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18471639 No.18471639 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books to develop a basic, well-rounded understanding of economics. Any thoughts?

>> No.18471678

Also, not really keen on a being sold a specific system or ideology, just want to not be retarded

>> No.18471790

bump an then ill let die

>> No.18471801

bump and then I'll let it die

>> No.18471804

Economics is a pointless meme. Just read The Millionaire Fastlane.

Or don't, you can't really act on it if you're a midwit. And you sound like a midwit.

>> No.18471815

there's really nothing to learn as economics are mostly emotion driven

>> No.18471832

Read Rich gook poor chink

>> No.18471835

This, read a book on psychology instead

>> No.18471870

Why would you assume I'm trying to get rich?
My financial health is excellent, jut trying to learn for my own betterment

>> No.18471882

the alpha strategy
what i learned loosing a million dollars

>> No.18471887

remember reading this in HS and thinking it sucked. Look for something a little more intellectual unless you're a liberal brainlet.

>> No.18471896

Study mathematics for mathematics, biology for useful models, philosophy (or self help lol) for a better life.

But there is truly no use in life for economics. The book in the OP is a collection of hackneyed trivia amounting to nothing.

>> No.18471922

This is probably a better alternative: "The Bell Curve"

Most of what I know is from online courses like MIT open courseware. Once you know a little about economics and psychology these pop authors like malcom gladwell, Levitt, or even Taleb are annoying.

To be far Taleb is better than these other guys, but once you've taken a few stats courses his books are pretty annoying. There's almost no math.

>> No.18471963

what are your thoughts about Mark Spitznagel ?

>> No.18471968

I've taken Micro and Macro eco at the university level, years ago. Are the MIT courses worth taking>

>> No.18472047

It's more informal than something like coursera and as far as I know you don't get a certificate. I usually watch the lectures. If the material is hard I'll also read the book and do the HW.

Basically MIT just puts out the lectures and course material including the syllabus. You kind of have to follow along yourself.

Haven't heard of him I'll check it out. My philosophy is to try to distill things to their most basic representation. The amount of information in a math equation is usually far greater and more useful than pages of text describing the implications of the equation

Not that I'm on this guys level or anything, but I think it's a similar approach to Elon. He calls it first principles approach. Like Elon I have an undergrad in physics. I think it teaches you to think in a first principles way


>> No.18472072
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Have fun

>> No.18472104

I trust autistic internet spergs more than famous academics.


>> No.18472202

oh nice ive been wanting to read this one for a while

>> No.18472242
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For my fellow brainlets.
Problem I had with other economics books is they throw you in the deep end straight away with massive words.

This book is literal babby's first understanding of economics tier. It explains everything with the analogy of 3 men on an island who fish.

>> No.18472342

>Alternative Hypothesis
Poor choice of YT guru. Midwit.

>> No.18472357


>> No.18472518

great ill give it an order

>> No.18472563

I'd recommend the audiobook, Peter D Schiff (Gold shill you see on /pmg/) gives it a read and it has these little breaks where they link whatever is happening on the island to real world scenarios.

>> No.18472672

okay cool did you purchase the audiobook or pirate?

>> No.18472821


His dad's was actually better, not that I don't have a few signed copies of Peter's version

>> No.18473137

Taleb has a technical document outlining his thoughts in math in the Incerto

Further, he makes very strong arguments against the Bell Curve

>> No.18473147

Dao of Capital is the best book for a good intro into Austrian Economics and practical application of it

>> No.18473198

>he makes very strong arguments against the Bell Curve
That's just Arab IQlet cope

>> No.18473232
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>basic, well-rounded understanding of economics

>> No.18473293
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>> No.18473310

seconding this, should be the first anyone reads on the topic. Unconcerned with ideology & what "should" happen, only with what does happen.

>> No.18473326


>> No.18473444


This, and Dalio's books.

>> No.18473456
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>> No.18473706


thx, gonna read that. I'm actually more interested about actionnable advices that about the theory herself.
I read the summary of the book. Could it be possible that physical silver at current prices is actually fitting Mark's investment phylosophy ?

>> No.18473788
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>> No.18474961

human action

>> No.18475000

The Bitcoin Standard is great.

>> No.18475027

This is literally all you need.

>> No.18475119

It's terrible.

>> No.18475158

Nope. It was good. It's a great introduction on why sound money is important and fiat is terrible.

>> No.18475206

Dunking on fiat is not new or impressive. Saifedean is a retard and his book is bad.

>> No.18475273

Sure it isn't new. But the perspective is understanding why digital currency as a whole can solve it. It's a short read, the points it makes are all valid apart from the weird tangent on art (although I agree with it to an extent because look at art right now) and it provides reasonable support for the arguments on why sound economies performed well and why those that had poor monetary systems failed. If anything, the flaw in it is not diving deeper into why bitcoin itself isnt great.

>> No.18475308

That book is more about statistics than economics. Its more of a fun, short read than giving you a well rounded understanding.

>> No.18475658

Samuelson's economics

>> No.18475679

good to know!

>> No.18475815

Isn't Peter Schiff the doomer who always tells people to buy gold? Not a fan

half of those books can be summarized as "buy index funds, dollar cost average, time in the market beats timing the market".

The Swedish Investor YouTube channel gives 10-15 minute book summaries on financially related books. That way you can at least get an idea if it sounds like something you'd be interested in and you get the major points.

>> No.18476829

economics is just common sense stuff imo, you learn all you need to know just living in a society and observing the world around you. not sure how people get away with making it a whole study and career path desu.....what kind of filler fluff gets crammed into a book on economics?

>> No.18477144

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion teaches you everything you need to learn about finance and how to get ahead in life in general.

>> No.18477203

Take some classes at your local community college. Pretty sure most go up to advanced macroeconomics.

>> No.18477332
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>But there is truly no use in life for economics. The book in the OP is a collection of hackneyed trivia amounting to nothing.

The connection between abortions and crime rates is a big deal as there were previously no formal studies to show the link between the two (less access to abortions -> more unwanted children -> neglect/abused kids -> troubled youths turning to crime) that could be used to help influence policy makers' decisions.

These economic connections are useful but most people aren't in the position to make good use of them.

>> No.18477361

I have yet to find any
They all are effectively forced to subscribe to a econ-political model of some kind.
I say get a good spread then build your own once to mastered the others.

After studying it for a few years in college I am convinced that it the models are always changing. Any "law" discovered will be subverted once it is known.
Lets say you figure it all out, and then use it to game the system to get rich. Then others learn of your model and copy you getting rich as well. Once enough people are getting rich gaming the system. The system no longer follows your model as a significant number of actors have changed their behavior to get rich using your model which is now invalid. Thus a new unknown model is born. This is why I don't think econ will ever find "laws", everything is meta as people try to get rich quick.
It is still useful for modeling ideas and systems, but it is just a tool not a crystal ball. Another thing is deciding if you start with data then theory, or theory then data. If may seem like a trivial detail, but it greatly effects your thinking when trying to solve the problems.
I personally put theory first, while nearly everyone I know puts data first. I think everyone is so busy looking at numbers and check the math, they don't step back and ask about the basics like why did the consumers habits change? Many will cite things lower income, but I say it is fear, after all they could keep their habits by taking out loans. ... Stuff like that.

>> No.18477406

Why is Dostoevsky's The Idiot included there? The scene where the chick tosses her suitor's wad of rubles into the fireplace?

>> No.18478249

I read fooled by randomness and didn't see that. I'll look it up. If he wrote a good paper that is probably better to read than the whole book.

>> No.18478875

First for The Art of The Deal