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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18477824 No.18477824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what positive effects will coronavirus have on business?

>> No.18477833


>> No.18477842

If we would’ve let it run rampant we could’ve off’d all the boomers
That didn’t happen
So now not only do we suffer & destroy our economy
The boomers still live

>> No.18477902

>help I destroyed my body leaving me far more susceptible to the plague than I would've been otherwise and now I'm dying
Huge fan keep it up

>> No.18477926
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Sadly OP I heard African-Americans were 4x as likely to die from this disease than whites in the general pop, going to be simply terrible for the economy and our society

>> No.18478002

literally made for bbc

>> No.18478432

Coronavirus would be an absolute boon to humanity by cleansing the bulk of the parasites draining it. But we need to keep tranny pedophiles and aging boomers alive for another 3 years, so let's destroy the economy for the next three generations. People over 85 should stop getting government paid medical treatment. Every year after that the cost just grows exponentially for a shit-tier quality of life. By then most have amply overspent whatever contributions they might have made in their youth. Faggots shouldn't have their prep and aids medications subsidized by the rest of us, your lifestyle, your consequences. They choose not to use condoms, it is no accident. We have been saddled with so much bullshit and every year we are saddled with more, when will it end?

>> No.18478471

Does HRT affect your immune system in a negative way? I hope so

>> No.18478509

>screwing around with your endocrine system beyond repair
nah, I'm sure there are absolutely no negatives to it. Dr.schlomo said so

>> No.18478512

The degenerate probably has a wide variety of infections from its permanent genital wound. On top of that its likely consuming a steady supply of antibiotics and retrovirals to keep the various STDs it takes up the ass, and wound, on a regular basis. All of these people are fucking self-destructive and we are paying up the ass to keep them alive.

>> No.18478551

MtF HRT isn't that bad for you. But if you start pumping test your immune system isn't happy, so expect FtM to die off much quicker than hons.

>> No.18478601

>it’s totally natural to mutilate yourself
These mentally unwell people need lobotomies

>> No.18478616
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How do I 'Give Award'?

>> No.18478711

But my grandma :(

>> No.18478809

You jest, but fags actually make the argument. They don't want their 89yo grandma to die so we should pay dozens of thousands a year just on basic maintenance to keep her alive (and god forbid she actually gets sick.) These same people see her once a year and maybe call her once a month. We are spending hundreds of thousands for every old person over 85 so they can rot alone in their condos watching CNN and getting scared.

>> No.18478888

>1 day ago
press S

>> No.18478902

based corona-chan dabbing on trannies

>> No.18478924

all old black people though who generally have their shit together much more than young black people.

>> No.18479022

Actually it'll be a boon to the economy considering blacks are net negative tax burdens.

>> No.18479124

Hoards of desperate unemployed will drive down wages