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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 303 KB, 624x875, FIRE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18473173 No.18473173 [Reply] [Original]

>My girlfriend, who is 32, does not share the same financial goals. She is not bad with money (no debt besides a car loan), but despite being a successful and hard-working woman, she is not a saver.
>She also enjoys spending money on non-essential items — that is, she recently bought a $37,000 Mercedes despite my efforts to get her to buy a more practical vehicle.
>Whenever we discuss my potential early retirement she asserts that she should be retiring with me, despite not really saving for it. She tells me that my retirement income should be to support my (future) family.


>> No.18473177
File: 310 KB, 618x826, child support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was an undocumented immigrant, so when she moved back to her home country with her parents, she told my husband that she was pregnant with his child. She demanded that he send the money to help with this child and he did so for several years.
>Two years ago, she contacted me. She demanded more money or she would sue my husband for child support. I decided not to get divorced because we still owned a house together and can’t sell it now because our younger son still lives with us.


>> No.18473186

>My girlfriend, who is 32

>> No.18473190
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>I felt a tremendous amount of pressure to stay out on Friday and Saturday nights driving an Uber until 1 a.m. and 2 a.m.
>Why am I killing myself while my wife has the financial flexibility to save and I don’t?
<I looked through her paperwork while she was on vacation in Jamaica and found out that she was laid off six months prior.


>> No.18473196
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>I travel quite a bit for my work and bought a motor home a few years ago to stay in while I’m away. I pay for it, but she is excited to use it for outings and calls it “ours.” I also pay for my vehicle, insurance, and business insurance along with my credit-card balances in full each month.
>She has been threatening at times, telling me I can go live in my motor home and she’ll take everything else. I don’t like being threatened and just wonder how much would I be entitled to in Texas in a divorce, if it ever came about. We also have over $100,000 equity in the house.


>> No.18473208
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>On May 30, 2018 my mother moved out all her belongings and informed my father that she was leaving him after 30 years of marriage, and that she would be seeking a divorce.
>No papers had been filed at that point. The next day my father went to work and claimed that he was divorced and wanted to change the beneficiary of his pension plan over to his mother instead of his wife. They believed him and let him change the beneficiary. The following day, he took all of his guns over to his mother’s house and took his own life.


>> No.18473223

some kind of cuck thread? should t you be on /gif/?

>> No.18473224
File: 318 KB, 637x888, spermjacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am 71 and have been married for 27 years. My wife is 65. We hooked up one night and later on in the dating cycle when sex was imminent I asked if we needed to use birth control. She said it wasn’t needed as she was infertile and couldn’t conceive. Turns out, she was not infertile.
>She argues at the drop of a hat, raises her voice, especially when I want to visit my previous family, relatives, and grandchildren. Basically, my wife tries to make my life as difficult as is possible.
>I have stayed in this relationship for my daughter’s sake and to avoid the financial beating I know my wife will try and hit me with. I recently retired and now wonder. Should I bite the bullet financially and emotionally, and ask my wife for a divorce? I know my wife will do her best to turn our daughter against me, too.


>> No.18473226

Women are terrible. Men never do anything wrong. We are innocent little babies who just get abused by these WHORES and it's so unjust because we are so perfect and innocent and genocidal.

>> No.18473229
File: 306 KB, 634x849, hypergamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a personal finance thread. Go back to posting your bear memes.

>I am an only child and, when my parents die, I will have no family at all. When I married my husband, I assumed he and I were now a family and would always look out for each other.
> I have always had my husband as 100% beneficiary on all my assets. Now I feel like a third wheel and feel like he and I are not really family. I feel betrayed.
>I can’t help but think that — even though I am now 63 — there may be a man out there looking for someone to marry and have as his family.


>> No.18473242

It's to show how women will take everything you have

>> No.18473244
File: 259 KB, 642x874, deed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As an only child, he recently inherited his parents’ home and a large sum of money.
>To my surprise, he has not added my name to the house or the bank accounts that belonged to his parents. We have no wills at this point, and we live in California. I understand that an inheritance is not community property unless you make it so.


>> No.18473252

Glad i have a responsible gf, she actually has saved more that me, even invested in funds like a big boi

>> No.18473257

She is fucking another man behind your back you cuckoo

>> No.18473261 [DELETED] 

This seems like something more like personal finance, something more sinister and foul, but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.18473274

Amerika delenda est.

>> No.18473318

This seems like something more than personal finance, something more sinister and foul, but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.18473373

no, OP is just helping us out so we don't blow our money on whores after the upcoming bull run for shorts

>> No.18473382

These letters have to be made up for clicks.

>> No.18473617
File: 31 KB, 366x401, 1579330732156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18473646

>My girlfriend who is 32.
Never be with a girl romantically if they're over 28, unless you're married. When will cucks learn?

>> No.18473670

Glowniggers gonna glownigger.

>> No.18473685
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This is why I pay escorts to sit under my desk and suck my cock while I read doujinshi and browse danbooru.

>> No.18473688

OP I’m a cheap ass motherfuka. I ain’t spending shit on them hoes.
Money over bitches. 2PAC thought us that long ago.

>> No.18473692

Fuck off faggot glownigger. If you aren't a pussybitch and can satisfy your woman she doesn't have a reason to find a Chad because you are Chad. Some women are whores though but that's the task, find one who isn't and if she is fuck her over hardcore.

>> No.18473739

Paying for escorts is less dehumanising to women then getting porn for free. Is not cucked as you are not watching someone else have sex, and is respectful to women.

>> No.18473772

Very good case-studies in this thread. Basically,from a financial perspective, modern relationships are not worth it, married or not.

To give another example, if I had put the amount of money I spent on my first gf into bitcoin instead, I would be a literal millionaire and far happier by now.

>> No.18473800


>> No.18473809

there's hidden message in your ID, goy