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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.18485158

Should I buy a bunch of VRAY?? Any other good med companies?

>> No.18485170

I don’t want it to fall either. I want my country to prosper. But enemy nations are attacking us, yet we’re not reminding them to never fuck with us by glassing their capitals with all our fancy Raytheon orbital weapons.

>> No.18485172


>> No.18485177

also yes

>> No.18485182
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>> No.18485212
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>he didn't buy JCP on the dip
I guess what they say is true - for there to be winners, there must also be losers.

>> No.18485219

I don't necessarily want it to fall, but I also don't like an unsustainable bullshit valuation on my nations market. Imho, the dow shouldn't be higher than 19500 right now. It isn't just the dow, Netflix shouldn't be over 100x earnings, it's fucking nonsense.

>> No.18485227

trump is talking now

>> No.18485246

>2 threads
fcking faggots which one

>> No.18485250

Just wait for everyone to have put their Trumpbux in.

>> No.18485257

Meanwhile the chinks artificially inflate everything in their economy. If we Did what you said, China would just kick our ass in the global market utterly.
Fuck them and Russia and the Saudi’s. Those space force dweebs should have glassed their capitals already.

>> No.18485278

>tfw fought in Vietnam
>the vietcon started to attack and I told everyone to get down
>the black people started dancing and got shot

>> No.18485290

what's up with orange man, voice sounds kinda weird. is he sick

>> No.18485297
File: 1.06 MB, 1580x1574, 1584981910898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand over your gains

>> No.18485298

No, they wouldn't, they were barely sustaining it before the virus. This has undoubtedly bought them time for the world to look the other way, but foreign money flew out of China the last few months before this all began.

>> No.18485306

migrate here for now as it is seconds older

>> No.18485329

some insider was saying on the other thread you can buy JCP now because they will be coverted into AMZN shares once the deal is done. Literally 23 cents turn into thousands but we can keep this secret on this chan before word gets out.

>> No.18485341

he's been taking malaria meds

>> No.18485388 [DELETED] 

Ahhh! o_o

Oh jeez, it's you~! :3

I said don't sneak up on me, silly!! ;_;

*huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

How are you doing??

I hope it's "good"! ^ω^

You know why?

Because you are super important! ȌωȌ

So be safe and take care of yourself!! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

*wuggles and doesn't let go*

I can't lose you, I wuv you! (´°ω°`)

So please watch out!

-Boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum twice-

>> No.18485428
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>> No.18485432


>> No.18485488

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.18485721


>> No.18485739

>Fedniggers argue that "fundamentals look good" while simultaneously doing the most money printing in US history
I don't know which is worse. That this is just a brazen lie and they know it or that they actually believe it.

>> No.18485759
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Daily reminder that ETFs don't have enough assets under management to pay out in the case of liquidation

>> No.18486138

any cheap bio tech stock to buy that could moon in 2021?
What about editas and stem cell?
Speculator here
For this year no good biotech news?

>> No.18486195
File: 451 KB, 629x489, A9A5D6DC-9493-40CC-A014-051AAA078972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys stop making racist comments like "nigger" please? Okay thanks

>> No.18486337
File: 111 KB, 1233x925, .30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here /risking3ktomake550k/?

>> No.18486353

What flight sim is this

>> No.18486480

how is that racist?

>> No.18486488
File: 25 KB, 339x382, 726BA987-AFE8-4C7C-8BFB-180CD37D62C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I just took 100 mg of instant release adderal and 10 hits from my DMT vape and realized the market is going down tomorrow

>> No.18486516

Quick what were the highlights of the task force briefing, who got btfo?

>> No.18486523


>> No.18486537

trump btfo himself as per usual

>> No.18486540
File: 19 KB, 290x699, trumptard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump keeps on repeating
>we have tested more than any other country in the world
And he has also explicitly said "also on per capita basis"

>USA number 41
How the fuck you retards let this lardass get away with so apparent lies lol.

>> No.18486560
File: 78 KB, 990x501, The cult of Powell..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in boys, the show is about to start.

>> No.18486566

Trumptards don't care what Donald says. They're like cultists. It's extremely unnerving and worrisome.

On the flip side, you can make money trading his tweets, because his zombie horde does what he tells them to.

>> No.18486568


is this bullish

>> No.18486578

I have one Tesla $520 7/17 Put. Will I make it?

>> No.18486580
File: 88 KB, 900x600, 1585935881290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I stop looking at my stocks they'll go up, right?

>> No.18486588

>trump may adjourn congress if they keep delaying appointing the guys he want
>conference tomorrow about state reopening
>china lying about their numbers
>more WHO accusation
>food available no need to fear

>> No.18486589
File: 207 KB, 1125x845, BD43EB86-6195-4CC1-9FA2-3366FAFB2F1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck it I’ll bite

>> No.18486596

Has a stock ever been converted into another stock before?

>> No.18486601
File: 57 KB, 984x489, 1568224012684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

priced in

>> No.18486603

My Margin is ready to buy the next dip. Bring it on.

>> No.18486604

That's worth at least 34k in a month. Looks like you're going to make it.

>> No.18486609

>Trump: We are past the apex
>NYS reports record number of cases +11,519
>NYS still in massive lack of tests based on case positivity rate

>> No.18486611
File: 146 KB, 1508x892, 1581974689817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you spending your trumpbux on?

>> No.18486618


>> No.18486621

yes but you will not turn 23 cents into 2k. you'll own a fractional share of amzn if this wasn't a faggot larp

>> No.18486629

Sentiment changed today. Big down days coming soon.

>> No.18486631

Yeah these niggers are retarded. It’s called Voluntary Corporate Action aka merger, they’re going to convert every 10k JCP shares into 1 AMZN share. You faggots really think that they’re going to let a bunch of JCP shareholders make 50k% returns on a retarded boomer penny stock?
I bought a .50 call because these retards are gonna poomp it

>> No.18486632

gambling on option, easy come easy go

>> No.18486633

I already dumped mine on jcp

>> No.18486636

you're so fucking retarded it's not even funny

>> No.18486635

Already bought KO with it today.

>> No.18486637

Reminder that if Jerome sees 2 red days in a row he WILL start buying equities

>> No.18486638

And nobody cashed out to pay for rent ever again. The End.

>> No.18486642

I meant get a 16C/32T ryzen processor and probably an Nvidia Ampere GPU when it comes out

>> No.18486646

Yea, I'm also making a fuckton of money shorting this sinking boat called the USA. The USA is economically fucked and ironically it's purely because of the lack of federal-level balls to act in fear of getting economically fucked.

>> No.18486650

Jobless claims predictions for tommorow?

>> No.18486654

>lower than expected
>higher than expected
Can't get much higher. Bullish

>> No.18486660

At least 10% worse than you're thinking

>> No.18486661

Fuck forgot that was tomorrow.
Real talk though, 2 red days is gonna put a dent in the fomo

>> No.18486664

If nobody sells stocks can only go up! We can make the golden bull run a reality!

>> No.18486667
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>> No.18486678

I don't think I'm getting trumpbux :(
I might get a chinese-made keyboard (GK705 and some Box Pink switches)
still haven't decided

>> No.18486679
File: 24 KB, 395x74, 2020-04-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Bezos, he's got 4chan's best interest in mind

>> No.18486683
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>pc gaming in 2020
why? arent the new consoels coming out soon

>> No.18486692

He told me he's only going to pull the QE lever if we hit CB3

>> No.18486694
File: 3.58 MB, 366x187, 1578331763297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * cunny * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack * * clack *

>> No.18486701

the funniest part is that it's not even anyone purporting to be an insider, it was literally some random retard writing 1 shitpost about it

>> No.18486702

i probably should've sold my spy at 284 yesterday its almost 274

>> No.18486708

> my 20 amazon shares are vesting soon


>> No.18486713

>order for buying 1500 tesla shares at 715 aftermarket
>it takes a while to hit it, but eventually does
>it immediately reverses and starts going back up
what is this fucking voodoo algo shit honestly

>> No.18486717

why do you only clack on red days, you're the peter schiff of smg

>> No.18486725

any cheap bio tech stock to buy that could moon in 2021?
What about editas and stem cell?
Speculator here
For this year no good biotech news?

>> No.18486727

Market could be bullish short term, bit long term this market is gonna be flat/slowly going down for next 6 months to a year.
My prediction is 7 million
I don't think the markets care about unemeployment numbers at this point it's not a factor.

>> No.18486734

I was clacking for weeks on green days, I got tired.

>> No.18486736

Thats a good point I’ve been doing some programming in unreal engine. And I could benefit from the compile time speedup. I spend so much time on my computer I figure I should get something nice anyway. If I get a gaming console then I’m locked into the platform which I can’t tolerate even though microsoft’s new console looks pretty great.

>> No.18486739

The angry Jews sitting on bonds observed angrily as the people's Trumpbux doubled and quadrupled in value. Nobody had problems paying their mortgage ever again, the golden bullrun was here. The End.

>> No.18486748

futures can be misleading

>> No.18486756

Not unreasonable to say 7.7m

>> No.18486757
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watching all that happen from that thread 8 hours and then permutate all the way here unabated in real time was surreal.

We have a bunch of people in here with there trumpbucks ready to hand over the easilly gotten gains

>> No.18486764

saw that name in a video linked here a week ago
Another episode of Trump using someone else's failures to distract from his own failures, who profits?

>> No.18486767
File: 31 KB, 661x213, 1558514035736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're getting a check for $1200, you don't have any money.
If you make under 99k, you're poor. You heard it here first lmao.

>> No.18486773

PTI, you're welcome.
Wtf? Do you make a habit of buying 100K of tesla shares AH?

>> No.18486775

I caught it right before close when everyone was buying 100 shares, Anons were out of their seats clamoring for a 17% stake in the company, ready to save it

>> No.18486783
File: 593 KB, 1000x707, oUB972jBbwcmatr62XQQNfKJB3GJQV-8rRQzZxIsjCM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on NTDOY? Anyone have an uncle who works there?

>> No.18486784

looks like the system can only handle 6.5 million a week, so 6.5 million again.

>> No.18486788
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nothing against you, im on PC as well, although im an IT monkey so im on the verge of switching over to consoles because fuck computers

>> No.18486794

>4chan becomes majority shareholder in JCP

>> No.18486796

no i'm saying that's what i just saw happen
like someone perfectly predicted it

>> No.18486798

this dude memed me into calls at the height this week. its my fault they are FDs, but still.
my entire account is into 4/17 FD calls and i dont think im going to make it.

>> No.18486802

we are going to $90
get in lad

>> No.18486809

TVIX going back to fucking $1,000 woooooooo

>> No.18486820
File: 80 KB, 750x985, 61112ED3-3388-48D4-9207-9B746139CCE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my uncle works there he gave these to me for my birthday :3

>> No.18486830

You missed it, two threads ago you'd think someone had actionable intelligence that JCP was 10x tomorrow, glorious bull run of 4%

>> No.18486838

Some stupid high number. It doesn't really matter though. Market may or may not respond in any sort of way to it.

>> No.18486855

they will probably annouce new hardware (new switch model) by years end so that's something to look foward to

>> No.18486871
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, Wade Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at it, look at me buddy. You're gonna make it just stay with me.

>> No.18486876

I cant help but laugh everytime I look at JCP's price history

>> No.18486892

Remember when people said that earnings were priced in but banks tanked anyway? If we start seeing 20-30% unemployment the market can't ignore it. Lots of people make more money on benefits than working.

>> No.18486928

Fundamental ideas of what the market should or shouldn't do in light of the situation are meaningless in these conditions. I have switched to solely TA trading in the past month and it's working out just fine. No position at the moment. Outlook unclear.

>> No.18486955
File: 190 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200415-164611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when 4chan visibly moved a hundred million dollar market cap stock

>> No.18486956

Everything i priced in...right? We can't go down what about Jerome he is supposed to keep the market up.

>> No.18486962
File: 37 KB, 634x478, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i thought bio is a meme

>> No.18486972

Really Nice I also have calls on VXX. Are we expecting the VIX to moon as we drop? Do you think this will be an entire market drop?

>> No.18486978

Abbott is a huge company which has existed for decades, not some penny stock shilled by an unemployed tripfag felon.

>> No.18486992

>PTI, you're welcome.

>> No.18486993

that spike happened before the jcp posting, that spike occured pretty much everywhere probably from pumping

>> No.18487007

I reject your reality because mine is funnier

>> No.18487010
File: 83 KB, 640x640, sexy-clowns-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit big spender with 50 fucking CENTS lmao

>> No.18487020
File: 10 KB, 883x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much did /smg/ get?

>> No.18487023

I was actually looking into JCP because I have always wanted to buy into a chain that I know about at an all time low, but honestly they look absolute trash and putting a lot of money into that now is literally like throwing it away. The people that will invest a lot of money into that is the people that can afford to lose everything in the short term (like always)

>> No.18487029

Imagine not going all in on JCP. Poorfags never take risks, which is why they're poor. Fuck em. More gains for me.

>> No.18487046


They will receive the approval for their first drug. In about 2 months. highly undervalued.

>> No.18487052


>> No.18487056

whats the jcp meme

>> No.18487074
File: 139 KB, 1913x927, Annotation 2020-04-15 165307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you clown I am shorting JCP, M and KSS

>> No.18487078

we're buying it and making /smg/ a corporation

>> No.18487086

$0, I'm too important for this shit (not to be confused with 'essential', which is codeword for 'moron')

>> No.18487097

just that a meme
dont listen to these trolls they just want you to lose money.

>> No.18487107

smg retards want to shed their money in a convoluted way

>> No.18487112 [DELETED] 
File: 2.60 MB, 405x720, 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is investing good for you?

>> No.18487121

>Poorfags never take risks,
Oh yeah? Then why do I have 128 shares of Antibe and 32 shares of FLT?

>> No.18487150

Cystic Fibrosis treatment, their triplet treatment is good and is running trials right now, MORE and CHOICES, bankrolled by the CFF and right now Vertex is the main treatment option. Even if they capture a small percentage of the market they're golden.

>> No.18487157

you are essential to me, my love

>> No.18487163

Wow rude!

>> No.18487173
File: 4 KB, 311x162, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FIVN continues to rise
I should really just drop a few grand on this damn thing already.

>> No.18487177

I think i'm going to short the shit out of this whole JCP thing..... sounds like a load of bs

>> No.18487185

that's a man

>> No.18487203

she could dick me down any day

>> No.18487218
File: 218 KB, 540x399, 1586893418349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man id be too afraid of a split

>> No.18487224

I meant what I said

>> No.18487239

I'm not into essential faggots, faggot.

>> No.18487250

Obv some of the oil stocks could catch a fat divvy cut soon.

Anyone think FRO could catch a dividend cut? I feel like it’s pretty safe considering its tankers and transportation, but it’s divvy is pretty at about 18%. Thoughts?

>> No.18487256
File: 74 KB, 1600x948, Screen_Shot_2018-02-06_at_3.37.14_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be able to live a luxury lifestyle off of dividends

>> No.18487289

I like the tankers suggestion because oil storage will be a thing.. but theyre tricky to figure out. I hear that some of these companies do dodgy shit so there is an elevated risk.

>> No.18487291

now you're the one being rude

>> No.18487306


>> No.18487319

Man algorithms need to ease up on the oil thing. The index pumps half a percent just because WTI does it pump and dump thing again.

>> No.18487334

thread awfully quiet, where are all the retarded permabulls? 1 slightly red day and they all fucked off?

>> No.18487342

Tesla going up or down tomorrow? What's the move?

>> No.18487358
File: 116 KB, 500x326, 1586655491973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here bought the BA dip today?

>> No.18487359

Down. Pumps over.

>> No.18487379

Shell just took out a huge credit line with banks for divy protection. CVX and COP have cash reserves for it I believe, and XOM cut capex to ensure divy. So right now seems they are "safe" as safe can be in this market. They could still end up cutting but for now they are holding.

>> No.18487383

IRA transfer of $7100 is settling into my brokerage account tomorrow. All on RTX, what could go wrong?

>> No.18487384

I'm going to lose everything then.

>> No.18487414

would you say youre... financially ruined?

>> No.18487420

Literally nothing, my guy. It will moon after we launch a cruise missile at Maduro. Trump also has to go to war to kick start the economy.

>> No.18487436

The BIGGEST short oppertunity is loading puts Friday just before close.
The dump will be BIBILICAL

>> No.18487441

That one anon who bet on
>Luckin Coffee

Is he still hanging around?

>> No.18487448

Divys are going to be slashed like a hooker in mexico. Anybody currently doing this will be poor and unemployable in two months

>> No.18487458

Why Friday?

>> No.18487459

Look at the fucking chart. Whatever is the direction you have a massive downside risk.

>> No.18487465

He’s probably hanging somewhere, I’d say kek

>> No.18487470

The dump is set on Monday,
There is a lot of put interest that expires Friday.
Next week will be redder than any this year

>> No.18487476

Hanging around in what sense? Like if he hanged himself? Probably

>> No.18487484

I've got puts. Don't be a retard.

>> No.18487485
File: 58 KB, 1904x182, Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 8.20.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz bros did I fuck up with these positions? I also have 997 on hand, what do I buy for dividends and rebounds?

>> No.18487491

holy cringe. The divvys of non shit companies are here to stay. Even the ones that were slashed might get reinstated. This isn't "the end"

>> No.18487492

it's back to 700 now after closing.. but there was massive amounts of buying from single orders at between 700-715
big money like that usually doesn't lose? maybe

>> No.18487502

What about MRO?

>> No.18487508

Go all in on NET when it dips later this week. It's also a good time to buy some more RTX if you can readjust your portfolio.

>> No.18487520

I don't believe you.

The story is believeable I just don't believe you fought in nam.

>> No.18487531


>> No.18487536

Is this priced in?

>> No.18487539

Ok nigger.

>> No.18487540
File: 185 KB, 705x824, coronachan approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bullish?

>> No.18487543
File: 432 KB, 1500x1000, 1557695725599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll go up.
Goldman has a price target in the $800s.
We still haven't felt the full effect of trump bucks.

>> No.18487547

Lmao cases turning up again

+30,178 new cases
+2,479 deaths

>> No.18487551

Why GEO? I keep seeing this recommendation

>> No.18487553

I’ve heard that as well. I figure tankers may actually have great earnings reports in May considering the supply glut. They’re dragged down right now with the entire oil industry, but logically that should mean storage demand is extremely high and tankers are profitable. Hopefully it ends up working out that way lmao

>> No.18487555

It's on a public news website, of course it's priced in

>> No.18487556

Dont really think theyre all that great. The shale guys of note are CLR and PXD. Rest are likely to go bust but I dont know much about MRO itself.

>> No.18487563

You think that retard is talking about living a life of luxury off of Verizon’s 4.5% yield? Unless he has a million dollars I doubt it. He’s probably looking at six flags thinking it’s a good deal lmfao

>> No.18487574
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>> No.18487575

The dump is set when everyone's Trumpbux is in you can easily monitor that from these threads. Sentiment is changing now that everybody is risking their money but it doesn't mean expiring puts will start the drop. It will be greed to cash out that will.

>> No.18487577

nah, buy at under $10

>> No.18487583

Keep RDS and RTX, sell OKE
Find big quality, you can invest in cheap small stuff all the time, you are getting blue chip cheapies, take them

>> No.18487584
File: 18 KB, 419x519, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this pattern?

>> No.18487589

What about OXY?

>> No.18487591

it's fuck you pattern

>> No.18487593

>that sp500 futures licking the support line again

Shit's about to fall

>> No.18487600

The Chrysler Building

>> No.18487607

The classic "Nikkei opens the most retarded way possible and exploits the US's algos".

>> No.18487610
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it's fucking over

next support line at 2650

>> No.18487611
File: 244 KB, 800x781, 1519131776802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any future millionaires here?
i bought 80 jcp

>> No.18487612

just waiting on the right testicle to confirm the chart pattern

>> No.18487618

Well they were cheap. Ive heard from several accounts they will be safe since theyre still an important domestic company that is important to our 'energy independence' that Trumps champions.

Yes I bought into continental in march when they were at their lowest because I know they got the lions share of shale deposits and seem most poised to hang on, like you said.

>> No.18487633
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EXACTLY. That can't really happen for at least a week, when smart money will try and exit their positions. There must be a pump post trump bucks aka today.

>> No.18487654

Goldman has heavy bags

Stop losses are about to trigger after 2850-2855

>> No.18487658

Some anon here gave the full run down on OXY. Massive debt for Anadarko deal and fight between ichan and buffet over board due to preferred dividends to buffet. If buffet doesnt get paid in dividend he gets more equity. Its a death spiral basically and he can end up with entire company or it goes bust from massive debt. Riskier than others.

>> No.18487663
File: 1.21 MB, 337x250, S&P_UNDER_2750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that, It's on the line right now.

>> No.18487667

XOM will never, ever cut dividends.
Never. Donald Trump would write them from his personal account before that would happen.

>> No.18487671
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Please tell me if I'm wrong, but you're expecting a big pump, shorts to cover losses propelling us higher?

>> No.18487672
File: 2.97 MB, 480x480, 92839823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not red again, please!

>> No.18487674


>> No.18487678

The smart money that wrote it wants these puts to expire worthless. Only then it'll sell
-15%next week cap it

>> No.18487685

Check that out a lower low. Didn't think that was possible. Start praying to the Fed people or whoever it is that has been pumping this for 4 weeks. He's not going to let you cash out of AMZN.

>> No.18487688

I'd say at least a few more months since it will take time to transfer the trumpbux to a brokerage and for new people to make brokerage accounts

>> No.18487689
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>Shell just took out a huge credit line with banks for divy protection.
that sounds retarded

>> No.18487701

>Well they were cheap
Usually cheap means its priced in as bad but with CLR shales have fallen hard. You might want to throw some at it anyway, its $4. Thats pretty cheap all things considered.

>> No.18487708

Jc penny

>> No.18487713

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't stock up on XLE.

>> No.18487714

What makes you think a failing company will make you a millionaire? Something you read posted on an anonymous message board?

>> No.18487715


>> No.18487721

Are you guys really expecting another crash so soon and for no reason?

>> No.18487727

3/10 bait

>> No.18487730

I wanna wait for NET to get cheaper before I add on more but it seems like it does the opposite of what the market does so I am getting antsy.

>> No.18487736

The point isn't to get all of them. It's to get the stupidest ones.

>> No.18487735

Why not and because it would be historically motivated by virtually every crash when accounting for other statistics of this one.

>> No.18487737

Nope, I typod. I meant 2750

>> No.18487739
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>> No.18487741


>> No.18487746
File: 53 KB, 923x636, JCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, 4chanlands all across the nations.
Who should we put at CEO?

>> No.18487753

But XOM was having issues even prior to corona as there cashflow couldn't sustain their dividend and had credit down grades due to debt.

>> No.18487758

80 jcp is what 15 bucks? You should have 15 bucks for the meme potential.

>> No.18487763

S&P500 Futures just went below 2750 lmao

>> No.18487768

Hookers and coke

>> No.18487769

I thought OKE was a blue chip, plus I am concerned about my RDS.B going red. I don't know whether to put my 997 in rds.b/rtx or other stocks like KO?

>> No.18487775

Big5Guy and put me as the CFO, we're going to push gift cards super hard.

>> No.18487776

Let's see it.

>> No.18487782

weren't we celebrating 2800 at this same time last night
what happened to the world...

>> No.18487785

this anon>>18487611

>> No.18487793

Or use it to go all in on BA when it dips again ($135) and then wait a few days before selling it when it rebounds ($155). Simple as.

>> No.18487800
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>> No.18487801

Bilibili keeps mooning,
Thoughts? Chinese online entertainment growing!

>> No.18487804


Why would I want to sell my soul to the welfare corporate queen.

>> No.18487806


Marathon also cut production cuts by half before this began. If countries start to reopen I think the demand for oil will rebound. If Oil does well in may or june like many are predicting then I only see a benefit to having some oil to sell when it moons eventually

>> No.18487807

Mmm, the smell of panic after losing your Trumbux putting it all in TSLA.

>> No.18487820

>Are you guys really expecting another crash so soon and for no reason?

It's still the same "crash" as in feb. It's a process. Stocks were massively inflated before crash and they still are. At the current levels I'm getting a hard on for a few % drop because it's breaking the emotional over positive investor sentiment that fueled the rally.

>> No.18487821

>thinks he can make money while being ethical

Never gonna make it.

>> No.18487833

you 2 should dilate each other

>> No.18487836

what do you think we open at tomorrow

>> No.18487837

PSA: the only logical JCP move is to buy 5 Jan 21 2021 .5 leaps at .12 for a total of $60. Buying shares is fucking retarded

>> No.18487845

>no reason
Do you expect all the people putting their Trumpbux in the same 3 stocks with their unyielding faith in Powell to be allowed to cash out?

>> No.18487852

> Owns RDS.B, RTX, OKE

I have no issues with ethics. If you let ethics dictate your investment strategy you will never make it. BA is just a bad business that took the diversity pill and will ultimately go the way of GE.

>> No.18487861

futres breaking LOD AHHHHHHHH

>> No.18487873

All chink companies are super-risky no matter who and what they are. I know a bit about bilibili and I know they're large and that they generally produce quality stuff (by chinese standard - namely it's about 2 tiers above the new japanese stuff, which itself is about 10 tiers below what it was 10 years ago). I also know that chinese comics and animations are becoming increasingly popular worldwide despite little international access. This is mostly due to the drought of quality jap stuff while chinese stuff is basically taking over by just copy-pasting older japanese stuff and using the same absolutely pig-disgusting 3dcg garbage the japs are now using.
Overall I see good upside for chinese media if they are willing to internationalize, but the way businesses work in china makes it always a complete gamble to ever invest in any chinese business.

>> No.18487880

we're just pricing in some fresh news that will be hitting the internet later tonight
nothing to worry about

>> No.18487881


>> No.18487883

Yes, yes indeed. I'm always late to the party it seems

>> No.18487884

Major movements will happen tomorrow if market opens below that level and open market stop losses are executed. Honestly idk if futures do much of stop loss dominoes.

>> No.18487886
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>BA is just a bad business that took the diversity pill and will ultimately go the way of GE.

Trump literally said he thinks Boeing is the greatest company in the world. More, he also said that the US government will not allow Boeing to fail. Comparing Boeing to GM is disingenuous, you fucking sodomite.

>> No.18487889


> he didnt go all in on jcp

>> No.18487901

>Wanted to buy a put for tomorrow at today's high
>TD won't let me until they settle tomorrow morning
REEEE I guess a Call for Friday it is.

>> No.18487905
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>> No.18487907

It literally doesn't matter.
Everyone knows that XOM's dividends going anywhere but up would trigger massive despair. The external cost of this far exceeds what the government would lose by bailing them out.

>> No.18487912

Shut up nigger

>> No.18487913

The bear should start preparing but this isn't it not yet.

>> No.18487914

air travel is more important than opening up cities for cars and buses. I don't think many people are going to fly around this year.

>> No.18487935
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Literally this. We retest 20k DOW during May.

>> No.18487939

Do we know any company that have had their insiders purchase large volumes of their own stock recently? I know CCL had one

>> No.18487952


>> No.18487955

my company record it at $5

>> No.18487963

Rec'd not record

>> No.18487968

Have those ever flipped to buy since the initial crash in March?

>> No.18487989

one day i'm gunna see you on the news for pulling that scam

>> No.18487991

Those were all strong buy last time I looked

>> No.18487992



>> No.18487995

Yeah anime is shit compared to 10 years ago but imagine if china picks up the slack. They can do it after all they’re the same race as those nips.

>> No.18487999
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>> No.18488005
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This is investing.com technical analysis from today

>> No.18488007

I know it's bigger but the crypto side of this board sucks so bad

>> No.18488008

Why wouldn't they be able to cash out? It's not like the money Powell printed will disappear

>> No.18488020

It's a joke

>everybody get down
>*start dancing*

Get down = party

>> No.18488023

Buy when many signals over the past few days have indicated a bearish reversal, a slowdown in the momentum and volume of buying, etc.


>> No.18488029

As I said, the problem is not in their future prospect (I would put my hand to the fire that they'll do fantastic in that regard even if they keep solely to the chinese market), the problem is the scummy underbelly of business in china and how foreign investment is treated in relation to that.

>> No.18488030

Everyone's Trumpbux are in AMZN, TSLA and BA. Somebody has spent 3 weeks setting up to collect all that

>> No.18488038

Be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.18488046

Do Chinese stocks have biotech levels of upside?

>> No.18488068

I’m doing calls on spy strike $400 exp 18 sept

>> No.18488075
File: 6 KB, 357x33, Screenshot from 2020-04-15 21-02-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have their meme RTX. I am going to shill for Canadian Tire. (CTC.A.TO)

There will only be one store in Canada in the future and that store will be Canadian Tire.

>> No.18488079

Mate trump bucks only arrived today. More time is needed surely?

>> No.18488078

Yes. But you need insider knowledge to leverage it for the most part.

>> No.18488080

Why would they collect when they can wait a few years for way more gains? That's like selling after buying the 2008 bottom after 2 weeks instead of waiting a couple years

>> No.18488110

Canadians shop at walmart, costco and loblaws, not canadian tier (which has become less popular overtime).

>> No.18488119


>> No.18488122

can I buy options using canadian tire money

>> No.18488127

You don't get it. Canadian Tire is where you buy shitty Chinese made power tools at 75% "discount." It's Walmart combined with Harbor Freight.

>> No.18488128

Because that money is people's rent for the month. They can't actually long term invest those.
I think that too. I wouldn't expect it before Friday because that would also give money to some diamond hand bears. But people can panic very quickly.

>> No.18488132

Canadian Tire went down the drain when they didn't keep their Canadian Tire money program up with inflation.

I remember my parents generation having fat stacks of that shit and nobody collects it anymore

>> No.18488133
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w-what will the m-m-market do tomorrow g-guys?

>> No.18488136

Holy shit. I have a stack.

*not only power tools but cheap hand tools, etc.

>> No.18488140

canadian tire is slowly dying

t: am leaf

>> No.18488143

Are there any Canadian versions of LMT, RTX, GD, BA?
who builds the Canadian versions of Tomahawk missiles and F-18s?

>> No.18488148

Sure does

>> No.18488160

Here we go bobros.

Futured bloody.

>> No.18488161

I thought rent was cancelled
Everyone is going to spend their trumpbucks on nonessential consumer goods and drugs

>> No.18488164

Are you retarded? No one, they buy what few they have from us. There is no Canadian equivalent.

>> No.18488165

Canadians are gay, they barely have a functioning military.

>> No.18488168


>> No.18488176

General Dynamics has some armored vehicle production in Canada

>> No.18488177

crash horribly with no survivors.

>> No.18488178

futures are going up

>> No.18488182
File: 73 KB, 1024x1024, 1549896425330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything burns tomorrow

>> No.18488187

Almost everything canadian is contracted outside, canadians are incompetent. There is/was bombardier but they sold off all their military shit, and the shit they sold off then went under (they too are fucking nothing nowadays).

>> No.18488188

>Because that money is people's rent for the month. They can't actually long term invest those.
Powell will print more. The rally wasn't caused by the amount of trumpbux flowing into stocks. Even if all trumpbux leave, the markets still still go up

>> No.18488197

+3% tomorrow

>> No.18488204
File: 631 KB, 1398x1232, Bobo Red Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hath awoken me?

>> No.18488209

Fake out dump, then return to green as usual.

>> No.18488221

This is my view. >>18486560
The rally was caused by people wanting to make this nice environment of Jerome the superhero who protects from market crashes to start collecting on Trumpbux.

>> No.18488229

has to be green tomorrow. You need a pump for the Friday gigadump

>> No.18488230

We're due for another 4 digit drop

>> No.18488235

Lolno. You have more bad bank earnings on top of unemployment numbers that could be above 20%, tomorrow very well may kick off the real crash, which I guess technically would mean today did.

>> No.18488241

Has to be bait.

>> No.18488247


>> No.18488261

Tomorrow is pretty much irrelevant.

>> No.18488262

but Jerome is a superhero who protects the monetary and financial systems in a time of great peril...

>> No.18488266

why would those things make people want to sell shares at a loss?

>> No.18488272
File: 25 KB, 700x530, a2Kp5lGo_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is unemployed, factories are closed, rent isint being paid. The fed is printing like theres no paper left.

Yet the stock is booming more then ever

What are you gonna do on the next recession?

>> No.18488274

Lol, bears celebrating the -0.001% after every rally since we bottomed. When are you guys gonna give up?

>> No.18488283

Bros what are you prime industries for dividends and or growth?

I was thinking about throwing more money into oil when it craters or RTX. But I am interested in other recommendations that can turn 1k into good cash.

>> No.18488297

Is just the way things are pumped right now. A drop in AMZN will put a lot of money on the line.

>> No.18488298

yeah but you can still put things in play for tomorrow & Friday

>> No.18488304

For dividends, finance, energy and utilities are always good bets, so are REITs but don't get in now (their real business numbers won't be in until ~6 months in).

>> No.18488311

Relax you'll get your bread lines the rich boomers at the market got this. The goal is to make money.

>> No.18488312
File: 3 KB, 111x125, Raytheon Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the military as a junior officer, due to my master's degree and to wash away my family's disgrace. Then die in a Forlorn hope assault on the Comitern Palace in Beijing after strangling Xi and calling a Tomahawk barrage on my position.

>> No.18488315
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>>What are you gonna do on the next recession?
I'll be swimming in government bond ETFs or something.

>> No.18488323

>What are you gonna do on the next recession?
I'm gonna start cashing out little by little in 5 years so hopefully when it hits I'll be mostly cash

>> No.18488325


stocks await




>> No.18488332
File: 21 KB, 640x631, S&P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they wont.

>> No.18488338
File: 159 KB, 299x322, vxivix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didnt hire me

>> No.18488391

Yeah I actually just bought a bunch of them, and my mom to some days ago in response to this. I think insider buying is more indicative of a good future then some traditional methods in this crazy time

>> No.18488430

Careful on that one right now. Volume has dropped off significantly. It's not saying sell yet but that volume is really questionable.

>> No.18488453

Airlines normally buy oil contracts years in advance so they don’t get hedge against huge oil increases (which causes them to lose out on current decrease)

>> No.18488499

Banks like WFC, tech like INTC, and then do some Longshot REITS for when shot opens up like SVC. Also PMT if you wanna bank on no mortgage collapse since Fed does anything to keep market up

>> No.18488501

This is good to know

>> No.18488514

Isn't INTC getting their shit pushed in by AMD?

>> No.18488549

I like the cash flow

>> No.18488635

da fug? I thought he Jerome was already on the ETF corp debt train?

>> No.18488636

>They will receive the approval for their first drug
how do you know that?

>> No.18488901

holy fuck, we're gonna moon summer 2020 with all the jobless """citizens taxpayers"""

>> No.18488915

Is there an equivalent of GEO for Canadians?

>> No.18488949

are we expecting welfare queen news announcement for BA like airlines got a day ago?
That will be a nice boost

>> No.18489019

Kek you couldn’t keep up with the American Prison System get nae-naed

>> No.18489053

Well I invested $92 for 400 shares so I'm likely one of the top investors so I should at least get a corner office

>> No.18489097

tasty bait

>> No.18489201

Recommended AMD or TSM

>> No.18489473

Is it really booming more than ever though?

>> No.18489855

it already recovered 50%