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18470464 No.18470464 [Reply] [Original]

did you file for unemployment yet? this thread is to share ideas on how to maximize our gibbs especially cuckstaters. then reinvest your gibbs into something that actually makes money while living like a NEET

first question to start it off: does anyone know if you put more jobs in the unemployment application, will that give you more money in benefits? like if i say i also worked part time in x,y,z on the side, will they give me more or less money in unemployment claim?

>> No.18470549


gonna get my first ever gibs soon

>> No.18470615

most don't know this but you can apply 18 months after a job and sometimes even if you quit. i applied and said my old place was threatening to kill me kek

>> No.18470688

what if its a cash pay job under the table where the owner doesnt even buy unemployment insurance?

>> No.18470717

its based on what you officially earn. you have any real job last 2 years?

>> No.18471009
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i got on unemployment a few days shy of a year ago. kmy unemployment year is about to end. i exhuasted all my state benefits.
can i get an unemployment extension and collect the $600 federal benefits for the next 13 weeks?
how do i proposition the state to gimmmie dem gibs
hobo shit

>> No.18471013

Hopefully same, feels good.

>> No.18471253
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I have filed for unemployment twice in the past 10 years. It varies from state to state, but not by much, so this is what I experienced:

The first time I filed for unemployment was after I got laid off from NIKE years ago. This is what the unemployment office defines as non-voluntarily termination and you automatically qualify with no questions asked. They will ask you to fill out your job history regarding your last 3-4 places of unemployment and the dates. However, as far as your unemployment benefits go, they base the amount off your earnings for the past 12-18 months. If I recall correctly, they pay you 60% of of what you were making. Some states it's higher. While you are getting you're unemployment money, they make you apply to 4 jobs a week. It's like an internal software system they give you access to. It's kind of a joke really. But you have to do it each week to get paid your weekly unemployment money. Usually the average person only qualifies for 6 months of unemployment, but it can be up to 12 months in certain circumstances.

The second time was working at Intel and was fired, not laid off. I called my boss a deluded cunt one day and got canned. The unemployment office doesn't care what the reason was, but they say you don't qualify if you're fired due to being drunk or on drugs at work etc.. The process was the same as above pretty much.

If you resign from a job, you might not qualify, unless you had a good reason like if you were sexually harassed blah blah blah.

Never lie to them. If you lie on previous earnings, places you've worked etc. they will make you pay back all your benefits. They do call places to verify a lot, but sometimes they don't. Just be honest with them and you're good to go.

>> No.18471254

i put 4 and get 360 gibs a week, 310 after taxes for comparison

>> No.18471358

During coronavirus the rules are all changed. Nobody is forcing you to do any of the counseling or job applications, you're basically entirely unaccountable. They're probably so overloaded that as long as you fill out the questionnaire in a manner that doesn't look suspicious and match your state tax records, they probably won't even make the calls.

>> No.18471706

just delivering tendies for uber

>> No.18471734

thats what im banking on. im including a job that i got recently but didnt start because my start date was like a few days after the corona shit the fan and the governor shut down california. but supposedly you can collect unemployment on a job you never earned money from as long as you got hired before coronashutdown

>> No.18472244

is that from corona relief or before