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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18476908 No.18476908 [Reply] [Original]

This faggot really thinks he’s absolute monarch of this country. Fuck him. If Obama did this conservatives would have an aneurysm.

>The unprecedented decision, finalized late Monday, means that when recipients open the $1,200 paper checks the IRS is scheduled to begin sending to 70 million Americans in coming days, "President Donald J. Trump" will appear on the left side of the payment.

>> No.18476932

What's wrong with it?

>> No.18476944

Go vote for Biden cuckboy

>> No.18476949
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>> No.18476969

Great Chief Obongo can go fuck himself

>> No.18476973

People call the "Affordable Care Act" Obamacare. Also,

>> No.18476997

its free money why are you complaining?

>> No.18477031

he's not even going to sign them himself? what an incompetent moron! orange fool should be impeached again

>> No.18477098

>no trump's name
Yeah I think op is a retard

>> No.18477112

I can't hate Drumpf. Guy's a fucking genius desu.

>> No.18477143

based, stupid pink hairs will have to swallow their pride if they want to cash those cheques.

>> No.18477157

He is the Fed chairman now isnt he? So his name should be on them.

>> No.18477159
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Trump didn’t do shit. Congress controls taxation and spending. We have this thing called a constitution, trumpcucks.

>> No.18477160

Why are you so unpatriotic

>> No.18477192

Should be Jerome's signature in all logic tbf

>> No.18477206
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Seethe more longnose.

>> No.18477240

god i want a monkey town

>> No.18477245


>It's everybody else who's the NPC, quoth the fag who got so upset he made a thread about the sitting President putting his name in a little corner of a government stimulus check

>> No.18477251

united uganda states of america

>> No.18477261
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>> No.18477275


We don’t have a king in this country, bootlicker. We fought a revolution over this. Mainstream cuckservatives are willing to jettison the constitution to go along with trump’s antics.

>> No.18477290


Lick that boot clean. We don’t have a king in this country, no matter how hard trump tries.

>> No.18477296

(((The Council)))

>> No.18477305

Stay jelly

>> No.18477307

>Republican president's name officially attached to the largest socialist handout ever

>> No.18477308
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Feel free to rip up the check then faggot

>> No.18477338
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watch out you are seething so loud you might get pneumonia from it

>> No.18477341

Dilate, you retarded leftoid. Trump's pretty based. Sure beats the commie mexico future that you want for the country.

>> No.18477357


I make too much to even qualify for one. But the craven amorality of the trumpcuck never ceases to amaze me. Shredding the constitution to own the libs.

>> No.18477605

why are americans such clows FFS

>> No.18477634
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>mass welfare already exists
>you're mad about a one-off payment during an unprecedented pandemic crisis that forced millions into unemployment

You think you're smart but you're really not. And stop larping you poor turdburger, you already spent that money on a 5 year BLACKED membership and you know it.

>> No.18477746

Tax rebates aren't socialist lol

>> No.18477771

Please explain how writing a signature on a check is shredding the constitution. Im genuinely curious how this make sense in the leftoid meth brain.

>> No.18477786

>If Obama did this conservatives would have an aneurysm.
Yes, but he didn't. Emperor Trump did. What's your point? Why are you acting like such a faggot? Why do you hate America?

>> No.18477807

That and thinking he can tell the states what to do

>> No.18477828

>his daughter
lol, burgers are so stupid

>> No.18477849

it's all a bad pro wrestling plot

>> No.18477850

4chan is for people 18 and over.

>> No.18477872

Trump isn't a goofy nigger.

>> No.18477880

he got his name on something.

>also black people writing checks

>> No.18477885


>> No.18477899


bow to your king, peasant nigger
gimme my trumpbuxssss

>> No.18477993

I bet you post on /r/politics. Eat shit.

>> No.18478009

Who else here comfy as fuck after last night's direct deposit?

>> No.18478054

You just know theres gonna be one sjws whose tds wont allow her to cash it and she'll virtue signal tearing it up on Twitter instead.

>> No.18478096

Wait until you find out that presidents put their fucking faces on dollar bills.

Get your CNN ass out of here.

>> No.18478111

>We don’t have a king
Imagine literally quoting Cuomo.

>> No.18478484


Why does /biz/ hate Trump so much?

>> No.18478498


I think it's hilarious and it confronts lefties


You don't get to complain if you take state handouts, you are a pet.

>> No.18478513


Vocal minority. Redditors think they can come here and spam Trump FUD and actually convince anybody who isn't a hysterical woman or nigger that he's anything but the best option we've got right now.

>> No.18478571

That was literally done by Republicans

>> No.18478657

Because it shows that all the people who hate on him day in and day out are still willing to take $1,200 from him

Pathetic people they are

>> No.18478672


>> No.18479078

I'm glad we have /pol/chads to defeat the leftypol trannies.
Post your huge cock polCHAD

>> No.18479104

>still not realizing that you're literally the jobber in a WWE squash match

>> No.18479116

Like how governors put their names on highway signs. It’s just politics. Quit being such a faggot.

>> No.18479151

>That was literally done by Everyone
Fixed it for you. Just like this will be known to all as Trump money/bucks

>> No.18479174

Trunp is based. Go back to cuckit and then kill yourself, op

>> No.18479193

>reddit spacing
Get out.

>> No.18479215

I can't wait for November. It may be even more amusing than 2016.

>> No.18479259


except he negotiated the bill on behalf of the repblicucks. Also he signed the bill. So he ya he did shit.

>> No.18479272

no one said shit about being a king.
>Imagine believing the msm

>> No.18479292

>respond to pandemic early

>respond to pandemic at the right moment

>respond to pandemic late

It’s almost like he isn’t the problem

>> No.18479313

It would be nice if he did one thing right and we could see if your hypothesis was true, but alas he is always late and incompetent for every crisis.

>> No.18479333

I'm going to wear my MAGA hat to cash my Trump BUX, and I don't even like Trump.
Are you mad?
People like you are the reason he wins, and will keep winning.

>> No.18479358

Trump is a kike. He won't let the economy crash so we can't fucking buy houses and stocks for cheap. Fuck trump.

>> No.18479370

imagine being pissed off by the enter button


>> No.18479402


“I have absolute authority over the states and governors”.

He is a wannabe African tin pot dictator at this point.

>> No.18479452

Were upset about faggot liberals, Jews and colored people mucking up our basket weaving forum. Get out!

>> No.18479453

as if leftists would be tearing up at the sight of gubberment checks signed by Bernie Sanders. why are they mad now?

>> No.18479470

because i want my stimulation check check to have the image my smug Nico gf on it

>> No.18479474

>Trump instates travel against China
>gets called xenophobic
>a little later everyone does the same

>Trump instates travel ban against Europe
>gets condemned for it
>a little later everyone does the same

seethe and cope

>> No.18479496

>Imagine getting on 4chan because you realize that Reddit is actually a piece of shit
He's right. Get the fuck out.

>> No.18479499

He does in many ways.

>> No.18479508

dont forget, Obama phones!

>> No.18479517

technically it's an interest free loan against your 2020 refund (if you get one that is).

>> No.18479533
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>Quit being such a faggot.
asking this on 4chanel

>> No.18479865

Invasion of leftoids who are determined to control the narrative that Orange man bad.

>> No.18480023
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>> No.18480205
