.18492217

Lmao, I didn't see that part. Call the cops on that bitch haha

>> No.18492230

If she knows he has money it's because he's bragging about it or displays it in his personal belongings, such as a nice car. That being said, someone literally going through your mail trying to steal shit (let's say, credit cards that you receive) is *not* benign, and not someone you should make friends with, fucking autist OP.

>> No.18492262

>Just ask how old she is
I did and I could tell she was lying

my mailbox is locked but I think she was stealing the mail out of it somehow when I'm at work
thinking about installing a camera but there is no good spot
> someone literally going through your mail trying to steal shit (let's say, credit cards that you receive)
I suspect she saw some bank statements I received several letters where you could tell they were already opened once which is very unusual

>> No.18492274

To abate the stalking, I will advise you to invest in $TRY OF TRIAS, As
Trias explained the MagCarta application to be a Decentralized SaaS(DSaaS) that provides business applications such as enterprise resource planning without complicated deployment.

>> No.18492297

You don't have to install a camera. Report her for mail theft with the USPS postal inspectors, they've got an online report form. If she's looking through your mail she's probably looking through and tampering with a bunch of people's mail if your shit is so fucking insecure she can get into it.

>> No.18492316

>displays it in his personal belongings, such as a nice car.

I don't even assume people with nice cars have a lot of money anymore. Once I bought a car, and realized how easy it is finance a car you can't afford. I work with a guy who bought a $30,000 car, with $500/mo payments at 10% interest. He makes $14 dollars an hour.

>> No.18492331

Yeah, good point. That being said, if he's being targeted there's probably some reason.

>> No.18492418

Beyond that I'd probably look at freezing your credit report, assume the worst and this bitch is trying to open credit cards in your name.

>> No.18492483

>this bitch is trying to open credit cards in your name
is that really so easy today?
and I have no proof that she is going through my mail but it a bit too much coincidence that she suddenly runs so often into me and to my door

couple days ago she left muffins right at my door claiming she made them
I know this is not true because I know what store sells exact these
in the evening she came to pick up her tupperware and started small talk
I just gave it back with the muffins and said I dont eat processed sugar garbage when I handed it over she tried to peak into my apartment

>> No.18492511

>is that really so easy today?

Kinda. Go sign up for a credit card right now, and see how little information they actually verify. If you get someone's social security, name, and DOB you have everything you need to sign up for anything.

>> No.18492526

No one is 'accidentally getting your mail'. You just said you had evidence of people tampering with your fucking mail. "I suspect she saw some bank statements I received several letters where you could tell they were already opened once which is very unusual". This is a serious red flag, don't assume her 'niceness' is genuine, she's trying to gain your trust when you know she's doing some very sketchy shit. You are a walking money bag to her, tread carefully.

>> No.18492551

so what should I do?
just call the cops?

>> No.18492587

Freeze your credit reports, report the suspected mail theft to postal inspectors and your apartment management. You don't need to call the cops per se, but I'd take her being overly eager about checking your place out as another red flag (casing for burglary). Beyond that I'd just be cautious and not broadcast that your fucking made of money to people during an economic crisis.

>> No.18492594

Fuck her

>> No.18492599

I try to handle all of my bills online, you can also stop having your bank sending physical statements which I'd also recommend. Consider opting out of prescreened credit offers (https://www.optoutprescreen.com)

>> No.18492614

>just call the cops?
Yes. Unless you plan on sticking your dick in crazy, or moving to another apartment. Tell her to leave you fuck the alone or you will get the law involved. It's the only thing that gets the message across to people like that.

>> No.18492677
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>> No.18492960
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>> No.18493111

i buy whores not to fuck them but to pay them to leave

also all women are whores

>> No.18493634

Show money or gtfo

>> No.18493779

How bad is 5/10? If she's fat tell her to diet and work out. If she's ugly make her take makeup classes and force her to wear heavy makeup around you. You'd be surprised how easy it is for an average girl to look good with the right makeup.

>> No.18493793

Get a restraining order, get her arrested if she doesn't obey it, let the cops deal with her crazy ass.

>> No.18493963

thanks for all the replies friends
I have a friend that is a cop I will consult him next

>> No.18493991

Face fuck her anon. USEEEE HEEEEER

>> No.18494186

if she is stealing your mail, put shit in your mailbox to scare her. pictures of dead animals or scat porn. or just threats.

>> No.18494230

fake notices from debt collectors for her to intercept